8 Replies to “British Leftists are Nutters too!”

  1. They’re not particularly inclusive. They’re applauding, after all, so won’t that disturb people who are triggered by loud noises? Where are the jazz hands?

    I was waiting to hear: “If you own a business, you didn’t build that.”

    1. As an indication of just what’s important to the party, one of the speakers worried how the apparent gender pay gap might affect the I, Napoleon brigade or those who are “non-binary”.

      These people should be on the Golgafrincham B Ark, along with the telephone sanitizers.

      1. 12 mins in the woman, in hushed tones, talks of how President Trump was in league with the KKK to win the election.

  2. I wonder why people are not aware that everyone cannot have everything. Nothing is ever free, and there is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine, government is not your friend.

    1. It’s because those people haven’t grasped the concept of one of the fundamental laws of the universe: TANSTAAFL.

  3. I couldn’t listen to all of that. All I could think was … “We need an Asteroid” … ground zero – this Nutters Conference.

    Oh … and if they … “were born that way”? They have a viable lawsuit against their mom’s OBGYN

  4. Losers looking to get the money of the winners by any means necessary as long as it doesn’t require working.
