81 Replies to “August 7 2019: Reader Tips”

  1. How every mom and teacher should discipline rowdy children.

    Without it, it’s not only your milk that will run out, it’s your patience, too.

    1. Mommy dog was politically incorrect. She berated, nay, verbally abused her puppies,all of whom were simply wanting to express their youthful exuberance. (Yeah, right.)

    2. I’ve never seen anything like that video. That’s AMAZING! It’s not that Mom “lost it” (not really) and barked at the children … but that her children GOT the message and obeyed mom’s command. I cannot believe the level of obedience, and how quickly they obeyed.

      It reminds me that children need (and crave) boundaries. Children must learn proper behaviour … social behaviour … in order to function in a family, and in society. But we have devolved into a culture that REJECTS any and all social boundaries … or social norms. The Left adores Noam Chomsky who advocates complete and total social anarchy. The breakdown of the family. The breakdown of discipline. The breakdown (rejection) of Law Enforcement. It is hurling our culture and country(s) (Canada too) into chaos.

      Trump is our barking motha’ … telling us it’s time for no nonsense! Get in line, and wait your turn.

      1. Trump is our barking motha

        Actually O’Bummer was and still is, just like Prinz Dummkopf is here in (post-national, sharia-compliant, gender-balanced, carbon-neutral Soros vassal built on stolen indigenous land but making sure it’s friendly to the I, Napoleon crowd) Canada. Both have spent their careers scolding us, telling–no, demanding–that we conform or else, that “this is not who we are” and that “we are better than that”.

        Unfortunately, lots of “puppies” complied.

    3. exceptionally remarkable.
      27 MILLION views. we all can learn from this mommy.
      tq tq tq dear Kate.
      I’ve decided to ‘name’ my house.
      Im gonna look up the German translation for ‘critter house’.
      a new tenant took 5 days to ask if he could have a puppy join him.
      must have been observing my devotion to my 4 legged crew.

    4. She puts human women to shame.

      It always annoys me when the bastards of human “single mothers” are accused of acting like animals. Had they been raised by animals, their mothers wouldn’t have tolerated such behaviour for a moment.

        1. An excellent piece by PJW … too serious for any sarcastic mockery as is his usual fare.

  2. This is the most excitement since getting Al Capone for income tax evasion…


    “But in totally Canadian fashion the Royal Canadian Mounted police are investigating for reasons other than the predatory behavior and alleged child pornography.”

    The trans waxing activist Jessica Yaniv has the Canadian Police mounting a home raid


    National Post:
    Jessica Yaniv, a transgender B.C. activist, says she was arrested for brandishing a Taser


    1. Maybe its because every time I go to the airport I am required to submit to ever increasing security checks and the whole reason for this massive loss of our time and cost of security is islam and its adherents. Many of the UK bombers were heads of various student councils at the universities.

      1. I do not like using the Toronto Airport at all. There are too many Muslim (identifiable by headgear) security guards, baggage handlers, others in positions of authority. I think there will be a major “incident” sometime in the near future at the Toronto Airport.

      2. I was ‘randomly selected’ for increased security twice in a row last night.
        They definitely don’t like it when you say, “Yeah, older white men like me get randomly selected all the time.”

        1. Ah, but it’s all for “your safety”, isn’t it?

          During my early undergrad days, I was often the one who was pulled aside for additional security checks. Maybe I was too clean-cut or too well-dressed to be for real.

          Everything that I managed to cram into my carry-on luggage was taken out and scrutinized. But, getting it all back in, that was another story, not that the security staff cared. There were times I swore that they did it for their own entertainment.

          Now I find that the security staff in some airports treat me as if I had just fallen off the back of a turnip truck. Some of them act like they were expelled from charm school.

          1. my respect/tolerance/cringe with tranna airport security ENDED permanently the time we landed back from hong kong and I waited . . . . and waited . . . . . . . . . . . . . aaaaaaaaaaaand waited for my very recognizable ‘green luggage tagged’ suitcase to show up on the carousel.
            then went lOOking for ‘security’ only to find the g*&^$#*&&$#mned bag
            security friggin door.
            I called them next day with a big WTF?????

            and got threatened with ‘wtfever’.
            I chalk it up to ‘cop mentality’.

  3. And now the Toronto Star owned IPolitics. The digital newspaper on Canadian politics has lots of heartwarming stories and pictures on how wonderful Justin is. Story that the mass shooter in El Paso was a foot soldier of Trump. Story that Scheer is evil for not prancing in pervert parades like Justin. Justin is wonderful. In other news, Michael Coren explains that Scheer is a religious fanatic and worse, he sends his kids to an evangelical school. Only Justin can save us.

  4. John Tory is the kind of person who says no one gets peanut butter because my kid is allergic to it.


    The NDP would ban the sale, possession and use of hand guns and ammo in highly populated areas and municipalities because they’re fascists who don’t believe in property rights, individual freedoms or know the difference between law-abiding citizens and criminal scum.

    1. You could repeat for the one millionth time that criminals don’t register their hand guns and it would bounce right off Tory’s forehead. If you pull out a gun in Toronto – 5 years in jail. If you shoot a gun – 10 years. If you shoot someone – 20 years. If you kill them – 50 years. The number of gun homicides would drop like a rock off a bridge.

      But no – take the guns away from law abiding citizens – because it is the easiest thing to do.

      1. But its the stand by the NDP who very well may be forming the Ontario government in 3 years that is worrisome. The “No Guns In Cities” people – mostly urban women and nutless men, once again – who are pushing this. They’re afraid of everything especially the possibility of a male neighbour owning a gun. Urban women – thankfully not my better half – and nutless men want the state in charge of everything from baby sitting and teaching their kids to telling them what to eat (but let me get drunk and smoke pot like a fiend and take a mental health day off work twice a month with pay) and smile and hug too much like a bunch of f**king Eloi.

        1. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/handgun-ban-election-promise-1.5238111
          From the CBC:
          “Last month, a Forum Research survey of 1,143 Toronto voters found that a majority of respondents — 62 per cent — expressed a belief that a handgun ban would reduce the number of gang shootings in the city.
          And a national Angus Reid Institute poll in May found 61 per cent of respondents supported making it illegal for civilians to own a handgun — with 75 per cent in favour of a similar ban on all assault weapons. Two-thirds of respondents said they agreed with the idea of a taxpayer-funded buyback program to compensate gun owners if such bans were enacted.”
          This is downright ignorance beyond the pale.
          I’m going to counter with valid driving statistics for all these urban Eloi who say “you don’t need a handgun”.
          Well you don’t need to drive a car. Take public transit. Your driving is costing me one helluva a lot more in socialist medicine taxation than legal gun ownership by a f**king mile.

      2. No, there doesn’t need to be a penalty multiplier for gun use in a crime. ALL that needs to happen is they need to actually enforce the EXISTING laws. In fact that needs to be a rule: Show me that you’re enforcing the existing laws to the full and they’re not having the desired effect, BEFORE you get to make new ones that the criminals (and the courts) will ignore!

  5. Trudeau’s CBC is outraged this morning that CSIS agents have approached muslim students at Canadian universities for information. The CBC states that it is scary that CSIS would seek out muslim students and have chats with them. Universities have set up a hotline and legal services to protect the students. More information on the National tonight. Why is CSIS doing this when everyone knows its Nazis running rampant in Canada that is the problem. Ralphie already told us that.

    1. I have Netflix and it is very hard to find anything decent to watch. Potential should be there, but they have totally screwed it up.

      1. Isn’t O’Bummer on Netflix’s board of directors? That might explain a few things. He poisons everything he touches.

  6. Maxime Bernier Retweeted

    Ethan Erkiletian

    People tell me I should vote for
    @AndrewScheer instead of
    @MaximeBernier, but nobody can seemingly point to any notable differences between Scheer and Trudeau. When I think about it, they actually sound very similar.

    Replacing Trudeau with the same or worse isn’t a solution.

    Embedded video


    1. pffft.
      wait for ‘team TURDoo 2.0’ to ‘make up for the shortfall’
      flinging Billions ‘with a B’ to the wind.
      mebbe theyre hoping the ‘wind’ will keep blowing a powering the FAILED wind energy front.

  7. I’m afraid these older potash mines are dinosaurs New technology allows good production and less labour.Although Mosaic could give up sponsoring football stadiums and sky boxes if they are that hard up

  8. Beta beaten. El Paso family of sister and her husband, slain while protecting their child, give beta boy a proper tongue lashing:

    “It’s such a shame that two of our local politicians (I refuse to say their names as they don’t deserve it) are saying that our President is not welcome on Wednesday. I cannot believe how these monsters are using the tragic event to push their political agenda. I lost my brother and sister-in-law on Saturday. My family and I are living a horrible nightmare. The visit from our President will be more than comforting to my family. He will not be here for a political agenda. The two monsters from El Paso, who do not deserve to be mentioned by name nor even the nicknames I have for them, are just pure evil. My brothers body was still laying at Walmart on Saturday night when they decided to make this into a political issue and push their agenda by blaming our President for this. Rather than focusing on the situation and the individual who destroyed the lives of many, these evil people selfishly turned this into a political war. I’m equally as angered by those two as I am with the person who took my brother and his wife from me, typing this I think I feel more animosity towards those two evil politicians.” Vibora ( Deborah) Anchondo.

    She also said Mr Trump was welcome and would be a comfort to her family. Obvious Republican Hispanic racist.


    Such creeps these Dems pretending one variable, the presidency of Donald Trump, whom they “know” is racist, is “responsible.”
    Me and another fellow posted on a CBC Facebook article to provide any concrete examples proving Trump is a racist.
    So far some likes, but only insults, no facts, other than if you don’t recognize Trump is a racist, that proves you’re a racist.
    Climate change begging the question worked so well, why not this time. One trick donkeys.

  9. The Hate Mongers: https://amgreatness.com/2019/08/06/igniting-civil-war/

    “In the 21st century’s second decade, explicit statements by the party’s principal figures—President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to name only a few—have led their epigones in power as well as millions of followers to think and act as if conservatives were simply on a lower level of humanity, and should have their faces rubbed in their own inferiority….As the media amplified and cheered such guidance from on high, it would be surprising if many ordinary followers have not concluded that harassing if not harming conservatives in restaurants, airports, as well as in their public functions is not just permissible but praiseworthy…”

  10. Warren Kinsella at the Toronto Sun lets us know what the Trudeau ads will be. They will say, “Actually Made Canada Great Again”.

    1. “Warren Kinsella at the Toronto Sun lets us know what the Trudeau ads will be. They will say, ‘Actually Made Canada Great Again’.”

      Is there no limit to our capacity for grandiose self-delusion in this country?

      Don’t answer that.

    2. Actually, I thought something like “Caring About Canada Again”. Take the initials of those words and we have a true measure of him and his accomplishments.

  11. “Women, Peace and Security is at the heart of our Feminist Foreign Policy and I look forward to working together to advance this agenda at home and abroad.”

    Is there no limit to our capacity for grandiose self-delusion in this country?

    Don’t answer that.

  12. Climate Barbie burned jet fuel to Burlington today, where joined by local Liberal MPs she explained to Trudeau’s loyal media that Justin is saving the Great Lakes from evil Doug Ford. She will be attending a fundraiser tonight at taxpayer expense. Plenty of cabinet ministers are traveling around the country throwing around money. This includes a cabinet minister handing out money to three snowmobile clubs. For a full list of ministers traveling around at taxpayer expense, check out iPolitics. Just part of Justin’s new slogan, “Actually Made Canada Great Again”. Much better than the old “Soldiers Marching In The Streets”.

      1. “Will she be packing her fishing rod (line optional)?”
        She better bring along a copy of
        “How to Fish” by Will Ketchem.

    1. “This includes a cabinet minister handing out money to three snowmobile clubs.”

      Because nothing better demonstrates the Federal government’s total commitment to the current “climate change emergency” than subsidizing recreational snowmobile use.

  13. Maxime Bernier

    Trudeau keeps playing divisive identity politics.

    “It’s just unfortunate that there are still some party leaders who want to be prime minister, who choose to stand with people who are intolerant instead of standing with the LGBT community,” he said.



    First, can we stop taking about an LGBT “community?”

    There are Canadians who happen to be gay, lesbian, trans, etc.

    All those I know say they have nothing in common with the likes of Yaniv, Oger, and other Far Left activists who claim to be speaking for them.

    They live normal lives that are not centred on their sexuality or gender.

    They don’t necessarily feel the need to publicly show their “pride.” They simply are who they are.

    They don’t try to subvert every traditional social norm.

    Our family members, friends and colleagues who are LGBT must have the same respect and rights as everyone.

    But there’s nothing intolerant in opposing the radical fringe of this movement and not attending a pride parade.

    Trudeau is the one fostering a climate of intolerance.


    1. I agree. Trudeau is such an a-hole. He disrespects anyone who does not share his views. He supports various identity groups as a political tactic. I don’t believe he cares anything for them. He could not bother showing any support for the jobless truckers from Alberta. That tells you how much he cares for the Canadian public. Anyone who does not favour his manipulative agenda is not shown respect.

    2. Teaching immorality and sexual perversion is more than an affront to God, it is a disgrace for a civil society to even contemplate such idiocy.

  14. The Rebel

    NEW from

    The Netherlands has banned the burqa! …but the Dutch police say enforcement is not a priority.

    WATCH: (link: http://bit.ly/2KKW1oD) bit.ly/2KKW1oD

  15. Fox News reports on the new blockbuster coming out in Sept. Yes Hollywood is excited about a horror movie that has American liberals hunting deplorables. Watch with excitement as brave leftists hunt down and shoot Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats.

  16. Oh my God! Conservative Nazis are running rampant at Post Media. Yes Maclean’s magazine has the story on how Post Media which includes the National Post has become more Conservative leaning in its stories. Why they even have a Doug Ford Nazi in management. Its a good thing we have all the rest of the media to support Justin. Freedom of the press only works when approved by Justin’s Unifor panel.

  17. For you Trudeau worshipers out there, little Justin is burning jet fuel at taxpayer expense to Montreal for another fund raiser.

  18. Groper is sticking his nose into provincial responsibilities again. After going around Ford to give schools in Ontario global warming money, Climate Barbie is now going around the Manitoba government to give schools money. Why do we have provincial governments, Justin can run everything.

  19. I just saw this headline: Swedish teen kicked off bus for showing too much skin during heatwave.
    A quick search revealed …
    “She was in Malmo – a majority Muslim city – bus driver trying to enforce Sharia law…” says one response to the Vancouver Sun.

    Actually Malmo is only 16% Muslim. Blackburn UK on the other hand is 30% Muslim.

    The motivation of the driver remains a mystery…
