8 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

  1. I have known a few gay people over the last 50 years and sort of understand where they are coming from. Trannies, however, are just performers. They are not real. They simply like to dress up like the Black Groper. I wonder if the Groper has trannie photos out in the world.

    1. “Trannies, however, are just performers. ”

      I think that’s it, Scar. Attention is the driver. The triumph of social media over social restraints.

  2. Ya wanna know how black trans women are being killed in America? The black tranny dresses up in shim’s best outfit … somewhat resembling an attractive woman with loose morals … and goes to a normal heterosexual bar looking for straight men to bugger. Shim manages to attract the attention of a normal, straight, heterosexual man and FOOLS him into believing he’s gonna get to f()[hk this semi-attractive woman with skanky morality. But when they get to the foreplay … shim’s UNIT comes untucked, and the BIG REVEAL (probably tiny in actuality) occurs. Shim gets “excited” that shim FOOLED the straight man … so to speak … and the normal, heterosexual man goes into a predictable, justified, homicidal, RAGE and chokes shim to death.

    Moral of the story? It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.

    1. No. This scenario is as unlikely and as phony as a “Law and Order – SVU,” episode on Transgenders. Ripped from the headlines!

      No, most transgenders die from their own hand as they finally realize their delusional behavior did not make them happy.

      Many are too crazy to interact responsibly in society and hold down a normal job, and end up making it how the women they try to simulate make a living when all else fails, on their backs as streetwalkers. Combine being a streetwalking pro, a hefty dose of crazy, male testosterone driven rage, and self medicating; Yes, they die early, and often in ugly ways like many female prostitutes do, from violence by their pimps, fellow trans prostitutes, psycho johns, random serial killers, also AIDS and OD’s.

      Some people delusionally think their own limbs are wrong and evil. Mental health professionals do not humor them and amputate the offending limb. They provide treatment to cure them.

      Why don’t they do the same for transgenders?

  3. I am sorry the Trump Campaign Rally in Minneapolis Minnesota overshadowed this Democrat Townhall on Thursday.

    This Democrat Victim Group crazy train of delusion should have been front and center all Thursday Night and talked about all Friday Day.

    Democrats want to silence Conservatives. Conservatives want Democrats to keep talking publicly. The public should know how crazy the Progressive Democrat Party really is.

    1. Demoncraps are busy discussing THEE most urgent issues in our society today … transgender “acceptance”. Here let me help them move their discussion to a conclusion, so they can move on to issues that really matter to everyone’s lives …

      I “accept” transgenders.

      I “accept” they are mental patients who need intense psychotherapy. Hint: I do not “accept” the DEMAND that their deviancy be normalized. I do NOT “accept” their DEMANDS to use my daughters bathroom. Case closed. Now … how about THIS economy!!
