23 Replies to “Britain Can Keep Their Own Child Killers”

  1. I guess Australia’s all full. Britain’s now transporting its criminals to Canada.

    1. Hah! I read in the comments … “isn’t this why Australia was invented” … or words to that effect. Send these human defects to the Penal Continent (don’t call it an island).

  2. Hey, Canada voted for it. Suck it up. Either support taking your region out of Canada, or accept what Canada is.

    1. No one has to accept anything especially stupid. Stupid people should not be allowed to vote and all socialists should be shipped to a socialist country that will support them outside of Canada, we can’t afford it anymore.

  3. Having seen this story from the beginning, no one can seriously be considering allowing him into the country – no one. This is Satan’s child, which is sad to say.

  4. I think we should meet Britain half-way on this: drop him off around Greenland, and let him make his own way from there.

      1. Drop him off at an Indigenous People’s Reservation. It appears as though they don’t much mind the Res. women and girls getting raped and murdered. Hell, he’ll have 25% of the little girls to choose from, err 6% … whatever … (see ‘Math is Hard’ story above).

  5. This only works for the killer if he’s given new id, so he can keep his past a secret.

    This would never work if it wasn’t being done in secret. This is key to the Liberal way.

    It’s what they do.

    Can you imagine the gov’t response if the killer’s new name was found out, and someone tweeted it across the twitter sphere so people knew where he lived, where he worked, who had “friended” him on the Failbook and which sports teams he was fond of?

    It’d be enough to have you, oh innocent free speech person, to have you rounded up by the constabulary and brought to the magistrate to learn the errors of your way.

    1. And given that he appears to be a strong contender to reoffend, there’s no way his identity would stay a secret for long.

    2. “This only works for the killer if he’s given new id, so he can keep his past a secret. ”

      Like Karla Homolka, yeah sure. Canada is experienced at being Kind to the Cruel. Used to HANG A-Holes like this, but then how could anyone trust a CRIMINAL like Justin T. to use the power of execution Justly.

      1. “the government is less than explicit here, they won’t simply say Venables is not welcome. They say due to privacy laws, they can’t comment specifically on this case”

        Privacy laws? Such laws should protect Canadian citizens.(what a LOAD of BS, Canadian Citizens convicted of Marijuana possession have that conviction passed on to the United States government and are then refused entry) Venables is NOT a Canadian citizen.
        As a Canadian citizen, I demand that the Criminal convictions of Foreigners seeking entry into Canada be made known.
        Citizens deserve the knowledge to judge not only those who seeking entry, but knowledge to judge our own government’s decisions.

        1. I am unaware of how a person who is not a Canadian citizen can become one after being released from a foreign prison for so short a period of time as Venables has been. Perhaps you can explain, Allan S?

  6. Wait, does that mean we have to pay him 10.5 million already or only after he kills while Canadian?

  7. A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian even if it’s just yearning to be one. This kid was just misunderstood and should be allowed into the country to be the PM’s new nanny immediately.

  8. gellen // no one can seriously be considering allowing him into the country – no one //
    That’s right. The British speculation just gives Sheer a chance to innocently wonder if the liberals are considering it.
    “As Prime Minister I won’t let him come here. Where does Trudeau stand? “

    1. On further enquiry, I was a bit too easy on what is being characterized as “Scheermongering”
      This story was dismissed months ago by the federal government.
      Who would dredge up such an incendiary story without confirmation? #cdnpoliSandy Garossino added, Andrew Scheer

      Andrew Scheer Retweeted Daily Mail U.K.
      Disturbing that this pedophile child killer might come to Canada. Apparently this isn’t the first time this has come up.
      As Prime Minister I won’t let him come here. Where does Trudeau stand?
      Our country should not be a dumping ground for murderers, terrorists, and perverts
      Notice the times on these tweets. 1st Ezra, then Sheila, then Scheer. NP reported in June that his issue was a non-starter. Scheer is knowingly sharing #FakeNews

  9. “Scheer is knowingly sharing #FakeNews”

    You, dizzy, cannot know what Scheer does or does not know.
    What we all do know, is that Scheer has said that he as PM would not allow Venables to come to Canada

  10. At the end of all the discussion I will go on record once again to state that Canadians are dumb enough to allow this. Yes they are.

  11. & the British chime in:
    // Unfortunately, Andrew Scheer’s most recent tweets about a British child-killer coming to live in Canada have now also backfired, after the U.K. Government categorically confirmed that this is completely untrue, making Scheer look silly on Twitter once again. //

    So. From Daily Mail to Rebel Media to Scheer on Twitter. Jesus wept.
