90 Replies to “July 26, 2019: Reader Tips”

    1. Well, she has a point. She seems to be an interesting activist. A number of her other videos are posted. I am glad to find out about her.

    2. My brothers were great men. They always said “Why is it always the fat, ugly women who take off their clothes! No one, and I mean no one wants to see what they have to offer.”

      1. lol !!!
        oh good grief. when guelph gwen got topless legalized, I was working in hamilton.
        round the corner comes 50something saggy tits on a bicycle, finally expunged the image after some time . . . . . .

        you cant even mockingly remind the hotties nowadays whut’s legal or off to the gulag you go.

        it all reminds me of that Slayed song:
        (saw these blokes live in ’73)

      2. I live 3-4 kms from Wreck Beach here in Vancouver.
        I have never gone there, exactly for the reasons outlined by your wise brothers: fear of visions of wrecked feminine humanity.

        1. When I was at UBC nearly 40 years ago, I was travelling along Marine Drive one summer afternoon and passed by where the path to Wreck Beach started. I’m sure that there were cars parked about 1 km on either side of that point.

  1. If you have the opportunity, read “The Art of Racing in the Rain”. The movie will open on Aug. 9th. If the movie is anywhere near the book, (and, from the trailers, it looks like it is) then it will be well worthwhile. I hope!!!

    1. A number of years ago Maureen McTeer suggested tearing it down and having a contest to show case Canadian architecture for building something more practical. That really should be done. Solves many issues. There is not even a lot of nostalgia for the existing house ad most people never see it.

      1. Tear it down and replace it with nothing.

        Angela Merkel, I am told, lives in an ordinary apartment in Berlin, with nothing marking it but the security guard at the door. I’m sure somebody will be happy to rent to Prime Minister Doug Ford.

        As for Justin himself, there’s plenty of room in Canada’s prisons. He won’t even need Sophie to cook for him.

        1. – and REALLY happy not to spend any more tax dollars on Sock Puppet! Let’s sell-off a few of his water toys we bought for his cottage, he won’t need ’em after October anyways, and maybe put-in a tap se he doesn’t need any more cardboard-drink-box thingies, we’ll have the money in no time!

          1. Ah, but isn’t his personal comfort worth the taxes we’re being assessed? Where is your love for the Great Leader? (sarcasm = off)

        2. This. These clowns that work for us need to be taught (by the electorate) that they are government employees and not royalty. I would currently place them at some level below government employees in fact. All they do is steal from taxpayers and reward their friends. They do not deserve to be housed in mansions bought and paid for by hardworking Albertans. Bombardier, foreign dictatorships and SNC Lavalin should build Trudeau his mansion as a reward for the billions of dollars he has bequeathed to them.

        3. “Angela Merkel, I am told, lives in an ordinary apartment in Berlin, with nothing marking it but the security guard at the door”

          Rubbish. Such a place couldn’t be made secure. A State Leader cannot share walls/floors with strangers in unsecured abodes.
          All an assassin or extreme action group has to do is have access to another one of the “apartments” and fill it with munitions or an ANFO bomb or just cans of gasoline and they can begin a successful run at the Chancellor of Germany.

    2. Then again, to Prinz Dummkopf, the palace at Versailles must seem like a shack.

      1. – Are you subtly drawing attention to what befell Versailles’s last royal occupants? – Oh, you naughty man you! =D

    3. He could live in a hotel. Hopefully we could choose one with a bunch of “refugees” he rescued.

      Or just stay at that cottage, the kids would love it. Assign one of our SeaKings for his daily commute to the office.

    4. How about a National Longhouse? Could have solar panels disguised as logs for heat and lots of room for border crossers. Showers when it rains. Think of the voting groups it would attract.

    5. I shit you not, the FLAGPOLE on the Justice Building in Ottawa – google it under images – is classified as Heritage. Those “H” people are delusional. They’re like lawyers: they get a cut of everyone’s existence because they’ve self-empowered themselves.

      1. It may actually be Heritage. There’s a football stadium in middle England, its flagpole is one of the topmasts from the Great Eastern.

        I’d LOVE to swipe it as a souvenir! Might cause problems bringing it back in through customs, tho’ – “Is that the stolen topmast from the Great Eastern under your trenchcoat, or are you just happy to see me….. ?”

    6. What flabbergasted me was the $35 million price tag for renovation. Something is deeply, desperately wrong with that estimate. I think the Canadian public should be shown the figures. There’s some serious padding going on there.

      There are a number of preposterously HUGE houses (six-seven bedrooms +) in areas like Rockcliffe and along the Rideau Canal that are going for three to five million dollars or more.

      Since the Crown already owns the prime real estate the PM’s residence sits on, you cannot tell me they couldn’t just demolish the present house and put up a luxurious monster with all the modern amenities for – let me be generous here – $10 million.

      1. First, to work with the Feds you gotta double the price of everything. At least.
        Second, renovations are 5 times worse than building new.
        Third, its a shithole.

        And I vote for the demo and new home. Even if the Stuttering Fluff and the Pustules (his ministers and advisers) get credit for the decision.

  2. Trudeau’s CBC is excited this morning about a large rock uncovered at a construction site in Toronto. Rumour has it that tomorrow they have an exclusive story on a squirrel playing in a park.

    1. John, if CBC News does a story about a squirrel playing somewhere, that is a positive for the moribund network. Squirrels are not left wing — at least one hopes the CBC portrays them as politically neutral.

      1. Squirrels are anti-robin, or is it that robins are anti-squirrel. The other day, as I was coming home from the gym, I saw a robin chase one as the furry critter was climbing a tree.

  3. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/bernier-immigrants-fact-check-1.5225422
    Uh oh. CBC has countered Mad Max’s immigration claims.
    The author cherry picks his own data and frankly proves himself to be a mathematical idiot by claiming that 7.84 million people equals 25% of the population. Well no, because Canada surpassed 37 million over a year ago.
    Speaking English or French is a giant success indicator. It’s a fact not a filthy statistic. I would bet it helps more than education. But that’s just my opinion.

    1. I have not done the calculation on this, but surely to arrive at the right percentage you would need to deduct the immigrant population from the total population.

    2. The awful truth is that the former Dominion Bureau of Statistics don’t collect any data that would clearly demonstrate the amazing benefits of Third World immigration—because there aren’t any.

      Moving on:

      Max is controlled opposition designed to split the right. That’s why the CBC are giving him this much publicity despite his being at three percent in the polls.

      1. guess what there acid, gotta start somewhere, some time eh?
        Im voting for Max because I hope he will continue to gain ground.
        voting is a gamble every time, but successful gamblers know lots and lots about playing the odds, and
        knowing probability means SOMETIMES IT TAKES A COUPLE TRIES TO SUCCEED.
        you are a twerp following the century old ‘status quo’ mode.

    3. Of the immigrants allowed into Canada, 60% are approved on economic grounds (i.e. that they will benefit Canada), 30% for family reunification and 10% as refugees. You would need to break down the 60% and determine whether they were successful and we just don’t do that. So both Max and the CBC reporter are arguing without data to back them up.

      1. Maxime Bernier

        Another unprofessional and intellectually dishonest CBC “journalist,” @JonGatehouse, claims to have refuted a key part of my speech on immigration by selectively quoting from it and making me say something I did not say.

        He writes: Per Bernier, that means “only 26 per cent of all the people who come to Canada every year actually fulfil our economic needs,” and that the remainder are “dependents” who “may not master any of our official languages, or are too young or too old to work.”

        This gives the impression I said that 74% of immigrants – those who are not directly chosen on the basis of their skills and work qualifications, but come as spouses, children, under family reunification, or as refugees – are ALL dependent children or seniors who won’t work.

        Gatehouse then writes that “nothing prevents them from seeking work” and proceeds to give stats showing a large proportion of them do work, which according to him proves that my statement was “patently false.”

        But that’s not at all what I said.

        Excerpt from my speech: “three quarters of all immigrants who come to Canada are dependents, DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT QUALIFICATIONS THAT WE NEED, may not master any of our official languages, OR are too young or too old to work.”

        What I said is that none of these 74% were chosen to directly fulfil our economic needs. Many will not work.

        But even those who find work do not have the right qualifications we need, and earn less than other Canadians for most of their lives, as Gatehouse confirms.

        Verdict: This is pro-mass immigration CBC propaganda.

        Nothing I said is being refuted in this hit piece.

        Only 26% of all immigrants directly answer our economic needs.

        We must accept more of these, and fewer of the others who are a burden for Canadian taxpayers.


        1. Maxime Bernier Retweeted

          Patrick Grady

          @CBC “Fact Check” on the claim of @maximebernier
          on the high fiscal cost of recent immigrants got it wrong. Our updated @fraserinstitute
          study showed the net fiscal cost of immigrants arriving after 1985 remained substantial in 2014 at $5,329 per-capita.

          (link: https://www.fraserinstitute.org/sites/default/files/immigration-and-the-welfare-state-revisited.pdf)



        2. “Excerpt from my speech: “three quarters of all immigrants who come to Canada are dependents, DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT QUALIFICATIONS THAT WE NEED, may not master any of our official languages, OR are too young or too old to work.”

          According to stats can 60% of immigrants are chosen for economic benefit to Canada. You say 74% come to Canada as dependents but offer no proof. Are you from the Economic School of Kathleen Wynne or The Max Bernier School of Fact Checking 101?

      2. Some would argue – like Minister Fifth Column Hussen – that ALL will benefit Canada as their definition of benefit is just that, theirs.
        Facts and data are difficult for news agencies and politicians alike. Selling themselves and their narrative is all that matters.

  4. Maxime Bernier Retweeted

    Sherwin Edwards 2019

    @MaximeBernier and the #ppc will address the real issues Facing our country. immigration-over taxation -the economy #Canadiansfirst.

    The cold hard truth has arrived . #Choicecanada #Commonsenserevolution


    1. There is no choice.
      Scheer is the only vote if we don’t want 4 more of sockboy.
      The fact that Bernier & the PPC are fine with with another Trudeau term tells me lots.

      1. It should tell you that Scheer is not sufficiently representing conservative interests. Personally, Scheer is much more appealing than the phoney Trudeau, but he is not going after Liberals and their policies, he dumps on Conservative media and brushes aside candidates based on Liberal views of political correctness. I am not happy with Scheer. I feel he has abandoned his base. Also, he could have used Max to his advantage, rather than alienating him. Scheer needs a strong conservative voice in the party, and now he does not have one.

        1. The LibCons have caused all this mess

          I will not vote for either one to get us out of this mess

          There is only one conservative option and that is the PPC and Max

      2. The fact that you want to elect a “Conservative” party with a Globalist Liberal Platform tells me a lot.
        It was never about removing Trudeau and always about Nationalism and the pushing back of globalist and communist control over our country. If Scheer simply apes Trudeau’s agenda, Canada is toast. Your thinking is exactly how you are supposed to react. Just like Trump could never win, or Boris, or Brazil, or Italy, or all the other new governments now winning around the world. Short sighted Tory thinking has held us back long enough. In the long run, one more leftist government cycle is much preferable to destroying the right by governing like the left. For an example, see Alberta re Wildrose and Red Tories.

      3. I beg to differ.
        As a long time Western Citizen,Reelecting Trudeau is the best result I can expect this fall.
        The Conservatives are mail bombing me right now,essentially “Please send money,like you were dumb enough to do before”.
        I may even fill in their “survey” but not a cent from me to the Back up Liberal Party.
        Confederation is dead,unworkable and willfully obstructive.
        Taxation in real terms exceeds all other household expenses and the Con’s will do nothing to stop the theft.
        Reform was tried,revolt is next.
        And I am truly revolted.
        How will changing the flunkies of the Uni Party change anything?
        Cause that is all Scheer Waste of Skin promises.

        New boss same as the old boss.
        We have been fooled again and again and again..
        We are fools but even fools get aggravated eventually.
        If a continuation of Confederated Canada is even possible remains to be seen,for no one seems capable of making a case for maintaining what we have.
        I am done bailing while the freeloaders party on,let her sink and may all the rats go down with the hulk.
        Ship of State?
        Inconceivable with a Post Nation State.

        1. agreed.
          knowledge of basic physics proves this out.
          if I want to smash something, I lift it as HIGH (translation, TURD00 wins in October) as possible sose it gets
          more momentum on the way down.
          aka k wynnedfarm effect.

          which again is why Im voting Max as opposed to andy panda sheerstupidity.

  5. Which city was attacked on 911?

    Who was the mayor of New York on 911?

    Who was interviewed on 911 from New York City and has become the The President of the USA?

    Who is the President Lawyer?

    You screw with New York and New York will screw you back!

    It’s coming

  6. Speaking of Hollywood and supporting it and their activi$t cartel thru taking in their movies.

    If you give them your money and recommend their product, then you are in effect sabotaging your own beliefs and social wellbeing.
    Entertaining or not isn’t the real criterion here…it is about supporting the very hydra that wants control over your daily affairs.
    In fact it wants your soul.

    Like it or otherwise, Conservatives will never survive if they keep supporting the very power structure that wants them gone.

  7. Well there goes the narrative. CBC and the rest of Trudeau’s media have been trying to push the story that the two teenage killers on the run are Nazis. Toronto Sun reports that the father stated that the teens were not fascinated by Nazis but by Russia. In other news CNN has been pushing the story that the American GDP would be below the projected 1.8 %. Turns out to be 2.1%

  8. The CBC Arts division yesterday published a piece attacking the “haters” (i.e., people who oppose pedophilia), given the attacks against their recent CBC doc, “Drag Kids”:

    If one googles the terms “CBC”, “Drag Kids” and “pedophilia, one only turns up a smattering of criticism from a few conservative blogs (like the SDA) and Lifesite News. Virtually all of the big media gave the pro-pedophile doc a pass. Early on, last summer, I filed a protest to the CBC ombudsman against the CBC’s heavy promotion of “Queen Lactatia”, a 9-year-old boy strutting his stuff as a drag queen. The woman ombudsman refused to adjudicate my letter-of-protest, and I let the matter drop — not knowing the CBC was going full ahead with a pro-pedophile documentary. .

    1. Max and the PPC are the only ones who want to defund the CBC, Harper with his majority had his chance do you really think scaredy-cat Scheer will?

      I do not…

      There’s only one choice this election and it ain’t the LibCons…

  9. Also the CBC web site published, yesterday, a different take on its pro-pedophile Drag Kids doc, counseling parents about how to go about sending their children to drag events:

    As a researcher I like going on the many opposition web sites (left-wing sites, Muslim sites), to dig up dirt to share with bothers. But I will never explore the murky, evil world of pedophilia — or even google information about these sites. It’s too dangerous. But there are near-pedophile sites around, and one wonders how they are treating “Drag Kids”. Just wondering.

  10. I don’t care how good a Hollywood movie might be. I do not surrender my property to leftists. I take great pleasure in not seeing their crap.

    1. I don’t allow every moment of my life to be driven by a political ideology check off list. You might try it sometime.

      1. Thanks Kate..
        Was beginning to feel like I was like too much of an
        ‘everything’s coming up roses type’, based on my 9:27 am post.
        Thanks for the tip- will try to see Tarantino’s movie.

        1. I’ve seen a number of Tarantino’s movies and I hated all of them. I personally think he has a screw loose.

          Me, I’ll stick to stuff made by directors like Howard Hawks or John Ford.

          1. Until today the Tarantino movies I enjoyed are “Django Unchained” and “Inglorious Basterds” because of Christolph Wolf’s performances in both where he stole the show. He is one of my favourite actors.

            Having seen a preview clip a few weeks ago of the latest Tarantino movie I thought I’d take this one in this time because of all the hype.

            “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” was totally enjoyable and is now in the line up amongst the aforementioned favourites. Without giving away anything I would say it is one that all movie aficionados would enjoy. In this one, Brad Pitt stole the show with his low key performance.

            The audience applauded afterwards and one guy stood up after the lights came on and shouted “BRAVO TARANTINO” and more people applauded! Gee, I never saw that happen before!

            The following is from the movie soundtrack:


            To all the movie haters I’d say lighten up a little!

            P.S. If you hate crowds the place is empty on a weekday for the early show. The movie theatre I was at had soft leather recliners like the ones of your dreams that you wish could be on commercial airplanes.

          2. I’ve long thought Tarantino was a bit loopy. Movies like Kill Bill confirmed that. Then I saw Reservoir Dogs, which makes Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch look tame, and all doubt was removed. I’m now convinced that he’s demented.

            I’m giving any movie he’s involved with a wide berth.

      2. Barry, the old white guy, once said:
        “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

      3. It’s not political ideology Kate. It is morality. It is to support my brothers and sisters who also fight this evil. It is to show strength and resolve and not bend to evil and to be true to myself and my family and to be an example to others. This is far more satisfying than being “entertained” by some overpaid dancing monkey.

      4. Appreciate your “intervention” Kate. Acting like lefties getting all tribal serves no one’s purpose but your own. Perhaps going to Brietbart.com and checking out Notle’s take on the flick would aid in these folks self educating.

  11. I like how Quentin Tarantino places obscure songs in his movies at the right time and makes them fun again.

    Have a nice weekend everyone!
    …’grab the ole ladies’… don’t know ’bout that line!


    1. I like the song but I always found it curious that a guy raised in a nice Jewish family from a Jewish area of New York would write a song about a rural gospel revival meeting.

  12. Leo di Chinook…yea, could care less who made the movie. Aint gonna spend any coin to watch his stuff evah…he’s one of those guys whose natural arrogance and disdain for all lower forms of humanity shines right through.

    We cut the cord 3.5 yrs ago….
    Condo has 50″ led HD Screen, Hi spd internet & KODI …no need/desire to go to a theatre.

    As for HolyWeird, it too will slide into the Pacific in the coming Left Coast “Cleansing” – aka the overdue Big One.

    1. I haven’t seen a movie in the theatre for years, partly because most of what’s been produced since then hasn’t been worth the effort. (There are a few that I wish I had watched on the big screen, such as Master and Commander and Blackhawk Down.)

      Instead, I’ve been buying DVDs of my favourite classic films. In the past few months, I’ve added a number of John Wayne westerns to my collection and I plan on ordering some more movies in the next few days.

      I’m looking forward to watching my copy of Giant (with Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor, and James Dean) tonight. Now that is a movie!

  13. Looking forward to seeing the Tarantino movie, but need some time to get over watching that lengthy episode of “Ferris Mueller’s Day Off”.

    1. The strangest Mueller Statement has been missed by the MSM & Political slobbering fools…
      “He said that the Mueller team did not start writing their Report until after the AG promised Congress that he would provide them (Congress) the (Non existing) report”…

      The whole Mueller team had no structured documented process , that is indicative of Organized Crime &/or treason…Hiding method & process….No paper trail….I can only guess that they hoped to be fired and Democrats would have talking points…

      Nothing in the Mueller report has been cross examined in a court of Law by competent Council….When Mueller claims everyone lied….He slanders everyone in his report….How did he ever become the Director of the FBI…Strange character indeed…..

      1. Also read Gerome Corsi`s account of his treatment by the Mueller thugs. I think lawsuits should be in order. His book is called Silent No More.

  14. Gotta disagree with you Kate. All of these Hollywood “big wigs” are making money from all of the little people that they despise. They try and tell us how to live but at the same time don’t exactly try to lead by example. We’re the “disposable deplorables” as far as they are concerned. Hollywood productions from producers and actors that glorify gun violence and then condemn the 2nd. Amendment don’t need my money at the box-office. It is one thing to go to the movies for entertainment, but quite another to be castigated by these same people because we don’t hold all of their beliefs. I don’t need to fund their lifestyle, I don’t need to be preached to about how I am ruining the planet by driving back and forth to work in my gas guzzler, or how I should stop eating hamburgers because of cow farts(Pharts?), or that the President is a treasonous b*astard and should be impeached because some klutz on the Silver Screen tells me. No, I don’t need that klutz preaching from his Hollywood mansion telling me how to live, so I’ll boycott, divest and sanction anything that comes out of Hollywood and the like. A great deal of our problems today can be traced back to Hollywood and the lifestyles it portrays because a lot of the LIVs in America cannot understand that the overt display of wealth and opulence is not real or available to the average American.

  15. https://canadafreepress.com/article/the-flight-93-election-and-what-of-it

    Anyone who is not willing to die, willing to lose votes, willing to be called names in the defense of free speech, is not worth the oxygen that is wasted on them.

    “We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.” ~ Vladimir Lenin

    “Why should freedom of speech and freedom of press be allowed? Why should a government which is doing what it believes to be right allow itself to be criticized? It would not allow opposition by lethal weapons. Ideas are much more fatal things than guns. Why should any man be allowed to buy a printing press and disseminate pernicious opinions calculated to embarrass the government?” ~ Vladimir Lenin

    “One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up.” ~ Arthur Koestler

  16. Maxime Bernier

    Sheila, it’s very naive to expect
    @AndrewScheer to stand up for free speech, or for any conservative principle for that matter.

    I and the army of PPC candidates and supporters are the only ones left who can carry this political banner to Ottawa.

    The Rebel
    unveils our newest #freespeech billboard in Alberta!

    WATCH: (link: http://bit.ly/2LH25RV) bit.ly/2LH25RV

    SIGN THE PETITION: (link: http://www.StopSection13.com) StopSection13.com

  17. Maxime Bernier

    Will there ever be an end to
    @AndrewScheer’s PANDERING to the dairy cartel???

    The guy is literally OBSESSED with these few thousand votes that guaranteed his leadership.

    What kind of deal did he make with them?

    Andrew Scheer

    Justin Trudeau gave concession after concession when he re-negotiated NAFTA. Our farmers, and all Canadians, are now paying for his mistakes.

