25 Replies to “Trudeau: I Accept Responsibility But Did Nothing Wrong”

  1. I accept responsibility for groping that young woman but I did nothing wrong because she doesn’t realize how lucky she was.
    Seems to be a theme here…

  2. Well the morons of Canada that voted for a head moron will put this one in the “Uncle Aguie is a close friend and I only went to his private island for a meeting with other Augie types to briefed on how I would run Canada into the hole like Venezuela” column, nothing to see here, leave our failed drama teacher alone its not his fault.

    1. Nothing will come of this. The federal Liberals have paid off our dominant media cartel, and the two conservative parties lack the killer instinct to use these findings in the upcoming election.

  3. Trudeau appointed Dion, supposedly a good Liberal, as ethics commissioner. But Dion didn’t deliver for team Trudeau.

    Assuming that Dion is a loyal Liberal, who is he loyal to? Someone, or some people, in the Liberal party want the little potato out.

    1. The orders are coming directly from Beijing. Chairman Xi has concluded Justin is incompetent and has to go.

      1. Guess they regret all the money the sent to the Trudeau foundation and other Liberal “charities”.

  4. Trudeau IS a little kid who has never matured.

    He grew up as a trust fund brat and who suffered no consequences from doing wrong things.
    Either the trust fund money or Lying Pierre bailed him out.
    In fact he made a point of boasting that when his bro got busted for marijuana possession, all it took was a call from old Pierre to his justice friends make the issue disappear.

    And besides ‘Laws are for you little people’.

    BTW, Quebec politicians have stereotyped themselves and Quebecers so much as just a bunch of lawless, corrupt, arrogant criminals, that I think some like Mr Dion is so embarrassed by the continuous stereotyping that he did the right thing and wrote a good report.
    Kudos to Mr Dion.

  5. As an American, what I find interesting is this statement he made in defense of his actions:

    “My job as a prime minister is to stand up for Canadians and defend their interests,” Trudeau said.

    Forget for a moment whether he actually did that, but at least he claimed that as a defense, and everyone in Canada seems to agree that’s a valid defense. The only question is whether he really did it.

    Contrast that to President Trump’s inaugural speech, where he said he puts “America first.” Immediately the MSM and Democrats attacked his idea of “America first” as xenophobic. Someone, may have been Scarborough, actually say what would Theresa May think of that.

    Proof positive, American Democrats and MSM are worse than Canadian Liberals and MSM. To the former, every country on Earth has the right to consider its self interest first, except the United States.

    1. OldBruin

      Interesting observation. And if Trump had done what Trudeau did, he’d have been impeached so fast your head would spin.

    2. The “defending their interests” probably refers to “protecting good middle class jobs” (the usual, non-answer answer repeated endlessly by Trudeau in the House of Commons). So let’s examine that phrase, based upon last months’ Stats Canada employment report where the private sector lost 39,600 jobs while the public sector picked up 19,500 jobs for a next employment loss of approximately 20,000 jobs (with a margin of error of 19,000 jobs [yes, that is their margin of error in the report, speaking volumes to the competency of Stats Canada]). So I would ask the PM, how did you defend Canadians interests, their good middle class jobs, last month when the only people that got new jobs were in the public service that never, ever creates wealth, but only spends the wealth of others? No economy can survive without producing goods and services that can be traded with other countries to increase wealth. And second, how do profligate, pre-election spending promises, and a large deficit promote a better economy?

      No, I will not hold my breath waiting for an answer because the idiot in charge and his cronies don’t have one.

  6. There used to be an impressionist, I think his name was Fryer or Frye, who did a deadly Dick Nixon. One of my favorite lines he did as Nixon: “I take responsibility… but not the blame.”

  7. Nothing will happen with Turdeau’s ethics violations. Who is kidding who? As per usual the paid off media will look the other way. The real question to be asked/ exposed is how much SNC money went into Liebel Party fund raising? The Ethics probe has ‘safely’ placed the talking points around Turdeau’s interference with Raybold’s decision making. The real crime would be taking SNC money in exchange for favorable treatment in the Courts. SNC has a long history of coughing up money to the Liebels. Paper bags anyone? This is no stretch considering SNC’s history of bribery around the world.

    But, again, these are questions that will never be asked/investigated. If the CPC leadership had any gonads they would be doing the work that the media/RCMP should be doing. IMHO all 3 of these groups are directed by progressives.

  8. Accepting responsibility would have involved Justin’s resigning and turning himself in to the RCMP, prepared to offer any and all information useful to prosecutors preparing criminal indictments against all involved,and to plead guilty on every count filed against his own person.

    Not to save his own skin, but because grown men who have to work for a living and can’t hire whiteshoe lawyers and PR firms to make their problems go away understand accepting responsibility means accepting the consequences of one’s own actions.

    As it is…get back to me when US troops are having a picnic on the grounds of Rideau Hall and Justin is awaiting trial in an American prison. He was taught that consequences are for Englishmen and Jews. Not sons of prime ministers.

    He knows as well as we do that Chairman Xi has decided not to renew his work contract, and expects to be grateful that he leaves office at all. Sadly, most Canadians will be.

    God help me, the closest any of our master class has come to accepting responsibility lately was the death of Jeffrey Epstein.

    Once Jeff realized that the DOJ had everything they needed to make sure he died in prison and nobody was coming to save him this time, Jeff at least had the sense to cut his losses, and save the taxpayer a fortune paying for a media circus that the MSM would have insisted on making about President Trump.

  9. So he accepts responsibility?

    That usually involves accepting the punishment for the action.

    In this case I suspect he feels admitting to the act is sufficient and no act of contrition is required.
    I blame the parents, and the stepfather.

  10. Isn’t he special.
    Funny thing, the Hair Apparent is telling his truth.
    When Canadian jobs were being destroyed by federal government decree,upwards of 100 000 in Western Canada,our fearless PM’s response was “Meh”.
    But when Canadien jobs jobs were at play,7000 kinda sorta,in a roundabout way,but not the work itself, suddenly rule of law must go.
    Retroactive rewriting of the criminal law,because JOBs for Canadiens.

    The real question, are Canadians stupid enough,to buy what Justine’s Media Party is selling this election.
    It will be close as 1/4 of voters are now the “new middle class” living large at the expense of the rest.
    So those dependent on the kleptocracy are a sure vote for it,then you only need to fool/bribe a further 15% and majority government is theirs.
    Which is my prediction.
    As a Western Canadian I am good with that as I regard Confederated Canada as F.U.B.A.R and by my calculations we cannot afford to remain in Canada as the bills are coming due,with the west earmarked as the dummies who will pay for the Eastern Generational Theft.
    Theft by government has reached and now exceeded a level were families cannot afford children,without Government Help and all the toxic control and interference involved.

  11. the TURDoo 2.0’s response actually gives remarkable insight into the inordinately intricate and complex workings of LIEberal logic.
    the prominent glaring hypocrisy is swept aside like a stray leaf, replaced with great adulation and priority concern for zhobs.
    it’s all BS, except for the key LIEberal voters and their special shade of eye wear.

    if the TURD00 2.0 gets *anything* more than minority it is the death toll for canaduh.

    I’m still voting PPC.

  12. aka ‘I wazzndt der aaaaan anywayzzz HE made me do it’.

    what a juvenile twit. a 10 yr old for PM. that’s what we have.

  13. Of course he can accept responsibility without having done anything wrong. As Canada’s resident quantum computing genius, he is following the principle of Schroedinger’s Cat, which can be both dead and alive at the same time.

  14. What a joke this is. All of Canada in an uproar. Here is how stupid it is. Four yrs ago it was Harper must go at all costs. Today it is, Turdeau must go at all costs. Now they want milkboy in, seems to me Canadians love to go around in circles like a dog changing its tail. Welcome to he new Republic of Canada. The only way to avoid this is to vote change. The only party offering change is the PPC party. Please read the platform and vote your beliefs. I full believe this is our last chance to get it right. The CPC started to make it a Banana Republic at their leadership convention. What a corrupt party, just like the lieberals, in fact there is not much of a difference between the two.

  15. Blah blah blah responsibility blah blah blah…..just a pile of weasel words from the head weasel.
