21 Replies to “Eco-Fraud Inc.”

  1. An excerpt from Ian Cumming’s column that appeared in Ontario Farmer way back in 2007 when McGuinty was shovelling out our tax-dollars to the eco-parasites. It continues under Ford:

    “The Executive Director of Environmental Defence, Rick Smith, is a Greenbelt Director and his organization received $600,000 from the $10 million that has already been spent from the $25 million Friends of the Greenbelt fund. The Executive Director of Ontario Nature, Caroline Schultz, is another Greenbelt Director and her group netted $235,000. Stuart Hilts, a Guelph University professor in charge of the Land and Water Stewardship Programs sits on the Greenbelt advisory board and his academic department walked away with $400,000. The Executive Producer of the Royal Winter Fair, William Duron, is a Greenbelt director and the Fair got $600,000 over three years.”

  2. Best Video/Commentay from Paul Watson … ever.

    The heightend lunacy (thanx to greta & her Billionaire Handlers), is simply unbelievable. As they say, the Stupid is Strong in them. I truly fear for the planet with this continuous onslaught of utter BULLSHIT. Kinda reminds me of that ’70’s movie where everyone over 30 is placed in concentation kamps with 14 yr olds running the planet.

    One can see how utterly easy it was to take a nation of 70 Million and turn them all into Hitler adoring NAZI’s – the young leading the way. Goebells is simply roaring in his grave.

    1. The only important difference is that now that the Jews have an atomic bomb, the would-be murderers of western civilization have had to find a new scapegoat—the working and farming men of the Christian world.

      They’ve had surprisingly little trouble turning even the workers’ own womenfolk against their fathers and husbands.

      1. So sAys our hate filled anti-Semitic anti-black (you call them negroids remember?) advocate of genocide. I have no idea why Kate allows you to puke your crap here. If I knew who you really were l would call the cops because you fit the profile of a mass serial killer. Maybe you already are.

        1. Genocide? The only ones pumping genocide are the greenies: http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/club-of-rome-group-that-admitted-manufacturing-global-warming

          ““The common enemy of humanity is Man.”

          “The Club of Rome’s 1972 publication
The Limits To Growth was a Malthusian blueprint on how the human population needed to be reduced in order to prevent an ecological collapse, which in itself was merely a disguised version of the abhorrent eugenicist ideas that were circulating in the early part of the 20th century and eventually died out with Hitler. The
 widely discredited population bomb paranoia of the 70′s and 80′s was gradually replaced by the climate change fearmongering that we see the organization pushing today, which again is merely another regurgitation of the eugenics-obsessed policies of the elite.

          Prominent members of the Club of Rome include Al Gore and Maurice Strong, both of whom are intimately involved
 with privately-owned carbon trading groups, whose multi-million dollar profits are solely reliant on protecting the credibility of the man-made global warming dogma.

          There, spelled it out for you in black and white. Go ahead, vote LPOC, or Jughead, or Ms May, or even Schneer, they’ve got your back on Globble Warmening ™.

          1. Aren’t the Greenies anointed with your particular bugbear, too? I am not defending this poster. You seem to be particularly consumed with shooting the messenger, though.

  3. A Canadian:

    I would have to say that the cowardice of white English Canadian males has had a fair amount to do with it.

    Just this week. The CBC. The Electoral Commission. 5 female debate moderators. 2 French debates, 1 English.

    No insult too big. Zero pushback.

    The Establishment/Media named racist, bigoted, misogynous white Canadian male has been officially told to shut up and pay for every ill ever imagined by the Canadian Parasite Class, whilst enjoying a life of castigation from their lessers.

    And enjoy they do.

    On bended knee.

    With nary a whimper.


    No wonder transsexualism is all the rage, obvious dire lack of Canadian MALE role models.

    1. No pushback? That big blue map of western Canada says differently.

      Manitoba west, every province is majority CPC, yes even wacky BC.

      Trudeau has a huge problem, if he forms a government, of course he’s arrogant enough to consider everyone as second class, sub-human Canadians. Even Leisuresuit Larry has potential trouble getting re-elected in Regina.

      Thank goodness, the Liberal brand is damaged beyond repair AGAIN, in western Canada, it will take another 2 generations for them to have a chance, Vancouver notwithstanding. Libs are just an urban party of elitists, who want to eliminate the rural lifestyle and resource extraction. Then they can give it all back to the natives. Thats their grand plan

  4. Burning Man on Thames

    Yep. Pretty much sums up the spectacle. Let’s all drive the motorways to a remote Nevada desert (London), set up our gasoline powered generators, trample the fragile ecosystem, trash the desert with human waste … play Halloween dress-up, and create a spectacle to … ourselves.

    How primal. How primitive. How utterly mechanized and modern. The “eco” left are clueless about nature and their place in it. They have NO IDEA what “living simply”, “living on the land” actually entails. They live an utterly spoiled modern existence precisely BECAUSE man has tamed nature. They wouldn’t last 10minutes in the REAL nature of Nevada (or London) without every modern accoutrement afforded them by Western culture and technology.

    Little Greta was nothing more than a papier-mâché puppet in the street theatre of the socialist scheme to transfer wealth to non-productive members of the world. She’s nothing more than a street hippie clawing at her own garments in the street, dancing and prancing for the cameras.

    BTW … watching a 17min. video from PJW is bearable … because of his pacing, concise content, infotainment, liberal use of news (and humor) clips, and non-monotone delivery. He is very good at “messaging” … which is exactly why he’s been taken down by Big Tech.

    1. Exactly. Watching all those, oh so caring, brain dead dupes parading down our streets “for Greta” and the environment, (wearing non natural clothing and shoes, plus packing an environmentally safe iPhone with a Lithium battery) a couple of weeks ago, then she flies home to Sveden, her own Muzzie hell hole today, in the first emasculated male society of Europe, by the way, was gag inducing. In a jet fuel burning aircraft. Hypocrite.
      I was surprised they didn’t find a cliff to march over, or perform Sepukku on Main street.

  5. “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

    C. S. Lewis

      1. Fascism Defined…
        Make it a crime to “slander your government” or its current leader, is.

        Backdoor legislated fascism…
        Section 91 of the Elections Act, is.


  6. Know what I see in all these clips of these protests? A bunch of old, bearded, university professor types trying to get with a bunch of teenage girls.

  7. And, if I may point out some more blatantly obvious things about our eco-nut friends, the upcoming visit to Alberta by St. Greta is a made-for-CNN TRAP. The political set will do their usual thing, of course, trying to apologize out of it, and they will doubtless manage to bait ordinary folks into looking like a bunch of inbred necks bullying the poor mentally challenged kid for the cameras.

    Some other things, resource extraction requires mining, mining is ugly, Greta should already be well aware of this fact as her home country is number one in the EU for iron ore and supplies a rather large amount of gold and copper as well. I’d also like to point out, by most standards around the world, she is not a child, but a grown-ass woman who was so obviously hand picked for the cause for her childish looks (and actions, for that matter), that it’s physically painful how phony this whole GD circus sideshow is.
