
The global warming issue depends heavily on computer model forecasts about climate problems that greenhouse gas emissions will supposedly cause decades from now. But it turns out that climate experts and government officials have been making these kinds of forecasts for a long time, warning about things that, by now, should already have happened, if their models are as accurate as they claim.
And I think it’s time we checked how good their crystal ball turned out to be. Before we put any trust in their new forecasts, we’re entitled to see how good the old ones were.

h/t Ken (Kulak)

27 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: YOU’RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!”

  1. Polar bears aren’t starving. Himalayan glaciers aren’t shrinking. Northwest Passage remains mostly impassable with the North Pole firmly ice covered. Honey bee colony populations are stable and not going extinct. The Maldives are actually gaining land area. The Great Barrier Reef is recovering from 400 years of bleaching. Etcetera, etcetera. NOTHING claimed by warmist fear mongerers has ever come to pass. They’ve always been wrong. The crap they’ve been pushing in our faces should be shoved right back at their noses. Not that they’ll care. There’s always more new lies to come up with and old ones to push down the rabbit hole.

  2. Facts don’t matter when, on our dime, losers get to virtue signal and rule while taxing air, by getting sheeple to believe CAGW.

    Common sense does not prevail, never did. Contradictions, hypocrisy and outright mendacity are their fog of war against us.

    This hoax (if it weren’t their “predictions” would be front and centre) is the mother of H.L. Mencken’s political hobgoblins.

    The charlatans parade their hottest years on record, a statistical trick, like an obese person losing weight over a number over a period of time lately havying the fattest years on record.

    The models over at Jenny Craig said they would be thinner too, but there’s that reality invading and they step on the scale.

    Perhaps the scale just needs fudging, or adjustments, or homogenization, or a scale tax, fat neutral of course, to save us all?

    All hail the neo-moderate climate change communist overlords. Or else.


  3. If you haven’t already read it … I highly recommend Michael Creighton’s State of Fear

    Which begs the question … Hollywood couldn’t get enough of Michael Creighton’s books to convert to blockbuster movies … all except … State of Fear. Huh? I wonder why?

    1. The timing and Ms Hayworth… utter perfection.
      (Eat your heart out J.T. and we don’t mean the P.M.)

  4. climatediscussionnexus.com is a great website to get honest climate news. Another good news item below.

    When in doubt, play the race card

    The UN says global warming will cause “climate apartheid” in which “the wealthy pay to escape overheating, hunger, and conflict, while the rest of the world is left to suffer.” Which the press again reported uncritically including Canada’s state-funded CBC. So is the answer to pursue policies that allow the poor countries to become rich? Er, no—evidently it’s to make the rich poor, except the ones in charge.


    1. Climate “justice” is the term used to describe the “black communities” hijacking of “climate change” for their racist purposes. Hijacked to get on the “climate change” gravy train.

      No justice (read: $$$$$) … no peace.

  5. Being wrong is not in the climate doom lexicon.

    They just haven’t been right yet….

    Broken clock/blind squirrel syndrome

  6. Not only have these predictions NOT happened, they aren’t close to happening, they aren’t 1/2 way to happening, hell, there are still no signs they will EVER happen due to global warming. Yet, we are still pummeled with ideological hysteria while being demonized and punished for our lifestyle choices every single day.

    Bad, agenda-driven science hijacked by liberal politicians and manipulated relentlessly to control entire populations. THAT is the ‘science’ of man-made global warming.

  7. AGW is a fraud to distract from the real disasters that wipe out large parts of humanity… The earth quake in California may be the BIG one that will shear off California and send it into the Subduction Zone.. on a trip to the Mantel….Its not a question of why or how, only when… We need to store all Nuclear waste in California such that it gets returned to the mantel ASAP

    BTW: Envy is a Sin!

  8. The Cult of Calamitous Climate is a creation of Canada’s Bureaucracy.
    Look up Uncle Mo’,Maurice Strong.
    Now on the brightside,this false front and pseudo alarm meme has done some good.
    First,in case you missed it,the Bureaucracy of Canada has both betrayed their mandate and declared war on the citizen taxpayer.
    Second,all those who emote so strongly about “Climate Change and The Science” openly reveal their ignorance and weapons grade gullibility.
    Third the UN has clearly self identified.
    So we know the enemy and their tools,the question is what can we do to them,as their reward,while still remaining civilized?

    The dismantling of the Welfare State is necessary,so many idle hands,attacking the structure that feeds them.
    So many feckless swine,who will promote utter nonsense to “get ahead”.
    The corruption is so bad,that truth is a most unwelcome guest at committee meetings.
    As for the bureaus,they are obeying the “Iron Law”,serving themselves above all.
    We adopted the Westminister System of Government,where policy was to be based on demonstrated evidence.
    Clear and simple system to avoid Mass Hysteria.
    Government must document the evidence upon which they base policy.
    And numerous government bureaus came to be,created to fill this desire.

    This wave of mass hysteria is different, because those people tasked with preventing such idiocy created it.

    According to our elites there are Witches(Climate Change) everywhere.
    Who needs reliable energy sources?
    Unicorns will do all the necessary work.
    The absolute failure of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming meme to fly,caused the “Climate Change” meme to be brought forth,yet when the believers preach,they preach CAGW.
    Climate Change?
    Water Wet.
    The extremely Gullible have always walked amongst us,I suspect our decades long policy of protecting the useless and clueless has increased their numbers to dangerous levels,but while there is no cure for stupid,you do not just hand them the keys to your business.
    Now the damage done is greater than most people know,we have allowed these idiocies to keep the 3rd world poor and diseased,almost like the eugenics programme was still in play.
    We have built wonderful structures to signal our virtue,who will pay to clean up the abandoned wind and solar “Farms” no one will discuss.
    In fact government looks so foolish and crooked today,mostly owing to their idiocy of climate,so stupid that they now seek to censor all mockery as “Hate Speech”.
    This scam was for and of the kleptocracy,what better than taxing air?
    Now it sows the seed of their destruction.
    You cannot argue “Good Government” when you are collectively exposed as fools and bandits.
    The carbon tax paying citizen is getting cranky,what will be next?
    They will discover that “Free Healthcare” is anything but?

  9. I imagine that the B.C. NDP will continue doing their best to save the World from Alberta oil sourced CO2 while allowing 36 MILLION TONNES of coal to be shipped from their shores, mostly to India, while bending over to accommodate Montana and Wyoming coal production that’s been blocked by Washington and Wyoming enviro’s: https://calgaryherald.com/opinion/columnists/nelson-hypocrisy-knows-no-bounds-in-climate-change-circles Leftist Canadian energy industry destroying hypocrisy knows no bounds indeed.

  10. JK Galbraith once remarked that economic predictions were invented to make astrology look respectable. The same thing applies to climatology.

  11. In December 1999, all the world was concerned that all the computer systems in the world was on the verge of collapsing. What happened was that 100% of the computer scientists were wrong. Climate computer models are proving to be wrong too as they cannot account for all the variables associated with global warming now termed climate change. We live in a biosphere where by its very nature balances itself

    1. “100% of the computer scientists were wrong.” Curt

      NO they identified all the Computers such that the spooks could trace everyone…(Try connecting to the Internet with a Pre-2000 fully functional Computer)…NO way… It was a security Scam full stop…Scam like AGW .. Wait! was it Al Gore who sold the Y2K silly Mickey Mouse Clock Problem… Oh NO

  12. As Mark Twain put it “It’s not the things you don’t know that get you into trouble, it’s the things you know that just aren’t so”.

    Or, in updated terminology, the “unknown knowns”

    1. Mark Twain is timeless. “There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.”

      ― Mark Twain, Life on the Mississippi

  13. Get some scientific knowledge from here: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2013/05/07/what-400-ppm-of-co2-in-the-atmosphere-looks-like/

    Posted in 2013. Five (5) years ago. The comments are instructive, to say the least. Scroll down to: Olaf Koenders May 7, 2013 at 10:42 pm. A good summary of rebutting the crap Kanadjians eat daily on Gowbull Warmening Crap and then spew out like trained seals tody. Their ignorance is astounding. Kanadjian Edumacayshiun at it’s best.

    Ask Mr Scheer why he and his CPC Party can’t come up with a rebuttal of all the commie (yes COMMIE) crap of regulating the human population in Kanaduh to One World Order levels that no other country anywhere in the world is trying to reach.

    By the way….they want Kanadjians DEAD. Period. We’re the test case of stupidity on Planet Earth. They are winning, too.

  14. Well when you have 2 of the top UN IPCC executives stating publicly and not just recently either that;

    “…This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution..”
    Christina Figueres . Paris 2015 UN IPCC EXEC Secretary

    “…Climate change has almost nothing to do with the environment anymore, we defato re-distribute the Worlds Wealth via “Climate Change…”
    Otmar Edenhofer: IPCC Working Group Exec.

    Sounds & Looks pretty fkn CLEAR to me what this BULLSHIT is about…??? Justin following the UN Script to a TEE…HULLO..???

    This to me, is just part of the 3 stage plan to destroy the WEST. Add all the Social Justice Garbage + Mass infitration of Islamic Filth…your other 2 planks to completely destabilize us all. (And only happening to and in, Western Hemisphere Democracies)

  15. If our masters believed their own propaganda for one second, they would know exactly how to bring the human race’s demand for resources back in line with supply. Use all the means at our disposal to reduce the Mongoloid and Negroid populations of Earth to pre-industrial levels, and reduce their carbon footprint to zero.

    China could be bombed back into the Ming Dynasty in a single night.

    Genetic engineering could easily devise viruses that have no effect on Caucasoids but can kill Negroids in a matter of days after exposure, perfect for release in Lagos or Nairobi.

    (For all we know Chinese geneticists trained in the west may already be working on similar viruses designed to kill Caucasoids and spare Mongoloids.)

    All it would take is leadership that recognized the right to continued existence of the breed of humanity that made industrial civilization possible at all, and was ready to defend it at any cost.

    In reality, the Negroids are being encouraged to breed like rabbits, while the Chinese are handed all the tools and resources necessary to build up the war machine required for China to conquer and enslave or exterminate the hairy white barbarians.

    But please, let’s hear more about climate change.

    1. “But please, let’s hear more about climate change.”
      and less about ethnicity

  16. Listing species as Endangered is done for Political reasons it has nothing to do with Science the same with Global Warming/Climate Change its all done for Politics and Money and they can always count on the Hollywood wanks to contribute to their decitful plans

    1. Species have been dying off for as long as there have been species. Paleontology 101. Humanoids have only been around for a couple of million years, a brief sojourn in the grande scheme of geological time. When we die in the dust, there will be replacements and not necessary humanoid, or intelligent. It will go on until the Sun goes nova and consumes itself and the planets. Got another 4.5 billion years of “creativity” to go, according to some big thinkers, unless some chunk of space junk cuts things short. Humans, the way they are going right now, might make it for a few years more as an intelligent species, after that all bets are off.

  17. Climate, climate, heck we finally have some warm weather, I have to go clean the pool.
