When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

Bryon York;

Mueller’s performance raised questions that reached far beyond one appearance before one committee. It called into doubt the degree to which Mueller was in charge of the entire special counsel investigation.
“You wonder how much of this was affecting the investigation,” one Republican member of the House said as he watched Mueller’s testimony. “It sheds a lot of light on what happened the last two years. He wasn’t in charge.”

Liz Sheld has 5 key take-aways, plus this — “So who was running the show for 2 years? We need to find out.”

I think they already know.

27 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. are the people ever going to wake up and realize democrats have weaponized the government against them?

    Democrats are using the government…IRS, CIA, FBI, courts, etc….to go after anyone that disagrees with them

    just like the Nazis did……exactly like Nazis

    1. Lat

      I 100% Concur with that assessment.
      VERY much like the Liberals here in Kanada.
      They scream “NAZI”, when in fact it is they who most resemble them. Just like AntiFa – a carbon copy of Ernst Rhoms SA thugs.

      Mueller was sad…the perfect Expose of the deep state.
      You know someone else wrote that document – he had no clue.

  2. Ironic if the sheeple figure out through the Mueller “process” that the actual Russian collusion was an attempt to smear Trump and get the weak, more manageable HRC elected. The Reagan revolution succeeded (for a time) when a critical mass of moderates figured out what the “far right” of that era already knew about the Carter vintage liberals. The Trump revolution will succeed if the same thing happens after this farce and other evidence hiding in plain sight. The rotten edifice hasn’t fallen yet, but it’s shaking.

    1. Yes, according to Nancy Pelosi, the Russians hacked the DNC server so that naturally led everyone to conclude Trump was a Russian spy. It’s quite obvious to the Dimocrats, why can’t others see that? Maybe they’re mentally ill, or …. Racists!

  3. Based on yesterday’s testimony … I want ALL of Mueller’s personal salary refunded to the Treasury. The American people did NOT get what they paid-for.

    THAT … was not a man whose yeeeeaaaarrrs of public service … gets paid TOP $$$$$. THAT was a man … 20 years past his competency. Just imagine if Trump appointed him as FBI Director …

  4. I still like: “The person who learned the most about the Mueller report today was BoB Mueller” line from yesterday

  5. Funny. The CBC didn’t report the part about “quickly walking back……” Almost as if they had an agenda.

  6. I think the most powerful part was when Debbie Lesko revealed on TV that the mueller report is mostly sourced from press reports. She didn’t really lay out how the press reports themselves are actually sourced by leaks within the investigation though which is the case here. It’s literally a game where they launder bs through the press to give it legitimacy. Completely outrageous and I’m guessing it’s common practice.

    1. Yes, the “Demkcrat” socialist extremists, the swamp and the media cartel are the extremists that took this task on, to destroy American president they simply don’t like.
      One suspect, the media cartel and the “Demokrat” extremists new the president personally from the cocktail circuit in NY, Florida and other such swamp locations. He probably told off a lot of them as is his want. While he went about his business, all they could do is take it on the chin. Once he became a president, they had a high value target and a chance for revenge.

      This circus, initiated and kept going by the media cartel and the swamp is the result.
      If you read a little of the goings of the Roman empire, you would find parallels in the behavior of the swamp and the courtiers.
      You would also find that most of the emperor wannabees and emperors were killed off by those that knew them.
      While we’re not there yet, you can probably see it from here.

  7. Im disgusted by how the pundits and politicians are now suggesting Mueller got duped and used and he is really a noble guy who served his country well, and has just lost a few steps.
    Pure utter BS. Mueller has been a hatchet man for the swamp his whole career and happily and willingly jumped at the opportunity to get the accolades for taking out a sitting president.
    Just think if this would have been successful – think Bob would be exposed?
    Mueller needs to be imprisoned or hung with the rest of the seditious bunch

  8. Oh I think the public got its money’s worth.
    You have to be totally delusional (or hard core partisan Democrat) to not see what is going on.
    The cold hard truth now is that if the Democrats still want to pursue this investigation the only leads they can pursue are the ones that lead directly to Hillary.
    So drop it and explain why they kept this going this long or prolong it and have it get worse.
    That right there is what you call a liberal nightmare.

    1. Apparently, unconfirmed iow, they got $40million from those they framed, I mean charged.

  9. Trey Gowdy summed it up best with “the person who learned the most about the Mueller Report today was Bob Mueller.”
    It was a political hit job and subsequent butt saver from day one, with Mueller as cover.
    Rational Democrats are today embarrassed by yesterday’s spectacle.
    Additionally some of the more lucid loonies are running for cover, throwing Mueller under the bus to save themselves.
    Yes, Ted Lieu has a new warped interpretation (they never investigated Trump for obstruction). Volume 2, what volume 2?
    Yes, their loonies in chief will go into high dudgeon in an attempt to somehow have an election without discussing policies
    Oh, they are the party of compassion, diversity and tolerance. Watch them go and hope they never find you not, not guilty.
    I suspect actual guilty verdicts fairly soon as the safeties come off and ensconced veterans suspend their institutional denial.

  10. Mueller got his (LOTS OF) money.
    His previous crimes will disappear. He doesn’t care.

  11. Who was running the show for two years? Same people who’ve been running it for two thousand and more, Liz. Bob Mueller is just another useful idiot.

    It’s a small club, as someone once said—50,000 at most worldwide, is my educated guess—and you and I aren’t in it.

    More to the point, neither is Trump. That is why the club want him out, because they cannot guarantee that he won’t take the side of good, decent people against the club.

  12. There will be a massive damage control meeting in DC this weekend and in attendance will be Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, Clapper, Rosenstein, Comey, Brennan and all associate minions. They will formulate an excuse that Mueller’s geriatric performance was because he had suffered a TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) or a minor stroke or slight heart attack at the beginning of the investigation. The DOJ in its wisdom, rather than delay the investigation until another special counsel could be appointed, decided to let Wiessman and Zebley continue. There will be great tearful and sorrowful “Mea Culp’s” of the error of judgement and now a call for another investigation, which the Democratic House will endorse with much enthusiasm since the American public need to know how Trump is the BAD ORANGE MAN.

  13. Rush made the point yesterday as he was watching the Mueller Movie that during Devin Nunes’ questioning Mueller was intently listening because he was hearing things for the first time, things that weren’t investigated but more importantly things that WERE in his report. Conclusion? He wasn’t in charge. Andrew Weissman was. It should be called the “Weissman Report”.
    Regardless how damaging this was to the Dems and the Never Trumpers one for sure isn’t backing down. Our Never Trumper talk show host in Calgary gave his take by playing a four minute clip of Adam “Pencil Neck” Schiff asking leading questions to Mueller that proved nothing. Questions like, “Did Trump ask the Russians to hack Hillary’s emails?” when Trump was obviously joking and frankly mocking the media during one of his rallies. Other questions asked if Trump “had interests in building in Russia?” OMG. A world wide builder that has an interest in building…world wide. Brekenridge though told his audience that four minute clip is all you needed to hear for proof that ORANGE MAN BAD. Yep er Rob, that four minutes was the ONLY thing to take away from the days event. Telling that he waited till the very end of his show to give this take. No time given for callers or text messages to challenge him. Can’t have that.

    1. Pencil-neck Geek asked Mueller … if I recall correctly …

      Did Trump plan to build a “Tower” in Russia?
      Did Trump speak to a Russian banker about his “Tower” in Moscow?
      Did Trump stand to make $100M for building a “Tower” in Russia?
      Did Trump contact an associate of Putin in regards to his “Tower” in Russia.

      Honestly!? I was LAUGHING at pencil-neck, mental-patient, Geek’s questions. OMG!? It was pure comedy. I am sooooooo far past being “angry” at these freaks. They’re incompetent boobs. In the REAL world, these people would never get jobs more involved than packing Amazon boxes. They’re simpleton fools.

      1. No, no, no and no. Schiff and the other deluded ones, who promised “evidence,” owe the American people and apology.

  14. Say, you don’t suppose Roger Stone planted Mueller on the Mueller investigation team and ….. and …. slap …. slap. Thanks, I needed that.

  15. Dems are laying smoke, trying a tactical withdrawal from Russia collusion.
    Now it’s about “Russian interference with the 2016 election.”
    That which happened on Obama’s watch for which he was disdainful of the threat.
