26 Replies to “Canada’s Diversity Experiment”

  1. Hehehe…bring criminals into canaduh then tell canadican’ts that we need to take away your liberty to protect you from yourselves. Beautiful! Only a moron would vote for more. Good thing for the Libcons there’s no shortage of morons in Quebec and Toronto.

    Enjoy the decline suckers!

    1. That was my flag in my youth, and that of Canadians who fought in both World Wars, until it was unilaterally taken away by Liberal L.B. Pearson. It may have been a naval flag, but it became our National flag and we liked it, it was Canadian. Like the Kiwis, we should have had a referendum on the flag issue.

      1. I recall when our Red Ensign was replaced. As far as I am concerned it is not the Canadian flag it is the Liberal Flag. Another radical move by the Liberals to erase another piece of our history and heritage.

        1. It wasn’t just that. It was to specifically erase any sign of Canada’s British origins.

          I, too, lived through the times of the flag debate and it didn’t make sense to me back then.

          It does if one considers that this was probably done by Pearson as a gesture to Quebec. Don’t forget that a few years earlier, the FLQ was established and started blowing up post boxes. It was during his time as PM that the selling out of Canada to Quebec supremicists began.

        2. I recollect the point being made at the time ol dief the chief had AMPLE time to make the red ensign the final and official Cdn flag but true to form couldn’t make up his mind. pretty much about ANYTHING once in power.

          well, the part about not making up his mind about the flag is mine, but the part about not making up his mind about ANYTHING is from the history books.

      2. I’m flying the HBC (Hudson’s Bay Company) flag from my house. This was HBC territory until the Brits sold this place, to appease Upper and Lower Kanaduh’s fear of Yankees invading. Red Ensign with HBC in yellow caps lwr right corner. I’ll never fly that commie, merple serple rag. We don’t grow that stuff out here.

      3. “Like the Kiwis, we should have had a referendum on the flag issue”… getting permission is NOT the Liberal way… Pearson with the help of the franco separatists changed the flag unilaterally without consulting Canadians because he knew that Canadians would’ve rejected changing the flag from the historically relevant Red Ensign to the Liberal party logo. When you’re busy destroying a nation you don’t have time to ask for permission, you just destroy. Pearson was almost as big an asshole as Turdhole-1 and almost as loved by the Soviets as Peeair was, almost.

        1. Sean M: You said it a REFERENDUM would have been perfect but it never happened. They had a panel to decide which flag design they liked…then put it forth to the House of Commons whom voted to have a new flag.

    2. No, the Canadian flag is not a “Naval Flag” although they do share the colour red… The Canadian flag is the Red Ensign, it is red because that is Canada’s official colour and has nothing to do with the Royal Navy. The crest is representative of the people who built the country… The Red Ensign is usually dismissed as a “naval flag” by those that either hate Canada’s real history as a British Nation and like to see that historical evidence suppressed or better yet, obliterated, like communists, they hate history too… the other reason for dismissing English Canadian symbols and history beside hatred and envy is simple open mouthed ignorance… and of course Turdholeland is chalk full of ignorant historically illiterate NPR’s… Canada, where all cultures matter except for the English Canadian culture that is responsible for building the country, not only does English speaking Canada not matter, it has to be obliterated and erased from memory. Canada was a great country, much better than the hopelessly corrupt, authoritarian french colonial shithole known as, Turdholeland… perhaps thats why the ethnic national socialists of the Turdholian State hate Canada so much because it was infinitely better than Peeairs artificial country.

  2. Ouch! I have to admit that I have read virtually ALL of the Canadian malaise described so eloquently by Black Pigeon … on these pages. It is quite depressing, and gives me a lump in my throat thinking of how my Canadian “friends” (all of you) are suffering. Until. Until I stop and think, realizing that only one man has stood in the way of America going the way of Canada … Donald J. Trump. PRESIDENT Trump. It’s a thin “Orange Line” between America retaining its culture and identity … or going the way of Canada … with someone like Joe Biden dancing in costume and groping all the young “ethnic” dancers. I pray that my Canadian friends find a leader with the honesty and transparency of Trump. A non-politician LEADER of National pride. Who is not afraid to say America is GREAT! M’CGA … Make Canada Great Again

  3. Groper McBlackface arrived 88 minutes late for his rally in Mississauga. Sophie was supposed to introduce him, but she didn’t show up. Where are you Sophie??

    1. When he did show up, it was in a bullet-proof vest.

      At least Justin is starting to get it into his thick skull just how thoroughly hated he really is.

      Les Anglais se réveillent…TAPETTE.

      1. Don’t jump to conclusions re: bongo wearing a flak jacket. His old man pulled the same stunt during the FLQ crisis.

        I thought it odd that bongo had a shirt and jacket in an extra size to accommodate the bullet proof vest.
        Bongo’s clothing is expertly tailored. He does wear oversized.

        Was it a prop in an attempt to garner sympathy? I dunno? Just askin’

  4. FACT 1. The number of immigrants in the US is at a record high.

    FACT 2. US unemployment is at a 50 year low.

  5. The short answer to the question of whether or not the population will wake up to reality is, no. Peeairs country is what it is, an ethnic nationalist socialist one party State with french talkers at the top of Peeairs hierarchical ladder and its going to stay that way until its inevitable flatulent collapse. Remember, the people in charge of Peeairs country (bureaucrats, politicians, ethnic groups, tribes, Supremes, Public Sector Unions, etc.) for the most part could’nt care less about Canada, Queerbek is their country, Canada is just something for them to use and abuse. No, people will not wake up, the collapse is inevitable.

  6. I bet campaign Trudeau called in a fake threat. Trudeau is all about the drama. Woe is him but he will push forward.

  7. Canada’s diversity is actually doing great. Our more open ie superior immigration policy vs America is one reason Silicon Valley companies are up and leaving for Toronto and Vancouver. You can get the people you need here.
