83 Replies to “September 17, 2019: Reader Tips”

    1. I was performing in rock clubs and happened to have an overdramatic girlfriend at the time this song was released…I still play in bands and think of her every time i play this tune

    1. I believe Ric Ocasec paved the way for a new generation of post-punk, new-wave, singers with plaintive, pouty, angst-riddled, voices. The Cure, Depeche Mode, etc.

      Just like another band from Boston, I loved the Cars from the very first note I heard. Still my favorite … actually featuring Ric Ocasek’s voice.


      “… let them brush your Rock and Roll hair …”
      Brilliant nonsense.

      1. another band from Boston

        That wouldn’t by any chance be Boston, founded and led by the late Tom Scholz?

        1. BTW you were thinking of Brad Delp (who has passed these earthly bonds) … he of the great voice.

          Tom Scholz, the GENIUS (literally) behind ALL the Boston music is still very much alive … just saw him LIVE a couple years ago … and performing at a PEAK level.

          1. Funny, I thought I read Scholz’s obituary in the–wait for it!–NYT. Fake news, perhaps?

          2. I liked Boston when I heard songs from their first album. That was released in late 1976, as I recall, while I was in my senior undergrad year.

            One aspect of the group that got my attention was that Tom Scholz had a master’s degree in mechanical engineering from MIT. Since I was about to finish my B. Sc. in mechanical, I thought that was interesting.

            Their first album was great. I didn’t hear much of their second one, but what I did listen to impressed me as well:


            Third Stage, however, underwhelmed me. That was released in 1987, the same year that Fleetwood Mac tarnished its reputation with me when they came out with that rubbish Tango In The Night.

          3. Nancy, that’s a great piece by NPR.

            As I mentioned, I saw Tom Scholz and his virtual one-man-show BOSTON concert at some Roseville, CA Indian Casino … small outdoor stadium a couple years ago. He brought stacks of his own custom-designed electronics to the show … and it produced superb sound. At about the 1:30 mark of this video – you’d see the stacks he brings on tour. It is quite impressive. It looks a bit like a 1950’s sci-fi “scientific” mainframe computer with rows upon rows of blinking red lights. It’s quite a spectacle of sound and vision.


          4. @ 9:54 pm, 9:30 pm and 10:02 pm
            B A and Kenji
            Here is a facinating interview with Tom Scholz. He is a mechanical genius. A net worth of $100 million is a nice paycheck for a lifetime of creativity much enjoyed.


            P.S. That Cars song “Shake it up” was a big hit in my aerobics class!!!!!!!!!

    1. Where did that picture appear? It’s simply not appropriate and she seems to be playing right into it. Wonder if he had a hard time keeping his paws from slipping?

  1. When the Media Party keeps bring up stuff from the past, and question Scheer about it, why doesn’t Scheer throw the Kokanee Grope back in their faces. Sure the woman might not want to talk about it, but there’s no reason why Trudeau’s conduct shouldn’t be brought to light. #fakefeminist
    BTW, just because the media says she doesn’t want to talk about it and be a media spectacle, doesn’t mean she doesn’t think what happened to her was reprehensible, misogynist, abusive and disrespectful.
    Has the CPC reached out to the woman for direct comment, or do they simply trust and accept the media line, that the woman doesn’t want to talk about it.

  2. CBC reporter David Cochrane was too tough on Trudeau this morning, and a sensitive guy like Trudeau could tell Cochrane was upset and needed some smoothing out, so Trudeau bought him a poutine.
    Hands in to Davey boy and says,,, “the Liberal Party always supports the cbc” , and FFS, he actually takes the poutine!
    The video is in this thread,
    seems the msm is trying to prevent it from getting around.

    1. “the LibCons Party always supports the cbc”

      Harper had a majority and the CPC never touched the CBC that’s all you need to know about never voting CPC again including those 22 senators seats that Harper left Trudeau to fill like that was an actual LibCons tag team play.

      Vote for the PPC and Max and take back your Canada.

      Still no link to Balless Emperor Scheers CPC Platforms.

      What a joke those who support Scheer by not even caring about his Liberal Platforms.

      Canadians have woken up and are starting to see right through the LibCons Globalist Totalitarian Plans and were getting off their corrupt election merry-go-round.

        1. Well it’s true isn’t it? Max didn’t vote to shut down the cbc. He could of, to make his point but he chose not to.

          Case closed.

        2. “the vote never would have passed the House” so Max voted against it. Is this what you are saying? By your logic we should not vote PPC as they are not going to form a government.

          That vote was the perfect time for Mr Principles (Max Bernier) to vote his belief. He didn’t.

          What other principles will Max abandon?

          Given that Max worked for Bernard Landry, I am unwilling to chance voting for Max.

          Max should run for premier of Quebec. He would have a better chance of getting his real agenda passed.

      1. Excellent Points – LIB/CON Indeed. ZER0 difference in the outcomes of ea.

        Regardless of who sits in the PM’s Chair – all must Bend the knee & kiss the (_i_) of the QUEBEBC MAFIA: Power Corp, Desmarais – Morneau – McLeans – Bronffmann Families & other Assorted Laurentien Trash + the Longshoreman who run the Quebec/Montreal Docks while providing the Quebec political establishment with all the bribery cash it needs.

        And that’s why we must leave.
        For if we don’t.?
        We die on the vine.

        in the meantime…

  3. The climate emergency is really a lack of socialism emergency. As old socialists realize they only have about twelve years to live, and socialism is no closer than Cuba and Venezuela (thank God), they panic and face the nightmare scenario of losing the chance to prove it could work, finally, here (of all places). Why could it work here? Well maybe they wouldn’t run out of other peoples’ money. That was always the problem before.

    So how to get that socialist utopia started? Organize everyone around a cause, to save the earth from the slight warming trend that they think humanity has unleashed upon the world. So far, the climate emergency looks more like a same old same old, which is also what socialism would look like. Is there a cure? No, the mass delusion has spread too far and too wide to be drawn back into the quiet confines of its academic birthplace. But has it spread far enough to produce political victories? That remains to be seen. The only way to stop it now is to call a spade a spade. There is no point in pretending it will go away, by adopting half or quarter measures. The only chance is to confront it like an exorcist confronts a demon. Drive it out of the body politic. Don’t encourage the lunatics, we will end up broke and with exactly the same weather as we would have had, in the absence of their delusional programs.

    How many birds must die, chopped up in wind turbines and fried as they fly above solar farms, they are rather like animal sacrifices to the goddess Gaia. And the local high priestess — she looks crazy as a loon to me.

    1. Yes, yes, but the brainwashed are paying no attention. It is very concerning that people are being herded into believing this ruse which will walk them directly to one-world-government. I no longer know how to fight this. The “Climate change” forces are too powerful.

  4. Was just watching the latest list of give aways and will not do’s from the the political hacks. It also looks like Max is in the next debate. Lizzy plans on stopping all oil, goal, and all fossil fuel use, she of course does not say how she will power a country as cold and large as Canada. She also has not said how she would be able to build solar panels and wind turbines without fossil fuels. Singh says that Max and his reduction of immigration polices are racist, Singh is a fool who also wants to give what little Canada has left to welfare immigrants, I don’t. Both Trudeau and Sheer are out the trying out do each other with giveaways. Same old same old folks, more debt, less economic activity and a continuation of the downward spiral of Canada. The socialist are choking us to death.

    1. I am always amazed how Dizzy May proclaims the Green party is all Canadian..Pure Canadian, but then goes off the Tracks and PIMPs 100% for the UN…..Her followers don’t even see the slight of hand…..
      She knows she is a lying Communist…I would like to audit her billable clients, bet it includes lots of NGO’s funding… An NGO just means it is not Managed by a Government agency.. NGO’s spend Government Money


    2. It is interesting how the leaders of the Communist Greens and the Communist NDP are foreigners. Are there even any Canadians in the cabinet who aren’t brain dead bimbos. This government is made up mostly of foreigners trying to recreate the shithole back home in Canada or really stupid people who have no idea how to stop them.

      1. scar, the recreation of the filth and corruption they left behind is of primary importance, because they can’t strand what the white man built, it works and feeds and clothes them, but hell, they would sooner live in filth and corruption. I say, go home and enjoy it. I don’t want your third world sh-t here. Live as we do, work produce and don’t kill your freaking neighbours. Is that asking too much of an immigrant who has their snout in our trough.

  5. Because we don’t have enough medicated zombies stumbling around the streets.
    I know someone, and I’m sure they represent far too many, who won’t have a gun (legally stored unloaded and locked up) in the house because of his kids, but loves edibles. That’s the kind of logic/knowledge/brains that many Canadians possess.

  6. Christie Blatchford at the National Post website describes Mr. Groper’s Neighbourhood as he visited a school yesterday and ranted about that bastard Doug Ford. And Groper’s Toronto Star is excited. No not about more shootings in the city last night, but Toronto has its own official bee.

      1. Well can I say “Dumb Albertans” 🙂

        Just kidding/ But it was a monumental cockup, a fine example of democracy and a lesson to all I believe. But federally it is different. Trudeau has also to worry about vote splitting on the left.

        Mind you, Albertans, with their support for Andy 2%, do appear to enjoy giving their money to Quebec via “equalization” “payments”. They could have Max who would end this unfairness. And it doesn’t matter if Trudeau or Andy win, they’ll still produce the same UN loving, global corruption pandering payments of foreign aid and the Paris accord, even though they borrow the money to do it. And they never will get a UN security seat.

        1. You left out Harper couldn’t get a pipeline built to the coast does anyone actually believe that balless Scheer will.

          Max says it’s easy just use the Constitution and it doesn’t matter what BC, Quebec, Greens or courts say.

          But the LibCon Party of One refuses to use that option.

          So why vote LibCons then!

        2. Max won’t end equalization. His platform talks about limiting equalization to provinces that need it. Guess what Quebec will “need it”.

          Remember that Max worked for Bernard Landry the Parti Quebecois Finance Minister. I believe this was the time of the “fiscal imbalance” arguments from Quebec.

          What are the chances that Max will end equalization? About the same as:
          a) Trudeau II’s promise to balance the budget by 2019
          b) Chrétien’s promise to eliminate the GST
          c) Trudeau I’s promise not to introduce wage and price controls.

          If Max wanted to really make a difference for Canada, he’d run for premier of Quebec.

          1. Scheer promises on free speach

            Scheer no Platforms to read just elect the balless one and trust him…

            Scheer promises on no Carbon Tax

            Scheer kisses Islamist asses

            Max want to make equalization fairer to the Provinces that pay while Trudeau and Scheer want to keep it the same.



            Where are Scheer’s Platforms on Equalization and Free Speech???

  7. CTV News story (TV, but not online version) is saying the drone strike in Saudi Arabia will result in gas prices in Ontario and Quebec going up 4 cents a litre, and as much as 8 cents on the prairies. If this is true, the Alberta / Sask Premiers better hold the oil companies to account, and demand an explanation as to why western prices are going up when we produce the stuff. If any goes up, it should only penalize those provinces who import it from overseas.

  8. Trudeau’s media is still upset that people are making fun of Joe Biden Trudeau, for getting a little too gropey with the tennis star. And the Toronto Sun website has a story on a civil liberties group taking Groper’s government to court over its draconian election laws.

  9. Returned in time for another TO shooting.

    Contrary to what CBC reports, the 410 was still closed at rush hour last night (16 hours after the shooting) taking us well over an extra hour just to get out of Toronto from the airport. This doesn’t bear well for society that major expressways get closed for a day cuz some turd worlders shoot turd worlders as we import more turd worlders.

    After a 3 week walk-about in northern Spain (Galicia) and Portugal with no language issues, no concerns for safety, modern & well maintained infrastructure, educated & polite people, arriving in Toronto was a brutal culture shock. 2 of the 3 people movers in the airport out of service. ¼ of the declaration card readers were out of service. Line ups were everywhere especially for connecting flights. Airport personal were kneeling in the arrivals passage way bowing to Mecca. Despite the line-ups, booths weren’t named by border agents. I assume the agents were away bowing to Mecca.
    I eventually got interviewed by Pashtun but couldn’t make out if he was speaking Urdu or English with Urdu intonation. My two “pardon me’s”, “Can you repeat the question” earned me another 20 minute line-up in the baggage-cavity search que. Some of the baggage-cavity checkers appeared to be having a safety meeting, standing around doing nothing. After a 10 minute wait, others showed up, I assume after having finished bowing to Mecca.

    There were welcomes between Airport staff and new arrivals from Mecca and barriers were opened to allow ease of access for the new arrivals. The que jumping would have made any turd worlder proud.

    The TO terminals were just recently modernized. Why did they not attach a mosque for the employees to do their Mecca kneeling vs. littering the arrivals corridors? A suggestion for the airport authority is to schedule arrival of planes and the processing of passengers to accommodate the kneelings to Mecca.

    It will only get worse for Whitey as the turd worlders assume positions of authority. Voting, voting often is a feel good gesture. It’s too late to fix this now. Vote with your wallets & vote with your feet. Plan your retirement accordingly. Happiness is Ontario in the rear-view mirror.

  10. Here the Rt. Hon. Trudeau crashes a victory party for Bianca Andreeschu — and some feel that our prime minister got a little too close to our new champion. You decide, but watching CBC News Morning today, it appears host Heather Hiscox will not mention this. She is busy talking abut the forthcoming electioneering announcement from Justin and various cabinet ministers:

    The Liberal candidate is at the mike now, gushing about the Trudeau government — all brought live by CBC News.

  11. So typical of this creep, its all about him as he takes over the stage. Wish Crombie had the courage to tell him this is not a Liberal election platform and to back off.

  12. trudeau just said he will increase by 15% ccb for kids under 1 and to spend 550million on daycare.
    Question to all seniors how much did you get this yr in a increase to your pension and do you pay tax on that.
    Here is a novel idea to those parents, take that money you get tax free and use it for your daycare expense.
    Also were still waiting for pbo costing on the great ones wild spending ideas.
    has anyone noticed it still is harpers fault on everything wrong with canada and trudeau needs more time to repair.
    well if your from ontario and old enough you will remember that was mcguintys line for how many elections, all mike harris fault. Who was on the mcguinty team Buttts , who was behind the gas plant scandal coverup, Butts and his boss. Who was behind the Rebould scandal Butts and his boss.
    Finally is Trudeau getting advance notice on his questions from the media You bet he is, notice no Ummmms and Awwwwws and stamering and no answers.
    He answered a reporter question Re bridge tolls for federal funded new bridges, Quebec no toll. pei 45dollar toll.
    he knew that answer to quick and no stammering.

  13. So the Tax and Spend Liberal Party has a deficit of more than $10 Billion for the third year in a row!

    A whopping $14 Billion last year!

    But there’s more.

    They took in (taxed more) an astounding $21 Billion more!

    So actually $35 Billion!!!

    Probably just enough to pay for buying the election. (someone tell the embarrassing, traitorous, Liberal-owned Canadian Media)

    Missed it by that much., Agent Idiot.


    1. Not to worry. Maxime Bernier is beavering away to make sure Trudeau gets to spend $10 Billion deficits every year for the next 4.

  14. Trudeau’s Toronto Star and the Liberal Party are outraged that Hitler Doug Ford attended a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new Catholic private university in Toronto. The university will not receive any government funding, but leftists are going nuts over Ford being there.

    1. What a stupid thing to fuss about. Why should the Premier not attend an important ceremonial event? The Province accredits the school does it not? Trudeau attending Mosques is generally applauded. What gives?

  15. RCMP wakes up… Need firearms, Need firearms training & regular firearm range proficiency
    Jody has been sued for deficient conduct in the arming & training of RCMP .

    NOW The ROC needs to sue Jody for conduct unbecoming in the defending of Canadian Sovereignty from Indian land Claims… She issued a memo to DOJ lawyers to not question Indian oral history, that means Indian Claims became a FACT for the court.


  16. You want to save Canada, vote for the PPC. To hell with all the vote splitting morons. Do something right for a change.

    1. I’m going to vote for whoever I think has the best chance of beating my current MP, No Time McKenna. If its the NDP dummy, so be it.

  17. And now a review of today’s election news. Justin fan girl Katie Simpson took time off from eating to trash Hitler Scheer today. The media is excited about the heartwarming event where Justin played with small children again. Justin is wonderful. The Liberal Party is wonderful. The NDP leader promised everyone a house, and Elizabeth May promised everyone a pony. Trudeau’s CTV had its community stations in Ontario trash Hitler Ford. In minor news, the deficit this year will be 14 billion dollars. This will be the third year that the deficit is over 10 billion dollars. But we don’t worry about stuff like that here in Trudeau’s Canada. We want everything to be free!

  18. Justin fan boy John Ivison at the National Post tweeted that Scheer lies a lot. This from the John Ivison who wrote a loving book of his hero Justin. And Trudeau’s CBC reminds everyone that people in rural Ontario are racist bastards. Apparently their journalist heard someone at the plowing match say something negative about the NDP leader’s turbin.

  19. Sorry for the long post


    Truth Tracker: Are right-wing U.S. Twitter accounts amplifying anti-Trudeau sentiment?

    Nicole Bogart
    CTVNews.ca Writer
    @nlynnbogart | Contact
    Published Tuesday, September 17, 2019 2:56PM EDT

    TORONTO — Tweets criticizing Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau have shown evidence of some bot-like activity from Twitter accounts that appear to share American right-wing sentiments, prompting concerns that public opinion could be affected by automated online accounts.

    Analysis of about 34,000 tweets from approximately 4,896 accounts by researcher Marc Owen Jones revealed that 15 per cent of accounts using the hashtag #TrudeauMustGo between Sept. 3 and 5 were ones that primarily identified with U.S. right-wing politics.

    How does this affect you?

    Despite these reports, #TrudeauMustGo and related hashtags such as #TrudeauMustGoToJail and #TrudeauCorruption, are shared by real Twitter users every day as the election campaign ramps up.

    Hundreds of those users have tweeted, specifying that they are not bots, but real people who oppose Trudeau and his party’s politics.

    But experts warn that any spam or bot-like manipulation can further polarize the electorate and even influence the election.

    “There’s no doubt about it; the only question is how much and how do we measure that,” Ben Scott, director of policy and advocacy at Luminate, told CTVNews.caon Tuesday.

    “Basically what you are dealing with is the distortion of the public debate.”

    Scott led the technology policy advisory group for the Hillary Clinton campaign during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. His work focuses on research and policy analysis related to digital disinformation in democracies.

    Contact us

    See a story or post circulating on social media that you think may be disinformation or in need of fact-checking?

    Let us know by sharing with us the link to the post or the source of the information.

    Email us by clicking here or visit our Newsbreaker page.

    Please include your full name, city and province.

    Read it all here


  20. The tech backlash is real, and it’s accelerating

    The signs of changing attitudes are everywhere

    Is there a backlash toward the technology industry in the culture? I tend to think so, having written about its various twists and turns most weekdays for the past couple years now. But sometimes an obsession with a beat can lead to myopia, and so it can be useful to check in with your assumptions from time to time to see whether they still hold up.

    Such an occasion presented itself over the weekend, when the New York Times published an op-ed by Rob Walker with the provocative title “There is no tech backlash.” Walker argues that whatever jaded media types and politicians might be saying about the big tech platforms, consumers remain enamored of them, and the companies’ financial performance has been superb. He writes:

    According to its most recent quarterly report, the number of Facebook accounts used daily (1.59 billion) and monthly (2.4 billion) each increased by 8 percent over the prior quarter. Despite all the anecdotes you’ve heard about people deleting their accounts, the company’s flagship app added about a million new daily users in the United States alone. Revenue was up 28 percent. Even factoring in the F.T.C. fine, Facebook recorded a profit of $2.6 billion.

    Facebook is not the only demonized tech platform; social media companies in general are routinely criticized as toxic swamps full of trolls, liars and bots. But again, there’s no evidence of any exodus. In the same quarter, Twitter added five million new daily users, and Snap reported that the daily user base of its flagship Snapchat app grew 7 percent, its best-ever performance as a public company. According to the Pew Research Center, 72 percent of Americans use some form of social media, a percentage that has risen steadily for years and shows no sign of flagging. (The people I know who quit Facebook all use Facebook-owned Instagram, WhatsApp, or both.)

    Rest here

