We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars

The future’s so bright, they gotta wear shrouds;

Sales of electric and hybrid vehicles have dropped more than 50 per cent in Ontario over the past year, according to data provided by a non-profit advocacy group.
Electric Mobility Canada recently released a report on electric vehicle sales compiling data from Statistics Canada and IHS Markit, a market analysis firm.
During the first quarter of 2018, 2,633 electric vehicles were sold in Ontario. During the same time period this year, that number dropped to 1,219.
Electric Mobility Canada attributes at least part of this decline to the end of Ontario’s Electric and Hydrogen Vehicle Incentive Program (EHVIP) in July 2018.
The program offered drivers between $5,000 and $14,000 to buy new environmentally friendly vehicles from a range of auto manufacturers.

Major Setback For EVs;

Peak oil demand might be delayed as the U.S. and China scale back support for fuel efficiency and electric vehicles.
According to Rapidan Energy, changes to policies in these two key countries, plus others, “may prompt reexamination of oil demand forecasts from IEA and EIA.” The consultancy is drawing upon its database that tracks 71 policies across 37 countries, which collectively account for 62.4 million barrels per day of oil demand.
In the U.S., the Trump administration is in the process of watering-down national fuel economy standards for cars and light-duty trucks. The proposal would freeze corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards at 39 miles per gallon by 2020, rather than letting them rise to 55 mpg as the Obama-era rules require. California has vowed to use its unique authority to maintain tighter fuel economy standards, but the Trump administration is also seeking to strip the state of its ability to set independent rules.

It’s as though they have to pay people to buy them.

38 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

  1. Put bumper stickers on electric cars that read


    Might shake some reality into the dupes who are buying into these polluting duds.

    1. Put bumper stickers on electric cars that read
      “RUNS ON COAL”


  2. Now, only the virtue signalling regimes of Quebec and BC are subsidizing wealthy poseurs in purchasing their virtue vessels. The CBC seems to think that the Ontario government is “mean” in refusing to piss a billion dollars / year away on the wealthy to appease their enemies. That’s not surprising given that Canadians piss away that much on the CBC and with much more to come thanks to the Spawn.

    1. Yes, in fact Horgan was bragging that it is SO popular. Socialists just love Free Shit.

      I’ve seen quite a few Tesla’s lately in Vic. Hope all the virtue signallers feel good about their $60k electric car, where a new ANYTHING for $40k would have been over $400/mo cheaper, and a better car. No one ever accused leftists of being smart or economical.

      1. – No, but they’re EVAR so much more VIRTUOUS!!! – and that’s what matters; just ask Sock Puppet.

        “I would NEVER kill ANYTHING for meat – I get MY meat at the supermarket, why can’t everybody else???”

  3. You know, I’m actually looking forward to the development of a real, practical electric vehicle.

    It will be developed in Israel.

    The Jewish people have a genuine interest in keeping their dependence on oil to a minimum until the Muslim problem in the Middle East is solved and Israel comes into her full inheritance (viz. everything between the Nile and the Tigris, including the Arabian peninsula).

    Our masters have no incentive to develop an electric car that ever amounts to more than a rich man’s toy.

    All they do want is to minimize oil consumption in the West—to keep the oil cheap and the Chinese economy posting eight-percent growth rates year after year until China is in a position to defeat the United States in war and enslave or exterminate the peoples of the west, saving our masters the trouble.

    Why can’t we have cheap gas, never mind a practical electric car? Same reason you don’t buy new toys for a dog if the dog is going to the vet to be destroyed in the morning.

    1. Enlighten me, when were Hebrews ever in control of Arabia or Mesopotamia, or the west bank of the Nile?

      1. Genesis 15:18-21.

        God promised to Abraham and his posterity a vast territory including what is now Israel (of course), Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Oman, Yemen, Egypt east of the Nile, and most of Turkey. The entire Middle East, in other words.

        Have pious Jews ever effectively controlled all that territory? To answer that question, no. Not yet.

      1. I didn’t know that. Thanks for the tip, Kate.

        I will say in my defense that I didn’t expect to see it happen tomorrow morning! All I meant was that Israel has incentives to make it happen that Silicon Valley does not.

        Israelis will take another, more successful shot at the moon, and they will take another, more successful shot at the electric car.

  4. “The program offered drivers between $5,000 and $14,000 to buy new environmentally friendly vehicles from a range of auto manufacturers.”
    I thought they were talking about electrical cars, not environmentally friendly vehicles.

    And the quote from the second site said “watering-down” national fuel economy standards, not merely something neutral like scaling down, so you know on which side the site stands. Of course we knew that already, seeing as how it is talking about “peak oil demands.” Curiously, it’s something that calls itself oilprice.com.

  5. “The Unbearable Lightness of Being” Kathleen Wynne and Gerald Butts:

    Q. Who pays a direct subsidy of $14,000 for an EV with a sticker price of $100,000+?

    A. There is no sane answer.


    Q. Who bills Canadian taxpayers $180,000+ for a move from Toronto to Ottawa, and then repays $60,000 of it when the complaints start (net $120,000; the $60,000 wouldn’t have been enough?)?

    A. There is no sane answer.

    1. It’s encouraging to read that Ontario taxpayers have been able to reduce this aspect of their Butthurt by more than 50% in one year.
      Next up… Canada.

      1. They’re still using those TOU meters in Ontario arent they..??
        The ones, whereby at 7AM your electrical rates go up to the high rte…say $ 0.25/kwhr – then at 9AM it goes to a middle rate (till 3 PM), of say $ 0.18/kwhr … then at 3 PM back up to the high rate of $ 0.25/kwhr all the way to 11PM when it goes to the std rate: $ 0.15/kwhr.

        Not too sure of the rates themselves (Likely Higher), but I recall this outright theft being sold as a means to “conserve” energy by having hosueholds do their Laundry/Dishashers at 3:00 AM etc.

        All they really did was increase ones overall bill by at leasst 50%.

        1. Theo:

          The differential is not that much, and the Auditor General has criticized the whole scheme as not providing the load-shifting incentive needed. And she’s right, you know.

          As I’m the Night Manager round here, I’ll put the washing machine and/or dishwasher on during off-peak hours — assuming there’s enough work to be done. Frequently, we’ll just run the dishwasher during the weekday hours, because the inconvenience factor exceeds the pretty marginal financial benefit of load shifting.

    2. One possible answer is that the voters in Ontario are so stupid that they continued to vote in robber-barons and pick-pockets. Now they are paying …. All huge assholes between Harris and Ford. Now with Doug Ford, things may improve if it’s not too late already for Ontario. The Debt is holocaustian. There is still a huge stupid sector in the voting public. Mostly the free-stuff gang and brain-washed immigrants.

        1. No…UNME, but Ontario’s 335 BILLION Dollar debt sure as hell is…all due to McGuilty/Wynne Liberal assinine stupidity and that NAZI POS Butts.

          1. Theo:

            You make an essential point, but it’s much worse than you are advertising: it’ll be $500 billion before the end of the first term of the Ford administration, and the stranded-asset (“embedded costs above market price”, as the regulators like to say) green energy contracts could push that to close to $600 billion.

            In fact, what Ms. Wynne, who may have some redeeming qualities (I’ve not seen them), called the “Fair Hydro Plan”, which quantified the green-energy stranded costs @ $45 billion, which figure, you may be interested to know, is less than the estimated total cost of building TMX, Northern Gateway, KXL and Energy East — all of them together!

            And the Auditor General of Ontario has reported that Ms. Wynne’s estimate was at the low-end, and could be up to $90 billion higher.

            So, there’s big trouble in Dodge, and folks need to get their heads around this.

          2. Theo:

            I meant “more than”, not “less than”.

            Also, there is a “which” in there (which term might be ascribed, in the general pronunciation, to a certain individual) that should not be there.

            You’ll find my errors.

            Please accept my apologies.

        2. I mostly agree with you.

          We spend a lot of time in the summer months @ the Lake Huron shore, and it always brings a smile to my face, because all families, whatever their origin, are exactly the same as my family was 50+ years ago — the kids want to go in the water the second they arrive, the dad is trying to get stuff set up while being swarmed by the kids, and the mom is just trying to keep the whole episode from exploding.

          I find it quite humorous, indeed.

  6. this stuff about the muskman sending rockets into space, is he planning to bug out if the dream turns into a nightmare?
    jist askin’ . . . . . .
    more people need to watch a couple episodes of American Greed to gauge just how bloody stooooopid some people are and
    to NOT follow the crowd.

    I made a comment the other day with some blokes having coffee, to whit having autism was a BIG plus for me, ie, being the ‘weird one’
    I was never given invitations to ‘join the group’ and ‘participate in X’, join the team, bla bla bla. and thus was NEVER at risk
    of being sucked into a cult. kinda like the electric ve-hic-le cult.

  7. I thought there was supposed to be some promise with hydrogen fuel cells, but I don’t want to subsidize it.
    I don’t want to subsidize anything anymore. Its like paying ridiculous ticket prices so the athletes can also support their entourage of idiots.

    1. The three immediate problems with hydrogen fuel cells are that:

      1) hydrogen is lousy fuel, especially in something as small as a car; you store it highly-pressurised (i.e., a bomb) or very, very cold (i.e., a bomb that will kill you if it gets splashed on you in a collision, THEN explode), and either will leak-out of your tank because the stuff’s atoms are so small, it’ll go through anything – and either form is dangerous enough that filling stations are going to need HUGE modifications and certified pump jockeys to fill vehicles;

      2) the energy in a fuel is proportional to its weight. Hydrogen weighs ~nothing; a 45-gallon drum’s worth of liquid hydrogen weighs 50 lb. Even in a fuel cell, which at best is ~twice as efficient as a modern gasoline internal combustion engine, a tankful won’t take you very far; and

      3) if you’re of a global-warming bent, by far the biggest greenhouse gas on the planet is water vapour, which hydrogen cars will be chugging-out in huge volume.

      The HUGE advantage of hydrogen-powered cars, if you’re of a peak-oil bent, is that we never run-out of the stuff; you use it, it turns into water, you re-electrolyze it, capture all the original hydrogen and pump it back into your tank.

  8. Terrence Corcoran drove these in 2007 and 2017. He noted that there was a HUGE improvement and the new ones are downright nice to drive. They need to get really good-which is all the more reason not to subsidize them. Subsidies aren’t as bad as tariffs but not exactly pro-innovation policy.

  9. Every time I see a Tesla on the road I say to myself please don’t let those wheels be whompy today and I hope they aren’t using their murder pilot

  10. Electric vehicles been available on every continent since 1832. EIGHTEEN THIRTY TWO. That is 200 years of continuous availability. The Scots, the French, the Swiss, the Germans, the Brits, everyone everywhere has been trying for the electric car. For 200 years. The electric car has been around longer than the internal combustion engine.

    Anyone who thinks the electric car is coming, is an idiot. Frankly, there are no words to describe the stupidity of people who have joined this cult of their own free will.

    1. Heh. Like nuclear fusion, of which some physicist wag in the scientific train (not the industry yet) said, “Nuclear fusion is the energy of the future – and always will be.”

    2. The one thing that keeps the whole electric car scam going is the corrupt political class.

      And manufacturers will probably not resist too much, as electrics may give them the ability to capture repair and parts business in a way not possible with traditional IC vehicles. If electric cars remain so complicated electronically that only the dealers will be able to repair them – I’ve been told by an independent mechanic that Prius’s are almost impossible to work on- they will capture a huge amount of repair revenue that currently goes to third parties. Plus, the likely lack of availability of the replacement electronic components by aftermarket manufacturers will also tend to give the OEM dealer an advantage in keeping all the repair business in house.

      So long as the political class gets to dictate, the ordinary people will have no say and will be forced into electric car ownership.

  11. Kevin, if just half off all the vehicles on the road were electric, the charging requirements would collapse the current electricity grid.

    1. OWG…not just the grid.

      Where would the extra amp/hrs come from..?? 500,000,000 vehicles in NA…gonna need a shit ton of energy.

      Hydro is pretty much tapped out
      Coal-Nat Gas…yea not likely in this eco-assinine environment
      Wind Solar – ha ha ha. Not Freaking Ever.
      Thermal..? Maybe but whose building it – NO ONE.
      So that leaves what exactly..??

      Nuclear .. and for some strange reason, I dont see GreenPeace endorsing that. EV’s are nothing less than an impractical virtue signalling pipedream.

    2. Collapsing the electrical quick grid?

      That’s a feature, not a bug.

      Another crisis for the political class to solve.

  12. Just filled my SUV to the brim with gas.

    Now it has a 752km range.

    Sorry EVs.

    Beautiful isn’t it?
