Faux Members of the Climate Cult

Federal Green Party leader, Elizabeth May, and Montreal Mayor, Valerie Plante, claim that they are environmental crusaders. The facts suggest that they’re merely political opportunists:

“What do Canadians need to give up?” asked Barton, to which May replied: “Our plan doesn’t ask people to give up anything … I don’t see it as discomfort to plug in your car instead of going to a gas station … We’re not asking Canadians to take on a cost. We’re asking the federal government to show the kind of leadership that existed in the 1980s.” And she went on to talk about the chlorofluorocarbon agreement, which required banning aerosol propellants, not overturning an entire civilization.

The thing about ships, planes and personal vehicles powered by fossil fuels is that they are immensely empowering. Last month a friend and I got into a car and in roughly 12 hours transported ourselves from Montreal to Prince Edward Island, a journey that in the 19th century took several days by steamship. Yes, maybe we were acting irresponsibly from the planet’s point of view. But all across the world billions of people have got used to the unprecedented empowerment fossil fuels bring.

32 Replies to “Faux Members of the Climate Cult”

  1. Please remember Canadians; The Liberal Party of Canada and any remaining Provincie or Nation in the Confederation of Canada is beholding to and controlled by the Liberal Party of Canada. The Liberal leader now Prime Minister Justin Trudeau brought out several points during the well co-ordinated Nation(s) Debate last night. __ As these points were made by the Prime Minister & the Leaders of the other Political Parties it becomes incumbent on the Facebook-Google-Twitter-Apple and their various attachments to alter THIER Algorithims to not block in any manner the changes absolutely played in the Public Arena of an election.

    I will follow through with my understanding of the Debate Points & the Post Debate scrum which will, as always, be within the guidelines of the Liberal Party of Canada’s Media Meme.

    Interestingly the Liberal Party Federal Government was required or desired once again to use Your Tax-Dollars to be spent in another Court Case at an Emergency Judicial Hearing on Debate Day– Yesterday October 7th, 2019. Trudeua’s BFF and Senior Advisor Gerald Biutts ___ Remember He Resigned in Disgrace for the Corruption & collusion of SNC-Lavelin which caused Jody Wilson-Raynaault to be grabbed out of the Attorney-Generals Office and kicked out of Liberal Caucus because She was true to Her Oath and personal Ethics. Contrary to P.M. Trudeau’s two [revealed] Ethics failures.

    Well the reason The Liberal Party spent more of Your Tax-Dollars is because of a typical Gerald Butts scheme & scam, of delaying until last Friday Oct. 4, 2019 advising Rebelmedia & True North ___ the only Media news reporters which ask the Liberal Politicians – actual Questions which require actual Answers to the problems created for Average, Ordinary Canadian Citizens.

    Delaying the notice to Rebelmedia & True North was Butts scheme to make it impossible for there to be a Court Hearing prior to the Debate on Monday Oct. 7th, 2019. However –impossible– became I’m Possible* to the only Honest Journalism in Canada — Ezra Levant with Rebelmedia and the now rapidly growing True North source(s) of Political News in Canada. These small Media outlets were the only Journalist to have their Debate Credentials for the Debate rejected. CBC had 50 Journalists credited; all of the other Media Oullets wanting to Join the Tax-payer Annual Subsidy Gravy-Chain which CBC gets every Year (Two Billion Dollars Plus) had their : ))) — Jour? b-lists approved.

    However; Rebelmedia & True North with I’m Possible Ezra Levant — crowd-funded — to have non-Liberal Party connected Lawyers to work all Weekend and Establish a Judge Who actually belkieved it is now Possible in Ontario under Premier Doug Ford Conservative Government to have Non-biased Political Reporting. Why? Because— the Ontario Voters threw the ___thoroughly corrupted Branch Governement directed by the Ottawa-Hull cadre ___ completely out of the Ontario Legislature ___ THERE IS NO OFFICIAL LIBERAL PARTY IN ONTARIO’S LEGILATURE __ {as an aside it was Trudeau’s BFF — Gerald Butts which set-up the Liberal policies for Ontario prior to sneaking out & back to Ottawa}.

    The Ontario Judge firmly declared having Attorneys –From the now Compliant to Liberals Schemes Attorney-General replacing the Ethical Jody Wilson-Raynaud — plus another cadre of Liberal party connected Lawyers paid by The Canadian Tax-payers — rejecting possibly the only legitimately Conservative News Journalists from the Leadership debates was not on UnEthical it was not Legal.
    Rebelmedia & True North were in attendance. — Thank You Judge ! _____ And thank you Premier Doug for establishing Honesty and Helping Ontario’s Ethical Judicial System to return .
    ___ regardless of how much — Justin Trudeau ___ & the Central Canada Media ___ ‘click their heels’ & collect Their Money.

  2. No they are not political opportunists, they are con artists par excellence!!!
    They are preaching that the sky is falling because of the life style that has evolved over the last hundred years in the West. Extended life expectancy and a higher quality of life than any other society has ever had in history, and this has all been developed because of the use of energy. Now these “leaders” are advocating that we should sacrifice our life style and devolve back to the 1850’s. If we allow ourselves to be dictated to be these so called leaders we will be cast not back to the 1850’s but back to Medieval Europe where the aristocracy lorded it over the peasants. Only in this case the aristocracy are actually elevated to their position by the people that they are actually supposed to work for. We are all being conned by a group that have no proof of the claims that they are making. In ten years time we will wake up like the Madoff victims, but we will be unable to bring these opportunists to justice because they will be in total control.

  3. “Which leads to the following conclusion: if these people obviously don’t take climate change seriously, why should the rest of us?”
    Despots and would-be despots always exclude themselves from the restrictions they put on the serfs. Climate doomsters are no different.

  4. Re Montreal from the posted article: “Now we’re going to have green-light districts where the admirable stuff goes.”

    Yeah, green stuff, like money from Albertans.

  5. Elizabeth May and Valerie Plante are just two more useful idiots.

    The people behind them mean business about making sure China has all the cheap energy it needs to dominate the world, economically and militarily, before this generation passes away.

    With China’s gastank in Saudi Arabia almost empty, the only way to do that is to reduce the West’s own fuel consumption.

    1. Don’t forget, Dizzy Lizzy will also hand over all of Canaderp to the natives and the UN. She’s another twit that sees us a Post National state, cuz we’re all settlers or something. Well, yes she is, she’s not a Canadian, so she settled here, maybe Meethead is too?
      Meethead says the same things, pandering to the native community and their bleeding heart sympathizers, with no concept of the vast damage such policy adoption would cause nationwide.
      Needless to say, 4 seats is 4 seats too many….
      For those that don’t know, every B.C. level of government starts its meetings thanking the natives for allowing us on THEIR lands. Then if you’re really lucky, you get the mono tone drumming and the HEY YA HEY YA chants as well. Effing disgusting self-loathing behaviour.

  6. I’ll believe there’s a “climate change emergency” when the people who keep telling us there’s one start acting like there is one.

  7. May says “Our plan doesn’t ask people to give up anything”.

    Actually her plan is asking Canadians to give up about 200 of the 760 Mt of CO2 emissions, which amounts to the entire Alberta oil industry plus all commercial and private transportation in Canada.

    And if she thinks all vehicles can be converted to electric then she should never be allowed to lead our country.

    I would suggest May (and the other green candidates) run on a platform to legislate zero emissions starting in our capital city Ottawa. Let’s see how that goes.

    1. I notice May, Klein, AOC and other enthusiasts for electric vehicles give no mention to airplanes and how they are to be powered in their Brave New World.
      Could this be because all are addicted permanently to frequent flyer status and they see no scope for a substitute to jet fuel? How is the electric airplane coming along, anyone have a clue to what the enviro-fanatics think about airplanes? I suspect like the Stalinist politburo these elite assume they will have access to air travel, and limos for that matter, the rest of us can stay at home, no need to travel anywhere. Maybe someone might ask May this when she is campaigning.

      1. Suggest May, Klein, AOC et al invest their money (including THEIR pensions) in solar powered dirigibles.

        The technology exists.

        And then they, and all climate crisis believers, can fly on solar powered dirigibles.

        A little slow, and we’ll lose a few to hydrogen explosions* but it’s to ‘save the planet’.

        * can’t use helium; it comes from natural gas production. 🙂

    2. they will simply apply ‘another’ tax and claim they are working for the environment, unlike the evil Alberta….

  8. Let’s see. Canada has not banned coal exports to China or India. That sums it up. They’re all fakes. Case closed.
    Unfortunately watermelons have succeeded in brainwashing the populace to conflate emissions with actual pollution.
    Think of a hammer and a sickle working together. So Scheer pays lip service; at least he will actually build pipelines.
    Which solves for both emissions and pollution, but is a big problem for sewer dumpers in Montreal and other Grit domains.
    But what “Canadians want” is to talk endlessly about irrelevant topics like abortion, gay marriage and gasp, dual citizenship.
    It’s just projection from our media propagandists who think their opinion constitutes news, with no Fox foil to counter them.
    Trudeau is a sanctimonious lying hypocrite. Scheer is a dishonest part time Canadian (public information just “discovered”).
    BTW, liar in Liberal land means taking a position contrary to theirs or daring to point out their contradictions.
    Bottom line: unless society is a seething mass of unconscious bias and evil opponents, who needs these Liberal jokers?
    They must be needed. They’ll even create problems they can then pretend to solve. It’s a great gig, like taxing air for example.
    Government is poor at picking winners but losers are good at picking government. Just add bad government and stir the pot.
    BTW, did anyone notice a Liberal attack ad they say they aren’t running, lame that it was? It’s OK to lie because Scheer does.

    1. “Canada has not banned coal exports to China or India.” Well some of it it’s mined in BC as well as Alberta, but the bulk of it is mined in the USA.

      Last year 37 MILLION METRIC TONNES of COAL were exported from port facilities just south of Vancouver City proper to China/India. But western Canadian oil is “dirtier”. Can’t have that. What do they burn in the cars, trucks, trains and buses that service Vancouver City? In fact ALL the oil products used in Vancouver come from western Canadian sources, the bulk of it from Alberta. We supply ALL of BC’s petroleum needs. We supply BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and most of Ontario, Yukon, NWT, plus 40 % of Quebec’s current petroleum needs. Look it up. The entire State of Washington is also supplied with western Canadian crude, augmented now by Alaskan crude, since the TMX pipeline (built in the 1950’s) can’t supply enough product for the demand. The Turd wants to shut down western Canada’s oil production….’cause Globble Warmening, while importing Power Corp owned product from over seas. Hmmm, Power Corp, where do they reside now?

      There is no US based pipeline into Washington State. Bongo/Butts might want to reconsider shutting Washington State out of the picture on oil supplied by Canadian sources, with their drive to put Alberta in it’s “proper place” in Confederation.

  9. This is totally ignored by the media and politicians:
    Question: If fully implemented by all provinces, what physical effect would the proposed federal carbon tax have on climate?

    Answer: In 2022 global warming would be averted by 0.00015⁰C annually, or 1⁰C per 6700 years. One can get an equivalent ‘climate change’ impact by stepping on a thick carpet or moving two houses north in a typical subdivision.

    1. Apart from Rex Murphy, are there any journalists who have figured this out? I guess not. I don’t think people will figure this out. It will not be the first time that populations have been deceived and manipulated by a big lie. Sadly it has often been painful and deadly to get past the big lie.

    2. This is assuming CO2 affects climate as much as the baby touchers at the UN say it does. Anyone with a basic understanding of science can see that it doesn’t. CO2 is an incredibly minor player in global warming.

      IF any of these clowns actually believed CO2 was in any way related to their faux apocalyptic prophecy that the planet was overheating they would be banning CO2 production instead of monetizing it.

      The complete lack of critical thinking skills amongst a significant proportion of the voting public is pathetic and will lead to the end of western civilization as we know it.

      Should be fun to watch.

  10. How can you people argue with scientists? Experts? Climate specialists?

    These people, and your local Liberal and his Media are your “Electric Monk”.

    No need to think(hate deniers). No need to worry. About anything.

    Your Electric Monk has it covered.

    (“The Electric Monk was a labour-saving device, like a dishwasher or a video recorder. Dishwashers washed tedious dishes for you, thus saving you the bother of washing them yourself, video recorders watched tedious television for you, thus saving you the bother of looking at it yourself; Electric Monks believed things for you, thus saving you what was becoming an increasingly onerous task, that of believing all the things the world expected you to believe.”)

  11. Ignoring for a minute that the CAGW hysteria is based on a corrupt, highly censorious, pseudo-scientific, politically funded and orchestrated conspiracy on a global scale, what can Canada do? Given that our electrical grids are 81% non emitting, we could double or triple our electricity costs by adding more wind and solar to replace the 14 remaining coal fired plants rather than with NG as planned and then double or triple those costs again by replacing the NG fired plants. This alone will kill what manufacturing we have left. This is just the small stuff.

    Now, ignoring the fact that Canada has a higher per capita carbon footprint than most nations due to a relatively sparse population over a vast area all within a cold climate and an economy based on natural resource extraction with carbon-based energy as the most significant primary industry, what can we do? If we eliminated all oil and gas fired home heating systems, we could also solve the softwood lumber US tariff issue because more than our current timber harvest would be required to heat homes with firewood, ignoring the resultant killer smogs of our towns and cities. We could ban all transportation-based tourism as it is frivolous and consumes vast amounts of carbon per capita. All air transport and private aircraft would have to go as well. All travel could be rationed with government passes just like the Soviets did.

    Since Calgary and Edmonton would become ghost towns anyway we could accelerate UN Agenda 21 and relocate all rural residents of the favoured corridors (Yellowstone to Yukon for example) into those concentration camps.

    As absurd as this sounds, the greens within all major parties are absolutely for it. Most of the mindless drones who vote Green, NDP, LIberal and to a lessor extent, Conservative don’t have a clue what is behind this movement.

  12. I exist therefore I pollute.
    Anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a hypocrite.
    They deserve to be continually punished until they either promise to permanently remove themselves from the surface population or proclaim that their existence affects the environment.

    1. bingo.
      ferfcuksake, ORE DEPOSITS sitting undisturbed by themselves for millions of years . . . . . .
      can pollute ie LEACH given something as simple as the change in the path of a river.

      furthermore, when *we* pollute, what happens?
      the bacteria show up and convert the toxic infectious human waste into its basic components incl nutrients for the next cycle.
      and elsewhere the vultures and maggots do their part, ALL part of the God Lord’s design as some choose to believe in some variation.

      the madness of lobbying for ‘zero cahhhhhbun by 2050’. jeezuz murphy.

  13. I wonder if Blackie will keep his two jets running on the tarmac up north today, as he rants about global warming and Doug Ford. It gets pretty cold up there.

  14. We pay an average of $4.18/gal. for gasoline in my formerly beautiful Golden State. The National Average is $2.65/gal. Ahh just pennies difference you say. But that is $1.53/gal. difference x 16 gal. tank = $24.48 more every tankful, which we use about every 1-1/2 weeks which is 35 tankfuls/year x $24.48 = $ 856.8/year in added cost. So what is the State of CA doing with that $1k windfall for most every car on the road in CA? Fixing our roads? Nope. Fixing the homeless problem? Nope. Improving the environment? Nope. Adding more and more State bureaucrats to make our lives even more miserably socialist? Yes.

    Which makes me wonder what CA will do for TAXES when fossil fuels are outlawed? Will they shrink the size of government now that they’ve created an eco-Nirvana of electric cars and stainless steel straws? Ha ha ha ha … no … the government bureaucracies will keep getting larger and more expansive. So our electricity prices will necessarily quintuple.

    The Global Warmists are Socialists … that is all. They don’t give a shit about the environment. They give a shit about YOUR STUFF … YOUR money … YOUR comforts of life. They want YOUR STUFF. Better still, like all good little Block Captains, they want YOU imprisoned or dead.

    1. OOOOOOOOOOOPS, the disapeared quotes:

      A spokeswoman for Team Malizia said it’ll be necessary to fly the crew to the U.S. because the high-profile trip with the 16-year-old Swedish campaigner that left Plymouth on Wednesday was arranged at very short notice.

      Holly Cova told The Associated Press by email Friday that “we only have one boat, so they cannot easily sail over to meet them.”

      Cova said the team recognises it’s “an imperfect solution” but believes offsetting the emissions by funding carbon-reducing projects elsewhere “is better than doing nothing.”

  15. PM Scheer must first mitigate the trauma associated with long-term climate alarmism indoctrinated into otherwise rational Canadians.

  16. Canadians need to shake their Heads….The UN team are represented by Canadian proxies all running on the SAME fraudulent Carbon scheme…L. May said it best when she promised that the whole world would solve poverty… The question is not a elected Democracy, but seating all the UN piss-ants….

    This Election is about the power of the UN and if they win they could take over by dismissing their Proxies in Parliament….

    What Canadian issue is just Canadian and does not involve an UN agenda?

  17. The UN agenda in play is far reaching. Our government fudges the historical climate data and a “climate emergency” gets declared and lower tier governments jump on board and PRESTO out of nowhere come co-ordinated attacks by nihilist anarchists sanctioned by MSM and law enforcement stands by and watches.

    “the master plan of the elites [is to] create social-economic chaos, crash the global economy. probably blame it on the [Trump] trade war, then implement MMT and transition the global economy into a new green era. “

  18. the proponents of said climate emergency.
    to me, they exhibit a rampant LAZINESS in their thinking, er, ‘thinking’.
    in a couple days, if, IF they so chose, could dig below the .005 mm layer of bullshyt and propaganda to get oh,
    a weeeee better picture of ALL aspects. but the laziness is a big factor, as is that humahhhhn nature that
    laziness and ego, both of which displace HARD SCIENCE and logic.
    that’s my take on it.

  19. What about the members of the faux resistance to the climate cult? You know, the ones who have issued 10,000 press releases, but have fined no one, arrested no one, passed no laws, punched no faces.

    When Kenney starts to use the not withstanding clause like he had just done more hard drugs than Ozzy Osbourne, wake me. Seriously, end the milk lobby, and just open the border to Wisconsin milk. Do your own trade deal with the US; burn bridges like Genghis Khan was coming at full charge. For every law Horgan has bent, break 25. Close the borders to everything from Quebec. Stop all rail traffic.

    But none of the western “leaders” actually behave like they want anything to change, do they.

    “not withstanding, we don’t need French labels”… imagine the rage, if someone were to actually try to fight…
