45 Replies to “Come Back Pizzagate, All Is Forgiven!”

  1. I wonder if dRumpf had the Russians break into Epstein’s place and PLANT that portrait–just to spite the popular Clintons….
    If so, you can bet Faux News would not report this!

    1. WTF was that gibberish PP? Please tell me you don’t still believe anyone in the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians?

      1. You must be new here. PP parodies progressives. That is his shtick and he does that well.

          1. To each their own. The point is that it is a parody yet people continue treating him seriously.

    2. PP is a very good example of a complete idiot. According to the Daily Mail the portrait ‘Parsing Bill’, was snapped inside the pedophile’s mansion in 2012, seven years before he was accused of running a sex trafficking ring of underage girls”.

      1. I’d be careful tossing that idiot thing around when commenting on a satirical account.

        1. One should always take what keyboard comrades state online as satire or drink until their body of words/moniker is expressed online over long time in any/many given forum/s.

          Many posters are taken as male (which is very same-sexish), but Pat could be rick or ricia – either being ‘nobility’ – and hence unlikely to be ‘progressive’ lest they be re-classified as ‘common’.

          Although not a Christian name, ‘UnMe’ is cleverly asexual, yet the name itself suggests the poster holds the opposite view of what’s being stated online,
          Nevertheless, that poster/imposter solicits more righteous indignation/outrage than any other moniker.

          OTOH, a moniker such as ‘Peter O’Donnel’ lends no real clue to that poster’s heroic efforts, over long time, to inject sanity – a more valuable commodity than satire – into online chat ter.

          For further information, click here (but listen to the end if you do)
          Suicide song – Louden Wainwright III

    1. Does this painting suggest that Monica had nothing to do with the splooge-covered dress? That Billy Bob just liked to dress up like a woman and pleasure himself to completion? My eyes! My eyes! I can’t un-see this image. Gross!!

      Sheesh … between HER and Billy Bob … there are more deviant sexual proclivities than the Marquis de Sade

      1. “Does this painting suggest that Monica had nothing to do with the splooge-covered dress?”

        I’m guessing Monica was a willing and active participant. I’m sure Willy had calluses on his willy and required friction equivalent to 80 grit sandpaper to wake the thing up. It was only later that Monica decided to ruin her life and her family name by revealing everything.

        1. what did the ‘investigators’ have before she opened her BIG FAT MOUTH (a second time)? hmmm?
          what? the bubblehead fell for the very successful ‘spill da beans now or wese gonna get rough lateron’.
          hmmph. hmmph. hmmph.
          here’s a hint Mouthika: if, IF they ‘had the goods’ on you they wouldnt need the interrogation.

  2. The Press keeps telling all us conspiracy theorists to just run along now … nothing to see here. Blame the bureaucracy. Blame the UNION workers. Blame the dead man. But for the LOVE OF GOD don’t blame the Clintons!!

      1. Why Trump? It would seem there are a great many people who would want to shut Epstein up permanently. Trump would be the least among them.

        1. OWG

          Why Trump? Repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it.

          It’s smearing Trump before the next election. Expect lots more of it.

          1. joe, I have no doubt, it is SOP when dealing with the left they will smear anyone who is not a card carrying communist democrat. The absolute insanity of AOC and her posse is given a pass matter how dumb their ideas and statements are.

  3. So someone strangled the pedo Epstein and then tied a sheet around his neck, hung him to the end of the bed so as to look like a suicide and then got out of Epsteins cell without any guards noticing… Epstein left alone and unsupervised for over a couple of hours… I wonder how many hitmen were involved in the actual murder… No one effs with Ma Clinton and the Clinton gang… ha… at least the psychotic bitch isn’t President.

  4. It looks to me now that this was an accidental hanging. A la David Carradine.

    He died attempting autoerotic asphyxiation.

    The guy was a pervert of the highest order. Reportedly wanted/needed to get off at least 3 times a day.

    The explains why he didn’t just stand-up (it was a six inch drop from the top of the bunk bed. It also explains why his first incident in the jail was a few weeks ago was only classed as a “suspected” suicide attempt.

    And it explains why his roommate wanted out – probably grossed out by Epstein’s umm habits.

    And any psych exams probably would have confirmed that he wasn’t suicidal. (Quite the contrary).

    This is going to get real awkward for the coroner (and parents) to explain/discuss. We are going to need to hear more about the condition of the body (wearing any clothes, ejaculate etc. Probably today)

    1. “He died attempting autoerotic asphyxiation.”

      That would be inconsistent with the violent drop necessary to break neck bones.(plural)
      Neck bones do not break from mere asphyxiation.

      1. Actually not true – in Thailand where this happens a lot – a study showed 20-25% of cases those bones were broken. (Saw it via a drudge link)

      2. Yes, it is true. I read the same Drudge article. The hangings you reference are not subject to the kinds of restrictions Epstein had.

        1. Why do you think Thailand was cited as a source for the research? Nudge nudge wink wink – Thailand is the leading sex perversion destination in the world.

          1. Epstein was said to be on his knees leaning forward, the taught twisted sheet around his neck. Not a rope or belt or that type of ligature. The sheet would have been wider and Epstein was said to be leaning. Regardless of the Thailand implications, Epstein’s scenario is not a bone breaking situation.

            Regardless of their other obvious incompetences, some people would like to believe that Epstein died by misadventure.
            If your scenario were correct, Gordon Tulk, it wouldn’t be suicide it would be misadventure.

  5. I laughed out loud when I saw this portrait though there’s nothing about the Clintons that surprises me anymore.

    I laughed too, more quietly, when reading about Epstein’s broken neck.
    It can’t be too surprising to those reading the news reports about the night Epstein was suicided.

    I disagree Gord Tulk, and continue to think this was done to Epstein, not by Epstein.
    Though yes, it will get awkward.

    Hopefully any trials regarding this night are heard before next November. The more Clinton malfeasance in the news, the better. All Clinton, all crime, all the time.

    *Who is the PM named in the Epstein papers? The other day it was mentioned that there was a Spanish speaking President named as an Epstein friend, and a PM is in the mix. Yesterday it was reported that the Spanish President named is former Colombian President Pastrana. Who was roundly criticized for his useless fight with FARC back in the day. Next week would be the perfect time to find out it was Canada’s current imbecile as the PM in Epstein’s little black book.

    1. Who is the PM named in the Epstein papers?
      There are photos of an Israeli PM entering the NY premises.

    2. The ONLY problem with your theory is that they always had GIRLS at Pedo Island. I think he would rather enjoy staying at Neverland Ranch, where most of the guests were underage BOYS.

    3. “..Who is the PM named in the Epstein papers..?”
      An exercise worthy of the REBEL…come on Ezra, Git er done.!!

      I think we can very safely assume it was our constant “bag holding” dolt in the PMO..? Mr. pedophile PM himself..? All arranged of course by herr obergruppenfurher himself, G Butts.

      btw, where’s Sophie hmmm.??

      As to Arkancide…? was there ever any doubt.?

  6. I would question why the 2 guards are not under custody whether for misdeeds or protective. If they were bribed to facilitate the murder of Epstein then they will now be on a ‘hit’ list. Are their backgrounds being investigated?

    Epstein’s girlfriend back in England has disappeared. Has she been killed as well or has she gone into hiding to prevent being killed?

    Is Turdeau the PM in question? My impression is that he could swing either way. Lots of years as a ‘bouncer’ in bars so he has seen lots of action. Funny how his conduct during that period never gets any press.

  7. Have to feel bad for all the forensics staff on this case. They’re all going to die in car accidents next week.

  8. Monica Lewinsky is STILL more attractive than any Democrat I have ever seen in office.

    Debbie Is A Man?

  9. “Autopsy finds broken bones in Jeffrey Epstein’s neck, deepening questions around his death”

    Pretty consistent with hanging from yer bed frame on a paper sheet.

