Y2Kyoto: The Planet Has A Fever

29 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The Planet Has A Fever”

    1. They should have taken Greta to see the tree stumps that were revealed by the retreating Mendenhall glacier.

      “The most recent stumps emerging from the Mendenhall are between 1400 and 1200 years old. The oldest are around 2350 years old. Some have dated around 1870 to 2000 years old.”


      Or they could fly her up to Ellesmere Island to see where they found fossil trees and beavers dating back 2 million years.

      The earth has been a lot warmer and life still exists.

  1. Haha…we’ll have a glacier running through Red Deer and these morons will still be prattling on about the need for a higher carbon tax. Beautiful.

    1. The best reason for Trump to buy Greenland would be to send all the Eco-Fascists there to “Save the Glaciers”

  2. But don’t tell Climate Babs, she’s having a meltdown because someone wrote a dirty word on her campaign office.

    1. Yes, to hear it reported on the radio today, this is some life-threatening hate crime and she is so courageous to carry on; even with police protection. Maybe she should carry a gun 🙂 I wouldn’t be surprized if she did it herself.

      1. McKenna is such a drama queen. So someone sprays graffiti, and she has to work it to death. I don’t think she has the right personality for politics. Couldn’t she just remove the graffiti instead of running to the media, looking for sympathy and carrying on about “haters”. Most of the people who do this sort of thing are not haters, but they are very, very angry. The message is that her government needs to re-evaluate their policies because the policies are hurting people.

    1. How about some evidence? Links to reports from Environment and Climate Barbie are not evidence either.
      Or, we’re you just being sarcastic?

      1. Nothing coming out of government scientists is credible. They are all careerists and will toe the political line.

    2. 3C below average for Oct right now just south of Calgary (based on 30 years of data)….and the final week isn’t looking to hot!

  3. NASA predicting coldest sun starting next solar cycle in 200 years.
    It is not warming there will be many more crop losses than this year. Prof. Valentina Zharkova is predicting famines by 2028. it will probably be sooner. Expect food inflation this year then outright scarcity next year. Watch what China is going through as they try to feed 1.4B people. They are switching from pork to dog meat. Mainly because of Swine Flu’s. But they are buying up food by the boatload everywhere.

    1. But the hustlers and ideologues won’t care. They’ll say all that CO2 is killing plants.

    1. The main reason China doesn’t want Western Canadian Canola seed is because their hog population is near extinct due to African swine fever. Its the hog version of Ebola. There is no longer a need for Canola meal.

  4. Was my buddy Al Gore recently shilling for more wealth transfers spotted in Amarillo?

    How often are we expected to hear the whining and crying of the global warming/climate change/climate emergency burning us up while the reporter is standing in the middle of a snow storm?

    Or are these just SNL skits?

    1. No sign of the Goracle down here. Just Canadian air and Gulf moisture. Parts of Amarillo got over six inches. Like my house.


    Remember, when arguing this BS with the believers, remind them that it’s not about science; it’s about computer models.

  6. President Trump and his Administration has taken California to court for signing a Treaty with Quebec on an Environmental Agreement. In the USA only the Feds can make Treatys with Foreign powers. Quick call BLACKIE and his BUTT BUDDY.

    1. Now, if Quebec dealt with a foreign entity, why could not Alberta. The may need to deal with the Fed’s, rather than specific States, but could they not cut a deal to move that oil via the US to the Pacific?

    2. U.S. Constitution prohibits states making treaties without the consent of Congress. Not sure how the Ninth Circuit will do an end run around that but it will.

  7. Yes and the breathless media will still blame it all on Donald Trump. Well where are the Globull media morons standing behind the reporter breaking into the turkey barn at Jumbo Valley. is this true, was it a Global reporter, thats what is out there. The enemy people is the media. The biggest scam in history since the tulip bulb mania is Globull Warming, I hope every media that climbed on this scam goes broke.

  8. winds too. far out.
    and what drives the wind? ENORMOUS amounts of solar energy.
    and the tides, and rain, and plant growth, and and and . . . . . . . . .
