39 Replies to “The Selective Ignorance of the MSM”

  1. In the media business model, hysteria sells continually, repeatedly, and incrementally, eventually to the point where the masses believe it. Good news is ignored. It’s why “journalists” are a lower life-form than Lawyers and that is scraping the bottom of the barrel.

      1. https://thereligionofpeace.com/
        I know without looking this one is now prominent on THIS damning web site.
        ‘religion of peace’. oh ya, there’s fcukin’ peace when they’re all DEAD.

        and sorry whoever about the alternate spelling swearword. ’tis a touchy subject.

  2. mediots have been selective for over 50 years that I am aware of, and they over hype schitt to boost sales

  3. But rest assured … BIG Tech is not a monopoly, and is not influencing public opinion. You can start your own search engine which generates “interest” in some silly inventor of some contraption, while ignoring the MOST transformative socialist spokesmodel in the history of socialism (done right).

    As if you couldn’t tell … /sarc.

    1. yah kenji, start yer own, and if successful google will buy it , so you won’t compete with google

      1. Wait! You’ve defined a market monopoly! Oh … Nevermind … everyone who agrees with Google’s extreme fascist leftist philosophy will ignore the truth. Waste of my breath and fingertip typing …

  4. The media has been selecting sensation over substance for a decade. Of course they would champion the next great community organizer Greta Thunberg.

    1. You would think the Canadian Media would praise Trudeau, son of Fidel, more.

      He’s like 5 famous Americans in one!

      Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, Anthony Weiner, Harvey Weinstein and Zoolander!

      Canadian efficiency.

  5. the ocean cleaner cleans about a 5 ft diameter of surface only , a wave bobber . would be part of the trash in the first storm , Lizzy mays mouth could pickup more

    1. And……..you missed the entire point. You may want to read the text with both photos again(or at least once).

      What a maroon!

  6. “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule.” ~ H. L. Mencken

  7. Arrogance combined with ignorance is a dangerous thing. History is replete with gruesome examples.
    Government is amoral, that’s why it must be limited lest dreadful things happen in the disassociated people’s name.
    It’s worse than immoral, because morality is never considered or recognized. One death is tragic, a million a statistic.
    Now the media, the supposed conscience of society, has jumped on the amoral bandwagon with their partisan witch hunts.
    Then again the US and media are one in the same, with most of them related to or friends with each other.

    Imagine being told you are going to trial, the jury already polled they are convinced of your guilt, denied counsel or your witnesses, to answer non-descript charges from an anonymous informant who likely is also a traitor to their profession.

    That is the codswallop Schiff thinks he can smoke by the American people. Trump rises in polls, the next impeachment (for real this time) is launched. When it’s found to be nothing but opposition research, Trump rises again, then to the next scandal.

    All the way to 2020. Trump and the GOP should nuke the whole seditious bunch, but RINOs fear their privilege and culpability.

    The great political comedy will truly play out after Trump takes POTUS again and all Congress, so the Dems can start the whole non-impeachment mid-terms in 2022 which will be a replay of the 2018 non-impeachment campaign.

    Lying is easy to the amoral, no consciousness or conscience required. As far as their nation, just deplorables as they say.

  8. Boyan Slat is a darling of rich denizens of Silicon Valley who want to make it look like they’re helping to save the earth so they can boast about it at Democratic fundraisers. “Impractical” is the most charitable description of his proposals. His nets will only catch a small fraction of the plastic waste already in the Pacific Ocean—and the Chinese simply refuse to stop dumping plastic there.

    As it’s often said, if you have the resources to waste on an elaborate workaround for a bug, you have the resources to fix the bug. The bug is China’s turning the oceans into a sewer. Fixing it could be done tomorrow morning with 1940’s technology (atomic bombs attached to ballistic missiles).

    Silicon Valley will not do that because, well, without China, there goes their entire supply chain. For them, China’s utter disregard for environmental destruction isn’t a bug. It’s a feature.

  9. Well, Boyan Slat’s invention allows “inferiors” like me to continue to live and prosper.

    My “superiors” will not have that. Only they are allowed to live and prosper because I am, in their minds, an existential threat to their very existence.

    Remember this. It’s not the behaviour that’s the problem. It’s the person. That’s why the Eugenics Society came about. Blacks were “inferiors”, according to the members of that Society, and therefore had to be controlled. Blacks were, in their minds, an existential threat to their very existence.

    Thus we have Planned Parenthood.

    The more things change, …

  10. so he repurposed a boom and a fishing boat to capture plastic, and then sold it for lots of money to suckers?

    1. More or less. Fiddled them out of a good $30 million US, I hear, in spite of everybody who knew what he was talking about telling the marks it didn’t stand a Democrat’s chance in an honest election of working.

      Beats working for a living—much less solving the real problem, namely China’s turning the Pacific into a garbage dump.

    2. Yet another maroon (progressive) who completely missed the point. One actually tried to do something about a pollution issue. The other did nothing but lecture everyone while creating pollution (not only verbal, but actual pollution).

  11. if you just pored a very flammable lighter than water fluid amungst the plastic and than threw in a lit match the schitt would burn and be gone

    1. Yes. We all know that works. Better yet when it’s late at night and everyone is sleeping and tucked in under their polyester/cotton sheets and polyester comforters:).

      That’s what I do.

      P.S. Running shoes are great fire re-igniters:)

  12. Most of the members of the media are unthinking followers of The Herd.
    That is why they swallowed all the progressive crap they were fed in journo school. And it is why they are unable to think for themselves now. When it comes to deciding which stories or people merit attention, they just follow the herd, like the blind unthinking minions they are. They care not a whit whether a story is important or valid. Indeed, their life experience is so limited, and their egos so inflated, they would not even know if a story is important. They care only if it is trending.

  13. Anyone that spent any time with “journalism” students in University knows what a group of dullards they are.

    I wonder if it will clean up plastics faster than canuckleheads can send it across the ocean for it to be dumped into the ocean “over there”.

  14. This is how we should proceed with this plastic clean-up in the Pacific Ocean.

    Design an effective program to remove the plastics, get a realistic cost structure, then raise the necessary revenues by tariffs on imports from offending countries. For countries found to be less responsible for the problem, but unwilling to assist, add them to the tariffs after a two year warning.

    It would probably amount to a 5 to 10 per cent tariff on Chinese imports. I can’t see how that would entirely cripple our economy or theirs but it would hurt them more than us and send a message, we have to clean up your mess, but you’re paying.

    And for a wealthy country like (for example) Japan who might be found to be less of a source, if they don’t want to join our program and share the costs through similar tariffs, then effectively they are part of the problem and not the solution, so hit them up for costs as well. We are more or less at the downward end of a flowing river of Asian waste, the idea that the ocean is flat and circulating into the middle is true to some extent but then currents pull out a significant proportion of the trapped waste and then it comes our way, as the Japanese tsunami event a few years ago demonstrated — after a year or two, a lot of that floating debris was found on beaches in BC and the western US. The same is true of other Asian dumped waste into the oceans.

    Not that our own practices are perfect, for example, that notable Green bastion, Victoria BC, dumps its sewage into the ocean (a nice distance offshore). If only we could extend this concept to the Greens themselves.

  15. This is a fairly routine case of a man seeing a problem he is concerned about, and doing something about it. A woman sees a problem (in her imagination in this case) and she tries to badger other people into doing something about it for her.

  16. when *did* the msm go all supermkt tabloid?
    musta been after I hacked off my torstar subscription after reading a disgusting article about
    discoloured earwax of some ‘oasis’ band member. repugnant stuff.
    never bought a subscription for ANY of them after that.
    now look what they present.

  17. NEWS ITEM: “If 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg wins the 100th Nobel Peace Prize, she will become its youngest ever recipient. But she has competition from several other tantrum-throwing, diatribe-yelling teenagers.”
