Lest We Forget: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions

If any SDA readers have any Swedish connections, would you kindly share this article with Saint Greta:

Modern doomsayers have been predicting climate and environmental disaster since the 1960s. They continue to do so today.

None of the apocalyptic predictions with due dates as of today have come true.

What follows is a collection of notably wild predictions from notable people in government and science.

More than merely spotlighting the failed predictions, this collection shows that the makers of failed apocalyptic predictions often are individuals holding respected positions in government and science.

While such predictions have been and continue to be enthusiastically reported by a media eager for sensational headlines, the failures are typically not revisited.

h/t Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew PinskyDiscussion on this subject

29 Replies to “Lest We Forget: 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions”

  1. Speaking of failed apocalyptic predictions, Thomas R. Malthus would be proud.

    And, don’t forget that Malthus’ Essay on Population Growth had a profound effect on one Charles Darwin.

    1. Rev. Malthus’ policy advice was sensible enough—he advised encouraging Englishmen to marry later in life, the better to avoid Englishwomen having more children than they could afford to feed.

      For some reason the globalists’ pets in Africa, India and the Middle East have not been obliged to follow that advice. Malthus’ Essay has been often used as a blunt object to beat over the heads of anybody serious about progress. None of those elites seem to have taken its message to heart.

    2. Gary, Malthus was too early with his ideas. Give us another 50 to 100 years and see what his ideas look like. How many people do you think the planet can support?

  2. Has being wrong for 50 years stopped Mann from making predictions? Ehrlich?

    Then why do you think Greta would be swayed.

    1. Green priests deify predictors of doom regardless of failure. It’s the “doom” that sells. When your job is pimping hysteria, accuracy, reality, and morality are totally irrelevant. Green priests are a combination of Jimmy Jones, Joseph Stalin and Bernie Madoff, cloaked in green and guarded by media eunuchs.

  3. Someone once said that the great thing about being a leftist was that you could be always wrong and yet never in doubt.

    1. That wouldn’t by any chance be the same church that removed crucifixes lest they offend their Mohammedan overlords?

      Why does the phrase “false messiah” come to mind?

  4. They’re very good at predicting disasters that never happen, and bloody awful at predicting the frequent and easily preventible disasters that are the obvious outcomes of their own myopia, mismanagement and (far too often) outright malice.

    There’s no reason for them to get better, either. It’s never their money or their lives at stake.

    Anybody who tries to point out real catastrophes on the horizon is invariably dismissed as a crank (or a reactionary) until it’s too late, no matter how obvious the risks become.

    1. Heh, just like the criticism of Zerohedge – “They’ve successfully predicted 50 of the last 2 recessions…”

      (FWIW, I’ve been retweeting the hell out of that cei.org article over the last few days)

  5. That #$%@ Global Warming deposited frost on my deck here on Vancouver Island this morning. Oh yes, then there were the flights from Calgary cancelled due to snow… And this is still September.

  6. If Scott Moe or Brad Wall or Kenney or Pallister actually wanted to do anything, you would think that going after the teacher’s unions for pushing religion in schools would be an easy trillion.

    But none of them have, have they. Odd, that.

    1. All they have to do, is make the other side live up to their own book of rules, but none of them ever try.

      And everyday I read another comment from a fool who keeps donating money to people who have never stopped making promises, and have never delivered on a single one.

    2. Look at it this way. Harper was removed from office, promptly, for hinting that Islamization was a problem in Canada. (The Muslim problem in Canada will be brought under control at Beijing’s convenience, not ours, just as in Xinjiang.)

      The peerless leaders of what passes for our conservative movement have learned their lesson, never fear. Globalist-approved cults are to be permitted to evangelize unmolested at taxpayer expense. Only the Truth—that the God of Israel is the One God, Who sent His Son to redeem the world—is to be blotted out at all costs.

  7. Climate change alarmists have two basic types of predictions. I call then the Harold Camping method and the Mother in Law method

    1) The Harold Camping method : we only have X years before climate doom. Usually X is 2 to 12 year time spans. But, as the predicted doomsday(s) come and go without any doom, they make a new prediction. New twist : they’ve gotten slyer and stretched those doomsday predictions out further and further to mask their failure.

    2) The Mother in Law method : predict every possible scenario and then say “I warned you/ I told you so / you should have listened to me”. For climate alarmists this means they predict this winter will be colder (polar vortex)/warmer/drier/wetter/longer/shorter than expected. Invariably one or more of these things *has* to occur so they can claim “we warned you/ we told you so / you should have listened to us”….plus give politicians complete control over your sinful CO2 choices and give them a lot more of your money. Repeat for every season and claim 100% success in predictive models.

  8. The Maldives were to be underwater by 2018, they are just finishing off building 5 new airports, probably for sea planes.

  9. Over 1/2 of these ‘prophecy’ came from the Prophet of Doom Paul Ehrlich, who has a winning record of being consistently wrong.

    1. Paul Ehrlich is an anti-Cassandra. Cassandra was doomed by the Greek gods to always know and predict the truth, but to never be believed.

  10. I found one item particularly interesting. It showed climate models, compared to actual observations. (Naturally) the models showed substantial temperature increases over time, while the actual temperatures were lower by a wide margin. What bothers me big time, is that Environment Canada recently destroyed all historical temperature data prior to 1955 and henceforth will rely on climate models.

  11. That even 5% of the population still believe in this cult’s apocalyptic prognostication is a very scary but credible argument against democracy. These same people get to tell me how I am allowed to live my life. Creepy.
