17 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Greenpeace Did This”

  1. Not a surprise. The hubris of man, especially the self-righteous and self-appointed judges of others, knows no boundaries. Plus they’re a bunch of assholes.

  2. fuel for cars made from corn or things like that is less efficient than gasoline…

    it can make the car’s engine up to 30 % less powerful, which means to follow other cars accelerating when the light turns green or for climbing the same hill, you must push the gas pedal further, and use up to 30 % MORE fuel.

    Using ( and making ) those fuels is stupid

    oh an ethanol made from things like corn is highly corrosive, while gasoline is not

    so certain mechanical parts or pipe lines can be damaged by ethanol

  3. Unlike most religions, GreenPriests don’t follow scripture. They prefer to preach narratives from their corporate spin doctors which range from total fabrications at worst to fudged reality at best. They do, however have little difficulty in finding large numbers of faithful followers and they excel at displaying self righteous zeal.

  4. Green Peace will just blame Borneo’s deforestation on too much human population. They have a final solution for that too.

  5. By western “consumerism” they mean western demand for the fuel required for civilization to function at all.

    Nothing short of a reduction of western populations and living standards to a sufficiently low level to make the conquest of the West straightforward for China to carry out will ever satisfy them.

  6. Trump was proposing a move to year round sale of E15. They don’t allow the sale of E15 in the summer because it creates a smog at higher temperatures. The rational is higher corn sales due to the trade war with China.

    7.5 billion mouths to feed and we use corn for fuel in our vehicles. arrrrrugh

  7. After its perverts are wonderful stories during the day, Trudeau’s CBC tackled global warming tonight on its panel. And of course that means its time for Big Chief Pam of the famous Ryerson University tribe. She explained that we have to stop logging, must not open anymore mines, and shut down the tar sands in Alberta. She had a back up socialist on the panel to support her. Remember, the CBC at its downtown Toronto studios, knows what is best for Canada. And don’t miss the new Doug Ford is Hitler stories at the Toronto Star.

    1. If what Big Chief Pan suggested would be carried out that would effectively shut down the economy of Canada. It pathetic that they are actually considering that.

  8. But they meant well.
    Even though they lied their faces off,making up total fiction for their campaigns against industry.
    What was their legal defence out east;”We engage in hyperbole as a matter of course”?
    Gang Green has no concern for anyone or anything,except living large on the gullibility of others.
    I bet they are still qualified as a “Charity” in Canada.

    1. Well … their target audience are the MOST gullible and susceptible to the FRAUD of CAGW.

  9. They lost their charitable status back during the war in the woods but with all of their operatives in government and the “legal” profession, I suspect they got it back when no one was looking.

  10. Of course advocating palm oil, or whatever vegetable oil instead of gasoline mandates the creation of oil palm farms somewhere, mostly by replacing forests. Is that too difficult to understand for the technically challenged progs?
    Why vegetable oil? Is it because it is supposed tp be “renewable?” This may be a desperate solution if oil were really running out, but not when known reserves will last through the century. And it is more than ironic that we are growing vegetation to burn instead of feeding people, when progs still believe in “The Population Bomb” and only pushed the apocalyptic date back … and back. Reductio ad absurdum, and you can quickly figure out that progs don’t really believe in a lot of the nonsense they spout … not CAGW, not “population bomb”, not “organic” … they only believe in gaining control in any way possible.

  11. You must stop with these facts!!

    It makes watermelons very angry ‘ cause like your lying, so cool it with the hate buddy, before somebody has to hit you.

    In self-defense of course.

  12. KATE…

    Is there anyway videos from Twatter can be displayed or shown here in their original U-tube format..?

    I, like I’m sure some others here have been banned/suspended from that platfom and as such Cannot see said video..?

