14 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. Ha! Proving once again, there can be NO SUCH THING as … “United” … Nations. People across the world share these characteristics; we all eat, we all poop, we all reproduce … after that ? We share just as many things in common as we share in differences. Nations are the only way mankind can survive. The mere suggestion we can “all live united” is just so much “Star Trek” nonsense.

    And viva la difference. We don’t NEED to kill each other, to live our lives differently from everyone else. Live and let live, nay … leave me the hell alone what with your “human rights” poppycock. You want “human rights”? Step ONE – eliminate every totalitarian leftist State on the planet … then get back to me.

  2. Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?

    For sure we’re a member of the UN but only if you vote for the LibCons NDP and Greens

    1. Don’t be silly, devil, Max wouldn’t take Canada out of the UN any more than the others,and seeing as he doesn’t have a hope in hell of even being the difference in a minority government, fantasizing about what Max would do is an exercise in lunacy.
      How long have YOU been a Liberal Party member,and is visiting conservative blogs to “spread the word” about the Great Max your full time occupation now?

      The UN seats are allocated on a revolving basis, so many unsavory countries will get their turn, even Little Perfect Canader gets a kick at the councils once in a blue moon.

      1. Really the SDA deleted my post debating DM bull…

        To close to the election for the truth about Scheer to be posted now but it was Ok before?

        While Don Morris is allowed to lie and spread bull just like Scheer was doing stating forever that he was an Insurance Broker and also breaking his leadership promise in balancing the budget in two years.

      2. Stuff that DON.
        Im an Albetan Oil Worker.
        Got Fkd by Pierre Senior
        And once again by the drip off his dick…

        And I cannot, nor will not vote for a Pandering POS like Scheer.
        Pro- Paris Climate Change
        Pro UN
        Pro CBC
        Pro Monoplies (all 3 of them)
        Pro Islam
        anti Free Speech
        Just a carbon copy of Justin who will kiss EASTERN – Globalist (_i_)…in an identical manner.

        And you’re voting for him WHY EXACTLY..??
        Spare me your BS outrage buddy.
        As to the UN…? obliterate it. Period.

  3. At the Guardian link above, the mention of PROVEA as a human rights group in Venezuela is tainted by their history of approval by Hugo Chavez. At PROVEA’s site there’s still a blurb on their home page from him that PROVEA is in his heart, and citing their devotion to human rights… They say this is a “backwards step” in the same fashion as old Soviet communists looked at Chinese communists with disdain. (or reverse that if it suits you…)

    They’re all of the same bowl of crap.

    Caracas Chronicles…


    1. There are a number of corrupt Canadians who managed to tar themselves during this election, and Warren Kinsella is one of them. He has done some good work speaking out against the Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau. But this takes the cake.

    2. Too late, already voted for PPC (by mail), where my local PPC candidate happens to be black, not that it mattered. It was the content of his character and his support of party positions I believe in that mattered.

  4. The Grauniad seemed more concerned that Brazil had taken the other Latin American seat on the council, on the grounds that Bolsonaro’s giving the Brazilian police permission to do the hard work of restoring law and order to Brazil’s cities (after many years of lawlessness approved by Lula’s government) was a violation of human rights.

    Yes, the work done by Brazil’s finest often requires killing members of the criminal “communities” who thrust Lula into office. Better that—far, far better—than to allow thugs to rob, rape and terrorize law-abiding people—much less kill cops with impunity.

    The “human rights” crowd never seem to care much about the rights of people with any business calling themselves human beings.

  5. More theater of the absurd. Just like any Muslim country that sits on the Council on the Status of Women, such as, but not limited to, Saudi Arabia.

    1. Indeed, it’s (sic) rules are aspirational:
      Re https://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/aspiration
      aspiration [as″pĭ-ra´shun]
      inhalation of some foreign material; aspiration of vomitus, blood, or mucus may occur when a person is unconscious or under the effects of a general anesthetic, and can be avoided by keeping the head turned to the side and removing all such foreign material from the air passages.
      The UN has definitely inhaled a whole lot of vomitus, blood, and mucus. And it’s not just a talking shop, it aspires to make rules that all the member nations are supposed to follow. That it does not differentiate between nations as to worthiness to sit on governing councils is just another reason the U.S. should get the heck out, and evict it from NYC. Really, should Venezuela be given a world stage to give its interpretation of human rights?
