60 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!”

  1. Yeah.
    They are “frustrated”.
    They will be frustrated right up to the moment when they realize that to get rid of the Sockmonkey they have to lose the election.
    Thats when they suppress the gag reflex and vote liberal again.

    1. “Thats when they suppress the gag reflex and vote liberal again.”

      Yup. And lots will be doing the same for Dairy Queen scheer.

  2. Meanwhile taxpayers continue to pay for little Justin’s trip to B.C. Yes our Great Leader is still taking “personal time” today.

  3. When Turdoo was elected that was the day Canada became a joke. But not a funny one. No one is laughing while this boy-stooge pretends to be a prime minister.

    If Canada is going to remain a country, carbon taxes must go and other taxes must be lowered.

    Being a Canadian is becoming unaffordable.

  4. Interesting Sun video but it still remains that Andy should have been able to ride the SNC Lavelin issue all the way to a majority.

    He has not and will not. He was given a gift that few politicians could even dream of.

    Liberals will coalesce around the Child when it counts.

    This is Canada where the sheep follow the media’s instructions almost every time.

    1. What’s the betting Andy 2% doesn’t revoke the $600 million to the press?

  5. I have lost all respect for Liberals since Trudeau became leader. I did not favour them previously, but did think of them as serious politicians seeking to better the country in their own misguided way. Under Trudeau, I feel like the Liberal Party is no longer aimed at supporting Canada and that our interests have been given over to the globalists who now control the Liberal brand. Trudeau is their puppet. I am not surprised that many Liberals are disillusioned. Libs may not be abandoning him in the hopes of getting re-elected, but I believe that even they will come to regret re-election under Trudeau. The Liberals are seriously damaging the country.

    1. LL

      “…I have lost all respect for Liberals since Trudeau became leader…”

      Yea, Pierre. Everyone of the later Liberal PM’s were as this one is, myopically centered on Quebec while either financilly raping or attempting to destroy the West.

      Corrupt as only Quebecers can be – Genetic.

      1. What reason did you have to respect them before Turdoo was elected?

        I cannot imagine.

        They haven’t changed in over 60 years.

        1. duke, they’v changed a lot. Butt McTurd is the dumbest of the lot, and he raised sycophants to levels above their competence so he could control them. Butts did a good job of effing up canada by instructing the Turd to do this.

    2. Well when his father was elected the liberals were long gone from my thoughts as a government ever. that is how long I have not been voting for them. Stupid people still vote liberal, yes, they are stupid, or at the trough.

      1. I hated the Father when I was 12 in the mid-seventies reading the Ottawa Journal. There are similarities between Buttshead and PET. Like arrogance, deceit, and a massive contempt for the great unwashed electorate.

      2. owg, “Stupid people still vote liberal, yes, they are stupid, or at the trough.”

        Yep, and those “at the trough” are doing very well for themselves,so why should they change their vote because we conservatives don’t like liberals?

        The voters are not “stupid”, they vote for the candidate whose presentation is best,and as it’s all one big sales job by all Parties, it’s pretty difficult for me to tell people who are prospering under the Liberals to vote them out. The team that does the best job of selling their Party’s bullshit to the public will win,and it isn’t because the voters are stupid, it’s only the Opposition to the winners who are stupid and ran a deficient campaign.

        Trudeau would not have a hope in hell,would have been politically finished after the SNC /JWR scandal, IF the CPC had elected an inspiring candidate to rouse the ire of the people and keep ’em in that state until election day. Instead,the Opposition is lead by Andrew Scheer, whose own Mother wouldn’t find him inspiring.

        Much as I detest Trudeau and the rest of the Liberal f**kers in Ottawa,I believe they will pull it off and win again, because the CPC members were STUPID and elected a bland, unexciting, nobody to be their leader.

        1. Sorry don, but Canadians are stupid and the majority will vote for some form of socialism. The socialist liberals and all other socialist parties usually get almost 60% of the total vote, conservatives have proven to be liberal lite all my fairly long life. The truth can be difficult to swallow.

    3. spot on Linda.
      note how the situation ‘evolves’. ie, given that the new rules have the turdoo 2.0 making a mess of everything he touches,
      lieberals instead of the old way of calling a leadership convention, now continue to play their part in an episode of ‘The Emporer’s New Clothes’, for fear of losing power. all liberal, all about power. stand behind a turd, cluck away about whatever, all about power and more power.

      the strategy is understandable, seeing as andy panda is NOT an obvious alternative, ie why not vote for your own child-man as opposed to a child-man wannabe?

  6. Heh …. like nobody knows that.
    You don’t need to be an insider to see the nothingness of this unfortunate Canadian dilemma.
    Though never fear, the media cartel and the ruling class with few honorable exceptions will save the day.

    They all know how bad a deal this drama queen is, they just can’t admit it since they know things and the other don’t.
    Yeah, the elitists are completely isolated in their genteel quarters of nothingness, much like Chauncey Gardiner.

  7. I still recall the 60 something white haired woman’s answer in a street interview by a SunTV reporter when asked if she supported Trudeau, “Oh yes, he has such pretty hair”.

    Like Frank Q says, “Liberals will coalesce around the Child when it counts.

    This is Canada where the sheep follow the media’s instructions almost every time.”

    The Laurentian Elite will close ranks around Butts and his dummy puppet.

    1. I still recall the 60 something white haired woman’s answer in a street interview by a SunTV reporter when asked if she supported Trudeau, “Oh yes, he has such pretty hair”.

      The rental office of the apartment complex I live in once had a young lady from China on staff. (One of her jobs was to be the translator for all the Chinese who’ve moved in over the past few years.) A few months before she quit, I was chatting with her about Prinz Dummkopf and she went on about how “handsome” he was. Nothing about his leadership abilities or policies–just his looks. (Barf!)

      A year or so ago, I happened to be chatting with an elderly lady at a nearby grocery store. During our conversation, the subject of Prinz Dummkopf came up. I particularly recall her comment, “He carries on like a p***”, or something like that. I had to laugh because many of us think the same thing about him.

    1. Nemo – WRT your comment: “sheep being led to slaughter”… Truedolt is a “Judas goat” – cleverly dictated by dark and sinister forces (i.e. one George Soros, the UN hierarchy and the Laurentian elite. Maurice Strong comes to mind.

  8. People foolish enough to vote for Trudeau the first time will vote for him again given that Andy Panda has confirmed Justin’s moral stances. Why would anyone change? Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum are twins. j

  9. Why is anyone surprised? Turd Sr. was the bottom of the barrel and the socialists have been taking us down hill ever since. This turkey Turd Jr. is just as bad as every other one, I include Harper.

  10. Did I just watch a ‘book review’ on a book entering it’s third printing where neither ‘host’ has even read the book?

    Journalism, be it from the right or left, is indeed a dying profession. I have reached a point where I am almost as suspicious of conservative news outlets as I am of the left’s media/propaganda team. It seems that near everything in the world these days is eyed through either a blue or red filter.

    BTW, the first few days of Lavscam breaking proved to me that even the CBC will not hesitate to throw Trudeau under the bus if it is deemed necessary to save the Liberal brand.

    1. If CBC is critical of Trudeau it means the laurentian elite are comfortable with the leadership of the Conservatives and wont mind them in power.

      1. Same party

        Same Globalist Platforms

        LIBCons the only approved party to ever rule Canada.

        They have done such a fine job haven’t they.

        Anyone who votes Libs or Cons are sheepishly voting for the Laurentian Elites.

        1. I, personally don’t want ANOTHER Quebecer in the leadership..Ever again. I actually am on the membership rolls..But after a rethink..Sorry Max but no.

          1. The votes that count in are Quebec, Ontario anď B.C.
            The rest of us are the little potatoes for the Little Potato.

          2. Don’t care what you think!

            I just watched the video!

            Liberals standing with Scheer???

            Yep it’s the LibCons Party of one.

            Scheer will discreetly continue the ways of the Liberal Party…

            Liberals standing with Scheer no thanks…

            The LibCons of Trudeau and Scheer are not in any best interest of ordinary Canadians.

            Happy Infidel

            Your not ordinary you are just racist judging Max because he planned to be born in Quebec.

            PPC all the way…

            I want my free speech and pipelines being actually built so we can get rid of the Arab Oil once for all.

            Remember where the LibCons Party of one both got us to where we are today and Canada is truly messed up and do really think voting in the Scheers Cons will change anything.

            Absolutely Not….

            Mad Max is our Trump

          3. “I, personally don’t want ANOTHER Quebecer in the leadership..Ever again.”

            Especially not one who is nothing more than Turdo’s useful idiot.

          4. Scheer is Trudeau’s useful idiot

            Fixed it for you…

            Can’t debate how the LibCons have wrecked our own country eh?

            Have to resort to racism?

            I will never vote LibCons again.

            They push the Globalist agenda…

            I have had it to the Max with they way they have destroyed our Canada.

            Max all the way he is our Trump.

            Max has the best conservative platforms.

            The PPC is the only Conservative party in Canada.

            Scheer went Globalist Elites Left…

            No thanks…

          5. Yes you’re very persistent in repeating the same statements ad nausaum. Sometimes you’re so clever to even change the order of some of the statements without glitching. Your coding is improving Maxbot.

        2. Like I said for the third and last time we all know you need the last word.

          You defend Scheer by being racist towards Max

          You will not defend Scheer’s Platforms for they are Liberal Platforms and the video attached to this thread states that some Liberals in their party are going to support Scheer.

          Well go ahead vote for Scheer nothing will get fixed the Globalist Elites win…

          Not with my vote…

          Max is our only hope…

          Still can’t debate the same Globalist LibCons Platforms against the PPC eh.

          What a wuss…

          Just like Scheer…and Trudeau…

  11. I wouldn’t mind reading this book.

    I’m sure that Stephane Dion was offended when Justin not only took over his job, but when Trudeau did succeed, he later turfed Dion as Foreign Minister. After the demotion and when the two had words, Dion exclaimed that he was taking his dog KYOTO and going home. We saw in the body language between these two that things were sour. The fact that Dion quit politics right after that is a true indication that he was unceremoniously dumped. After all, the Prince was likely onto the fact that that Dion tried to block him from entering Federal politics at the riding level, in the first place. Too bad Dion failed in that respect!

    What we never knew till now was that some of the people of Papineau didn’t want Justin Trudeau either. What a WHOPPER! Not surprising though. Quebecers are quite savy about their politics and politicos. Hope he loses his seat there in October, big time!

    Some of HRH Trudeau’s recent offences were pointed out just last week when his Highness (and Scheer) condemned Trump for his panning of AOC plus 3. In the meantime Trudeau forgets he did the very same thing just last year on August 16th when he told MADAME-MADAME MADAME in Quebec, “There’s no place in Canada for SOMEONE LIKE YOU,” ( see Reader’s Tips July 19 @11:19 pm, 11:53, 12:16 and 4:02 am for lively exchange between yours truly, Ken Kulak and Raymond M)

    Aren’t we ALL sick of this baby and his childish entourage?
    Worst, is the debt and money printing. We will know the damage to this place when we’ve lost our hard earned dollars and the depression will cause anarchists to rebel in the streets with inflation and a 10 cent dollar.

    Our wallets depend on this October.

    We must fire the Liberal Squad and the BASTARD!

    1. lol !!!
      sometimes I read faster than I can read.
      the last sentence for a split second came out ‘ firing squad for the Liberals’.
      lol !!!
      THAT I would definitely vote for.

      I truly, truly did NOT realize what dunces the cdn citoyens can be until all this press about the Turdoo 2.0 poured out for the last 3 yrs.
      migawd we are really pooched. seriously, irretrievably POOCHED if pm sockspotato wins in october.

      1. I think I had Trump on my mind and the Apprentice Show that he was in when, every week, he exclaimed, “You’re fired!”

        Your comments are honest and fun sometimes, most times.

  12. I am waiting for TurD’Oh to take a public dump in front of the parliament building, and then wait for the Dairy Queen to doo the same. Scheep is about as ready to lead as the Turd is.

  13. No offense ladies, but urban women are the largest supporters of PM Elbow-Taint.
    Real men don’t vote for Prancers or Poseurs.

  14. If it good enough for Pierre Trudeau, it’s good enough for Stephen Harper:

    The following..
    I’d laugh if Harper came back and turfed Scheer next month. Then…campaigned like a real man and turfed La Threwdough Boy. Then… as Prime Minister, finally turfed the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. (oh, bliss, oh rapture)

    We need a triple WHAM, BAM, BOOT.
    We need a Big Clean Up in this Cuntry!

    Maybe its only a dream I had last night…slumbering psyche…

    About last night…well it can…
    Make my day!
    And… yours too, Canada!

    1. Why did my post get deleted?

      To honest?

      Can’t let the light hit the Cons cons?

      One more time

      Lo and behold

      2018 Bohemian Grove List

      Harper’s on it again…


      But for Canadians, there’s another compelling tidbit in the emails. Specifically, in this July, 2016 email that Powell addressed to former Canadian attorney general Peter MacKay:

      Peter, I am back from the Bohemian Grove. Surprise, surprise, I sat next to Stephen Harper a couple of times and had a nice discussion. Grove attendees know that Trump is a disaster. Most will vote against, but quite a few will not vote for Hillary and will vote for a third party candidate. Strange doings down here. Otherwise all is well with the Powells. We’ll sneak away for a few days in August. Of course I’d love to see you. Let me know your dates. I told Stephen that you seemed quite content in your new place in life.


      You said

      I’d laugh if Harper came back and turfed Scheer next month. Then…campaigned like a real man and turfed La Threwdough Boy. Then… as Prime Minister, finally turfed the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. (oh, bliss, oh rapture)

      Harper had a majority and could of turfed the CBC and he didn’t…

      Harper could of filled the senate with conservatives before losing the election to the Trudeau Liberals

      Liberals’ Senate Advisory Board To Fill Empty Seats

      Initially, the board will be tasked with recommending nominees to fill five vacancies in the provinces that are currently most under-represented in the Senate: two from Ontario, two from Manitoba and one from Quebec. Those are to be filled by early next year.

      Another 17 vacancies are to be filled by the end of 2016.


      Yes Harper and Scheer’s Cons will save the day…

      Dream on…

      1. The ITCCS and its Canadian affiliates planned to establish an ongoing inquiry into the Lebel – Lacroix connection, the murder of Officer Kal Ghadban and the role of Ndrangheta and the Vatican in Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper government operations. “We will be seeking a new round of trials of those connected to these killings and the Canadian government’s involvement with Ndrangheta and the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult” Annett stated.

        Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Pope Joseph Ratzinger were among 30 global elites found guilty in the first ICLCJ Court that addressed 50,000 missing native children. See this video. A few days later Pope Ratzinger resigned from office. In August the ICLCJ Court found Jesuit Superior Aldofo Pachon guilty of Crimes Against Humanity, along with Pope Francis and Archbishop of Canterbury Jason Welby. A few days later Pachon announced his resignation.


        For more information contact: http://www.itccs.org or write itccscentral@gmail.com

          1. Harper is not Lebel.

            IF this is true, it ties in with American groups.
            Lebel is out of Canadian Federal Politics now.
            So is Harper, and Mackay.

      2. Some here are voting for Max Bernier. It seems some here will hold their nose and vote for Andrew Scheer.

        You seem to be trying too hard. Do try posting on Liberal sites. You might get some converts there.

  15. Oh well, Dairy Queen it is then. Pity he can’t get Patrick Browned.

    When you can’t get your preferred outcome at least make sure the enemy does not get theirs.

    Yes Maxbots I heard the LPC approved talking points ad nauseam. Don’t care. Max is 1. from Quebec. 2. Turdo’s useful idiot.

    1. 2. Turdo’s useful idiot

      Yes Scheer is Turdo’s useful idiot.

      I finally agree with you..

      1. Attempts to sound clever and witty don’t really suit you. Go back to original programming.

    2. Theonly reason to vote Andy 2% is that he is not Trudeau. Apart from that, everything else is the same.

      Oh, I am sure he and his advisors are feeling pretty smart in adopting the Liberal policies, telling their suppoirters that once they get power …

      Of course, this plays right into the Liberal playbook of calling out the Cosnervative “Hidden Agenda”.

      MAXimise youir vote!

      1. Robert, Who is “Andy 2%”? If anything 2% is the level that Max will pull if he is lucky. If there is no difference between Dairy Queen and Turdo then someone must have forgotten to tell Libranos about it. And yes, anyone who is not Turdo and has a chance to win will get my vote this election. I would be willing to vote NDP or Green to kick Turdo out. Unfortunately the best I can do this cycle, is to work to defeat the number one enemy. I wish I could do more, but I can’t. Such is reality. That is the first thing.

        Second thing is that of course Sheer is better. I don’t like him. I think he is a weak and pathetic. He reminds me of Tim Hudak. Not yet of John Tory or Patrick Brown but he is getting close. Still much better than Turdo. For one thing he promised to repeal the last gun control policy of Libranos and if other things were equal (and they are not) this would already be a significant difference.

        Why not Max? Full disclosure: I joined CPC before the last leadership race to vote for Max. Yes Max. I was willing to ignore that he is from Quebec. But he is from Quebec and when he did not win he threw a tantrum Quebec style and decided to do his best to help keep power in Quebec. He knows exactly what the real (as opposed to imagined by Maxbots) consequence of his decision is. He is a grand standing Librano useful idiot. I don’t care about his policy package. His policy package does not matter because he has no support. Period. End of story. He can promise anything he wants because he will never be required to deliver any of it.
