83 Replies to “July 25, 2019: Reader Tips”

  1. Some more sad news. Actor Rutger Hauer, probably best known for his role in the movie Blade Runner, has died.

    I heard a story about his character’s final scene. Apparently, he improvised his lines and the dove that flies away at the end was also his idea.

    1. I love his cheap action 80s and 90s movies. Wanted Dead or Alive, Surviving the Game, Blind Fury and my favorite The Hitcher. Also along the same lines but decades later: Hobo with a Shotgun. Greatly underrated actor who made an impression of not minding being underrated.

      1. I loved that movie, Wanted Dead or Alive. From the beginning, I loved the idea of the sort of apartment his character lives in.
        All one room, a loft in a former warehouse. Bedroom was in the living room, which had a motorcycle in the middle.
        It was so non-PC that the antagonist is a Muslim terrorist who enters the movie as a bomber, posing as an orthodox Jew.
        (acted by Gene Simmons who goes boom! in your vid clip) :0>

    1. NDP Holdovers.
      WTF are they even doing in Public Service still..??
      Talk about NAZI’s…

      And whats Kenney doing about it.??

  2. “Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming | Nick Hanauer”

    Plutocrat, a rich guy is telling the plebeians that he cares.
    OK, Let us see.

    Hanauer sez that Ford increased his workers pay to $5 dollars and they prospered. They did, big time.
    Then he sez, and this is the important difference, that the government should increase minimum wage.
    Does anybody know of any government that have done anything for anybody but themselves?
    They are big on supporting the poor, to be poor. Aren’t they just soo good?
    For sure, everyone has an idea on how to grow the strata that pays for everything.

    Somebody needs to take the talk apart and put it into a proper perspective.
    Why does the plutocrat think, the American companies build factories in low wage countries?

    Heh … yea, all you need to wish when you see a falling star.

    He, though, is right in one respect, those with pitchforks are coming.

    1. Fight for fifteen – and not a penny more!

      Nasty Ocasio-Cortez had to stop Amazon from locating in her district, she knows a turnip with ‘Democrat’ beside its name could be elected there, Nancy Pelosi herself said as much, and AOC wants to be that turnip for a long, long time.

      Amazon was offering 25,000 jobs paying $75 dollars an hour and AOC knows that anyone earning that much money is not going to listen to her idiocy. At $15 dollars an hour her constituents would still qualify for many government benefits and that gives her leverage to threaten them at election time.

      Leftists are nasty people, it’s amazing that their vote slaves don’t see through them they’re so transparent.

      Minimum wage should be One-thousand-dollars-an-hour! Then we could all live in big houses and drive fancy cars….

      1. “Minimum wage should be One-thousand-dollars-an-hour! Then we could all live in big houses and drive fancy cars….”

        The thing is that there would’t be enough cars and houses to go around and the prices would increase to the level that they would not be able to afford.

        Its just economics. Laws of economics.
        Every time the socialist idiots and the governments of every color try to break them they end up with Venezuela.
        Works every time.
        Without fail.
        Like the night that follow the day,

        1. long, long looooonnnnnngggg ago, with both economics and applied science courses in my background AND practical experience following suit, it occurred to me there is a strong similarity between laws of physics and behaviour and various phenomena in economics. upsy downsies in an economy, like a bouncing ball conserving energy.
          etc etc, economic activity can be predicted by factoring human nature.

          marxists are desperate to rewrite the laws of physics and about as likely to.

    2. Regardless of what you all might think….he is 100% correct in his assertion. Cause history is loaded with such scenarios…. I’m just having a hard time even FINDING a “Pitchfork”.?

      Well, I guess a fully modernized SKS would do…no.?

    1. Hilarious….!!

      “.. a retarded Goldfish would have been more convincing ..”

      True dat..!!

  3. Jonathan finds meaningful work:

    “A Canadian trans activist who has drawn global headlines for demanding female beauticians wax his male genitals and attempting to organize LGBT “swim parties” for children is now going after Christian activist Bill Whatcott for publicly referring to him as male.

    Jonathan “Jessica” Yaniv is a man who “identifies” as a woman. He recently rose to prominence for filing 16 complaints against local beauticians who offer bikini waxes to actual women but have refused to wax his male genitals, then for seeking permission from the Township of Langley, British Columbia, for “LGBTQ2S” groups to hold topless-optional swimming parties for “all people aged 12+,” with parents and guardians barred from attending.”


    1. A good kick in the you know whats will prove to him that he is a him. Kick him hard enough and maybe his voice will get a bit higher.

    2. the upside is that this case could shine a klieg light on the nastiness of the hrc.

      and I dont mean hellary rodham clinton either; she dun got HER klieg light already.

  4. “Jeffrey Epstein Found Injured in NYC Jail Cell After Possible Suicide Attempt: Sources

    Epstein was found semi-conscious with marks on his neck, sources said and investigators are trying to piece together exactly what happened”

    “wo sources tell News 4 that Epstein may have tried to hang himself, while a third source cautioned that the injuries were not serious and questioned if Epstein might be using it as a way to get a transfer.”


    So many suspects…

    1. At -1130 pm Eastern time, Wednesday evening,
      FOX News revealed a bit on this…. I couldn’t find any links yet, elsewhere.

      (Wonder what REALLY happened? I find it mysterious since this happened on the same day that Robert Mueller testified – very curious indeed)
      I posted this for what it’s worth:

      Breaking News on
      “Fox News at NightWithShannon Bream Show”:

      Jeffrey Epstein found injured in jail. Suspected suicide attempt.
      ( NO link yet, announced 5 minutes ago)

      So many suspects… is right!

    2. He was FOUND? They weren’t watching him?

      Epstein needs to be under 24/7 video surveillance. He must not be allowed to die until a candid world knows as much as he does about his clients.

      Then every loving father framed by his wife for sex crimes can take a crack at him for all I care.

  5. Maxime Bernier Retweeted


    Maxime Bernier Announces NEW policy on Immigration, Multiculturalism & Canadian Identity.

    Maxime Bernier new immigration plan.

    -150,000 to 100,000 annually.

    -More economic immigrants

    -End Birthright citizenship

    -Build a fence at all illegal border crossings

    -End un migrant compact deal.

    -Put Canadians first.

    Speech in writing here


    1. Cripes, at this point I’m actually kinda glad he didn’t win the CPC nom. Is Kevin O’Leary busy?

      Reducing immigration that much would be far worse than any carbon tax.

  6. Rutger Hauer was unforgettable in Blade Runner. A striking looking man, he had the talent of an A list actor. Perhaps he chose not to market himself as required by the Hollywood machine or he had other interests. I’d like to think he had a very good time.

  7. As everyone predicted, Groper is attacking provincial Conservative premiers to get re-elected. Both the Toronto Sun and Globe and Mail report on Liberal cabinet ministers ranting that premiers are being mean to women seeking abortions. Special attention is being given to Hitler Doug Ford in vote rich Ontario.

  8. Oh good, Groper is putting a commie in charge of the agency that oversees our security services. Yes a retiring NDP MP will soon keep an eye on how our security agencies perform their duties.

  9. If Trudeau is for all things “trans” why doesn’t he support the Trans-National Pipeline?

    We could be shipping them across the continent from Vancouver to St. Jean.

    1. ” why doesn’t he support the Trans-National Pipeline?”

      He does. It’s just that to Zoolander, the pipeline self-identifies as a north/south railroad./

  10. The people of B.C. are so blessed. Great Leader Kim Sung Trudeau is taking another personal day there. Perhaps he will be sticking around until the pervert parade Monday.

  11. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/andrew-coyne-why-you-shouldnt-expect-to-see-populism-take-root-in-canada

    Coyne, the elitist, spells out his argument by accepting the definition that populists are – among other things – lesser educated (meaning ignorant and stupid), racist and xenophobic and, of course, evil.
    But many of us know that PM Dickspank is the result of (truly) left wing populism. How else does a neo-Marxist twat like Juthtin get elected except by populism? Socks and hair got a passive-aggressive misandrist, adulterer and faux feminist elected by “higher” educated moistened quims and nutless urban metrosexuals.

    Anyway, Andrew isn’t worried because there are already so many immigrants that things like restricting immigration could never happen…because he thinks immigrants want to live in a shithole. Thanks Coyne, you over-educated, racist f**k.

    1. Justin is indeed another demonstration of why women were granted the vote—because it would be easier to thrust globalist scoundrels into office over the objection of their husbands and fathers.

      Andrew is another demonstration of how the only children who benefit from globalist government are the pampered, half-witted pups of the globalists themselves. Had his uncle not been the globalist in charge of the Bank of Canada, Andy would be bagging groceries at Loblaws.

      1. And dont forget the relation to Justin’s half sister from PET’s affair with lawyer Deborah Coyne. I think she’s Andrew’s first cousin. I believe the young lady’s name is Sarah Coyne Trudeau.

        ( Justin and his brother have two other half siblings from Margaret’s side. They’re one big happy family)

        1. And they’ll all serve in future Librano governments if US troops don’t come up north to do a little régime change.

    2. Political terminology has long been stripped of any objective meaning.

      Words like “conservative” or “liberal” have become mere sectarian labels. “Progressive” and “inclusive” are used for moral preening.

      And terms like “populist” and “nationalist” have simply become epithets.

    3. Thanx Buddy… PM DickSpank.
      …I now have to clean my carpet where my coffee exploded..LMAO.!

      Socks n Hair…yea, but lets not foret the Hundreds of thousands of under 30 collectivites that actually voted for likely their first time Ever in a Federal Election: Legalization of Pot/Social Justice/Feminism. Whitout that, said Twat would likely have lost…or at best gotten a Minority.

      1. We should be careful how we use that name. Prinz Dummkopf might think it refers to a hard-boiled detective in a film noir or a character in a Raymond Chandler novel. (“Oooooh, thatth me: Dick Thpank, tough guy pwivate detective, tholving all thortth of mythtewieth.” Sorry, Dickie, but you’re no Philip Marlowe.)

  12. Very disappointed in the weather reporting here in Sask All day we heard everything thing from tornado to flooding rain. This was touted as a border to border storm and we were supposed to be right in the middle of it.We got about 20 spits of rain.The radar showed a hell of a storm north of us I phoned a guy I know in that area absolutely nothing there.WTF?

    1. Ah, that darned climate change…. It must be another emergency requiring a certain federal cabinet minister to “consult” with a member of the prime minister’s staff…. (wink-wink, nudge-nudge).

    1. So I wonder what JWR thinks of this. She was the head honcho when the Feds got rid of conditional discharges for DUI’s.
      Of course some natives in those parts are allowed to murder almost with impunity. Especially if its a black immigrant.

      and there’s this

    2. No surprise.

      It says right in Canada’s horrible, egregious, disgraceful, execrable Constitution that there are different classes of people in Canada.

      That aboriginals are “special” and are to be treated as such.

      Not that anything particular needs to actually be written in the Constitution.

      The Supreme Court, ostensibly filled with Liberal Party Donators, certainly has no problem reading whatever they need to into the Constitution.

      And given the Courts are okay with Liberal laws increasing the punishment for assaulting a woman, a gay person, a minority, a religious person(some more than others), a Trans etc…………. wouldn’t it just be a whole lot easier, and certainly more honest, to just make one law saying white men only will be held accountable, everyone else skates?

    3. Gladue nonsense aside, this is a very good thing. Mandatory minimums are bad policy and unconstitutional too. The drunk driving crusade is a particularly noxious fixation of politicians.

  13. Maxime Bernier

    Libs increased CBC’s budget to fund more leftist propaganda.

    Promised $600M to other media to buy better coverage.

    Adopted various measures to censor social media.

    And now they’re attacking one of the few truly independent media outlets left in Canada.

    IT’S 2019, NOT 1984!

    Our reporter
    @SheilaGunnReid wrote a best-selling book criticizing the government. The government has now sent investigators to prosecute her and threaten her with “severe” consequences if she doesn’t turn over her editorial notes & emails.


  14. According to Angus Reid, a non profit pollster, 62% of Canadians disprove of Justin Trudeau. They still place the CPC at least 8 points ahead of the Liberals.

    Yet the leftist headlines are placing Trudeau ahead.

    So who is right?? Do keep in mind that the re-introduction of Gerald Butts and the F-35 have no yet hit the polls.

    1. Sorry, my internet server gave out while I was posting this. I’ll get back later.

    2. If Prinz Dummkopf loses on election night, count on there being a demand for a recount. A few days later, there will be a sudden appearance of ballot boxes that, mysteriously, had been “misplaced” when the votes were initially tallied….. and that those votes will all be for him and will, of course, be accepted as valid.

      To paraphrase a line from near the end of the movie The Last Picture Show, a man ought not to cheat unless it’s for a good cause.

    3. You forget that the pollsters are all FOL.(FriendsofLiberals)

      Liberals are the Quebec Party.

      And in Quebec you have to pay your vigorish.

      It’s why the Conservatives always do better than the pollsters fudgings.

  15. Trudeau’s official newspaper the Toronto Star has a story today explaining how wonderful it is for little boys and girls to dress up as drag queens. They also think the CBC documentary on drag queen children is wonderful. Support child abuse, join Team Trudeau.

  16. David Caplan, disgraced Ontario Librano health minister, apostate Jew and life-long fat-arse, has finally succeeded in eating and smoking himself to death eight years after leaving Queen’s Park.

    Caplan was best known for being the brat of Elinor Caplan, another notorious apostate Jew and made woman in the Ontario Libranos—whose safe Liberal seat he inherited—and resigning in disgrace as health minister after allowing his staff to steal taxpayers’ money.

    Good riddance.


  17. Memo to The Squad, tight knit as they are: Are all white men Nazis or just white men in Israel, or are all white men Nazis but men, women and children in Israel are Nazis? Does that include the white men PLO Nazis? Please clarify.

    “New ‘Squad’ talking point: Boycotting Israel like boycotting Nazi Germany.” Even DeMarxists are revolted.

    Keep talking is all I can say to this bunch. When the swamp dwellers get over their Mueller beatdown, they’ll need new material.

    More entitled self-appointed moral elites not only defying the people’s will, but villainizing and subjecting them to their bigotry.


    1. Russia Russia Russia –nope
      Racist Rascist Rascist — nope
      Google Google Google — yup

  18. The sad story unfolding in western Canada is being covered by msm in their usual objective manner . According to ctv the suspects are possibly two right wing extremists . Meanwhile Max is taking it up the posterior for wanting a fence . Holy crap we are screwed .

    1. Who is he taking crap from?
      Anyone who matters?
      Or is it an expression of how his agenda is an existential threat to official Ottawa?

  19. “Those officers only have a few seconds, maybe a minute to assess the travellers, make a very quick determination if they’re admissible or not,” said Kelly Sundberg, a former Canada Border Service Agency immigration enforcement officer.
    “Especially when we get into the busy tourist season at land borders, where they’re clearing vehicles fairly quickly … there’s a lot of pressure on those officers to move the traffic through,” he said.
    Yeah ok, Sunshine. They crossed the border just after 11pm.

    1. So can we please just get rid of this stupid pantomime already and just have an open border? I’ll vote for just about anyone promising to abolish customs.

      1. No borders = no countries.

        Now, let me say that I completely undersatand why people living in shithole countries would want no borders, no customs, and no citizenship in wealthy, prosperous, Western Nations. Who wouldn’t want to come get free shit, and gainful employment in a safe, clean, country? Just by walking across the border.

        Now let me also say that one bad apple DOES spoil the whole bunch. Just ask a farmer/fruit grower about how that works. So when shitty people from shithole countries invade the West, and have not learned, or even care WHY our nations are wealthy and prosperous. Have not learned about our legal system, culture, or economic system. And don’t care. Invaders who insist on forcing THEIR shithole cultures and lawlessness onto our nations.

        If those bad apples are not swiftly removed … then the whole bunch, the whole bushel rots. One bad apple will ROT the whole country. The whole culture will ROT. Behold the ROT in American Law and Culture due to uncontrolled “immigration” (read: invasion)

        1. Oh you’ll have borders. They just have to be open.

          ” Invaders who insist on forcing THEIR shithole cultures and lawlessness onto our nations.”

          No they don’t. Canada has tons of them and we’re doing just fine. You’d know these things if you ever travelled beyond your village/hamlet and had a way to see the outside world besides Fox News and nutbar blogs.

          “If those bad apples are not swiftly removed … then the whole bunch, the whole bushel rots. One bad apple will ROT the whole country. The whole culture will ROT. Behold the ROT in American Law and Culture due to uncontrolled “immigration” (read: invasion)”

          Psychobabble. There is no evidence of any such rot.

      2. Get back to us about that open border when Old Glory is flying over Parliament Hill and the leaders of the Librano family are in prison or exile. I can’t wait myself.

  20. Trudeau’s CBC encourages everyone to watch their show tonight called Drag Kids. They explain how wonderful it is for kids to dress up as perverts. I’m sure it will be a hit in downtown Toronto.

  21. If women ran the world, they would be free to rape men with impunity, and the men would be laughed at for trying to report it.

    Women would most likely also control the vast majority of consumption in advanced economies, to which they would make no meaningful contribution.


    Oh. Wait.

  22. Pipelines are hazardous to your health:


    It sounds like Prinz Dummkopf ordered Health Canada to find any excuse, however lame, to cancel Energy East. But, no, nein, non, he isn’t waging war on Alberta…..

    Hey Mr. Kenney, will you hurry up with the independence referendum?
