6 Replies to “Meet The Candidates”

  1. I’m an amateur musician with a good ear.
    For decades I’ve heard Americans claim that we Canadians say ‘about’ funny: something like ‘aboot’.
    But I was puzzled ‘cos I’d never heard it.
    Whoa, his first 2-3 aboots I took as little jokes.
    But after about 10-12 I doubted this conjecture.
    He really does say ABOOT naturally, eh?

    1. His “aboots” are ridiculous. I have a tough time believing he’s not consciously embracing the Canadian accent stereotype as some sort of subtle trademark for his audience to hook on to. Few of us actually talk like this.

  2. Seems a little ironic for somebody posting an online video to point out that Bernier’s support seems to be mostly “just” the online video crowd. Somebody should tell him about Twitter and Donald Trump and modern journalism.

  3. I won’t bother describing who is running except to say I hope they all lose. What a disastrous choice we face. Not one of them is worth making an X beside their name. How sad is that. Alberta Independence seems to be the only answer.

  4. A-boot… seriously?

    Why wasn’t his jaw disconnected from his face, like in ‘SouthPark’?

  5. Couldn’t sit through his distracting movement, stale “aboot” meme and bland characterizations. Hard to find humour in something as pathetic and disturbing as our politics.
