37 Replies to “Trudeau’s team wouldn’t lie would they?”

  1. They are not lying because they don’t think they are lying because they honestly believe what they say.

    Insane people honestly believe that they are Napoleon and / or that human production of CO2 will make the earth burn and that the only solution is tax the people and live well supervising us.

    I wonder if Justin Trudeau is giving a lineless rodding to Catherine McKenna? And does he or she wear the high heeled boots? Both?

    Dear, dear, such a complicated world.

    1. Insane people honestly believe that they are Napoleon and / or that human production of CO2 will make the earth burn and that the only solution is tax the people and live well supervising us.

      I’m reminded of a line from a Spike Milligan comedy sketch I heard many years ago: “My uncle was a great man. I know because he told me so.” And so it is with our federal government cabinet ministers.

  2. In politics, a progressive lie is acceptable if it works because the ends justify the means. Canada is awash with mushy mindless “middle” voters who will accept such lies, particularly when the lie has consent of the media because surely the media wouldn’t be complicit would they. The question is will the dairy queen authorize his drones to call out the lies, possibly offending CBC “journalists”.

    1. Lies are always acceptable and in Canada any political promise is never a lie just a promise not kept. See the difference? Nah, I don’t either.

    2. We need some of our people to be educated outside the public system. Why? Because we still need smart people.

      It is the public system that is destroying the minds of so many children by guiding up to become liberal voters. Voting liberal is like that old chestnut, “Turkeys Voting For Thanksgiving”.

      Canadians on average are
      politically stupid
      socially paranoid,
      physically fat.
      But I think about a third of us know that Global Warming is nothing but a giant manipulation of reality. So we got that going for us.

  3. Canadians said no to Stephane Dion and his Green Shift by voting for Stephen Harper.

    After Justin Trudeau got in as Liberal Leader and then somehow PM, the Liberal Party had no reason to foist the Green Shift on Canadians, just because it was coming from Justin Trudeau instead of Stephane Dion. We had already said no thanks. Yes, they are ministers of misinformation.

    These childish Quebec politicians should just leave the ROC alone with their phoney games. We have had enough.

    Our laughing stock PM would have been ignored at the silly Green Movement gathering anyway. Imagine them thinking that they don’t want to talk to Justin. It’s incredible.

    Hope J.T. goes away like Dion. We need some grown-ups to run the backshift of Canexit! We are going nowhere.

    Here, read this if you want to go down memory lane for this civic holiday W/E, for some of you:


  4. The Trudeau Liberals and their fellow-travelers are ideologically possessed.

    Thus, they reject belief in, even the concept of, objective truth, let alone hold it’s pursuit as of highest value.
    Remember, the Trudeau Liberal version of the Holy Grail is a bong.

    Their ideological substitute is found in identity politics; Cult. Marxism’s version of class warfare.
    If lying is in the interest of the Trudeau regime, then it is not only permitted. It is a political obligation.

    (It’s Cultural Marxism’s equivalent of Taqqiya in Islamic jihad. They’re the fraternal twins of totalitarianism.)

  5. Groper continues his taxpayer funded personal time in Vancouver today. Its great being prime minister.

  6. Lilley~”The Liberals can’t promise to fine social media companies for “fake news” and then spread that very thing on Twitter and Facebook.”

    Why…yes they can, Brian.
    But of course any social media company which receives a fine will then have standing to call the Liberals to account in a court of law.

  7. Shrug. They’re doing it (lying) because they know that there will be no counter-attack of worth from scheer-the-steer.

    1. “there will be no counter-attack of worth from scheer”
      Scheer could speak like Churchill and exude the charm of Flynn but you ain’t gonna hear about it.
      He gets zero coverage. See how that works. You never see him or hear him so he becomes invisible and has nothing to say. The only thing left for him to do in the run-up to the election is mishandle the football a reporter will throw his way.

      1. “You never see him or hear him so he becomes invisible and has nothing to say. ”

        My brother is convinced that scheer-the-steer doesn’t want to be PM.

  8. Of course, there is one reliably time-tested method of determining when a politician is telling a lie: their lips move.

    1. Lying is a requirement to get through life. If you speak only the truth and the facts as they are … and always give honest opinion, you will have no family, no friends, no job, not much of life.

      Liars are us, it’s how we roll.

      Lies are the lubricant of our entire society.

      Sad but true.

      1. Yes, but there is a big difference between answering the question, Does my ass look fat in these pants? or I’m very happy with my salary and We will balance the budget in three years or I will scrap the GST.

    2. well Buddy, it wasn’t the libtards that promised me the world would end by 1985. And 1/2 of all goreBULLwarmists I’v debated with are bible thumpers. So, libtards do not have a death grip on lying.

  9. Karina Gould is my MP and her office is just beside the Goodlife gym I go to so I drop in periodically. The last time was when the Liberals declared a climate emergency so I asked their front line guy if its an emergency what are we supposed to do immediately to answer the emergency. 20 minutes later of his obfuscation I gave up. They have the requisite muslim with the hijab. Don’t go there to often as I have to take a shower every time to wash off the slime.

  10. Lies is a strong word. Bullshitting and spinning a narrative is what they’re doing.
    Harper bullshitted less than any PM I remember and look where it got him.

  11. Nothing has changed in this country for over 50 years. The progressives still manage the media and control education. There have been brief periods of ‘conservative’ tenure which effected no change. Conservatives have never created a means of communicating their philosophy to their membership let alone the general population. By all appearances the don’t have any platform other than ‘vote for us because we are much smarter than the Liebels’.

    There does not appear to be a place in the CPC for conservative thinkers. The questions they ask are embarassing or construed by ‘influence’ makers as reactionary, fascist or nationalistic. Is Bernier real or just another fluky out of Quebec. Is a set up to draw conservative support away from another CPC government? He vocalizes many of the talking points that true conservatives are concerned about. That does not mean I trust him.

    We are close to another federal election which will not resolve anything no matter how it goes. As a Westerner I no longer care. True Western conservatives have to redirect their energy into provincial and municipal government. Build a independent entity and deal with the ROC on that basis. The economic future of the West does not reside with the ROC. The east has deliberately destroyed whatever strength was there. IMHO this has been a deliberate act to preserve their political dominance of the country.

  12. Of course they are lying,the truth ain’t in ’em.
    Interesting how voters continually reward liars,thieves and crooks.
    Almost as if they approve.

    1. A large number of Canadian Sheeple will again vote for the Lieberals. As the saying goes ‘you can’t fix stupid’. Canada the ship of fools.

  13. “Minster of Democratic Institutions”

    Yeah, like in the same sense as “German Democratic Republic”.
    For those that don’t know recent history, look it up.

    As soon as a government starts making up ministries of democratic institutions, women’s affairs, human rights tribunals, be afraid.
    They will define for the plebeians what is democratic and what’s not. From then on is a downhill slide to serfdom.

    The interesting thing is that nobody gets upset.
    Nobody knows about it, you say?
    Yes, the media cartel will make sure of that.

  14. “A large number of Canadian Sheeple will again vote for the Lieberals”
    Perhaps but I have noticed one thing. MSN the CBC’s internet partner has been using their little push-pull polls to try and set a narrative for the October election and probably find out where their strengths and weaknesses lie in their ‘re-elect Liberals’ project. Those little polls have surprised me a bit since the readership there is mainly Liberal voters.
    Trudeau and his policies are not as popular as Liberals would have you believe.

    1. It has already been rigged. 101% voter turnout is expected. Polls, speeches, policies don’t matter. The extra ballots have been printed, the payoffs have been made.

      The buses have been ordered, the hotels booked, the restaurant reservations made, the entertainment is ready, willing and able. The bongs and tabacky, check.

      Liberal super majority. It’s gonna be a paaarrrrty!
      Why? Because of course, it’s because of Jussstin!

      Of course this could all be fake news.

  15. Same BS, different election. Budget increases are not “big enough” so are therefore “cuts.”
    They did that to Harper. I love that similar policy positions mean Ford and Scheer are “working together.”
    You mean like Trudeau and his “get things done” Chinese friends? Is Trudeau a totalitarian communist (like his dad)?
    Politicians working together. This is unseemly? Since when? Oh, I forgot the LPC principle, they rule not work together.
    That way in 2015 CF35s cost “too much,” and we’re in a recession and budget deficit, well not authoritatively, the PBO said so.
    The consent of the governed is too precious to leave in the hands of peasants who tap un-Liberal thoughts on their keyboards.
    They are dangerous and must be stopped, but the political party posing as a network, iow sucking off the teat, will protect us.
    Will oblivious voters, particularly in the 905 belt, decide all is well and it’s OK to lie to them? The Grits are betting they will.
    The Grits, their Minister of Orwellspeak and the CBC can’t let Canadians appeal to their worst instincts of not voting Liberal.
    Or many can stay home and let the LPC core vote prevail. Like daddy Trudeau said, you can support them or you can shut up.

    1. @Shamrock:
      “Is Trudeau a totalitarian communist (like his dad)?”
      You are implying Fidel Castro is his father.
      You have seen the facial resemblance.
      Where are the demands for a DNA test to answer that question?

      1. Canuckguy, PeeAir was a commy, and smart enough to know that he had to become a libtard to win an election to implement his agenda

  16. No point critiquing Trudeau and his cabal while running down Scheer. Pledging to vote for Max will guarantee a return of the same gang of incompetents the likes of which we’ve never experienced. We better beware of the Greens, Warren Kinsella and company is working on their team.

    1. Liz J and fools like you support turdo 2, AKA scheep. He will be as bad, or worst than turdo 1 if given a strong mandate. Wake up, or maybe grow up, and smell the truth!!!!

    2. Right on, Liz J. Your political instincts are bang on just as they always were when you posted on the Shotgun way back.
      Max is a trust fund 2nd Generation silver spooner in the same seat his Pappa used to hold in Qumbec.
      The parallels with Zoolander are scary. -Parliamentary seats shouldn’t be heirlooms.- It stinks.

  17. Great Leader Kim Sung Trudeau continues his Doug Ford is Hitler tour Tuesday. He burns jet fuel from B.C. to St. Johns Newfoundland at taxpayer expense to attend a fundraiser. IPolitics reports that his cabinet ministers are fanning out across the country this week at taxpayer expense to attend fundraisers as well. Life is good for the Liberals.

  18. Hey, Liberals lied their asses off during the last election promising the moon and free weed, man. Butts strategy was to Alinsky PM Harper while preposterously claiming that corrupt Liberals would be “open and transparent” among other lies ( last election under first past the post etc.) and their going to do the same thing this time aided and abetted by their taxpayer funded Media whores, whatever it takes to get the suckers to vote for more globalist totalitarianism. If you don”t like Liberal lies thats because you’re a “white supremacist” and a “Nazi”, just ask PM Butts or any of his Media salad tossers. Sunny Ways you Nazis 🙂
