What Canada Could Have Done to Deal With China

But of course…..Trudeau didn’t.

“If we had been more assertive in retaliating against China by, say, slowing shipments of Chinese goods on the basis of searching for fentanyl, that would have sent a signal to China,” Burton said.

He adds we could also have added pressure by cracking down on Chinese money laundering, mostly taking place in British Columbia through casinos and property purchases.

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21 Replies to “What Canada Could Have Done to Deal With China”

  1. We could have done a number of self-harming, stupid actions. Thankfully we didn’t. The casino one is particularly offensive to anyone with a brain. That money laundering is often done to hide money fleeing China…China’s government would benefit from action against the money laundering.

    1. unDork, and you suggest what. If you weren’t stupid you would have nothing going for you. As with Trump and his trade leverage, the money laundering would be good leverage. China is “buying” Canada with that laundered money. Your understanding of damn near any thing is close to zero. That money laundering causes prices in housing to rise, so average Canadians are forced out of the market. We have the same here with Indians driving up prices, and average working Canadians are hit hard. This is phukking Canada for Canadians, and not the rest of the world.

      1. “China is “buying” Canada with that laundered money. ”

        No it isn’t. It’s Chinese individuals. Just because you’re too simple to think beyond collectives does not mean it is so.

        “That money laundering causes prices in housing to rise, so average Canadians are forced out of the market. We have the same here with Indians driving up prices, and average working Canadians are hit hard.”

        Bzzt. The only reason we have this problem is zoning and other development restrictions.

        1. “only”

          yo, unmebot, when the captcha poses the assertion ‘I’m not a robot’ how do you get around that?

  2. “If we had been more assertive in retaliating against British Columbia by, say, slowing shipments of everything the BC socialist pricks trans-ship through Alberta to the rest of Canada on the basis of searching for fentanyl, that would have sent a signal to the rotten socialist thieving rat-bastards,” Fred Z said.

    There, I Albertanized it for you.

  3. The economies of the GVA and the GTA are addicted to Asian (mostly Chinese) money-laundering. Calgary and EDM and even rural areas are seeing some now too.

    It’s awfully tempting stuff as the money comes from criminal/corrupt activities that are not domestic.

    To clamp down on it likely would throw the country into recession as it would cause real estate collapses in the areas mentioned above.

    1. Perhaps a collapse would be salutary to the citizens of the woke fantasyland. An economy sustained by a real estate boom is inherently fragile and promotes very weak, non middle class job growth. Let it tumble!

      1. agreed.
        key syllable ‘greed’. housing bubble collapses can be a good thing, for those wanting to enter, and for those waiting for buying opportunities created by the panic-controlled undisciplined sector buying (pun intended) the real estate promoters propaganda aka ‘BUY BUY BUY!!!! BEFORE ITS TOOOOOOOOO LATE!!!!!!’
        same tactic of the bunch pushing the latest telemarketer fad.
        bubbles are ONLY good for sellers ready to leave the demographic that pays mucho moolah maintaining a property
        until the next bubble ripens.
        THAT tactic says a lot about housing bubbles.

        POP !!!!

  4. “He adds we could also have added pressure by cracking down on Chinese money laundering, mostly taking place in British Columbia through casinos and property purchases.”

    What other economy exists in BC ?.. The money on the street comes from Drug & or Chinese streams…..Why does BC exist other than as a corrupt gateway ?…. They can’t feed themselves, or Heat/Cool their homes….

  5. The do something is to tell the Chicoms (its particularly important to specify the message is intended for the politburo and not Chinese) in no uncertain terms they have 4 hours to release the hostages and have them on a plane to Canada, and cease all trade sanctions against Canada, or the Red dwarf will be signing a ministerial order to have Meng on a plane to New York.
    You don’t negotiate with the Chicoms by offering them what they want, you negotiate by offering them something they don’t want.

  6. turdo la doo and the rest of his Ottawa Incest Club are completely compromised by their own investments and ventures in China. The chi-comms have them – and therefore us – over a barrel.

    1. JM:
      one very saddening aspect of politics I have found, is the willingness of a tiny minority in power at any given time, to sacrifice, to cash in the security, freedom, viability and future of the ‘peons’ so that THEY can garner some huge but brief advantage, most often translating into financial terms.
      the worst of the 5th columnists, traitors all. doing it engulfed in the usual ‘fo da childwen’ or ‘fo da embiomendt’ type claptrap.

      saddening because the peons buy it wholeheartedly having never learned and refusing to learn a blessed thing about being skeptical.
      swallowing it all whole unquestioningly. the cue is the charming leader with cute hair.

      they ALL do it. history is rife with examples of sellouts. trade the future of civilization, the health of their descendants to the 9th generation for what? a ‘handful of beads’???
      oh ya, history is jam packed with examples of short term gain.

  7. When the Soviet Union was still around, the Trudeaus were Stalinists. That failed, now they are Maoists.

    I expect “Canada” (if you can even give a name to a post national geographic region) will be taking the side of China in any disputes China has with anyone.

  8. A bit long, built on personal knowledge; Mike Sr.
    Once again China follows Japan’s lead into North America during a Trudeau Administration. During the 1970’s under P.E.T. the chosen Franco-Quebec Born Prime Minister by the Ottawa-hull Bureaucracy established a Policy where Canadian Business could not object to “Dumping” using currency manipulation to buy their way into Country; — “Until the Canadian Company demonstrated Damage”.

    Japan chose two items to gain entry into Canada and therefore into the U.S.A.___ These were a). Imersion Heaters & b). Zippers.___

    The largest Canadian Zipper company developed and manufactured in the City of St. Catharines was able to demonstrate, after One & 1/2 Years of Trudeau & Privy Council controled Bureaucracy review the extent of the False Pricing by Japan had damaged the Canadian Company to such an extent impractical if not impossible to complete Research & Development of Closure(s) especially non-metal Zippers.

    The Trudeau Administration accepted the ‘demonstrated proof’ an approximately two years of the Canadian Market going to cheaper and advancing polymer Zippers from Japan a 25% tariff was established on Japanese imported Zippers. After approximately another Six Months of continuing “Dumping” the Trudeau Adminstration of the 1970’s increased the Tariff to 50 %.

    Much too late for the Employees of the St.Catharines Zipper Factory. These Factories continually growing and adding jobs shut its doors on October 13, 1981. {former Manager of Sales & Administration.

    P.S. — Japan used the same tactics to enter the The American Market(s) of Zippers; Immersion Heaters; Sewing Machine components; plus many other products most will recognize.

    P.P.S. — Using similar strategies under the 1970’s Trudeau Administration is how Japan’s Automobile Industry became the largest in the World. It was not necessarily mis-mangemaent by the American/Candian North American Automobile and the Union Pressure actions. Steady loss of Market Share reduces Research & Development as efforts to reduce production costs & quality takes priority. The American Zipper Companies once employing ten thousand People across America in smaller community settings also closed.

    P.P.P.S —- Canada’s Steel Industry under the 2015 Trudeau Liberal Government was advised & Warned by the Trump Administration China was using the steadily declining Canadian Steel Production facilities to receive China production of Large Steel >Sheets Cut in Half < in Canada & Labelled as Canadian Manufactured Steel. The Warning part of the Trump Adminstration to stop mislabelling China Steel provided approximately a Year & Half period of time for the 2015 Interation of Trudeau Administration to make necessary Changes.

    Trudeau's just in thinking about previous Liberal Party & Central Canada Media's control of Canadians awareness in Political Matters; just Shrugged as is the Wont of the Liberal Party .

  9. things rarely happen for only 1 reason.
    there are multitudinous reasons for the TURDoo’s ‘caught in the headlights’ non-response.
    first on my list, he’s simply too STOOOOPID to have any inkling what follows.

  10. China owns Justin and he knows it.

    It’s one thing to declare his love for that dreadful communist hell-hole when he is a know-nothing, do-nothing MP. It’s quite another when he is a puppet and is squeezed on all sides by the Canadian economy (one of the many stupid enough to rely on the Chinese), the upcoming election and the Americans who won’t play ball the way they used to.

    Now frat-boy realises his stupid mouth gets him into real trouble.

    We should have treated China the same way we treated the former Soviet Union and boycotted the damn place.

    But no! Our greed got the better of us.

    1. “Our greed got the better of us.”

      Damn right it did! And we’re nothing but richer for it. Feel free to launch your own boycott.
