27 Replies to “Fact Check”

  1. Isn’t that the truth. Snopes has become worthless (except as a propaganda tool).

    1. 15 or 20 years ago, I believed Snopes was actually trying. Now, I agree, it’s just worthless propaganda.

  2. Orange man bad.
    Democrat so good for you.
    Not a hint of corruption at Scopes Inc.

    You can fool some of the people all of the time..if they are “Progressives”.

  3. I heard a soft Leftist refer to an “authentic fact” the other day. I made a mental note and avoided the obvious.
    Wickedpedia and Snoops are beyond redemption.

  4. Samantha Josephine Stockings
    ‏ @HattersonFord
    10h10 hours ago
    Replying to @kjell_yvik @tveitdal

    I know this is stating the obvious to most, but that many wouldn’t have died at the same time in the same spot from lack of food. Who did they think would believe that? They also look pretty healthy, besides the dead part.
    0 replies 1 retweet 4 likes

  5. “Snopes Rates Babylon Bee World’s Most Accurate News Source:

    “It’s not even close,” Snopes writer Kim LaCapria wrote as part of the announcement. “Whereas sites like CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC are constantly dropping the ball, The Babylon Bee has never gotten a single fact wrong.”

    “They are the one true news source, the pinnacle of trustworthy journalism,” she added reverently”


  6. Typical Snopes “truther” analysis. …

    “Trump claimed Bill Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express airliner on 27 Times”


    Snopes corrects by saying Epstein’s jet cannot be considered an “airliner” since it is not branded by the FAA as a public carrier. Hence … Trump has “lied” for the 3,766th time.

  7. I’m sure Gormley will be on the radio tomorrow telling us once again, how great Snopes is, how honest they are, how you should trust them,,,because he does, and how they’re not leftwing activists,,,they’re a honest fact checking website! lol FFS

  8. snopes~“We’re not sure if fanning the flames of controversy and muddying the details of a news story classify an article as ‘satire.'”

    Well if you’re not sure , shut your piehole ’til you know what satire means. Sociopaths: not grasping sarcasm and satire since forever.

  9. Althouse had a post on Snopes and the Babylon Bee. Ann didn’t think Babylon Bee was a humorous website, and didn’t think the Snopes “Fake News” rating was a problem.

    Her commenters took over 400 comments to set her straight. Snopes is used by Facebook to rate news sources, and a fake news rating gets Babylon Bee de-monetized and even banned.

    They also noted that The Onion, Daily Show, and others were never bothered by Snopes, because they were team leftist.


  10. I like the way the snopes logo inadvertently shines a light on itself highlighting the word “nope”.

  11. This is by far the most amateurish, poorly researched and argued blog I’ve read in years. Embarrassing to even know about.

    1. Babylon Bee has put a bee in their bonnet 🙂

      (Assuming everyone clicked on the link to see the story)
