30 Replies to “See It Before It’s Gone”

  1. Sounds like Epstein’s executioners were interrupted … otherwise he would be added to the body count. Not.the.least.bit.surprising.

    Move over Seth Rich … you’re about to get some company in HELL

    1. Seems logical Epstein is connected with Pizza Gate. Why wouldn’t America’s most prolific serial killers the Clinton’s want him dead.

  2. Of course, epstein has to be either an idiot or/and blind, to not have some sort of insurance policy for when he dies.

  3. Way back in the Benghazi days, it occurred to me that every time Hillary had to endure a day or two of terrible headlines, a black guy got shot by a white police officer and Hillary was magically erased from the front pages of the media while we endured weeks of shooting fallout. Since Hillary has become a has-been, black men across the country are seemingly much safer as those specific “racial tensions” seemed to have dried up with the Clintons out of the game.

    1. Kelly
      I never noticed….? but yea, you have a damned good point there..!

  4. “Arkancide is the unfortunate habit of potential witnesses to the Clintons’ dirty dealings in Arkansas suddenly deciding to shoot themselves twice in the back of the head.
    Police and Coroners in Arkansas, notably Fahmy Malak who answered to Governor Bill Clinton, automatically described these shootings as “suicides.”

    After Bill Clinton became President the phenomenon spilled over to Washington D.C. when Hillary Clinton’s ex-lover Vincent Foster was “Arkancided.”


    If you’re in a hurry and can’t spare the week or two that it would take to follow all these links, at least read the three-part history of Hillary Clinton by Cockburn and St. Clair and the 29 episodes of The Real Hillary Clinton.

    Arkancide.com is run by someone who doesn’t believe in UFO’s or that the Moon landings were faked or that JFK was shot by a guy on the grassy knoll or that Elvis is alive (sorry!) or that Princess Diana was liquidated by MI6 or… well any of that type of nonsense.
    Here’s a good BBC article about conspiracy theories: Conspiracy theories: How to be a smarter news consumer – Sep 14, 2016

    Conspiracy theorists are idiots and I’m pleased not to be one of them. There was nothing “theoretical” about the Mena/ADFA conspiracy or the Whitewater conspiracy or the Cattle Futures conspiracy or Filegate or Travelgate or Bloodgate etc. “

    1. canucked, James Files was the shooter on the grassy knoll. Used a fireball XP-100 proto type, and fired a mercury filled bullet, both provided by the CIA. Files was Nicoletti’s driver. Nicoletti was the Chicago mafia go to hit guy. You don’t think firing a 250 cal with a 178 gn bullet travelling 1800-2000 fps would cause Kennedy’s head to snap backwards against the direction of the bullet, would you. You really need to be informed of things before using them to ridicule others, as you make yerself look stupid

  5. This time it really was probably was a botched suicide attempt by Epstein.

    The people employed by the Deep State to make problems go away are professionals. They usually get the job done. (Ask Seth Rich.)

    So it follows that our betters aren’t quite ready to kill Jeffrey Epstein—not while they still have other ways of stopping him from singing or while he might still be useful against Trump.

    But even so: why isn’t Epstein under surveillance for his own protection 24 hours a day? Why did anybody have to “find” him?

  6. Over the years, one that follows the affairs of man, one gets the distinct drift that there is something, somewhere that is looking out for Clintons.

    However unpleasant and outrageous this may sound it must be Lucifer hisself, if he is still around.

    Let us see what the guy in jail knows before the execution.

  7. Just how creepy is Hillary Clinton? Here’s how she backs a former friend of the family, harbouring no ill will of course:

    “It has been revealed that former president Bill Clinton was a guest at Epstein’s “orgy island” 26 times, where naturally nothing unethical happened.”

    “We were such good friends, so that’s why his suicide next week is such a tragic shock to us,” Clinton added (on July 8th).

    Atta boy. Maybe there was a mix up over dates and times. Imagine now how close she came to being POTUS.

    We were such good friends with North Korea, so that’s why our invasion next week is such a tragic shock to US.


    1. You do know that that is a fake news site. “The most reliable source of fake news on the planet.”

      1. Fake news site or not, That fake news article was actually was posted two weeks ago.

  8. Epstein’s coming suicide will be another tragic accident.
    Just as Whitey Bolger is no more.
    That corrupt individuals might conspire together to protect and enrich themselves is inconceivable…according to our Presstitutes.
    Groups with common interests are normal human behaviour,those seeking immoral advantage over everyone else are the basis of Political Parties.
    Epstein might want to hire private security to protect him from his current “protectors”.
    Because he is clearly less danger to the “elites” dead.
    And is Epstein real?Or was he always a front for Blackmail Incorporated.?
    We really need that list of Congressmen,Senators and their staff who have used the citizen funded slush fund to silence their victims.

    If President Trump cannot keep Epstein from Arkancide,we can conclude he still has no command of the corrupt institutions.

    1. Funniest part of the thread for me was the hearse emblazoned with the signage:

      “Clinton Foundation Witness Removal”

      “Protected by: United States Department of Justice”



      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North”

  9. Just think that Trump’s former personal Lawyer is in Jail knitting wool socks for his/her cell mate… Not a nice place…Maybe Suicide is one sane option.. Stormy’s Lawyer is on deck….

  10. How fitting that Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s picture was included in a thread involving child sex trafficking and pedophilia.

  11. I suspect this is a message to Epstein from Clinton.
    I assume he has an “insurance policy” trove of blackmail info to be released upon his death. Likewise Hillary has an “insurance policy” – if Epstein leaks he’s dead and there is no place beyond her reach.

  12. So you really are this insane? You really think The Deep State did it and would have gotten away with it too if not for you darn kids!

    It’s time to stop.

    1. Not all of us. I dare say this really was Epstein’s botched attempt on his own life. The Deep State aren’t ready to kill him quite yet. They’ve been at this a long time and they would not have Epstein get away alive.

      The real question is why he wasn’t under 24/7 surveillance already. They had left the Arkancide option open, clearly.

      1. Good thing we have plucky randos online to see the truth! Jet fuel can’t melt steel!

        1. Hell unDork, I carry “jet” fuel in plastic containers, and it doesn’t even melt them!!!

      2. A guy who just applied to have the no-bail-stay -in-prison decision revoked is highly unlikely to be contemplating suicide.

  13. This guy could be in the cross-hairs of both the Clintons and the British royals. It’s a race to the finish for style points, might be a bit difficult to get Jeff into a chauffered limo but there’s no shortage of tunnels in the vicinity of NYC. And who knows who else might have been guests of his at the island? Word gets around about these “opportunities.”

  14. There sure have been a lot of coincidental deaths associated with the Clintons.

  15. “a lot of coincidental deaths associated with the Clintons”
    or put another way
    ‘the Clintons seem to cause a lot of suicidal depression in their friends and associates’
