51 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky Cars”

    1. “Those tires”
      Perhaps the fire dept thought enough toxic crap had been released and decided to spray some retardant on the tires.

      1. Even at that, I have to admit it is really, really, odd to see the tires and wheels so pristinely intact. I have witnessed the remains of automobiles in several of the CA wildfires, and the wheels and tires were nothing more than a black smudge on the ground. Gone. 100% gone.

        1. Maybe the way to look at this is how more easily the rest of the car burned to basically nothing compared to those other fires you’ve seen. Very concentrated source of extreme heat indeed. A rolling crematorium.

          1. I’ve seen videos of the Tesla fires, and they are indeed volatile and violent in proximity to the burning battery cell. Frighteningly so, with respect to any other type of fire source I’ve ever seen.

            Typical fires behave in accordance with natural phenomenon that we all understand … almost intuitively … fuel source, oxygen, accelerant. But these “chemical” fires are something entirely different, and frightening. Almost defying the laws of physics. Very frightening. You can’t simply throw a blanket over the fire and smother it …

    2. reminds me of a pic of some poor schmuck who did the spontaneous humahn combustion thing,
      where the only recognizable remains are a shoe with a foot in it.
      whats the latest on that weird phenomenon? lets ask mr musk. he’s the expert on weirdness.

  1. Perfect summarization of this whole eco scam, they don’t even have to crash to burn. Every aspect of the environmentalists stupidity is summed up right there. There is no easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, and there is no climate change, it does not matter how many times a bought and paid for media tell you kiddies about the current boogieman “climate change”, he does not exist! But morons and liberals still long for a storm or a hot spell or a cold spell to tout their bull, through a lying media, and continue to rob taxpayers, for their crooked ways and collective stupidity of stopping the evil climate change monster under the bed!

  2. When you look at the varied products made by Musk’s companies, such as Space-X, The Boring Co., Tesla and SolarCity, you soon realize that they are mostly all variations on a single theme….


  3. Consider all the facts.

    Public “servants” cannot be personally sued for the policies that they push, fail to implement, botch, etc.
    Public “servants” push subsidies for electric vehicles.
    No electric vehicles in the motorcades of any world leaders (ie. they know they are shit).
    No electric vehicles in armies, police forces, fire departments.

    You have the government you deserve. You stood by and did nothing, while they did very well for themselves, and everyone else suffered. You cheered when they passed laws protecting themselves and their sinecures. You laughed at people who actually tried to point out things like this. You kept voting for “the party” decades after it was obvious they were only in it for themselves.

    You come onto sites like this and spout the drivel that “only Scheer has a chance to defeat Trudeau”.

    You make arguments like “even though absolutely nothing will change, and Scheer will keep the same cabinet Trudeau appointed, it will be better because …”

    1. Well vote Trudeau then.
      Whine all you want, this is where we are at.
      It will take at least a decade to cut the “public service” in half at best.

    2. Kevin: If you vote for the Green’s or the NDP you get the Liebrals all over again…these 2 parties want to shut down all RESOURCES as do the lie-brals. So you VOTE for Scheer BECAUSE he is NOT TRUDEAU. Unless you want a Socialist/Communist gov’t such as the LIB’s are working ON!!

      1. Much better to vote for different policies AKA PPC; with all the others, you get the same policies, only “different”.

  4. Remember when a couple of minor electrical fires traced to a battery grounded Boeing’s 787 Dreamliners for months in 2013 until the issue was thoroughly investigated, properly repaired and publicly reported with details prior to Boeing’s new flag ship re-taking to the skies? Why can’t something similar happen here? Why must an airliner manufacturer undertake such actions for the sake of public safety but a favoured car manufacturer gets to continue business as usual when those same safety issues could be included in thousands of vehicles hitting the streets globally? Is this just another version of “bird-strike blindness” where the odd catastrophic electric car fire is ignored in deference to the so-called “greater good”?

    1. this is a matter of scale, in that the dreamliner held many passengers in the air, versus the tesla, who may only incinerate 4 people at most… it would be interesting to find out if the latches inside have a physical connection to open the doors though.

  5. It appears as though all the other restaurant patrons were able to move their own cars away from the conflagration. Hope none of the ‘normal’ automobiles were damaged by this eco contraption.

    The restaurant announcement:
    “Ladies and gentlemen; if you own the white Tesla in the car park, please be advised your lights are on … and your car is on fire!! And if you’ve parked next to the white Tesla, you might want to move your cars … NOW!!!

    In the future, I will avoid parking next to any Tesla I see littering the parking lots of my wealthy eco-woke town.

  6. To borrow a theme from Monty Python “It is time for your 10 o’clock Tesla to burn up!”

  7. phoenix10 (smartish) @phoennix10 13h13 hours ago

    3/”The couple remained unharmed. “We were lucky. An hour earlier and the car just burned out in my garage at home, with all its consequences. ”The fire department warns that it is best to charge their car outside.”
    L- Sooner or later, depending on how important/famous is the owner of, one of these electric, mobile spontaneous auto-crematoriums. It’s detonation will result in underground garages prohibiting (Tesla et al) electric cars from charging, and possibly even parking in underground garages.

    Thus electric car spontaneous combustion phenomena will do for electric cars, what the Hindenberg fire did for lighter than air aircraft.

  8. Another note …

    The Tesla fan boys love to exclaim how there are far more ICE fires than Tesla fires. I don’t believe that. In the olden day’s of carburetors, maybe. Where open barrels with highly flammable fuel and air mixed, and could catch fire. However, virtually every ICE auto on the roads today are fuel injected. A completely sealed, internal combustion. I have NEVER heard of a fuel injector ignited car fire. It’s virtually impossible. So then, what could possibly be the involuntary source of ICE fires? I cannot think of a single possible way that the ICE cars normal operation would cause a fire. Operator error? Yes. Storing combustible materials in your car or trunk? Sure. And it should be noted that gasoline tank fires are extremely rare (cars do NOT easily explode as depicted in the movies).

    Tesla’s burn at a frightening rate, in a frightening way.

    There are SO MANY Tesla’s in driving around my little town … that it is only a matter of time before one burns up in my near proximity.

    1. I’m wondering how many Telsa’s will immolate to Dorian? Imagine the range anxiety trying to escape a hurricane.

      Imagine what the saltwater storm surge does to those batteries?

      Imagine being in that long line of traffic stuck behind a dead Telsa!

      1. I’d bulldoze the POS off the hiway … and even off the shoulder which has been opened to help traffic flow. Into the swamp.

        1. Kenji I had one of those idiots in a smaller testical cars put down the hammer, and I just passed the idiot with my 4X4 as we left the stop light, yup my truck would easily bulldoze one outa the or off the road

  9. Every fire department in Northern America (probably Europe, too) has to take special training and buy special equipment to deal with fires involving electric vehicles. And the peasants who pay local TAXES pay for it, not the owners of EVs (who also get thousands of dollars of TAXPAYER MONEY in subsidies)

  10. That picture could have been photo shopped to make it look like a fire!! (Just kidding.) My Dad had a service station, my Bro had a car dealership where I spent a good part of my life. I have seen a few car fires in my day. However I would guess they can’t blame a leaky gas line on this one.

    On Sunday, Sept. one I was reading Eric Grenier’s predictions about the upcoming federal election. On his website, Mr. Grenier had a feature that said that a lot of the ridings didn’t yet have a Conservative, NDP or Liberal (etc) candidate nominated for the election. In his feature he mentioned our own riding of Cypress-Hills Grasslands. That riding will be represented by CPC member Jeremy Patzer. I was at the nomination, it took place June 15-19 in Swift Current. Grenier mentioned two other CPC ridings in Alberta that had not yet nominated a Conservative candidate, yet both already had their names posted on the Election Canada website.
    Then minutes later, I went upstairs for supper. ”The Fifth Estate” was on TV. The topic?? Fake news and how they (American conservative media) can Photoshop pictures, change voice recordings and dub interviews. Ironic that the CBC are so concerned with accuracy in American news, yet they have the right to falsify what happening in politics in Canada. .
    What has any of this to do with the Tesla electric barbecue?? It shows how the media can take a lemon and blow it up into a grandiose fantasy. Yet reverse the tables, and I’ll bet you that the photo of the deep fried Tesla did not appear on any CBC website or news channel.
    As they used to say at Esso back in the 60’s. ”Happy Motoring.”

    1. Georges: The article I saw was the only 2 that their ridings completed across the country or just a few to go are the CPC and PPC the rest have lots of work to do. The Lib’s and Green’s are the laggers with NDP coming in close.

    1. it’s interesting that at least one suit is also going after the connector maker Amphenol, which I find surprising since they have been making connectors for many more decades, and have no control over how their connectors are assembled in final use.

  11. Speaking of tires surviving the fire, remember those stories some years back about spontaneous human combustion?

    In one case, only the person’s boots remained.

    Well, we now have the new version. It’s called spontaneous Tesla combustion.

    Only the Tesla’s tires remain.

    Nothing new under the sun.

  12. Live in a condo in Cambridge, ON. Older couple here have two Teslas in the parking garage. Natural gas lines into the building are right above the two cars, along the ceiling. Honestly, I’m sort of looking forward to the fireworks.

    1. no, they will, they’ll just jack the coverage cost way up, because only the wealthy can afford them…

  13. Before 2006 when YUTES in Paris burned up to 2000 cars/night, it was very uncommon to see burned out cars outside of warzones.
    Then society was changed by Leftoids:
    a) it became Okie Dokie for Muslims to torch cars in France
    b) Elon Musk created Tesla Motors

    Both of these changes are tolerated as the new normal(among other changes) by Leftoids.
    On reflection, I think it is better for the Earth to burn Oil/Gas than whole Automobiles.

  14. How many more of these things have to spontaneously combust before we demand an end to these carbon
    crucifixes? We knew all of the electromotive elements more than 100 years ago, yet we are too stupid to
    see that battery power density is at the ragged edge and that the electrolytes in Li-Ion are flammable? For
    a few percent of increased battery power density, people are being fried like bacon and dying in self-driving
    cars. Riddle me this: Why are Tesla cars overrepresented in both car fires and “AI” accidents?

    Governments are mandating PV panels, flammable batteries, bird shredders, solar thermal and PV power plants
    that will not do jack squat to replace the proven resources that are being shut down even before alternative forms
    energy can be put online! Fredo Cuomo’s smarter brother is banning fracking, pipeline construction and shutting
    down a major generating plant that creates 25% of New York City’s power. When the end comes, it will look like
    the final scene of Any Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. We are headed towards million-plus percent inflation, skyrocketing
    energy prices, and total economic collapse!

    The next time you fly, think about this: We nearly lost a 747 cargo plane because the government-mandated Li-Ion
    backup battery caught fire. People are being burned because their vaping devices are catching fire in their pockets
    or in their hands. We need to rethink this. Elon Musk is the Elmer Gantry of the 21st century. Everything this god
    of green technology has touched turned to crap. His empire was already crumbling before Donald Trump was
    elected, but without massive government subsidies, it is now in full collapse!

    Grab some popcorn folks, this is going to be fun to watch.
