There Goes The Narrative

Toronto’s homicide rate is now higher than New York’s;

With just days to go before the halfway point of 2018, Toronto Police have confirmed at least 48 homicides within the city since January 1. That’s more than double the 23 we’d seen last year at this point.
Five people were killed last weekend alone — four of them by guns — prompting both Police Chief Mark Saunders and Mayor John Tory to express public concern over a recent spike in shooting deaths.

78 Replies to “There Goes The Narrative”

      1. Must be Doug Ford’s fault. Justin told me.

        Diversity is our strength! -Justin Trudeau

      2. NO NO NO …It was the guns that did it. They were fed up being left alone in the nightstand day after day. So it appears that some of those guns decided to make a statement and … so they did.

        Police are still trying to figure out how the guns got themselves loaded and carried out to a crime scene where they could get their jollies. Guns are inanimate objects by nature so the issue here is how these guns are making these decisions and how they fire themselves at the victims.

        Thinking men and women (conservatives) suspect that they had the help of an insane person who was also fed up at being a nobody and a nothing.

    1. Well she is, and you and Kate are morons for trying to fight gun control with ‘blame brown people’.

      1. unDork, a few years ago Jamaica had about 800 gun murders, and about 500 more shot to death one way or another. About 12-1300 murders/deaths in a population of about 2.4 million, and I’m sure that there are quite a few “brown” people in Jamaica. Fact is my Jamaican friends point their fingers right at Canadian politicians, and stupid people like you, for allowing the same schitt to come to Canada by have poor immigration laws and not enforcing the one we have. Yah, there is brown people gun problem, so don’t try fixing the problem by deflection.

        You are one stupid A$$hole

        1. Canada has lots of Jamaican immigration and not much violence to show for it. There goes that notion.

    1. How many of the shootings/killings were illegal, regardless of what weapons were used?

      How many of the shooters/killers have a criminal record?
      How many of the victims are known to police for previous involvement in criminal activity?
      How many are out on bail and/or probation?

      1. No need for data; they already “know.” The ill-glitterati don’t like having their wisdom questioned with facts.

      2. But, but, but … statistics are EVIL when you peel back the onion and discover more than just the superficial information.

        “Lies, god-damned Lies … and statistics”.

        Our contemporary society is being destroyed by shallow, meaningless, statistics (see: global warming and cherry-picked timeframes, for ex.). Hint: statistics are not science.

  1. This is over a year old. Hasn’t been news for a while.

    But the description of the shooters in almost every case… that IS a mystery the MSM can’t seem to crack.

    1. Just because Toronto now looks like Somalia, we should not jump to conclusions. As Justin has said, comments like that are not allowed in Canada.

      1. “Just because Toronto now looks like Somalia, we should not jump to conclusions.”

        What conclusions? Given that Toronto has a very low violence rate (and is way less scary than prairie towns) it appears that indeed immigration does not in an way engender violence, except from angsty white supremacists.

    2. That would be far beyond their “protect the narrative” limits.

      I recall a “study” done by some US organization about 10 years ago to make the case for gun control that compared murder rates between Vancouver and Seattle, the premise being that the difference in favour of Seattle’s higher figure was attributable to easier gun ownership. A subsequent study dissected the stats by race of victim and found that the “white” murder rates were indistinguishable between the two cities and much lower than the averages. The stat that stood out was that Vancouver’s non white murder rate was higher that the white murder rate but significantly lower than Seattle’s non white murder rate.

      I doubt that anyone here would be surprised that in the high murder rate cities of Winnipeg, Regina, and with a different, demographic, Toronto, that something very similar is at play.

      1. “I doubt that anyone here would be surprised that in the high murder rate cities of Winnipeg, Regina, and with a different, demographic, Toronto, that something very similar is at play.”

        So white men aren’t killing missing and murdered Demographic women. Demographic men are?

  2. “There Goes The Narrative” whaattt!!!
    Sorry Kate, that is exactly the narrative they want,,,in order to win the upcoming election(by winning over suburban women) and bringing in New Zealand style gun control. Never underestimate liberals, leftist, the alt-left, socialists, neo-marxists, crypto-communists and Ralph Goodale.

  3. Here in Toronto this past weekend we have this stupid Multicultural and diversity Festival called Caribana. And every year at this exact same time during Caribana multiple people get shot stabbed,beat up,raped,robbed and murdered. It’s the same thing that’s been going on for 25 years in a row.
    And our idiot Chief of Police whose nickname is “Colonel Sanders” tells us that the 17 people that got shot in 14 different incidents in Toronto this weekend is nothing but an “anomaly”.
    It’s clown world writ large!

    1. It’s all the talk here in southwestern Ontario.

      But remember: one man’s anomaly is an other man’s white supremacist orange man!

  4. Obviously it’s due to white supremacy and racist police brutality.
    That’s why we have to re-elect Trudeau and the Grit band of thieves.
    It would be racism to suggest otherwise.
    So no need for debate, which would be triggering anyway, or elections actually.
    Remember, the Minister of Democracy is watching you.
    War is peace, freedom and slavery and ignorance is strength.
    Seconds on the third if progressives aren’t checked by electorates.

  5. any specs on how a handgun ban limited to the biggest city in the country gonna work?

    crickets . . . . . . . . .

  6. … four of them by guns ….
    Nope. By people.

    Check out Daniel Greenfield at
    I was really surprised by these stats:

    Blacks are substantially over represented, whites UNDER represented.

    Just spotted in a newspaper box in WA:
    “Trump condemns white supremacy after shootings.”
    Notice: not President Trump.
    Dear Mr. President: Don’t use the left’s phony hate-filled narratives.

  7. Apparently … Toronto needs a fine mayor like Bill DeBlasio! Congrats Comrade DeBlasio! You’re better than Canada!

  8. There is nothing in Canada that can be done to warrant the death penalty so lets start by disarming the police, the conservation officers and especially the bank guards. If you can’t get the death penalty by a jury of your peers, then guns have no place in the hand’s of law officers.

    1. I agree. No one should get a level of personal protection that is not available to everyone. No security details for politicians. No armed guards on Parliament Hill etc., etc., etc..

  9. For years prairie cities with high homicide rates have argued that crime rate statistics are misleading. That every city has a few districts that account for the vast majority of the homicides and homicide rates are merely a reflection of the population of the city around those crime areas. So a larger city has a lower rate because of a dilution effect of a large population.

    For crime, I’d think it would be more important to track if the crime districts are expanding to other areas of the city and if crime is increasing within the crime districts. To monitor if the motivations behind the crimes are changing (from drugs to random killings to serial killers, for example)…and understanding the stats that are forbidden or restricted to maintain and protect political narratives

    1. Demographics are tricky things because what empowers racists (negative) can assist policy (positive). I want the positive policy form.

      For instance, immigration and nationality. Take India. Rather than a simplistic notion that all Indian immigrants are bad or good, look deeper at the stats. Indian immigrants from area X1 in India or with Y1 level of education/skills have extremely low rates of crime, social assistance claims, health problems and learning disabilities. Indian immigrants from area X2 or with Y2 level of education/skills have high rates of crime, social assistance, health problems and learning disabilities. Knowing that, who should be given immigration priority from India?

      I read an article years ago where an Indian immigrant in Canada said to think twice about bringing in immigrants from “X2” parts of India and then listed the reasons why. I also have a Korean acquaintance who has strong opinions, positive and negative, about people from other Asian countries. Immigrants certainly aren’t afraid to talk about such things.

        1. Somalia, Haiti, “Palestine” and the list goes on. Most of turd world is not culturally and civilizationally compatible. Average IQ in a country is a good guide to what places should be avoided.

  10. Clear proof that Canada’s more strict gun control has over time increased gun crime rates above those where good guys often have guns as well.

    An idle question: Does anyone know what gun crime rates were in Toronto before there was any gun control in Canada at all. The RCMP have a very interesting page at giving the history of ever increasing gun control. Is there any evidence anywhere to suggest that any of it worked? I doubt it.

  11. Duke nails it.
    I can see the “News Headline” 2020 Toronto Police are still searching for the handguns responsible for last years/decades shootings.
    While there is not evidence ,scientific or occult, confirming the existence of these sapient weapons,our fearless policemen continue to seek them everywhere.
    When asked why,they only search in registered gun owners gun safes? A spokesman for the Toronto Polices service stated;”That is the obvious place to find them”.
    “Searching unidentified gangbangers is just so hard,dangerous and racists” and went on to say modern police profiles forbid the questioning of the obvious suspects,those creatures captured on video,with their finger on the trigger.
    Our experts believe the murder rates are driven by A.I with an undisclosed agenda…

    Funny thing how the keptocrats will make any excuse for their fellow travellers.
    Our Police regard the bill payers as a pain in the ass,who interfer in the relationship with their clients.

    Eventually the citizens will realize,no one is working for them,because Canada has no property rights and self defence is a criminal offence….

    1. As stated on the Roy Green program a number of years,ago by a Female Corrections Canada Officer:

      “..(we are all), non convicted individuals residing in the community…”

      That is the police/media/liberal mindset throughout this totally Fkd up country

  12. “Eventually the citizens will realize,no one is working for them,because Canada has no property rights and self defence is a criminal offence….”

    Damn! I wish I had your faith, John. But when it comes to Canadian smarts and guts, my crystal ball comes up empty,

    1. Well Jamie,my faith is based on the 35% of eligible voters who don’t.
      On the collapsing support for the Conservative in Name Only Party and the ever rising cost of Government Help.
      Toilet paper already costs more than a dollar a roll so it won’t be long before it becomes the “unit of trade” in Confederation.
      However Eastern Canada will never voluntarily surrender its liplock on the teat of the Western Cash Cow, which serves to smarten the “hosts” up faster.

  13. “This isn’t Toronto”
    -Chief Saunders, headline quote

    Could you possibly take a better “head-in-the-sand” position?

    I can’t wait to see the graph showing crime rates before & after they stopped carding. I wonder if I will find them in the Toronto Star anytime soon.

      1. You know it’s bad when they are embracing alternate reality. The only reassurance is that you know that they know it’s bad.

    1. There is absolutely no reason to allow random harassment by carding. Further empowering unaccountable jackbooted thugs is not the answer. Especially not when the JBTs would much rather draw a chalk outline around the victim’s body than deal with people who defended themselves. Especially not when high levels of crime force random people to carry various tools for personal protection. People are already afraid of violent crime and are afraid that if forced to defend themselves they will be prosecuted for it. Making them even more defenseless by increasing the threat of being persecuted via carding only encourages real criminals.

      1. yes COLON, being an ass suits you completely. Were the eff do drag such bullschitt up from. I would expect Pantom to post such stupidity.

        1. Thanks Enema, I certainly value Phantom’s opinions more than your’s, so I take your incoherent drivel as a compliment.

      2. If you think about it, gun control (or a ban) is a mass form of random carding harassment. There is no evidence the person who must license (or lose) their gun will ever do anything violent. Even people with emotional issues who (could be compared to innocent blacks who are stopped in the street by suspicious police) have shown no violent history with their weapon but cannot own a gun.

        And yet our politicians want to card everyone rather than focus on a much smaller group of people who are known to form a large part of the problem (i.e. shootings).

        1. Once again for comprehension impaired: carding inhibits people’s ability to protect themselves from Antifa thugs like UnMe or from garden variety violent, low IQ, thugs looking to redistribute some property. Police routinely fail to protect people from either of those and hate when people successfully protect themselves. Those are the people targeted by carding. Carding helps police make people defenseless.

          Law enforcement is already highly selective in larger Canadian cities where in order to keep crime statistics politically correct white and yellow people are disproportionately targeted for tiniest of infractions. Witness for example Moronto G20 protests where cops were filling jails with peaceful people leaving pubs after a World Cup game but ignored the Antifa UnMes running amok and ignored people pleading to cops for help. For another example witness the plight of David Chen from Spadina or of Ian Thomson.

          1. Colon, carding has nothing to do with people protecting themselves. Were the f**k do you get stupidity like that from, is unDork your mentor now? Most of the killing is gang/drug related. How do you propose people defend themselves with the strick gun laws that are in place. You are truly going full unDork here. When I had my business in Toronto, I had a lot of cops as customers, and some bikers as friends, and this did give me some insite to certain civil/social dynamics. Carding has no effect on defense, yer just a honking no nothing blow hard on this.

          2. UnMe, as I said in the other thread your momentary flash of reason was most likely a result of a cat running across your keyboard and randomly stepping on keys. It is the monkey typewriter bible thing.
            If carding rates reflected racial crime rates not population proportions they would be closer to fairly targeted. Of course this still leaves aside the problem of white and yellow people being targeted for infractions typically much lesser than the crime prone minorities. But this gets into issues of simultaneity bias that are clearly beyond your ability to comprehend.

          3. Ok Enema, try to keep up. I already have to deal with UnMe here, I don’t need you to double for him.
            1. Most of violent crime is gang related. Not all. And people who are victims of muggings, rapes, assaults etc tend to live in close proximity of those areas. These could be poor law abiding people. Or for example university students. Three largest campuses in Toronto are close to very bad neighbourhoods. They also, more often than you think, carry some tools to protect themselves. Those tools are illegal, they do not have to be guns to be illegal. Carding will turn more of those people into criminals or victims.
            2. Cops do not care about catching real criminals when they can catch someone who is carrying a knife or bear spray for protection. Easier job, less effort, same reward.
            3. Cops are deathly afraid to be called racist. Hence they target white and yellow people whenever they have a slightest opportunity. That coincidentally is a reason why black or native or brown crime rates are routinely underestimating true crime rates while white or yellow crime rates are estimated with better accuracy.
            Clear enough?

          4. “That coincidentally is a reason why black or native or brown crime rates are routinely underestimating true crime rates ”

            Citation needed.

    2. Carding has no place in a civilized society even if it worked and there’s no evidence it did. TO, contra the hysteria around here, is not dangerous. The killings are few and typically inter-gang warfare.

      1. yes unDork, and black people are over represented in crimes as well. My X neighbour, a black RCMP, and another friend, a black OPP, both have stated so. And you don’t card an Irish granny when young black males tend to be the problem.

  14. One would actually have to care how many welfare seekers kill each other. I don’t.

      1. Not permits but an automatic right for all who weren’t convicted of a violent crime.

  15. Toronto has exactly what they coted for. So they get to suffer. They get no sympathy.

  16. “There goes the narrative.”

    Ha. The best part about Kate posting the 2018 link as if it were from this year is that Toronto actually ended the year with 96 homicides compared to New York’s 289, resulting in a LOWER 2018 homicide rate in 2018 than NYC.

    Math, and calendars, are hard, even for Mensa members.

  17. Same thing coming to prairies too. Must be the increased CO2!

    By the time the idiots voting for this nonsense connect the dots (if they ever do) it will be too late to fix without drastic measures.

    As they say…enjoy the decline!

    1. What dots? The only dots to connect are the ones between drug prohibition, black markets, and violence.

      1. If you are saying there are many factors leading to these shootings, so worthy of discussion on each of their merits, rather than obvious hyperpartisan attacks on Trump, that solutions are impossible without that, then you have my agreement

  18. banning guns in a nutshell:
    crime #1 gets X a criminal record thus ineligible for the FAC
    but X acquires a handgun anyways, theft, purchase of stolen handgun, found it wtfever. merely *holding the gun* is crime #2
    why does X ‘need’ a handgun? target shooting? collector’s item? conversation piece (pun intended)?
    TO COMMIT ROBBERY, MURDER WTFEVER and that is crime #3
    three crimes commited by the criminal.

    yo, mayor tory what the bloody double hockey sticks does YOUR plan do to apply some measure of precision in
    crimes? hmmm? WHAT? hmmmmmm?

    crickets . . . . . . . . . . . .
    thus giving credence to the oft claim the REAL objective is the very long term strategy of taking legal handguns
    out of the hands of law abiding citoyens.
    bingo !!!!
