I, Napoleon

Is his fifteen minutes up yet?

Jessica Yaniv, a transgender B.C. woman whose complaints over being refused intimate waxing services sparked wide controversy, was arrested Monday, apparently for brandishing a prohibited weapon during an online debate.
Yaniv said officers showed up at her apartment in Langley, B.C., shortly after the YouTube debate on transgender activism ended. The officers asked her about a stun gun, she said.
“About three minutes after (the broadcast ended), I have RCMP showing up at my door and putting me into cuffs saying I have a prohibited weapon,” she said in an interview.

49 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

    1. well he/she/it will no longer use those BECAUSE, carding

      colon, I think you have replaced unDork as the prime entertainment dolt:-))))

      1. Enema, not because carding but because he was brandishing them on live stream you imbecile.

    2. OK, first of all he was not now nor ever will be a woman. Stop with the stupidity.

  1. “Yaniv, however, said the charge is unfair because she has repeatedly told police about her stun guns and repellent sprays, saying they are for her personal protection.”

    I am perfectly willing to believe that part. Cops were willing to look the other way when there was no publicly available evidence of Yaniv committing a crime for which a normal person would face time behind bars. Again cops were afraid to be called transphobic just like they are afraid to be called racist. Yaniv was just too stupid and felt too invincible and thus forced RCMP to act.

    1. I don’t know why you refer to this very sick MAN as a woman. Even just the fact that HE was going around trying to get some little Asian woman to rip the pubic hairs off HIS BALLS should be evidence enough, that this ugly piece of work is no woman.

      Are you afraid of the Tyranny Community coming after and beating you to death with their purses?

      Thank you, thank you very much.

  2. Well I was rummaging around my carport this weekend and for the life of me I just couldn’t find the SEX WAX, so someone could polish my door knob and wax my big brass balls.

    I did however find my Turtle brand cut wax, and polishing wax; but this wasn’t leading to any delightful adventures in the boudoire with the missus. Oh no folks, I did something so Canadian and over the top in land locked Langley…I cut waxed and polished my rather sizable red canoe! Goodness gracious the missus was even taking pictures of me polishing my rocking Ferrari red canoe. Oh the scandal…
    well the neighbours will be talking now…

    What this “Jacked Off Yanniv” dude is doing, is gaming the the justice system; to demand some otherwise innocent to wax his testicles for a fee. In some circles, this is tantamount to paying for a handjob amongst the “ladies of the evening” hanging out in the red light district. Face it, “Jacked Off Yanniv” yer a creep for trying to pull this utter crap on otherwise innocents and youngsters.

    So you can’t muster a decent relationship, so ya need to get yer jollies by ram rodding the innocents in pursuit of your “indecent relationship human rights” twaddle.

    We may use Turtle wax, but by God, we ain’t that damned slow, to know that our society is being completely screwed.

    I trust “Jacked Off Yanniv’s” next relationship misadventure is positively shocking.

    Meanwhile, I’ll be taking some canoe leisure time in grizzly country, pepper spray or no. I’m sure “Mr. Grizz” would likely give “Jacked Off Yanniv” the “clawed balls” treatment he so desperately wishes, the next time he is in the very deep dark woods.



    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

    1. Good. I should do it too.


      If a million of us started gaming the system like this, deliberately targeting protected groups like Yaniv does, we would be using Alinski rule 4 very effectively. Although, I very much doubt it would lead to any sort of collapse; they will not give up the power of section 13 while they live, and we are unwilling to execute them all.

      Is there a lesbian bakery in Canada? What is the name of that church that is so famous for trolling homos? Let’s section 13 a lesbian bakery into baking us a homophobe cake…

      WESTBORO BAPTIST, had to search that “who is that preacher who trolls gays”.

      1. She still has male genitals, but earlier said she is on a wait list for genital surgery.

        Gaming the system!!?? That’s all well and good … until … the system being gamed is National (government) Healthcare. When grandma’s new hip replacement is set aside for this creeps Hackadictomy and Adavagtomy … then REAL PEOPLE are being hurt. I am SO sorry that my fellow Canadians are stuck in a POLITICALLY CORRECT healthcare system.

        Coming soon … don’t vote for Trudeau … and fall further down the wait list for chemotherapy treatment.

        1. I could fix his problem immediately. I have a very sharp fillet knife. Zip, zip and done. maybe just one zip, the knife is very sharp.

      2. “gaming the system like this”.

        I know what you mean but I believe the system is actually gaming this mentally disturbed individual to push this sick agenda of destroying families, demoralizing normals and controlling them with their made up hate speech. Abolish the Human Rights Tribunals and their star chambers.

    1. Everybody knows, baby’s got new clothes,
      but lately I see her ribbons and her bows

      Yeah … I’m certain she ACHES … just like a “woman”, but breaks just like a little poofter boy.

      Sorry … but this latest “Trans” homo is as seriously damaged a mental patient as the latest two American mass murderer shooters.

  3. We should all know by now that it is against the law to defend yourself in Canada.

    1. Well, unless you are an approved “minority” classification.

      He/she had reasonable expectations that they could have circumvented laws that would put the rest of us in jail for life. It won’t be surprising to see the obligatory “slap on the wrist”, something a normal “Founding Nations” person would never see.

  4. I suspect Yaniv will lose his (her, its? ) “human rights” complaint against the Brazilian waxers. There has been negative press in the conservative media (the story was initially censored in the dominant media cartel). But recently opinion has sprung up in the media cartel — like CBC News and the Globe and Mail — criticizing Yaniv from a left-wing perspective. The politicized quacks at the BC “Human Rights” Tribunal read the left-wing media, and will quickly see that Yaniv is a nutter.

    The Yaniv circus at the BCHRT is expected to last three months — why so long is because the quacks there want to earn their generous salary. This could be an interesting hearing. The LQBQTXYZ lobbyists might stand full bore for Yaniv, but it would be interesting to see who stands with the Brazilian waxers. But surely the “human rights” police at the BCHRT would know that giving a victory to Yaniv would be devistating. The BCHRT would be ridiculed to no end.

    1. Concurrence.
      When two identifiable voting blocs covered by the liberal protected species act (aka the charter), come into potential existential conflict its not a flaw of the Trudeau charter, its an inevitable outcome.

    2. No one is going to be calling Yaniv a pervert predator fake/fraud trans at the BCHRT.
      Yaniv can be a pervert predator and still be trans with all protections by law accorded to trans.

      The bikini waxers are going to defend arguing their rights are being violated by having to wax Yanivs nuts.

    3. Yaniv will not “lose” the case.
      As you say David, the judgement will be influenced most by how left media reports on the issue. (“Hey boss, the CBC said something negative, I don’t think we can give a cash payout on this one.”). But the judgement will be a rambling, incoherent mess which absolves both parties of wrongdoing. Or rather, the judgement could be interpreted any way, as long as it supports protected groups. NOTHING in it will place any blame on Yaniv. If blame is placed anywhere, expect a sentence vilifying the “toxic environment” created by “far right agitators”.

      On a good note, the whole world is watching this case, and will be laughing at the clown show.

      I predict Yaniv will be offered a job at the tribunal within 4 years. Clearly pining to be a “leader”…

    4. Except … all “true” Transgenders are homosexuals (like Bruce Jenner and his dress-up boyfriend). So those administrators of cultural depravity have decided to BURN Yakov at the stake for being a hetero pervert … who dresses like a woman to molester little girls … instead of little boys (which is the “proper” transaction) . Can’t have any heterosexual men playing dress-up to get their jollies.

  5. Yup, fifteen minutes. From Jenner, to tranny kids, to this pathetic drip, it’s all about the recognition.

  6. Yaniv’s next trick will be to file a complaint that women’s bathrooms aren’t trans-friendly unless they have urinals installed.

  7. I refuse to refer to this creep as a she and so should media.
    He is a pedophile predator who needs to be removed from the general population.

  8. “During the heated YouTube debate, viewed by the Post, [notorious tranny “Blaire”] White harshly criticized Yaniv’s tactics, actions and appearance and Yaniv said she faces harassment and threats because of the prominence of her trans activism.”

    In other words, even the trannies are furious with Yaniv for letting the cat out of the bag so blatantly. They want him to go away.

    Don’t let that happen. Let the tranny conspiracy to get your children be exposed to a candid world. Let Yaniv be remembered when Bob Mueller is forgotten.

    1. “In other words, even the trannies are furious with Yaniv for letting the cat out of the bag so blatantly. They want him to go away.”

      That is certainly my impression.

      Yaniv seems to be – dare I say? – queering the deal for the transgender cause with the public.

      (However, I also think that, putting the “trans” issue entirely to one side, Yaniv is just an entirely unsavoury and unpleasant individual.)

  9. You COULD use Veet but there could be effects. Yes you can use veet hair removal cream to remove hair in underarms and pubic area. Few things to remember before using it: dont use it if there are any cuts or breakouts in the region.
    Copied from Wiki. Veet is the old neet. Who knew?

  10. Bob Daye, I agree.
    And note that our hostess used HE in her introduction to the National Post quote which idiotically used the feminine throughout.
    Watching that Gunn report showing him in the elevator I was having a bit of a chuckle over the threatening deep male voice. He’ll have to work on that like the castratti singers back in the day.

  11. I’m terribly worried about Shiny Socks.

    He has tweeted his supportive outrage yet.

    Maybe he doesn’t get reception on the jet ?

  12. The ultimate irony: any of Yaniv’s charges and convictions will be listed as a committed by a woman. So, don’t be surprised in a few years when we get headlines about the increase of violent and sexual abuse crimes committed by “women”. I’ve read that transwomen have crime rates far higher than real women. That transwomen rates are close to male crimes rates. No surprise considering they are men with male style aggression and have higher rates of mental instability than the general population.

    And…Yaniv will be housed in a female prison if convicted of any crimes, putting actual female prisoners at risk. Yaniv will follow his usual pattern and burden the prison system with long lists of radical transactivist complaints and demands for gender affirming care, probably a lawsuit or two.

    1. whaaaaaaall shyt LC, you pegged it right there.
      all part of the yanov plan eh? wind up locked away with dozens of targets, no snitches, do what heshexe will.
      and AAAAAAAALL with the blessing of supreme courts, LIEberals, cops, psychologists and wtf.

  13. Maxime Bernier

    Adults who choose to change sex with full knowledge of the consequences in order to better their lives should be respected.

    But society should not be upended to accommodate the whims of a minority of crazy extremists among them.

    And first and foremost, our children should be protected from this growing trans industry of activists, school counsellors, psychologists, doctors, and lawyers that is trying to increase its business and client base while trampling on parental rights.



      1. If I was Max, I would refuse to appear if invited. All he would do, is be the “everyone yell over top that one” guy, taking heat of both Scheer and Trudeau.

        If you want to talk to Max, I am pretty sure he would come to your house. Unlike any other politician on the continent.

    1. 338 MP’s, but 337 leave it up to Max to speak what everyone is thinking on this issue.

      And most disgraceful are those “Conservative” MP’s who think they are entitled to the family values votes…

  14. HIS name is JONATHAN! STOP letting these filthy deviant freaks mis-gender themselves! DO NOT let then control the language, as controlling language is how you control how people think. You’re effectively giving him a measure of control over how you think. Stop it.

    1. I agree. I’ll use the person’s first or last name depending on familiarity. I’ll use neutral terms that I use when I’ve forgotten someone’s name. I’ll be as polite and respectful as possible because that’s how I treat people. But using the plural they for an individual is in most cases grammatically incorrect. I’m opposed to using improper he/she pronouns for transpeople because it is scientifically inaccurate, there are no gametes other than sperm and eggs.

      A male does not become a female by saying the magic words “I am now a woman” or by SRS, although SRS makes it easier for some transwomen to “pass” as female. Making people say what is factually untrue under threat of government laws is the equivalent of making them say 2+2=5, it is Orwellian.

      Live and let live means respecting people’s boundaries. That means respecting my opinion that XY men can never be real women and me respecting their right to live as they choose.

      1. aaaaaaaall correct LC, but you do acknowledge, these rules are the things being subjected to a ‘book burning’, right?
        aka mob rules. we know where that leads, the mob WILL turn on itself. some sort of psycho-socio-(sociopathic?) thing dynamic.
        I just bought a jar of Orville Redenbacher popcorn.

        1. I’ve seen more resistance to pronoun policing and transwomen (men) in female sports than I’ve ever seen. I think it is the impassable barrier that progressive SJW authoritarians cannot break through. They’ll destroy themselves trying to force people to comply with their biological sex is a social construct delusions. Hopefully they’ll drag down academics, journalists and politicians who have hitched themselves to that doomed wagon. After this nonsense, the lot of them should lose credibility in all subjects.

  15. fwiw, I just dropped a blistering snail mail in a rarely found red mailbox accusing the tribunal (sounds like a bunch of senior communists or sumptin) of catering to a bully.
    with hand written stuff words and arrows on the b&w pics ‘cock’ ‘balls’ ‘MALE’.
    and suggesting they are setting the stage where ANYTHING need only be declared and closing with
    ‘be careful what you wish for’.

    bastards. bloody LIEberal fostered bastards.
