64 Replies to “October 13, 2019: Reader Tips”

  1. // The federal Conservative Party has been running Facebook ads on its Chinese-language page falsely accusing the Liberal Party of planning to legalize hard drugs, rhetoric the Conservatives have pushed aggressively in Chinese but have made little reference to in English.
    was also purchased in October but was taken down by Facebook for violating the platform’s advertising policies. That ad depicts a hand using a razor blade to divide a white, powdery substance sitting on a mirrored surface. //

    Facebook allows political lies, but we know how touchy they are about pictures.

    1. A few questions:

      1. Why aren’t the Tories broadcasting this at full volume in English?

      2. Why do only colonies of Chinese settlers get to refuse to have drug dealers set up shop in their colonies and sell poison to their little emperors?

      3. The achievement of which Chairman Mao deserved the greatest genuine credit was ending China’s drug plague—by executing dealers and forcing addicts to choose between pulling themselves together or dying in a gulag.

      Easy to win the drug war when you’re serious about winning. By now it’s safe to say Canada’s government never was.

    2. The Grope & Fail provides no evidence other than its “say so”.
      Not even links to the offending site.

    1. What about it, is this a scavenger hunt? A little hint of what section would be really helpful if you want to influence anybody.

        1. Well, I thought I ought not to editorialize at the outset, and let others form their own judgement.

          But since you’re asking, here are a few things I noticed off the top:

          1. Unless I’m reading it wrong, Mr. Singh (or Dhaliwal, apparently; seems he doesn’t use his real name) gained his actual parliamentary experience as a NDP member of the Ontario legislature beginning in 2011, wherein his party served as the slavish prop for the minority McGuinty-Wynne Liberals (Gerald Butts, anyone?) until Ms. Wynne was returned with a majority in 2014;

          2. In a related way, it appears to me that Mr. Singh has served as an actual Member of Parliament for about two months, despite begin federal NDP leader for about two years (Joe Clark 1998-2000, anyone?); how would that go down if we were talking about Andrew or Max?;

          3. Mr. Singh seems to have spent a great deal of his time in the Ontario legislature banging on about auto insurance rates, which has been the Ontario NDP’s hobby-horse for at least 30 years (Bob Rae, anyone?), in the same way as “child care” has been the federal Liberal hobby-horse for a similar length of time;

          4. Mr. Singh seems have lived in the United States for a period of time, thanks to his parents. The horror! Imagine, being associated with the United States thanks to what your parents were doing (Andrew Scheer, anyone?)! Well, it would be a horror, if Mr. Singh were a Conservative, but, sadly, he’s just another left-liberal/socialist type, with all that that entails. So, given his philosophical disposition, it’s okay for him to have some association with the evil U.S.A., I guess. Because if it weren’t for double standards, there’d be no standards at all!

          1. Noticed this in his bio, more evidence of Canada’s hard hitting journalism:

            ” He has been widely recognized in Canadian media for his fashion and style sense”

            Disemploy a Liberal, kill the CBC!!!

  2. ‘Ageism’ is a serious problem in Canada.
    All the ‘leaders’ of Canadian Federal political parties are babies of ‘baby boomers’ i.e.. in their 40’s.

    1. ….”babies of ‘baby boomers’ i.e.. in their 40’s?”

      With all due respect, if I may, with 2 exceptions.
      Except Elizabeth May- born June 1954, she is old enough to be their mother.

      And secondly, exception – the Bloc Quebec Leader, Mr Blanchet, who is 4 months shy of being a boomer, born in April 1965, he doesn’t have Peoplekind in every Province, so he doesn’t matter, they let him play with them anyway because Quebecers are our first citizens. We must all bow down to them!
      Imho, he shouldn’t even be there. But I digress.

      1. Block Head Blanchet represents only one province, he has no care about the rest of Canada, no business being in any debate with those representing all of Canada.
        Trudeau is also playing provincial politics by going after Premiers Ford and Kenney because they are Conservatives and he has nothing else of substance to use against Scheer.
        Let’s hope the voting public know the difference between provincial and federal jurisdictions.

        1. I agree.

          He not only gets a large allowance as a Party Leader and a salary as MP but when all is said and done, he gets a generous pension from the Government of Canada. If he lives to a ripe old age, Canadians are out millions of dollars. For what?

          Since my cable package has the Montreal CTV channel I record and sometimes watch the NEWS on that channel. On the noontime news when they feature a Political discussion, the panel usually includes former MP Marlene Jennings and former Bloc Leader Gilles Duceppe. They claim to be friends. Duceppe seems like a nice guy – I just don’t like what he represents nor his former Party.

          We are all on the hook for these millionaires.

          Being that Canada is post national, Politicians should now be part-timers with no pension. We no longer can afford these Canadians.

  3. Saskatoon man speaks out over repeated thefts from home

    The loss of his prized guitar caps about a month of repeated thefts…

    …Still, he worries the situation could escalate if the thieves keep returning.

    “Until they will stab me, or I will stab them, the police will not come,” he said.
    “I am just angry, and really angry that these jailbirds do not leave me to sleep quietly by night,” he wrote in a followup message to The StarPhoenix.

    A Hungarian immigrant, Sule has lived in various countries over the course of his career in the oil and gas industry. He wrote that his current situation reminds him of some of the lawlessness he saw in places like Columbia and Mongolia.

    “Now I feel as if I lived in a war zone, and actually I do.”
    L- Successive Liberal/P.C. gov’ts and like minded judiciary have reduced many areas of Canada to a crime ridden “The Hood”. Neither federal, nor provincial political leaders have any political will to even address or admit the chaos status in many areas. At 14 murders for 250,000 people, Saskatoon outpaces the rest of urban Canada for homicide leadership, like it was an Olympic event.

    Rule of Law? Until the provincial government exerts control over criminal code matters, just as Quebec does about immigration(also federal technically). The entire province will be “The Hood” within a few years.

    That term will soon be adopted as the provincial motto displayed on automobile license plates.

    2020 municipal and Sask. provincial elections will ignore this. Just as the federal election ignores serious issues, especially about security and sovereignty and the federal government’s rush to Venezuelize the Canadian energy section of the economy .

    1. They would have you believe it is just property crime. It’s not at all uncommon to be victimized numerous times. The fact is they often travel in groups of 4 or more and do not hesitate to use violence. In our area weapons have included thrown knives , bear spray , vehicles and hammers. If they score transport , booze ,money ,or gas return visits are virtually a gaurentee even if they are caught. But they are just looking for help. It’s nuts.

  4. Get Smart, one of my favorites. I have the entire series in my DVD collection. I also have every movie that Mel Brooks
    directed. It was easy to see who the comic genius was. I once saw Buck Henry on Saturday Night Live and the man
    could not make people laugh at his jokes if he bribed them!

    1. South, I remember once, 20 or 30 years ago, when the CBC brought Don Adams, Barbara Felton and company up north, to do a Get Smart reunion special — using in-house CBC comedy writers with no Mel Btooks in sight. Needless to say, the jokes were stale and fell flat as a pancake, like all CBC comedy specials do.

      1. The CBC isn’t funny – its cbc funny. If your not a CBC insider you won’t get the joke.

        Their stable of comedy jockies are civil service comedians. If they were any good they’d be working in the US for real money.

  5. Max’ Twitter Page is now over the 100,000 mark

    Maxime Bernier

    All the others promise billions in new spending. Deficits for years, or forever.

    I’m the only one not trying to buy your vote with your money.

    I will cut spending, balance the budget in 2y, and then lower taxes for everyone.


    Fearless Fury

    Replying to @MaximeBernier

    It’s so strange to be voting for a politician who isn’t blatantly trying to buy my vote with my own tax dollars and counting on me to be too stupid to figure it out. Have never experienced this before.


    1. I have been avoiding the election bafflegab and will vote for the people’s party no matter who it offends.

    2. The Federal government spends $36 billion on health and $24 billion on interest. If they had never borrowed money in the first place they could give $60 billion to hospitals and nothing to bankers. They seem to like bankers a lot. The real fun could be if interest rates ended up back at 20% plus. Then half of government spending would be for interest.

  6. Blackie’s Liberal Party sure has quality people running for their cult. True North website looks at two candidates as examples. One in B.C. was described by a judge in 2008 as a narcissist and the other in B.C. is being investigated for money laundering. Meanwhile Groper has made international news again, as Fox News reports on him wearing a bullet proof vest in diverse Toronto. Although its probably wise for everyone visiting Toronto to wear a vest.

  7. You have to wonder about the sanity of people spending their Saturday night, listening to Blackie rant about Doug Ford and buck a beer. And of course evil Jason Kenney and Harper. Obviously a cult.

  8. Voted yesterday afternoon…for the person I believe has the best chance of beating No-Time McKenna…first time I ever voted NDP. I still feel dirty.

    1. Buddy, it’s your vote, and your vote is sacrosanct, and no one else, including me, has a right to comment on your vote. And actually, you voted strategically, which millions of Canadians will be doing. As for me, I am undecided, and will be up until going into the cardboard voting booth.

      The real heroes of this campaign are the Post Millennial, True North News and Rebel Media. They have punched way above their weight.

    2. For those SDA’ers having Thanksgiving turkey today, or those attending a Thanksgiving church service today, have a happy holiday. There is a lot to be thankful for in our country, and a lot to be thankfully for through God’s grace.

      1. You as well Happy Thanksgiving and to all who read SDA

        I celebrated mine yesterday I am working today and tomorrow

        In 8 days we vote Trudeau and the Liberals out I was listening to Roy Green show and half the callers from across Canada said they were voting CPC and the other half PPC the Liberals will get decimated.

        Near my home is GO Train Station and the only signs that we’re pulled up bent and on the ground were PPC and CPC so I stopped and and Picked they up fixed them and replanted them into the ground.

        Why do people do that every party has a right to display their political party signs…

        1. Angel, David….and Kate.

          A Very happy Thanksgiving to you & Yours and all of our other Hilarious and well spoken loons on this, the best Damned blog in the Western Hemisphere..!!



          1. Happy Thanksgiving, my Canadian friends! My daughter, who married a Canadian citizen last October 14, is in BC celebrating Thanksgiving with her in-laws. Said the weather in Vancouver was positively globally warmed! Ha ha ha, don’t worry … she’s as conservative as me … raised her right. Oh, and she is expecting her first child. If all continues to go well … I’ll be a first time grandfather by Jan. 1st 2020. I feel too young for that designation … but I’ll take it

    3. I went to the polls in my sickeningly safe Liberal riding.

      Needless to say I didn’t dignify any candidate with my support. I wrote across the ballot


      1. I’m not voting until Election Day I don’t trust election canada having the time to change my vote.

        If I was going to be out of town then I would have no choice

    4. nothing a javex shower and wire brush scrub won’t cure. thanks for doing your part against the leftist hordes

      1. Even a vote split won’t get a conservative elected in this riding. Ever. I typically vote Libertarian. I decided helping to give McKenna the boot could give me and maybe a few million other Canadians some satisfaction. (I’ll use beer to cleanse myself and maybe hit the range next weekend.)

    5. Good for you. In that riding I would do the same. I also voted yesterday. In my riding, Conservatives have a decent chance to beat the Liberal incumbent, so that is where I parked my vote even though I am not a big fan of Scheer. Priority number one for me is getting rid of the phony PM.

    6. Thats a worthy strategy Buddy. Ottawa Center is a traditional NDP riding, and getting rid of Barbie, a loathsome creature, is defensible. But its Ottawa Center, home of bureaucrats in love with PM SoyBoy, so its a tough haul

  9. A Blue Wedding?


    As incongruous as it may seem, a Conservative-Bloc marriage would not be unprecedented. It was thanks to the support of the Bloc Québécois that Stephen Harper ensured the survival of his weak minority government in its infancy. Gilles Duceppe simply could not turn his back on the $ 2.7 billion in settlement of the fiscal imbalance that the Conservative leader had already promised Quebeckers.

    This time, Andrew Scheer would be spoiled for choice to mollify the Bloc leader. Did he not himself promise the single tax, more immigration powers for Quebec, respect for the provinces’ areas of jurisdiction, and especially not to interfere with Bill 21?

    Certainly the question of the pipeline and the energy corridor is a problem. But difficult to imagine a fragile minority government embarking on such an operation.

    The Bloc Québécois would have the big stick against the Conservatives.

    Jagmeet Singh immediately stated that he would never support a Scheer government. It’s hard to imagine the Conservatives responding to Elizabeth May’s weather requirements.


    LOL at “Elizabeth May’s weather requirements.”

    A Conservative-Bloc alliance would remove Trudeau from power without handing a blank cheque to the Scheercucks. Bring in Max as Minister of Immigration and you’ve got a deal.

    1. An interesting article. Such a move, if it goes beyond “support” to an actual coalition [ie with cabinet representation] could evolve into a situation like Germany’s, in which the conservatives include a separate Bavarian party.
      And the Bloc was to be just a temporary move.

      Some Albertans may fizz over though.

      1. For that reason, it would never happen. Scheer may be a lot of things, but, turning his back on Alberta and colluding with an outright hater of Scheer’s base would be political suicide.

        This could be a paralyzed parliament instead. No two parties aside from the Bloq can reach 170. The Blockheads are toxic to both Lib and CPC. Instead, the likelihood is a quick return to the polls, or, believe it or not, the Libs pull back on their exotic new spending and borrowing plans, remain as neutral as they can be, with………………the CPC not opposing.

        Rule nothing out. Harper did the same thing to Iggy and his Libs. Mind you, the Libs were deep in debt at that point and couldnt fund an election campaign. The CPC has much deeper pockets this time round. Shame they arent spending it on hard hitting attack ads, because “unfair” or something like that.

        Attack Ads WORK!

        Anyways, we will be back at the polls soon enough. Trudope has no guts to go full enviro leftard, nor to fulfill all of Meetheads massive spending dreams. Those issues will verify every warning about Trudeau that the CPC has said.

  10. PRESS Core

    Because Justin Trudeau is a member of the elite “Order Rosæ Crucis” I’m predicting a staged event for Oct 13.

    The Rose Bud is the fundamental symbol of the “cult prostitute” order. The Rose Bud is identifying / announcing them as “Sodomite Cult” members (pedophiles).


    PRESS Core
    Why Michael Wernick was forced to resign as privy council clerk? Leaked Trudeau gov’s false flag event to influence outcome of 2019 Federal election? Informed Canadians Justin Trudeau is planning to stage upcoming event wherein someone is shot in order to remain in office.

    PRESS Core

    Trudeau gov false flag scenario leaked: assassination during the coming federal election campaign “I’m worried that somebody’s going to be shot in this country this year during the political campaign.” Privy Council Clerk Michael Wernick at House of Commons SNC-Lavalin hearing


  11. And now Blackie’s CBC this morning. Their Political Scrum show discussed how Scheer is worse than Hitler and the turbin guy is wonderful. And don’t miss Peter Mansbridge’s old squeeze Wendy Mesley, as she discusses with the mayor of Calgary that racists are running rampant in Canada.

  12. i voted saturday for our conservative candidate retired colonel Alex Ruff. MSC (Meritorious Service Cross)
    I live neer advance polling station and did not notice it to be very busy.

  13. There is only one person you should ever vote for in any election and that is yourself.

    In other words, pick the candidate in your riding who you believe best represents your own aspirations. If you believe that no such candidate meets this benchmark, then you should cheerfully spoil your ballot without a second thought.

    1. Agreed, although as above, if you can get rid of Climate Barbie, and the CPC has no chance (Ottawa Center, c’mon), then do so by all means.
      I was going to do something similar here in Esquimalt Saanich Sooke, considering the Green vote, to get rid of the outrageous ENDP idiot here, and working against a potential Lib-NDP 170+ vote total. However, this riding is turning out to be a true 4 way split (as predicted). The Libs are at 20, and the Greenies, ENDP and CPC are all revolving around 25%. This is a former Reform riding, back when Keith Martin (a Squish by the way) was the rep, before he went Benedict Arnold (Liberal). The Greens are definitely hurting the socialist vote here on Van Isl. Even in the adjacent riding north, Cowichan, an ENDP incumbent riding, the Greenies are also causing the CPC candidate there, a former ALberta MLA, to have a great shot at winning!)
      Given that things are this close here, I couldnt vote for any of the 3 lefty wackos.
      Advance poll was empty yesterday

  14. NoHarvest19. Say a prayer for the farmers. Next year might be NoFood20. Expect to get hit with high food cost inflation by the end of the year. This is about the bread basket of North America. The Prairies and USA.
    There is no Global Warming, the sun is cooling in The Grand Solar Minimum and it is changing weather patterns.

    1. That’s bad. Did you see the post regarding Obama selling ALL of the grain reserves? Now,why would he do thst?

  15. https://www.westernjournal.com/gas-prices-soar-californians-find-green-energy-useless-blackout/?fbclid=IwAR3MX9zBonUm_hkv_F5e8eu3FbuIZWf1tRX4LNIU8ZCuB2SY8xjThYnhgoU

    Sign of the Socialist times. Watch for this kind of Idiocy here in Canada….as we are set for the New Fuel Standards – whereby Reg Uleaded will be priced somehat cheaper but saddled with 25% Ethanol. Its not for the environment, (they’ll tell ya that though).

    Its to increase their tax Haul on every tankfull….BECAUSE with 25% Ethanol..?? you are going to lose some 10-12% Mileage per tankfull – ergo you’ll have to fill up more often and as such will pay more tax.

    Its always about the money … Especially with the Librannos.

    As for Cali…? YOU Voted for it – enjoy your decline.


  16. From a link at Citizen Free Press
    What it means to be conservative..

    It’s not just a religious freedom issue.
    Criticize Trump however you like, but he isn’t aggressively trying to use the power of the State to forcibly remake the electorate. His most aggressive uses of executive power have been efforts to PREVENT others from doing so.

    You want to talk about bedrock conservative principles?
    Intrinsic to the very notion of conservatism is resisting the use of coercive force to make people abandon their beliefs and live according to the whims of those who have power over them.

    This is the core reason for “conserving” anything.
    Conservatism is not thoughtless, stubborn resistance to new ideas.
    It is determined resistance against the use of force to make people kneel to ideas they disagree with.
    It is respect for the sovereign individual.

    Conservatism is about understanding why long-cherished ideals are held and respecting those who embrace them;
    knowing why the fence is there before you tear it down.
    Change should come through PERSUASION, not compulsion, and the answer might be “no.”


  17. MikeT // The Grope & Fail provides no evidence other than its “say so”.
    Not even links to the offending site. //

    They show an image of the ad, which has been removed.
    And the G&M support the Conservatives.
    Your “skepticism” is really a naive refusal to consider the probabilities.

    In any, case, Scheer was asked about the ads and defended them:
    “Today, When asked to explain his ads on his Chinese-language Facebook page that falsely accuses the Liberal party of planning to legalize illegal drugs
    Andy answers by falsely accusing the Liberal party of planning to legalize illegal drugs

    But why just the Chinese? They have an institutional memory of the Opium Wars, a British Empire project & are already in an emotionally suggestible state.
    The Chinese are basically conservative in their views, & Jason Kenney convinced Harper to cultivate their support.
    And they supported him, right up until Harper dropped his “no dual citizenship” clunker [ironic that, considering] .
    Now Andrew is trying to get them back by lying.
    And one of his Chinese candidates cooperated a bit too enthusiastically : http://338canada.com/districts/59002e.htm
    Interesting riding. The CP were ahead, then the Liberals & now Svend Robinson seems to be part of the NDP surge.

  18. According to the Calgary Herald and Trudeau’s CBC, the august Greta Thunberg will be visiting Alberta.

    1. ReGreta either has sheeple nodding their heads in agreement at her sage wisdom or people shaking their heads in frustration at the depths of her ignorance.

    2. Somebody should take a bullhorn and tell her to get her useless ass out of Alberta and tell her she is an uninformed ignorant dumb ass, that could not find her ass with both hands.

  19. A$AP Babs

    Replying to @TheTorontoSun
    and @kinsellawarren

    Suicide?? The Sun promotes actual homicide. I blame The Sun and its writers for spreading vitriol and lies and inciting hatred on their comment boards. Words are mightier than the sword, especially when you incite others to kill the Prime Minister of Canada on your behalf.

    chris soda

    Replying to

    @TheTorontoSun and @kinsellawarren

    10 Reasons Why We Don’t Want
    @JustinTrudeau Killed:

    Killing someone deliberately in Canada is illegal, except when killing a child in the womb. Then it’s Liberal policy.

    Good Canadians would rather see him witness his own inept governance lead to a loss of party status.

    We don’t want to discourage frisbee coaches

    We don’t want to discourage drama teachers, either

    The potential killer might walk away from the charges because it might not be possible to find 12 rational adults in Canada who would want to convict that person

    Taxes4 the extra bus needed2bring every middle-class mourner 2the funeral

    (That carbon footprint is disastrous!)

    A Liberal claim proven true 4once? 2 shocking for us!

    How could the UN blame it on climate change?

    Face paint stocks take a hit (no pun intended)


  20. ok y’all, happy t’ giving.
    Im outta here to put the roast on and share with the canines.
    that’s be the 4 legged kind AND the ‘canines’ in my mouth. lol !!!

    on that count, tq all you beef producers and truck drivers that distribute said product and grocery store mgmt and employees etc etc.
    you get the drift.

  21. so singh made it official that he would support a corrupt liberal govt to stop scheer. ctvnews
    So a man that was so moraly decent would rather support the man that he called for a rcmp investigation into.
    Nope i think this was a setup from the get go, what did the lier in chief promise him Deputy Dawg position? who knows
    but i think this election has the smell and rot of the democrats to the south. Demonize the main opponent awhile making yourself look the victim, make the backroom deals before the tally has been made, i dont even trust the ballot boxes takers.
    Like i said the corruption of the clintons, bidens, obama’s have reared there ugly face into canadian politics.
    Liberals may just get a surprise, remember how polls and pundints had hillary in the WH before the vote was even cast, Well all that did was piss off alot of smelly walmart shoppers and it backfired bigtime.

  22. Like the rest of the countries left in the “free west” Canada is at the crossroads. This upcoming election for PM will be a chance for Canadians to choose the candidate who will best serve their sovereign national identity and preserve what’s left of their cultural heritage.

    Enough is enough! Canadians and the rest of the citizens in the nations of Western Europe are fed up with the cultural hijacking by NWO order agents and their multiple non-governmental organizations taking over their elected officials and their judicial institutions to subvert the will of the majority.

    As Benjamin Franklin once said, “we either hang together or hang separately”.

