14 Replies to “There Goes The Narrative!”

  1. Something about how yes, racism has declined on average, but those who were already prejudiced have become less afraid to be so in public.

    In other words—just for example—people like Sisters Ilhan and Rashida, faced with a US government that is unapologetic about supporting the right of the Jewish people to exist and to thrive in the Land of Israel, have given up the pretense of being anything but Jew-haters.

    Being cornered does not improve the behaviour of a rat.

  2. I guess this is evidence that ignoring racial conflict doesn’t make it go away. Perpetually labeling whites as racist accomplishes nothing. Building the economy does improve things. Canada is likely building a permanent brown underclass. How is that going to serve us in the future? Where is uneducated and unskilled African labour going to fit in a labour market that devalues it almost to the point of slavery? Immigration should be into all levels of society, not just cab drivers and 7 Eleven clerks. We will regret our folly. I used to know lots of brown people. They were better educated and likely smarter than me and they sure seemed to share my values. The latest batch of unskilled refugees – not so much.

  3. a suggestion to the hard right:
    they *actually* DO get it right oftentimes.
    so STOP ‘cherry picking’ screwy leftist ‘research results’ which is *precisely* what leftoids do.
    aaaaand if, IF you INSIST on clucking away, then you MUST refrain from partaking in *any and all* health maintaining
    meds, prosthetics, transplant surgery, digital gadgetry etc up the wazoo. why? *because it is the academic environment where
    a LOT of this stuff gets started*. that’s why.

    1. So we are to ignore the rewriting of history to create trends that make global warming theory work. We are to ignore the fact that it has been a lot warming and a lot cooler in recent history and spend trillions of dollars fixing global warming that doesn’t exist and which humans can’t control.

      1. reread the post scarface. I am definitively NOT excusing the stuff you correctly point out.
        I *AM* pointing to the trillions of dollars correctly invested in the products of successful research that has brought about this
        remarkable unprecedented std of living we have. the crucible, birthplace, and starting point being such things as
        ‘pure research’ that itself grew in ACADEMIA.

        p.s., your reply proved my point, so tqvm.

    2. The logic of your comment is along the same lines as demanding that people not be critical of the engineers who ensured oven efficiency in the camps because other engineers made the trains run on time.

  4. Here’s another little tip about “racism”. Just this week, I met with a nice young WHITE couple with 3-children ages; 2, 4, and 6. Who live in a nice neighborhood on the Oakland-Berkeley border. They are desperately trying to relocate here into the WHITE kingdom of suburbia where I live. They are raging leftists (they made that fact abundantly known). But … they are absolutely unwilling to send their 3 young children through the d-i-v-e-r-s-e public school systems of Oakland or Berkeley. Which begs the question … are they racist?

    Are they racist … because they can afford to MOVE AWAY from diversity? You know … like Nancy Pelosi, and every other so-called “progressive” leftist? Are they racist, because they don’t want their own children to receive s-l-o-w instruction while the teacher translates her lessons into Spanish? Or Chinese, Tagalog, Mongolian, or Hmong? Are they racist because they believe their children are … better … than those little brown kids? Are they racist because they don’t want their children exposed to diseases previously eradicated in this country?

    Or are these refugees from diversity inoculated from racism … forever … because they are screaming leftists? That anything and everything this couple ever does, which looks, sounds, and appears to be racist … isn’t … because they think Ilhan Omar is GREAT! … but they wouldn’t want to live next to her, and have their children attend school with hers, notwithstanding the whole brother-husband thing.

    1. Berkeley? – poor Kamala Harris had to use bussing to escape the ghettos of Berkeley. Otherwise she might have been stuck in the PhD rut like her parents and not gone on to be a dishonest politician. The privileged little rich witch was giving economics lessons to Joe Biden who grew up with a used car salesman father.

  5. I can’t wait for 2020…. The Democrats think they WON the mid-terms, but it was the useless House Republicans who LOST because they were turds that Republicans refused to support… The Republican Fiscal Conservatives will be Next.. Those bastards don’t care that Pelosi/Obama took the Medicare Trust & printed Money for every hair ball Socialist policy… The Fiscal Conservatives only care about themselves and that their Crony Capitalist buggers don’t have to pay…. It’s OK to Fill you pockets with other peoples money…..just as long as it’s not theirs….

    If the Republican Candidates get the Message they will blow the Democrats to Hell in 2020… No more Ryan, or Flake, or McCain,…. Just senile Democrats who think they are still in the 1960’s .. That rodeo is over & done


  6. Another study stating the obvious.
    With the departure of a professional race baiter from the Presidency,the incidents of blatant stupid racism will be reduced.
    Mr “Beer Summit” and “Teachable moments” ain’t holding the bully pulpit no more.
    The current president believes in results,something so alien to the Obama-ites that they have been in permanent burning hair status for 2 1/2 years.
    That and the simple fact the “race Card” has been over played.
    The reaction now is yawn,sneering dismissal of accuser as “butt hurt libtard” and open mocking of the real racists.
    Those real racists being the persons who see the world through a lens of colour.Character and truth mean nothing to these types, who are almost universally “progressives”.

    As for mocking Academia there “hb” yah right.
    They are grossly over valued in their own estimation.
    The universities are crumbling, due to the hubris and greed of self styled elite.
    Uncommon sense is very rare in the “Dark Mills of Academia” producing ever more worthless credentials for cretins.
    What is there product today?
    Can graduates think for themselves?
    Or are they Masters of regurgitation?

    I will bash ’em as I see ’em.
    Certainly I will not voluntarily fund these “Institutions”.
    And resent being robbed to provide a sheltered space for the blind worms gnawing at the foundations of this technologically advanced society that allows us to live so well.

    1. I grant you that J R.
      my emphasis is on previous decades and generations of research and more research done in the
      proper scientific manner and subjects.
      NOT the current predetermined conclusion stuff.
      see my reply to scarface.
      the elitism part is just a ‘cost of doing business’ and exists everywhere I have looked where humahns are involved.

  7. I heard Ottawa professor say on CBC that only White people can be racist. After all Whitey did use the whip on great great grand pappy. Been wondering ever since. Cuz years back found myself in wrong part of Atlantic City and was told by group of Blacks to get out of dodge or get f*cked over and watch my female companion get F*cked.

    That said, I grew up around blacks. Never had issues. Met a Black man in Detroit went out of his way to assist me.

    Obama went out his way to make it about race, e.g., his If I had a son….” comment.
    In this day and age people should know better than go around triggering other people.

    The narrative that Blacks can’t be racist needs to be shutdown. Otherwise we are given them Cart Blanche.

  8. I quit reading that BS when it stated about Trump’s racism. They call every thing Trump says that they don’t like RAAAAAAAAAAAAACISM!!!

    Telling the 4 stooges to go back and fix………………………………………………. ain’t racism in the real world, butt sure as h3ll is in the libtard mind.
