28 Replies to “What does the future hold for Michael Mann?”

  1. Many years ago I recall reading that M.Mann and other climate alarmist
    professionals had organized funding ( tax payer sourced ?? , I cannot remember ) to
    cover legal action incurred during the course of their work . Presumably that is
    why he has been so willing to pursue legal action .

    1. I would think the funding was intended to protect them from outside lawsuits. Not to pay for them initiating frivolous lawsuits and losing. I’m speculating of course.

      1. Mann is their “golden boy”, and his hockey-stick graph is at least as sacred ( – and at least as thoroughly debunked – ) as John Cook’s “97% consensus”. Lawsuits-to-silence-detractors being an explicitly-encouraged tactic of the GWAlarmists, I imagine they’ll pay-out for Mann, if for anybody.

        Provided of course, there’s any money in the fund to pay-out with… “WE don’t contribute to that fund – YOU do!”

  2. Who cares.
    If he goes broke, he deserves it.
    Like Ball said, he doesn’t belong at Penn State, he belongs in the State Pen.

  3. Maybe his buddy can sell some genetically altered fruit flies and help him out. Or ask the grand chief of the greatest scam on humanity, who rolls in the billions sucked out of morons in government and society moving from scam to scam. Ask big Al for a loan, you know, use the “I was a loyal little minion Al” line , see if it works so big Al bails you out after all you’ve done for him. He has billions, he’s currently hawking some crap full of chemicals claiming it’s beef, go see him. Tim Ball is an honest man, and a good man, I’m so happy for him. You sir are a bad man or Mann in this case.

  4. Dr. Tim Ball is a hero standing up to these pompous fools like Mann! I hope Mann is forced to pay up or spend time in jail! Maybe he can put a new curve in his hockey stick for the Medieval Warming Period!!!!

  5. Meh. That’s chump change for a tenured college professor like Mann. His bloated multi 6-figure professor salary + government consultant fees + speaking fees + UNIPCC fees … etc. make Dr. Mann a very, very, very, wealthy man. Not Al Gore, middle eastern oil money, $$$ rich … not Tom Steyer coal baron $$$ rich … but filthy $$ rich nonetheless.

  6. Use the carbon tax and let the government of BC or trudeau recover the expense from the faker.

  7. A critical point: this was an action that Mann brought against Ball. Michael was the one that asked for this fight. If Mann tries to avoid paying the bill, he will in essence be saying “I’m fine with the legal system so long as I always win.”

  8. Now I get it!

    Now that Mann is finished the warmist-crowd needed someone impossible to sue ; a kid named Greta!

    That’s why everything now is Greta Greta Greta !!!

    1. CF, I said that about a month ago, and some fool thought I was crazy, which I am, butt not on that issue

  9. sooooo lawfare aint working like it used to?
    meh. what can one expect out of a broken brain the likes of mr hockey shtick? note the spelling.

    aaaaaaand speaking of successful awards, feel free to search ‘standalone restitution orders’
    IMPOSSIBLE to enforce in the age of the Privacy Act.
    I have 2 of them in my favour, utterly USELESS.
    thanks to the likes of CONservatists, LIEberals and nuuudemoncraps.

  10. Mann says he’s just not going to pay. Maybe he’s going to get his climate change admirers to start a Go Fund Me page for him.

    1. Why is that a surprise? Prime example: Soros. Companies run by billionaire leftists: WaPo, MS, FB, Apple. Nike … Soros got rich by bankrupting countries. The companies learn sooner or later they get richer with slave labor, which they want to perpetuate with leftiest laws.

  11. Penn State could send him to share his time & genius with Sandusky… Woops got that backwards

  12. “What does the future hold for Michael Mann?”

    Loud and ceaseless derision would be appropriate.

  13. Isn’t it interesting that whenever the warmmongers go to court they seem to lose.

    It is a good scam while it lasts, the likes of Gore that make huge wads of cash.

    Some big corp should sue Gore, it would be something to see if he lost and had to pay until he is on welfare, there is no bigger asshole that deserves it than that guy.

    Hey, it can happen if somebody more mighty than your agent puts his, not her I might add, mind to it.

  14. Of course Mann won’t pay. More to the point, nobody in a position to do anything about it will insist he pay, i.e. by throwing him into jail and keeping him there till he coughs up the money.

    Only fools and peasants pay their bills.

  15. Dr. Mann should have purchased Penn Climate Fraud Insurance. Unfortunately, insurance companies do their homework so coverage for a $750K law suit would cost $1M.

  16. there was a fund set up to help pay for T. Ball’s legal fees. And now that it is being paid by MM, maybe Dr ball will have enough $$$$$to retire comfy . There are ways to collect the $$$$from mann
