Y2Kyoto: New Normal

Better than the old normal.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for example, warns, “This is what climate change looks like.” Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders one-ups that, tweeting: “Hurricane Dorian has everything to do with climate change, which is the existential crisis of our time.”
Julian Castro is also tying Dorian to global warming.
They’re wrong, but their warnings fit a pattern. When hurricanes Harvey and Irma both hit mainland US in quick succession in 2017, critics claimed this was the “new normal.”
In fact, those two storms, along with Michael in 2018, were the only three major hurricanes greater than a Category 3 to hit the continental US in the last 13 years. That’s a record low since 1900. For comparison, the average over the same timeframe has been nearly eight major hurricanes.


6 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: New Normal”

  1. “both hit mainland US in quick succession in 2017, critics claimed this was the “new normal.””

    These chuckleheads consider trannies to be normal.
    They wouldn’t recognize normal if it drove up in an F150 and punched them in their slack-jawed cakeholes.

  2. I want to point out to those who may not know that Castro’s jackal mother was the Founder of La Raza (The Race) in the U.S., so he was weaned on racism from the start.

  3. Hurricanes have been fewer and less intense during the last decade or so. There has been the occasional big one but hey, there have always been big ones. One should not have to point out that there are 100’s of millions more people living on coasts all over the planet. I would expect damage and death to increase in direct proportion to that population.

  4. Yet the Obama’s buy a nice, big, carbon footprint house on the coast. They must know something we don’t.

  5. Maybe the Obamas plan to become climate martyrs to give additional urgency to the climate emergency.

    They will give their lives so that future generations may be allowed the privilege of paying high taxes to fund public sector pensions oops did I actually say that no to fund our long-overdue effort to restore the climate.

    To what it should have been. Ya know, hey don’t expect anyone to say what that is because, science, absence thereof.

    Just buy a big old clown mask and laugh yourself to death, might as well.
