64 Replies to “How’s That Anti-Canadian Beef Marketing Been Working Out For Ya?”

      1. How do you spell “salt?”

        Just one of these plant-based faux-burgers has more sodium than any human should consume in an entire day. Ultra-processed, salt-filled junk.

  1. There was a time where A&W was a go to burger joint. That stopped when the virtue signalling began. Now with the Agenda21/30 malarkey, I am even less likely to ever darken their door again.

  2. I still can’t figure out who they are trying to appeal to. One commercial featured a group of young woke Brits pronouncing how nice the no-meat burger was – I don’t want burger advice from those types. I guess they’re trying to lure non fast food customers. Meanwhile the spokes-guy is a dumpy looking older man who should skip burgers altogether and get some exercise.

    1. “a group of young woke Brits pronouncing how nice the no-meat burger was”
      I’ve seen the A&W ad promoting its product in a country where the product won’t be sold. Are the people running this company insane?

  3. I stopped eating there when their service and product went downhill so maybe it is a good thing they are not serving meat as their burgers became crap. However I do miss the onion rings

    1. We used to eat at our local Taco Bell, as a non-cooking-night treat that the kids liked. But then they changed their ground beef into something completely unidentifiable. I believe they started using what is crassly called “pink slime”.


      Their products dramatically and drastically changed into something disgusting and horrible. We literally stopped – cold turkey – from EVER going to Taco Bell again. We have never returned to eat there since about 2002.

    2. Yes, Maureen. The onion rings were the only reason I ever there this last decade. I almost never go to any restaurants any more.
      They all use rape seed oil for their deep fry/salads. The stuff tastes like motor oil and is unfit for human consumption.

      1. Back in the 1970s and I worked for a packing plant, we used to sell a poop load of beef fat in 50 lb cubes for deep frying. Some time around then someone invented the false news that animal fat was unhealthy thus creating the soy boy generation.

  4. Sorry but A&W’s aren’t going broke. Their same store sales are growing at + 7% per annum which is one of the highest in the industry. The debate over whether to eat faux beef patties or the real thing resonates differently across the market. Obviously a plant based substitute appeals to many. With the hysteria surrounding climate change many people will opt for the plant based product. The ‘health’ benefits of plant based protein are now being questioned as the ingredients used are not as benign as first suggested.

    Like all this ‘stuff’ that catches media BS I will largely ignore. I do not seek out beef alternatives and I am happy to eat my Wendy’s burger.

    1. Well CT, I’m not so sure they aren’t going broke. Was working in the Wisconsine last year..the only A&W that was there often did not open or would close up after 6 PM.

      As for meatless burgers – I Translate that into dog food. Thanx, but “you” EAT it.
      A & W…pah, I could care less – Anyplace that serves drinks without ICE…I got no time for.

      1. I have always found the concept of vegans creating fake meat amusing as hell.

        These meatless burgers in no way represent a healthier choice nor are they a superior product to beef in taste or texture, so virtue signalling seems to be their sole reason for offering it. I consider any company marketing off of the global warming hoax an enemy of the people, so I stopped darkening their door many months ago.

        As per A&W’s food, they still serve a respectable bacon and eggs at a good price. The 2 franchises here are usually packed with old fogies every morning.

    2. it’s all cyclical bs…first “it’s healthier”, next “I don’t eat any thing that had a face”, now, “I’m lowering my carbon footprint”. sham burgers and not dogs will never gain popularity because of one thing…they don’t have animal fat, which is what lends for the juicy mouth feel and satiated feeling after eating a hamburger. ask someone two hours after eating a shamburger if they’re hungry again…

    3. Plant based meatless burgers are more processed than wieners.
      Added chemicals, binders, colors, etc.
      Want a real unprocessed plant burger?? Just chew on a pile of horseshit.

    4. Re the BS Just to be clear. The whole ‘Climate Change’ hysteria around ruminants is TOTALLY false. Even IF you believe that CO2 causes ALL ‘climate change’ the role of ruminants is, fundamentally, ZERO.
      Methane molecule is one Carbon atom, which, in the atmosphere, makes one molecule of CO2 containing one C atom, which is processed by vegetation and subsequently eaten and turned into one molecule of CH4.
      CH4 in the atmosphere has a short lifecycle and the level, in a relatively stable ruminant population, is stable.
      Climate Change effect, no matter what one believes about CO2 = ZERO!!!

  5. Most meat is plant based, especially most of the meat most people eat (free-range chickens are probably eating a notable portion of insects, but even they are provided with plant based food and most chicken on the market isn’t free-range.)

    A&W should be able to secure a worthwhile share of the fast-food burger market and provide for customers who want to eat not meat and achieve that without adverstising a posture that meat-eaters find offensive. Somebody there isn’t as good at marketing and advertising as they think they are.

    1. What in the heck are you talking about?
      Of course, ultimately every living thing is “plant based” by your definition. Even carnivores. You sound like a vegetarian, but you still produce animal protein, not plant protein. The same as any other herbivore. That’s what they do, they turn plant protein into animal protein for the carnivore. Humans are omnivore, we can eat anything that grows. Most are smart enough to eat a variety. For example, it is possible to eat just the right balance in a vegan diet to provide all the necessary amino acids which build our version of animal protein, but it is not easy, and you have to consciously do it. Or, you can just eat meat, and come by that naturally without even thinking about it.

    2. I like my food molecules to be animal protein. Spicy, expertly prepared animal protein. And animal fats.

  6. Let me try a little Leftist logic here. Plants breathe in co2 and emit oxygen. Therefore A&W is contributing to global warming. A&W hates the environment and must be boycotted. Hey that’s no dumber than some of the crap they come up with.

    1. I have still gone to A&W on occasion and haven’t decided whether or not to boycott them because of their plant burgers, however, I am going to boycott them because of those damned paper drink straws…..and anyplace else that uses them.

      1. I’ve hit that point. I tip 30% at any establishment that still serves me a plastic straw and I tell them exactly why.

        Wendy’s stil provides plastic straws, does not offend me with their marketing, and their virtue signalling seems to be limited to supporting adoption facilities (because Dave was one). Also their salads are pretty close to paleo.

  7. I had a fabulous summer job in Lake Tahoe during college. But I commuted back to the Bay Area quite often to see my girlfriend (the power of the pus_ _). During my semi-weekly commute, I routinely stopped at the Colfax A&W on the west slope of the Sierra on Hwy 80 on my trips, to get a Pappa burger and Root Beer float. There weren’t any A&W’s in my part of the Bay Area, so it was a chance for something different. The Colfax location made really good burgers … I think they put their own spin on the corporate burger family.

    Shame to see A&W get woke.

    It reminds me of Gillette. A massive Corp. with huge market share. Until … Amazon and mail order alternatives. Gillette shrunk up like I did during a swim in Lake Tahoe. So in a desperate move to “rebrand” themselves … they decided to launch ads telling their male customers how imperfect people they are. Bad move. A&W may have increasing in-store sales … but their market share (of fast food) is tiny and insignificant. So, go ahead … virtue signal all you want … your insignificant will become even more irrelevant. That’s what happens when you cast your lot with a tiny minority of the population. The loudest voices of the “different” people in our society remain irrelevant. They pretend they’re relevant … but they’re not. They never will be. We, normal folk, may nod politely … but we don’t give a shit about their “alternative” lifestyles and beliefs. It’s simple math. The whack jobs remain a tiny minority … no matter how loudly woke they get.

  8. I don’t eat the burgers and sure as Heck don’t want to try the “beyond meat” abominations. My one guilty A&W pleasure is their bacon ‘n egger breakfast sandwich. As long they still use real eggs and real bacon.

  9. And, they don’t do milkshakes anymore – how can you go for a “burger and a shake”, when the burger is not real, and there is no shake!

  10. If people eat greasy plants it is ok with me. They do make good bacon and eggs at a reasonable price that are just as good as the breakfast places. For me the clown and the king have lost out to A&W and DQ for burgers.

    1. You nailed it. The imitation “impossible” burger goo is actually … “greasy plant purée”. In order to replicate the “mouth feel” texture and taste of REAL burger … their goo is laden with greasy components. It has to be.

      My absolutely favorite “fast food” burger is made by GIANT BURGER … a small, local burger chain in my area, that is more like a diner than a fast food joint. Their burgers are thick and meaty … and laden with vegetables … thick iceberg lettuce, juicy beefsteak tomato, and delicious pickles. Their burgers marry REAL ground beef with a generous component of REAL fresh vegetables. Their beef is beef. Their vegetables are vegetables. Gee, I don’t know why … but that just seems more … natural … and healthy.

  11. The A&Ws in the Greater Toronto Area seem to be doing just fine. Their marketing and product development seem to work for young white urbanites.

    Anyone born & raised in the rural parts of the country — anyone with actual knowledge of where food comes from — don’t seem to buy A&W’s pitch, but that’s a declining market. Unfortunately.

    Meanwhile, McDonalds isn’t hurting from A&W’s urban success. Mickey D is the preferred fast food destination of the quarter of a million new Canadians being crammed into the GTA every year. In most countries outside the G8, beef is an unattainable luxury. Here, it’s cheap as chips. They must think they died and went to heaven.

  12. When somebody attacks farmers and in particular Canadian farmers they are dead to me. It would take one hell of an acknowledgement of stupidity and an apology to get me back in the door.

  13. I won’t eat at A&W or McDonalds anymore. I used to love McDonalds fries, but since they stopped cooking them in beef tallow their fries taste like garbage.
    What gets me is that these restaurants are catering to a group of people who wouldn’t eat there in the first place, whilst alienating their actual customer base.
    DQ burgers and fries are still pretty good. Though I wouldn’t drink their milkshakes since they started putting Cool Whip on top. Disgusting.
    And they should all bring back plastic straws.

    1. ” I used to love McDonalds fries, but since they stopped cooking them in beef tallow their fries taste like garbage.”

      Yes. Totally agree. McDs used to have the best fries of any Big Fast Food and ruined them groveling to the Vegans. I hate you, Vegans.
      And then… all the other Big Fast Food competitors went, “Phew! Now we can use rape seed oil and don’t need to compete anymore.”

      Gee, there seems to be a pattern emerging here. Hey Big Fast Food, do you not understand that the Vegans want to destroy you?

    1. Yes. I don’t think they are withdrawing their burgers, so in that respect the post is misleading. Their burgers are quite good. Introducing the veggie burger is just an issue of consumer choice. I heard they are good. I hope to try one. I am pretty sure I will like it better than McD’s fishburgers. I hate fishburgers.

  14. My pre teen daughter was toying with the idea of going veggie.
    I explained to her that wheat was a strain of grass that had been cultured by generations of farmers.
    I explained to her that sheep and lambs lived on grass.
    I made her a lamb sandwich and explained to her it should really be called a grass-grass

    she never graduated to veggie

  15. That video of A&W talking to beef farmers is old!
    Regarding their plant based chicken burger – does anybody know where I can get some seeds? So I can grow my own plant based chicken? I know that question sounds “mental” but isn’t the whole plant based foods “mental”?
    All those plant based foods are processed foods and aren’t processed foods bad for your health? Think people, think!

    1. These plant-based “meat” products are FILLED with SALT, more salt than the daily recommended limit.

  16. All anyone needs to know is Al Gore is making a fortune owning a huge number of shares in these fake meat companys ……….

  17. The way they promote their product really ticks me off, but the food is really good at A&W. I ordered a chicken sandwich the other day and it had a huge crunchy, chunk of lettuce.

  18. well it sure werent for lack of advertising.

    migawd, comeuppance comes in all shapes and sizes eh??
    and dollar amounts.

    you own a&w stock? ummm . . . .

  19. While on the subject of burger joints, some long-time Calgary SDAers might remember Peter’s on 16th Ave (NW, I think).

    When I lived and worked in Cowtown in the late 1970s, I often went there. Back then, I’d order a burger with a side order of fries, plus one of its milkshakes–which were thicker than Prinz Dummkopf.

    The last time I was at Peter’s was in the mid-1980s when I lived in the vicinity of Brooks. The food was still as good as I had remembered it. I haven’t been there since, so I have no idea about what’s being served or, for that matter, if the place still exists.

    1. Peter’s is still there but …since they were in the news because a girl on her 13th birthday went there for a shake and after drinking it was overcome by E.coli.
      Nearly died, lost a kidney and you know why? Because a Chinese worker there(all Chinese workers at Peter’s) got shit in her milkshake.

      1. I remember fondly the old Peter’s, the first time I stopped there, I had just moved to Calgary to attend post secondary education, not knowing the menu, I ordered a nice burger and a large fries.. Well, the burgers used to be nice and thick and they gave you a patty and a half! What really floored me, was the large fries I ordered, it came in a paper shoe box, heaping with fries and the lid taped over! I ate those fries for the next 2 days! The only comparable burger shack I found, was living in Medicine Hat. A tiny takeout place called Tino’s “Where the hamburger is king!” same owners for over 50 years! Their Tino’s special burger came with a thick slice of ham on the patty and their chili chips were to die for! Still stop in from time to time when I’m in the area.

  20. When A&W started their no meat in their burgers campaign is when I abandoned the place totally. I have no idea what the stuff tastes like but I am angered that they are trying to tell me what I should eat and that seems to be the sole focus of the ad campaign. I notice that other fast food places are also jumping on this “it’s better for you and the environment” campaign. At some point I’ll stop eating at all fast food/burger joints and that probably will be ” better for me”.

  21. There are withdrawl periods for implants as well as most all veterinary drugs. The main ones I saw were estrogen for weight gain. Kinda like city drinking water unless it is from a drinky boxy thing.

  22. All burgers are plant based, the processors are cattle which are are entirely vegan and made of meat. Unlike most vegans, they are committed, not just involved.

  23. A few years ago some Nit-Wit Jeremy Rifkin wrote a book BEYOND BEEF which he argued that all the stuff feed to steers to produce beef should go to people instead as always with screwballs like him he made the usial stupid claims Well then lets see someone serve Mr Rifkin plate of Grass and wish him Bon Apitite

  24. What is wrong with you people? Has A&W eschewed beef altogether? No. Can you still get an original Momma or Papa Burger? Yes. Do you have to ask specially for it to be made of meat? No. Do you have to ask specifically for the meatless burger? Yes.

    So what’s the problem? They decide to market to a different group of people who wouldn’t normally eat hamburgers, and you’re all over them? This is NOT at all like the Gillette situation, where Gillette hectored their customers and told them they were immoral. All A&W is saying “Hey, vegans, you can come to A&W and get a tasty meat-free treat”. Why are you objecting to them trying to expand their customer base?

    1. It’s not that they’re marketing to non-beef eaters, it’s that they’re using virtue signalling reasons to not cook and serve Canadian beef. And when Canadian beef producers ask them about it, the sales group starts talking about beyond meat substitutes.

      If they want my business they’ll make those burgers with Canadian beef, and stop lecturing me on hormones and antibiotics in their meat (casting doubts on the Canadian food supply).

      It’s called a final straw. And those paper things don’t quality as straws, if I wanted something small, limp and useless in my mouth I’d….. no, not a proper Liberal leader slur if I plan to have food any time this week.

  25. The Walby Burger? Really? Why would you market something that is 50% fat? I mean cummon!

    Nah, just funnin’ you.

    1. Salisbury House, the house with the little red roof, that serves nips and chips is still alive and kicking.
      It was recently repurchased back by a previous owner, Earl Barrish, and I expect he’ll spend more advertising it, and bringing it back to local prominence.

  26. “Hormone Free.
    Meat Free.
    Customer Free.”

    Eco footprint minimized, the mission would be successful if it was’n for those meddling capitalists.
