38 Replies to ““The specter of white supremacy haunts America.””

  1. From the article: “Watts proposes legislation that would permit designating persons associated with what the government may identify as “white supremacist ideology” as subject to surveillance to “preemptively assess whether these white supremacists are taking a radical turn toward violence.”

    Who are they? Are we they? You betcha; as Pierre Trudeau loved to say, you have the right to shut your mouth.

    Like their CO2 brainwash trough draining, postmodern Marxists (I repeat myself) have found another invisible enemy to crush.

    Remember there is no objective truth, but your money is very real as are the tax collectors. Only white supremacists object.

    The ruling class are not racists like you, so why object to being ruled by their superior intellect and moral correctness?.

    Their amoral body counts were just because they didn’t have the “right people” in charge.

    The ones who wish to take away your liberty to take away your prosperity, then your safety.

    Do you see the difference between Kamala Harris and Josef Stalin? Only a racist wouldn’t, and they’ll all be gone soon.

  2. Considering the rampant white racism engulfing the western world it’s odd that so few people have ever met a white racist. The term “white supremacy” is just anti-white hate, nothing more, nothing less. The vast majority of white people couldn’t give a shit about anything other than their paycheque.

      1. Yes, and if you ask one of them what fascism is, they have no idea. They’ll mumble about capitalist imperialist racists and stare blankly if you ask the difference between national socialism and international socialism.

        (A clue for UnMe, one is elitist based on the idea “Socialism can only work if people like me who are brighter and better in every way than all the untermench are involved”.)

        1. Yep. UnMe is the product of the public schools “self-esteem” immersion … where they learn how “great” they are despite accomplishing nothing.

    1. Exactly, well said.

      I will just add that the growth of white consciousness, occurring since roughly Obama era, is a consequence of endless mainstreaming of demonization of whites. It is a defensive reaction to what is becoming a universally accepted mantra that we deserve to be hated.

    2. The real point is, leftist memes cannot stand the simplest logical rebuffs.
      If indeed, white racism has been rampant in the western world, and that all western institutions are tools of white racism, why do whites need to organize themselves into radical supremacist cadres at all?
      If indeed, white racism has been rampant in the western world, and that all western institutions are tools of white racism, and all POC in the western world suffer horribly at the hands of the whites, why are the POC, and self identifies POC (such as Iranians) breaking every law to get in the countries of the world?
      If indeed, white racism has been rampant in the western world, and that all western institutions are tools of white racism, and all POC in the western world suffer horribly at the hands of the whites, why are the POC in lands where they are in control not doing immensely better economically and intellectually than the POC who are suffering horribly at the hands of the whites?
      One can ask the same sort of question on the other memes.
      When one of the American presidential candidates have demonstrated her utter willingness to cooperate with Russia even to the point of selling it fissionable nuclear material, why would Russia want to conspire with the other major party candidate to defeat her, especially when that candidate has a reputation of a hard ass to deal with? And when that candidate actually became president, he has taken every action to contain Russia, why would anyone still believe in a collusion?
      And that president has been accused 24/7 of being an avowed racist. If that were true, why would he pursue policies that have made Americans belonging to those “oppressed races,” the best situated economically in history?
      The mind boggles at why anyone not feeding at the public trough, or have an interest in maintaining that public trough, (read swamp creatures), would believe in such nonsense.
      My fear is, now that the swamp creatures have unmasked themselves, when they see how close President Trump is to overturning all their schemes, when and if they ever regain the presidency, they will do everything possible to make their ideal socialist oppressive state a reality. How did the Weimar Republic descend into Nazi Germany? Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The 2020 election is vital for the future of the republic. But so will every election after that, until we will utterly drain the swamp, or perhaps a better visualization, finally kill the hydra.

  3. If you don’t like living in a historically and majority white country there is nothing stopping you from moving to the other 90 percent of the planet.

  4. All that ‘non-socialist’ central planning coming home to roost…

    Jeremiah 17:4-6 KJV
    (4)  And thou, even thyself, shalt discontinue from thine heritage that I gave thee; and I will cause thee to serve thine enemies in the land which thou knowest not: for ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn for ever.
    (5)  Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.
    (6)  For he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land and not inhabited.

    1. If this is the same account that likes to spoof disagreeable people by pretending to be them, then I find it surprising that you’re willing to quote The Bible. I think it has something to say about bearing false witness?

      If you want to act that way then that’s between you and The Lord, but you’re a blazing pillar of hypocrisy to the nonbelievers.

      If this is, indeed, a different account then my condolences because you’ve been misrepresented in past posts too.

  5. Apparently the “White Supremacists” have been gang raping young girls across Europe, grooming gangs in the UK, practicing female genital mutilations, and public acid attacks.

    Be on the lookout!

    1. Agreed. However, it is comforting to recognize that the Caucasian grooming gangs are mostly Billionaires plying their trade in the obscurity of a lawless Caribbean. Not to mention the mile-high grooming …

      1. And those billionaire Caucasian grooming gangs really are truly “White Supremacists.”

        They are the ones who keep plantation blacks in marginal existence, depending on the State for food (stamps) and (public) housing. In return, these plantation blacks have no choice but to keep voting for their masters and the House N-words.
        Oh yes, these plantations have House N-words, who keep the plantation blacks in line. In return, they share in the graft (why else would they be in this line of business?). Each of them has a group of plantation blacks to call their own, called constituents of districts, and money is supposedly given the groups by the masters, funneled through the House N-words. In reality, not so much funneled as filtered. And the filters are very fine as little gets through. Millions of dollars are untrackable in Baltimore? Try to find the trail of money in any big city with black congressional districts. The House N-words are all filthy rich. Your Elijah Cummings. Your Mad Maxines. Your Barbara Lees. The list is endless. And the trails all end in nowhere. Definitely not in the pockets of the plantation blacks. They have learned to be happy with their food stamps and public housing.

        And just to remember where my tirade started. Yes, all of that is overseen by their White Supremacists masters, who have no regard for the plantation blacks, and about just as much for the House N-words. If one of them got into trouble, why he is expendable. Convict him for corruption to show how pure the masters are. Everyone of those congressmen is corrupt, and are allowed to be, as long as they keep themselves in line. And they know it too. Just like in China.

        And if anyone thinks I am exaggerating, we have the words of LBJ talking about his “Great Society” program. He said if we get this through, we will have those N-words (his exact word) voting Democratic for decades. Unfortunately he got it through, and they do.

  6. Raaaacist Financial Times didn’t specifically attribute anti-Semitic crimes to White Heterosexual Conservative Christian middle class Males over 40!

    “Asked about the perpetrators of the most anti-Semitic incidents, 31 per cent of respondents said they were not able to identify the assailant. Thirty per cent said the perpetrator was “someone with an extremist Muslim view”, followed by 21 per cent who said the attacker had been “someone with a leftwing political view”.”


  7. From the piece: The White Supremacy Hoax

    In January 2012, the Department of Homeland Security, in cooperation with the University of Maryland, published a study titled “Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States, 1979-2008.” It classified persons who it judged to be “suspicious of centralized federal authority” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right wing terrorists.” So-called studies published by Clint Watts’ West Point center use the same typology. Skeptical of the government? You’re a potential terrorist.

    Well, well, WELL.
    Let me tell you a little story!
    Decades ago when I was a naive libertarian, I contributed to FEE (Foundation of Economic Education): a venerable decades old free market, Austrian school of economics think tank. With the donation came a free subscription to its monthly magazine The Freeman.

    Over time the arrival of the magazine in the mail became spotty with random months missing. I thought to myself: “Maybe it’s the title” as I believe there were dissident groups with similar names. I wrote (pre-email) FEE about this and even suggested that the magazine name may be provocative to gubmint idiots. Lo! and behold! a few months later they changed the name of the decades-old magazine to something like Ideas on Freedom. Clearly they did not do this on the strength of my letter only.

    Clearly, then, to Homeland Security I am a terrorist. May GWB rot in hell for this useless and monstrous institution.

    1. MND:
      a Q, what was your opinion of dubya back in his 15 minutes of fame?
      mine has changed hardly a bit, a frat boy who lucked in having daddykins lay out the red carpet for him to assume the crown.
      (hmmm, that sounds familiar . . . . .)

      dubya BOASTED how he never read newspapers. apparently all he could hold in his pea brain was a 1 page synopsis each morning of what was prominent in the day’s issues.
      p.s. there dubya, ya dont have to SWALLOW WHOLE what the printed press puts out, buuuuuut it *might* give one an indication of what has captured the voters’ attention. jist a suggestion.

      george dubya, the occupying power that tried to get ken lay of enron scandal appointed . . . . . appointed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
      secretary of . . . . . . . . . . of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . energy !!!! whee !!!!! hey folks, prep yerself for
      NATION WIDE POWER BLACKOUTS !!!!!! tq tq tq dubya !!!!!

      and doan fergit sda, ya takes issue with the list in this link, take it up with the huff people. m’kay?
      but, BUT, if the list is accurate, what does it tell us about dubya’s thought processes? hmmm?
      george dubya the right wing knight in not-so-shiny armour . . . . .

      1. hb
        I’m not boosh fan by any stretch, but his not reading news papers was quite probably because he was/is dyslexic. No one had to tell me that, it was apparent by what he was criticized for. As to dubya, he was/is a bible thumper, which makes me wonder because his father and grandfather were in on the Kennedy killing. And WH was is the drug running business with willy Cliton.

  8. I have yet to hear anyone coin the phrase… ‘Progressive-Supremacists’.

    Because along with ‘Islamic-Supremacists’, they are the only actual supremacists I know of that are posing a real threat to the existence of the western world.

    1. I call them progressiveCons*.

      These days “progressive” anything is standard con lingo.

      * The largest division of the huge multinational association of Con Artists & Crooks International.

  9. anybody writing a book about this ‘whyt supremo’ crapola will be sorely frustrated seeing as the ‘rules’
    change on a daily basis somewhere.
    I am at the point in my life, and conscientiously working towards the state (ie psychological meaning, NOT political definition)
    whereby I can easily step back and put it all in context.
    that being, there is coming a period of chaos unmatched anywhere, and it will be like a hurricane engulfing the entire globe.

    all these daily stories and subsequent outrage are very predictable. history really really is an adept, skilled and knowledgeable teacher. she even teaches that some of her message has been mangled and corrupted by the ‘winners’ of a given conflict.

    SDA: learn everything you can about the mechanics of propaganda. learn how to spot it. be skeptical of everything. verify and verify again and stay skeptical. it may take years to erode and wash away all the lies and rumours and half-truths, but in the mean time, be skeptical, pick your friends judiciously, cultivate that work ethic. (mine was genetic, myself and all 6 siblings had their own business at some point, 5 post secondary grads, 3 teachers, a lawyer, a VERY successful plumber whose son outdid all of us, etc).

    and a heartfelt, sincere THANK YOU to dear Kate for setting up and maintaining this forum which has provided countless links that I have followed in order to fact check.

    and a teensie tq for the likes of unmebot for the comic relief.

  10. I am white and I am old, now if you really want to f with me you best bring your a game and one hell of a lot of fire power. Not everyone who posts here is a keyboard warrior.

  11. All you SDA regulars can rest content in the knowledge that our ever-diligent security agencies have you in their files.

    Back in ’04, 05′ and ’06 OPP Intelligence was tracking the Landowner Associations (many of the members were grandparents) as if they were outlaw bike gangs. It is guaranteed that the same sort of thing is being done now with the likes of us to build the fiction that there is a sinister right-wing movement afoot that threatens the very foundations of Lollipop Land.

    1. but but but . . . . cops are tops !!!!


      they arent? is that why it’s called a ‘police state’ and not oh, say, a firefighter state or
      auto mechanic state or
      farm worker state or
      investment counselor state or
      store clerk state or or or or . . . . . .

      look at the MINDSET of ALL cops and the answer is clear: POWER and lots of it. ruthless power like an iceberg, ie
      most of it unseen and in the shadows (familiar territory for those with evil intent)

      cops are like mob enforcers for the status quo.
      feel free to draw up a list of the names of the various secret POLICE organizations, past and present.

      aka it aint the 50s anymore and we are NOT in Kansas !!!

      1. “cops are like mob enforcers for the status quo.”

        If so, It is like it is because protest against it amounts to little more than anonymous comments on blogs and forums.

        The ace up the sleeve for the movers and shakers is the certainty that 99 percent might piss and whine, but they will take no constructive action to change things.

        1. I do take action.
          I have 4 OIPRD complaints in the works right now and am batting 1,000 with some 4 or so previously,
          ie they are NOT frivolous complaints. so there, I DO take action.
          it takes around half a year to get a response. my suspicions are they are REALLY busy dealing with the obstinate cops.
          try it some time. try and get a straight answer out of them. watch how they get lippy when you demand to know why *victims* of assault are supposed to (exact quote) “wait until police arrive”


          really? how long?
          wont say
          well how long on average?
          wont say
          ok, how long to prove you arent trying to (exact quote) “get away”?
          wont say
          well how in blazes are victims of friggin assault SUPPOSED TO KNOW THIS ‘RULE’?
          wont say
          do you do public service announcements?
          wont say
          is it on your web site?
          wont say
          do you tell whoever called in the incident to tell EVERYONE in the vicinity about this ‘wait until police arrive’ rule?
          wont say

          so ya, ALL for the convenience of cops under the threat that (exact quote) “if you leave it doesnt look good”

          youre trying to A: deescalate the situation and B: preserve your own well being
          and the status quo enforcers claim “it doesnt look good”.

          wont say
          lol !!!! just thought I’d put that last ‘wont say’ in for emphasis !!!

          but hey ‘cops are tops’ !!!!!
          (certainly when it comes to oh, SEXUAL harassment and worse, do a quickduck lookup on
          rcmp class action suit sexual harassment)
          ‘cops are tops’ !!!!!

    2. “All you SDA regulars can rest content in the knowledge that our ever-diligent security agencies have you in their files.”

      CHRC BAMNers were stalking FreeDominion ‘before you were born’

      Bellman and True
      “Tell us a story
      Tell us about the good times
      When the Princess wore a giraffe skin coat
      And her wine tasted like a frosty morning”

  12. If a tipping point comes and SHTF it will be awful for all.
    Nobody will be able to sit anything out.

  13. The new fascist globalist talking point… the terror of “white supremacy” or better known to most as those who would resist the authoritarian rule of the globalist elite. Sounds a lot like Caucasian-Phobia… In a “progressive” world where a small mob of uber rich white people wallow in the depths of toxic identity politics while they rule over other white people who are by “progressive” definition a bunch of “white supremacists… what a world… When the Butts/Turdhole Government get re-elected in the fall they should immediately impose a Bill that will address the clear and present threat of Fascist Globalist Caucasian-Phobia. The progressive agenda of ramming identity politics down our throats and creating an environment of fear and hate will surely backfire.

    1. Like Trump racism, no examples of white supremacists are provided, as they beg their own question.

  14. Whities who don’t go along with the official narrative are deplorables & the state wants more power to legalize its spying and pre-emptive measures on deplorable types cuz of incidents like the El Paso shooting by a “white nationalist”. That they ignore the tips and warning signs about all those other shooters who go about shooting up schools and discos tells us where the priorities are.

  15. Funny how those feeding at the public trough,consider any resistance to their parasitic existence as treason.
    That pesky constitution, which they swear an oath to “ignore?” unhold..uphold.
    Says the state may not execute a citizen without Due Process,yet our progressive comrades cheered Obama as he ordered American Citizens assassinated by Drone .
    And those pretending to fear these imaginary “white supremists” are advocating for assassination by SWAT any who challenge their lawless ways.
    That “Force of government” is a power all thugs lust after .
    The more cowardly the thug,the greater their desire to use government force.

    1. spot on sir.
      those clamouring for ‘da gubbamint’ to [insert heavy handed measure] forget that ‘da gubbaimnt’ is only
      and only ever will be . . . . other PEOPLE.
      who have agendas, ideology, secrets, etc etc.
