8 Replies to “Mischief is Important”

  1. Amoral is the new immoral.
    25 is the new 12.
    An appointment is a suggestion.
    Common sense is a superpower.
    The medium is the message is now the rhetoric is the reality.
    Within 20 years there’ll more of them (echos) than us (boomers).
    Look at the entitlement shit show we’re in already.
    Mom looks so sad now that Dad’s gone.
    Fine let’s euthanize her and take the house.
    Cowardly new world.
    Nice hair, legal pot and free stuff.
    Live long and vote is our only hope.

    1. … and a 3rd party conversation about a 2nd party who was told of a phone call is “grounds” for impeachment. In the Botox-addled brain of Alzheimer’s Rep’s.

    2. Nope. 20 years from now, we’ll be gone – and they’ll end-up having to pay for their free stuff, and all the free stuff the next-gen is demanding from them.

      Just like they did from us.

      And best of all, I’ll be gone so I won’t have to listen to them whimper. “Everything is so expeeeeeensive, I didn’t get my avocado tooooooast this morning, and I can’t afford Starbucks lattes anymoooore, why doesn’t the government balance the buuuuuuuuuudget?”

      And a dim whisper from beyond the grave – “AAAAAAAAAAAA-HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!”

  2. The real question is, how many idiots think that him identifying as a woman was valid, the man is making fun of you? Now here is were I insert the, is everybody stupid comment?

  3. I can just see the new categories they will have to have in women’s sport in the Olympics. Events like “Creative Pickle Jar opening” and “Peeing the furthest while standing up”. Sure to please any viewing audience.
