15 Replies to “More Pavilions At Volkfest”

  1. Great interview!

    For anyone who watches this interview there are a plethora of “take away” points to think about afterwards and/or discuss with other like minded people.

  2. Murray says he’s done his part to make people aware but he’s not optimistic about the prospects.
    On a personal level, what to do in face of the hordes at the gates ?
    Per Murray, celebrate western civilization for the great things it has produced. Enjoy. Be grateful.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Oh know whatever shall we do without the first world’s favorite incubator of war, socialism, war, fascism, war, social democracy, and more war? THE HORROR

    1. That’s a great idea! Replace a civilized culture with a barbaric one that prides itself on keeping the old times alive!

  4. That was a truly superb interview.
    Peter Robinson is a great interviewer: it was interesting to witness his personal struggle with the ambient insanity.
    Douglas Murray is simply outstanding. I’ve started watching many clips of him fully intending to bail early on but ended up staying to the end; something I wish I could say about Jordan Peterson (tho I greatly admire him of course).

    UnMe. Taking the cue from Murray, compared to what? What do you see in the hard left civilization destruction project that has you confident about an alternative.

  5. Best interview I’ve seen for ages. I watched it twice, and am going to send it to the only person I know who will “get it” (an 81 year old Scot, now living in Canada). I’m depressed and sad for the western world who seem to be blindly committing geno-suicide with pleasure and haste. Myself turning 70 on my next birthday, I am selfishly glad that I probably won’t be around to see the bitter result.

  6. Another long video that is not only bearable, but enjoyable. Outstanding questions and responses. Two intellectuals who communicate brilliantly. Of course I agree with 99.99% of what Douglas Murray has to say. What is that 0.01% I disagree with? Murray stated his doubt that our society would be inventing any new religions to replace the old. Au contraire! The global warming, climate change, Gaia movement is an entirely NEW religion. Mankind is regressing into “believing” in inanimate objects in place of spiritual ones. The earth itself has become an idol. Add to that what I describe as a new “religious” belief in “moral equivalency”, and we are not just erasing and dismissing religions of the past 2k years … but they ARE being replaced by new philosophies which have become the de facto religions of the High Tech “man-is-god” era.

      1. I did say – regressing into. Yes, mankind is going backward from sentient, self-aware, “spiritual” beings into a modern “scientific” redux of ourselves as inanimate carbon vessels of chemicals. Our scientific notion of ourselves has become the same as primitive man. Simply another organism. Oh well, whatever provides “meaning” in your life. It IS your personal choice to “believe” you are nothing. I just don’t consider that attitude to be “advanced” in any way.

  7. Murray actually portrays the “hordes at the gates” as an effect rather than the cause. When he discusses, referring to the ‘Madness of Crowds’, the fact that the “adults have left the room” he goes on to describe the institutional left and their vandalism of western civilization which is the actual cause in the loss of reason. Excellent discussion! Happy Thanksgiving!

  8. They killed all the Jews and replaced them with Muslims. I wonder if anyone thought that through.

    1. NO it wasn’t thought thru.

      Per Murray, cuz of War guilt, Germans go into convulsions by even saying the word “culture”. You don’t go there cuz where it can lead is unthinkable. Now they are pouchedddddd. All the recessive bleu and blond will get bred out of them. Pity.

      Had they known Hitler was a idiot tool and Germany was set up for slaughter, the post war generation would not have had any pangs of guilt. After the fact, they may have regretted slaughtering the wrong pig but that pig was earmarked for slaughter all along.

  9. Thanks for this one Kate, a thoroughly enjoyable interview, like most of Peter Robinson’s are.

    The last few minutes of it where Mr. Murray mentions thankfulness are very noteworthy…

  10. Western Europe is dead, or at least in its death throes. I don’t know if any of it is salvageable. Maybe if unconditional Brexit actually happens.
    However, the future of Europe maybe in eastern Europe. And I mean Europe, not Russia or Turkey. In the minor countries which have always been fodder in the wars between the giant states. Poland, Czech Rep, and ones even more minor. Maybe Italy would even join the party. Whether it will save the rest of Europe depends on how western Europe dies. There is a chance if the whole thing does end with a bang, like what is happening in France. We may be able to salvage something in the rubble. But if like Sweden, say, it just transitions peacefully into a Caliphate, then all may be lost.
