84 Replies to “August 15, 2019: Reader Tips”

  1. **An autopsy found that financier Jeffrey Epstein sustained multiple breaks in his neck bones, according to two people familiar with the findings, deepening the mystery about the circumstances around his death.
    Among the bones broken in Epstein’s neck was the hyoid bone, which in men is near the Adam’s apple. Such breaks can occur in those who hang themselves, particularly if they are older, according to forensics experts and studies on the subject. But they are more common in victims of homicide by strangulation, the experts said.**


    1. *
      a dead child molester. methinks the country
      might have bigger issues to deal with…
      like, say… celebrated chicago hitgirl dead
      at 17.

      “She realized that’s where she’s going to get
      respect and honour and the warm fuzzies
      that other kids get from playing basketball
      or playing chess or something in high school.
      If you are a teenager in a gang in Chicago
      and you kill somebody – your status


  2. Maxime Bernier

    In response to my bots (I call them my Angels) being criticized for posting off topic comments in other threads I would like to point out (for no reason whatsoever) that Scheer whipped his MPs into supporting radical feminist agenda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUUc4Cq5NJc LibCons are planning to make tampons available to underage girls without parental consent.

    This is another globalist plot against Maxipads, they even put eals in my bidet (the electric kind not the fun kind).

    Does Scheer supports tampons because he is secretly an Islamist and finds menstruation unclean? He has never stated that he isn’t and doesn’t. When will LibCon media ask him those questions?

    Join Max in his fight. Vote PPC in October. We’re so close to banning tampons I can smell it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17LPyf1e18Q

    1. Max — please discontinue spamming my comments section. If you want to make this your nightly Max Bernier campaign stop, buy an ad.

      1. Kate, for the record: this particular post was me parodying their earlier spam. Sorry for the confusion if I have caused any.

      2. I find Max’s post to be very informative. They focus on issues, often things I might not otherwise be aware of. This one was off-putting and not very amusing. It is a simple matter for people to ignore Max’s post if thry are not interested. It would be a shame to see his comments eliminated here when he is being unfairly disadvantaged by the media and debate deciders. Please keep Max’s posts coming.

        1. I thought it was hilarious.
          Max should buy ad space. Or does he want the taxpayers to foot the bill?

          1. An ad is fine, but it will not replace flagging daily issues. The posts help keep people informed. They are a part of the political dialogue that otherwise is pretty one-sided and controlled. I am not sure where the taxpayer bit comes in.

          2. Buddy: Thanks. I had a few minutes and prepared a whole set of posts to counter the spam. But seems like Kate does not want me egging them so I will keep them to myself.

            Linda and Theo below: What dialogue? Mindlessly copying and pasting Max’s twitter feed is not dialogue, it is spamming. Does being a Max supporter automatically entitle one to abandoning all objectivity? I get it, you want Max to win. You want to hear his talking points because they make you feel good. You want them disseminated far and wide. But that does not mean that every thread, no matter how unrelated to election needs to be turned into a campaign commercial with constant “Globalist” this, “LibCon Scheer” that.

        2. I’m with Linda, Kate.

          Max is the ONLY one that shows even a modicum of common sense on those issues that (should), matter to Canadians. He’s had my 1 vote for months…

          As for those that parody him…how about saying say so in the post or us another name: “Max but not Max” or Maximus …. or something along those lines..??..?

          Maxs’ actual posts are good and to the point

  3. French Solar Road failure,


    “Despite costing up to roughly $6.1 million, the solar road became operational in 2016 — 75% of the panels were broken before being installed, it doesn’t generate any energy, it can’t be driven on, and 83% of its panels are broken, according to Daily Caller.”

    1. It just hasn’t been done right … quite yet. After all, the first oil well didn’t produce a gusher, now did it? Oh … wait … yes it did. Oil extraction was quite easy. Nevermind.

      1. Mmmmm mmmmMMM!!!

        BTW … I believe it was on Tucker Carlson’s show that I heard a vegan claim that a meat-free diet was healthy and good for diabetics. Wha wha whaaaaat!? Was my double-take reaction. My ideal “diabetic” meal is a steak salad (which I prepare quite often). No carbs. Although even diabetics need SOME carbs to power their bodies.

        This is what has happened in our mass media culture … every IDIOT can get on TV and spread medical falsehoods in the name of their EXTREMIST ideology.

        1. good grief.
          a hearty (pun intended) tq kenji for pointing out this farcical edict.
          the 2 major food groups relevant to diabetes are:
          proteins are muscle builders, carbs are the fuel for energy used by the muscles.

          guess which category vastly and predominately holds grains, fruits, veggies, ie composed of carbs
          which up the glucose? here’s a hint: sugar in all its variations is a CARB.

          aaaaand THE best source of proteins?

          1. Hmmmm..
            Non Meat Burger Constituents:

            “..Water, Soy Protein Concentrate, Coconut Oil, Sunflower Oil, Natural Flavors, 2% or less of: Potato Protein, Methylcellulose, Yeast Extract, Cultured Dextrose, Food Starch Modified, Soy Leghemoglobin, Salt, Soy Protein Isolate, Mixed Tocopherols (Vitamin E), Zinc Gluconate, Thiamine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B1), Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C), Niacin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Vitamin B12..”

            yea…? no. think I’ll stick to Sirloin/Rib Steaks, good quality ground Beef, lots of EGGS, Bacon, Ham, Pork Sausages, Good Cheese & 1% Milk….!
            thank ya kindly.

  4. So Epstein evidently “hung” himself in a secure jail cell. But wait aren’t these jail cells construct to standards that eliminate any prisoner being afforded the ability to suspend themselves. So how does that work out with the other theory being bandied about that he choked to death while trying to self gratify himself. There is more sh*t being pedalled here than Hercules every took out of the Augean Stables.

    1. People who “hang” themselves while still having weight on the floor die of suffocation.

  5. Tommy Douglas not dead enough / Where foxes caper unmolested, the government packs your school lunch and you do the world a favor if you die earlier.

    Let fat people die to save NHS money – they’re weak not ill, says BBC’s Michael Buerk

    The BBC presenter said that those who are obese may be making a “selfless sacrifice” to stop the country being overpopulated if they die a decade earlier than the rest of the population.

    1. That would probably also help fight global warming. I can see the left soon getting enthusiastic for more human targets for reducing our carbon footprint.

      1. LL
        They want us all DEAD….till, there’s only ~ 1 Billion or less left – Likely all converted to Islam and perrenial generational slaves to the Elites.
        Just Ask Gerald Butts.

    2. there ya have it.
      darwinian social engineering still alive (pun intended) in ol britannia.
      the WORST of victodianism it was.
      ‘let the poor die to reduce the surplus population’. immortalized by Dickens in ‘christmas carol’.

      THIS is the kind of thinking I elude to bytching about the aristocracy setting the stage for revolutions.
      take away E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G and what options are left (pun intended)? hmmm?
      cue the child labour redux !!!

    1. http://bettyloumusic.com/woodstock.htm
      After seeing the Woodstock movie we all wanted to be long-haired freaky people. After the drug od deaths of Hendrix and Joplin those notions faded somewhat.
      Incidentally by the time Hendrix played Woodstock on Monday there weren’t many left there to hear him.
      You can only ‘let your freak flag fly’ for so long before you need food and a hot shower.

      1. By the time Monday rolled around, as you say, many people left the concert grounds, quite true, but by Monday morning it was a big deal in the television world.

        I was glued to the TV that weekend and saw Hendrix LIVE. I remember thinking that I didn’t like his version of the “Star Spangled Banner” but I knew that this was something that would grow on people and would be played often over time. Hendrix was the highest paid performer@ $18,000 equivalent to $125,000 in today’s funds. Here’s what others were paid, some even worked for free.


        BTW good post and aerial shots of the people at the festival. I like the photo of the tickets, they didn’t get to be stubs because more people showed up than there were tickets.

      1. Thank you Kenji,
        Sold out, as you say, I bet they will get more out. They know Boomers are their best customers and we’re one of the wealthiest demographics. However, I will see if it’s available through the Library.

        This weekend I will view my 3 hour version though.

    1. Und der Gscheman media is also deep state controlled. Ja! Und Merkel is an idiot tool just like Hitler was. Ja!.

  6. Great Leader Kim Sung Trudeau is on the road again. Today Groper burns jet fuel at taxpayer expense to New Brunswick. He will be making a number of stops on his Ford is Hitler tour, so his adoring fans and media can worship him. Maybe someone can ask him the ethics of using taxpayer money for his never ending election activities.

  7. Well this will surprise everyone. The unbiased Toronto Star is defending little Justin in its editorial. Justin is wonderful.

  8. Sometimes, CBC does write something interesting (maybe even important enough to read)…

    “It was a cool July evening when Klengenberg left her three young children with a babysitter and went out with friends in the Nunavut community. A few hours later, she got a call. Her spouse, Justin Pigalak, had come home drunk and aggressive and tried to get in the house. When the babysitter locked the door, he broke a window. That’s when the babysitter called the RCMP.”

    “Klengenberg says no one came. ”

    “The next morning, after staying at a relative’s house, Klengenberg and her three children went home. She found Pigalak lying in their bedroom. He’d taken his own life.”

    “Like dozens of other remote communities across the North, Kugluktuk has had heavy restrictions on buying alcohol for years in an effort to curb binge drinking and alcoholism. It was a narrow victory for those wanting to lift the alcohol restrictions. Sixty-one per cent of voters were in favour, just slightly more than the 60 per cent threshold needed.”

    “Many Inuit said the restrictions felt colonial and brought back painful memories of outsiders telling them what they can and can’t do. Without restrictions, community members can now bring in as much alcohol as they want, when they want.”

    “As a result, the RCMP say they’ve seen calls to the community’s detachment increase by 55 per cent since the restrictions were lifted.”


    The irony is that there is nothing more colonial than letting your community turn into a bunch of drunkards and then relying on the RCMP for help. An RCMP that never comes because you are never thankful when they arrive.

  9. People in Edmonton Alberta must be excited. A couple of Groper’s cabinet ministers will be there to announce major funding for gay organizations in Canada. For a complete list of where all Justin’s cabinet ministers are burning jet fuel to at taxpayer expense. check out the iPolitics website. You can also get the latest Justin is wonderful news.

    1. Off topic … but I am seeing Dave Mason this September at So. Lake Tahoe …

      https://youtu.be/C2ZtWn-ENyE 1970 … close to the summer of 69. Hint: drop in at the 4:50 mark

      His music got a little schmaltzy the further he moved away from his founding member of Traffic days … but he can still rip the guitar

  10. He has ties to Sikh extremists and praised the Cuban communist tyrant and killer.

    This man sent a letter to the debates commission asking that the PPC not be included in the debates because of their ideology and spreading of hate!


    NDP strongly opposes Maxime Bernier’s presence at chiefs’ debates


    1. I think they are all frightened of the common sense Max will bring to the debates. By contrast, leftist policies are destroying the country. Both the NDP and the Liberals would be very uncomfortable.

  11. “… Max — please discontinue spamming my comments section. If you want to make this your nightly Max Bernier campaign stop, buy an ad.”
    Thank you, Kate

  12. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/my-encounters-with-csis/ar-AAFOdAW?ocid=spartanntp
    For Moslems –

    “If CSIS calls:
    1. Remember your rights
    For any student, Muslim or otherwise, who has been contacted in some manner, remember that you have the right to refuse. Although politely declining the invitation may not mean future solicitations will not arise, it is important to remember that you can also set boundaries depending on your comfort level. If you would like to proceed, you can ask for further identification or take time to get back to them.
    2. Get help from your college or university
    Your student union may be able to connect you with additional support. The recent CSIS hotline at U of T may be an excellent avenue to get free legal advice on next steps. You can also contact the Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association or National Council of Canadian Muslims.
    3. Meet in a public place and bring a friend
    Meet at a place where you feel comfortable, preferably a place with cameras that can document the interaction. Bring a friend along to observe from a distance.”

    (You’d think they’d get a Jewish lawyer.)

  13. FYI For Woodstock Fans:

    CNN Special Report: Woodstock at 50
    CNN’s Bill Weir takes us on a trip across America to examine the music, the drugs and the modern-day music festival. We sit down with legendary musicians to discuss the 50th anniversary of the historic festival and ask the difficult question: What is the real legacy of Woodstock? This CNN Special Report airs Saturday, August 17th at 9pm ET.Source: CNN

  14. ‘Naive’: Police chiefs say handgun ban wouldn’t stop flow of weapons into Canada
    CALGARY – The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police won’t be supporting a call for a ban on handguns despite concerns about gun violence in a number of major cities including Toronto.

    Vancouver police Chief Adam Palmer, who heads the organization, says Canada already has strong firearms regulations and no other law is required.

    Toronto Mayor John Tory is asking the federal government for a handgun ban and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said he will consider additional gun-control measures.

    There were 14 separate shootings recorded in Toronto over the August long weekend alone.

    Palmer says in the majority of cases involving gun violence, the handguns being used are already illegal and it makes no sense to ban something that is already prohibited.

    “In every single case there are already offences for that. They’re already breaking the law and the criminal law in Canada addresses all of those circumstances,” Palmer said Wednesday at the conclusion of the association’s annual conference.

    “The firearms laws in Canada are actually very good right now. They’re very strict.”

    The prime minister has highlighted recently passed gun-control legislation that extends the scope of background checks and strengthens record-keeping requirements for gun retailers.

    Earlier this week, he said Canadians will learn more about Liberal plans for gun control during the upcoming campaign.

    “I very much look forward to the election campaign in which we will be able to share with Canadians our vision for how to keep Canadians safer,” Trudeau said.

    “That involves, yes, strengthening gun control but it also involves investments that … are so deeply needed in community infrastructure.”

    Palmer suggested that handguns would still be around, even with a ban, because of Canada’s proximity to the United States.

    “People can’t be naive to the realities of how it works with organized crime and smuggling,” he said.

    “There will always be an influx of guns from the United States into Canada,” said Palmer. “Heroin is illegal in Canada, too, but we have heroin in Canada…
    L- If the Trudeau Liberals announce a ban on legal access to handguns. It could get awkward, but only if the bought and paid for, MSM publicize the Canadian Chiefs of Police position before and during the election period. I wager that the Scheer Conservatives will not oppose any Liberal “gun control” in their election ads.

    Previously, the Cdn. Police Assoc., who gets fed. gov’t grants, have given full support for fed. gun control(C-17-1991+C-68-1995) thus in effect raising the status (and power) violent criminals, above peaceful Canadians. For the Cdn. Chiefs of Police not to support the banning of handguns is a major break.

    Why? Maybe, they’re having trouble stomaching the major increase in drug gangs and shooting across urban Canada, along with a major increase in Islamist jihadi status and legal and illegal immigration ?


    1. The biggest one was Max Yasgur’s farm. He had a lot of influence in the area. He was a Republican, and when he saw what was going on…first of all, he offered his place.

      Enough said. We Republicans are the REAL “open-minded” and “compassionate” ones. The left are purveyors of HATE. FREE property for the hippies to use (and abuse). Nice guy.

          1. You’re welcome. Mind you, that site is for the archived strips. Breathed revived it a while back, though it’s not on a regular basis:


            I’ve always liked Bloom County because I thought it was much funnier than Doonesbury.

            The latter strip hasn’t been worth reading for years. Gary Trudeau ran out of ideas years ago and, when his attempts at humour aren’t limp, they’re nasty, particularly with respect to Trump. I’m old enough to remember when GT was an equal-opportunity curmudgeon when he poleaxed politicians on both the left and the right.

            Bloom County, however, still pokes fun at all and sundry.

  15. Manitoba election called — and social media censorship begins (Guest: Marty Gold) SHEILA GUNN REID


    My favourite comment

    GREIG MCKINNON commented

    From my perspective, the only difference between the Pallister government and the previous disastrous NDP wrecking ball is a name change on the government stationary. Manitobans are taxed to death with all the levies, enviro-fees and taxes on taxes, all funneled to the Oinkers at the public trough, who have little regard for the people paying their wages. Pallister is 100% on board with a “made in MB” carbon tax & loves pretty much any UN globalist initiative that floats by. Sadly, unlike at the federal level, there is no Mad Max common sense alternative to vote for provincially.

  16. Poland Preferred to Fight, Fought Bravely, and Lost Terribly


    – In response to: 80th Anniversary of a Poisonous Partnership: Hitler and Stalin
    – Previous Agreements
    – Post-Soviet Distortion of History
    – The Coming of Armageddon
    – How Might Things Have Been Different for Poland?

    For decades, the Poles have been discussing whether this Armageddon could have been averted and whether some other strategy could have been feasible. In theory and in practice, there were only three strategies possible for the Polish government: 1) to make an alliance with France and Britain to deter the German invasion; 2) to make an alliance with Stalin in order not to be attacked by Hitler; or 3) to make an alliance with Hitler in order not to be his first victim.

    The writer wonders if perhaps the less honourable option 3 may have been the better choice.

  17. The bad guy Liberals are importing $20 BILLION worth of oil and oil products per year, in spite of all of these products are available here in Canada.


    The reasoning is exactly the same now as it was in 1970s and 1980s when the Liberals lied about making Canada self-sufficient in oil.
    They do not want western Canada to get so rich that we can tell the feds to go pound sand.
    The reason I personally knew the Libs were lying in the seventies about self sufficiency was because I worked in a small seismic consulting company and we were getting about 80% of our work from foreign countries.
    And of course, Marc Lalonde later admitted it was all bull spit to con Canadians.

    Gee, just think of what Western Canada could really do in the world if we did not have the idiots in Ottawa tying a choke chain on our businesses all the time.
    The CWB was a choke chain on western agriculture until Harper freed us.
    Bring on the new country.

  18. So excellent. Such good timing. Have the Clintons offed anyone in China that we know of? Not yet?



    “All but four of the 30,490 emails from Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized email server were forwarded to a private Google email address featuring a name similar to a Chinese company, according to documents released by a Senate committee on Aug. 15.

    Virtually every email that was sent to and from the Clinton-email server was forwarded to “carterheavyindustries@gmail.com,” which raised concerns that a foreign actor gained access to Clinton’s emails after an intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) investigator searched Google for “Carter Heavy Industries” and came up with a result for Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Co., Ltd, according to the documents (pdf).”

    1. Who set up HER email Dropbox in China? Why John Brennan, and the 17 American Intelligence Agencies, of course. They will claim it was a counterintelligence operation [sic] … [very sic]

      Lock HER up

      PS … d’ya think all HER book sales checks are drawn on Chinese Banks?

    1. Tks for link.

      Nigel Farage lays out his vision for all English speaking countries. A world of sovereign nation states.

      @ 9:05 : Center right parties have deserted their center right philosophy underpaying its foundations to go in for all of these lefty obsessions whether its climate or open borders or whatever it may be…because they could get away with it. And that’s what’s changed…Conservative parties are being reclaimed by their voters.”

      “This is about globalism vs populism.”
      “The conservative parties really were taken over by these people [committed globalist] and now the fightback is well underway.”

      Can’t imagine any panel from any of the of MSM.ca presstitutes conducting such an interview in this country.

    1. Was in Annapolis Royal this year and last. Many Ontarians are retiring to the area. I read up on the history of the region.
      They are distinct having settled there in 1610. Sad history of a hardworking people who carved out a new life caught up in the wars between England/Britain and France and traded off in peace treaties. (Port Royal was burnt down in 1613 by English colonists from the south). Credit to the Acadians for having persevered and preserved their culture.
