32 Replies to “ENDORSED”

  1. In Canada, the cops would do the correct thing, by arresting the normies restoring order, with assault, and pat the little Maolings on the head to reassure their hurt feelings.

      1. Sadly, it’s the cross country attitude of almost all police forces.

        Victoria city police are particularly worth mentioning. They walk right past open drug use without fail, but don’t get caught looking at your phone while driving, they will throw the book at you

      1. Beyond the stupidity of the RCMP officer….
        “Watson is suing Eddie Maurice for $100,000 in pain and suffering and a yet-to-be-determined amount for lost income….”
        Pray tell what exactly lost “income” means?

        1. Andy

          Good point. I missed that. But once he clarifies the lost income amount, perhaps the CRA could audit his taxes to see if he’s paid income taxes. And he should have paid GST on the value of any stolen goods.

  2. Sadly, in the UK the police will use surveillance footage to come after the folks who stopped the protesters. It’s already happening. The police and prosecutors will stomp on anyone who acted against the protesters HARD, because while they are sympathetic to leftist virtue signalers, they really don’t like citizens who will act on their own initiative when confronted with a public nuisance. After all, people might start to ask themselves what they need the police for when they consistently fail to protect the rights of ordinary people.

    I predict that every person who so much as said a mean thing to those protesters will be facing prosecution within the week.

    1. Yep, can’t have subjects er um free (supposedly) ‘citizens’ taking the law into their own hands – why the protestors might decide that they aren’t right or something. Of course by the inaction of the ‘authorities’ the are creating the specter of vigilantism…………

  3. I predict that every person who so much as said a mean thing to those protesters will be facing prosecution within the week.” Chris Ivey

    Nothing to prevent said persons from pulling the Judge down and curb stomping…..No most systems don’t want escalation and they will forget about it

      1. This happened more than half a century ago.
        I was driving on this thoroughfare next to the tracks on one side, and the ghetto on the other, when I was stopped by a red light. A dozen or so “teenagers” came out of nowhere and started to surround my car. It unfortunately was a VW bug, which could be prevented from moving by two people pulling on the rear fender. I had to make the spur of the moment decision to close my eyes and gun the motor before they could do that. I got out of there and went on my way, and it did not feel like I hit anything, thank God. But to tell the truth, I would not have stopped either way.
        It was much more dangerous a situation than just being delayed. I shudder to think what could have happened if I didn’t do that.

  4. The Holy Eco Warriors are at it in Canada. Time to carry acetone (nail remover) around with you in case a Holy Warrior needs to become unstuck.

    1. Unnecessary. Let the stupid bastards glue themselves to the trains or buses. Simply keep the trains or buses running on schedule. Two or three stupid bastards expediting their own demise should nip off that behavior by others in the bud.

      1. Agreed. But if they glued themselves to my car, I would be charged with a flony, not they. The success of my defence of “What did they expect?” will depend upon the politics of the judge; long odds these days.

        Look, yer ‘onor, if you glue yerself to a moving object, you can expect to get deaded.

    2. I would spray the glued loser with bear spray, right in the face, but that’s just me…….

  5. God help those little bastards—never mind the bastards who bankroll their nonsense—if they ever get the workers’ and peasants’ revolution they claim to want.

    Real workers and peasants have no use for leftists except as target practice.

  6. Guy tearing the sign down and snatching the cell phone in Edmonton is wearing hospital scrubs. In another clip he’s yelling at them and saying he has to get to work. Apparently there is a hospital right close to that nonsense.

  7. One would think that at least some of those Londoners would know how to use a cricket bat…

    1. Baseball bats sell well out there, I hear, despite the fact that nobody in Britain plays baseball.

  8. And that is how you deal with fascists, socialist, global socialists, national socialist.
    End of story

  9. Well done commuters, prompt response and the right response. This is what we should all be doing. If they want to stand quietly in a station, street corner etc and hold their banner that’s fine but when they disrupt the service others are legally allowed to receive they’ve crossed the line. I hope the crowd beat the cr…p out of them when they got them down it may make them think twice next time.
