30 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Frozen Food”

  1. Please, I don’t have 21 minutes to watch a video that could be summed up in a few lines of print.

      1. Dish it up. Maybe when they are hungry and unemployed they will have time.
        It is a very serious issue that Governments are not preparing citizens to deal with. Look at Canada. All AGW all the time.
        Fossil Fuels are going to be needed more than ever, and at a reasonable price.
        Look up The summer called “1800 and froze to death” 1815 I think during the Dalton Grand Solar Minimum, No crops in the eastern USA. Caused the greatest western migration in the history of the USA. The Great Western Expansion.
        This current Grand Solar Minimum is projected to be as bad or worse than the Maunder Minimum. And it is being made worse by the crazy number of volcanoes spewing into the upper atmosphere. Several of which are strato volcanoes. That and the low solar output of our sun.
        Even NASA has began to quietly warn people. But the msm is not putting it out to warn people. Food inflation by the end of the year is going to bite. Next year will be worse. Get a small greenhouse and plant some food, raise some rabbits, get some chickens, because food costs next year will be worse.
        Real Scientists tha are trying to warn people are being ridiculed and silenced because they are saying what is happening. If you want info you have to go to alternative sites. The msm are clueless like our greasy politicians. The elite know what is coming and are getting prepared.
        For the Globalists it is a dream come true. Look at this over here, AGW we will melt, but famine is in the other hand from loss of food production Globally and it is global. Many countries have stopped exporting grains already.
        Get to know your local farmer. Get ready next year will be bad for the average family. I have been watching this for a few years. It will be bad.

        1. Grand Solar Minimum? Maunder Minimum? … NONSENSE! What you are describing is … “EXTREME weather” … brought on by global warming caused by your fancy big pickup truck. Yes, EXTREME weather … a permanent “Polar Vortex” caused by mankind’s horrific use of fossil fuels.

          Sorry, but we’ve already LOST the argument. Science be damned. Science be hijacked for steady government funding. Science be substituted for statistical manipulation. We have LOST the language. We have LOST the actual meaning of words.

          Lonnnnggggg ago, Al Gore said the sun is too far from earth to impact our climate. Al told us the sun is a “constant, unchanging, light bulb in the sky … nothing more. Al gave a power point “film” about the TRUE cause of EXTREME weather … YOU! YOU needed to PAY$$ for YOUR sins against Gaia. Meanwhile, Al moved to BEAUTIFUL Montecito in Santa Barbara … where the weather is NEVER “extreme” … where the temps are a constant balmy 84 deg. F every day of the year.

          Yep. We are gonna get more EXTREME weather … and … carbon taxes. Yep. We’re gonna $PAY$ for our ignorance and docile compliance with leftist politicians.

        2. 1816 actually, and the more exact cause was probably the explosion of the Tamboro volcano (larger dust veil than Krakatoa) in the previous year.

      2. Kate, please continue to share items like this. The people who have time will watch, those who don’t have time don’t have to watch.

        1. I agree with joe. If you have time to watch it, then do. If you don’t have time now, fine.
          But why bother to comment telling the rest of us,,, you don’t have time? Maybe you’ll have to this weekend, or maybe next week,,, it’ll still be here, when you have time.
          The guys presentation is authentic, and I appreciate it more than a sound bite from the MSM that has been manipulated to have “just the right amount of bias”, that it can be absorbed and not noticed.

          1. I agree with the first commenter, and it was a comment worth posting because there are others here who share the preference of text over video. In addition to video being a much slower way of getting the info, not everyone can have the sound turned up to listen to a video or has access to headphones all the time.

            I don’t think it was a criticism of Kate, and obviously she can’t be expected to spend a bunch of time writing a synopsis for every video she posts, but FWIW I’m in favor of text intros or summaries wherever possible.

        2. Agreed, more videos of guys putting in their boots, half-assed cleaning the front seat of their truck, and struggling to start their pickups. It’s way better than 99.9% of what’s on YouTube.

          For example, I don’t know what a pewdiepie is but I hope they are working on a vaccine.

    1. Thank you Kate for highlighting this for SDA readers.
      I have stopped listening to the radio while driving and in the combine. I listen to Joe Rogan, Carrola, radio podcasts and YouTube at low resolution instead.
      This channel is worth subscribing and listening to, as is IceAge Farmer. He got the word out regarding the extent of the flooded area across the Plains and Midwest this last spring.
      3% of the Midwest corn was planted on time due to excess rain in 2019. (that is critical for large yields)
      Both he and my newsletters noted USDA inspectors had to leave the ProFarmer preharvest crop tour due to death threats from farmers.
      USDA relied more on satellite data than farmer information and boots on the ground. Market manipulation preventing farmers from capitalizing on the weather event and preventing panic. Most importantly it would give the Eco-fascists further ammunition for their cause.

      Here’s his latest regarding the swine flu epidemic in China and a global protein shortage.

      CONGRESSMAN WARNS OF GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS | Everyone Needs to be Aware Of This

      Check out his links in the description and make yourself aware.
      You wont find this information out there in print very easily but I will keep trying.

      I subscribe to market newsletters sent by email up to 3x daily. One of the newsletters is tied to a series of farmer co-owned and managed weather stations across Canada and the US. August 9 -11 we had a severe frost 25 miles north of us in NW Sask. Those stations from north of Lloydminster to the Melfort area went dead. No data available from 6pm to 2pm the following day.
      If I was not directly affected I would not of paid attention to the stations going down.
      There was this excerpt from my subscription.
      “We have seen notable weather events across Western Canada over the weekend but the canola market has not reacted. There was talk of some frost in Alberta Peace Country Sunday night/Monday morning”

      Within that frost affected area to the north I personally know of a farmer who saw no wheat kernels developing in the head and the crop was baled for greenfeed. With frost some areas are more affected than others as are the crops depending on staging.
      I havent heard what’s going on lately but I can tell you this. Lineuos at ADM in Lloyd throughout Sept and early October were nonexistant. Also, I stopped by the local terminal I deal with yesterday and there was 1 semi trailer unloading and one empty in the yard. It should be pretty busy at this time of year. But, it could be they were loading cars. Or, they are full of tough grain and they are only accepting dry grain at the moment.
      No canola deliveries unless you have contracts and they will only accept 11% or drier moisture content. (10% is dry)

      1. We drove down to Rapid City last weekend, and my dad kept remarking on the crops still out and nobody moving on them. I now wonder if they’d been frozen?

        1. If the corn was planted late from the spring rain it would be affected..
          Grom my limited growing experience Soybeans can take the frost later in its growth period
          North Dakota and Minnesota had a wet September that’s keeping farmers out of the field.
          Were combining a field of canola today. Been waiting on it for a while as it was reseeded mid June from gopher and flea beetle damage.

      2. Very Very Interesting film QuickSilver.
        I may well be in the market for a freezer…for now.
        And an SKS with/without license.

    2. chris c, I will sum it up for you, cold kills. People and food production. The climate changes with or without humans and we have zero control over it. A carbon tax will do nothing except impoverish more people and cause more hunger and all government is a waste. That is the reality and the truth.

      1. Thanks, old white guy. I figured that was what it likely was. I don’t have time this morning either – I have a transmission output seal to replace on my old 440A.

        So what it boils down to is that today’s Sesame Street has been brought to you by the letter B: beans, bottled water, bullion, bully beef, bullets….oh yes, and as far as AGW is concerned, bullshit….lots of bullshit.

    3. I watched the whole thing and my takeaway is that …. as I have been saying for at least a couple of years …. we are experiencing climate change, but not what we had hoped for …. we are enjoying global cooling.

      We can expect less food production and more energy use for heat yadda yadda …

      There is no global warming … but here is global cooling. There will be population reduction, likely.

    4. Growing season has for grains ended October 13… Snow storms started Oct 8 and ran for several days, impacting harvesting and planting. Cold weather following the storm meant immature corn stopped growing and soy plants started losing leaves. Shorter growing season this year because of cold.

      Just like Global Warming predicts! (/sarc)

      Governmental “support” for farmers has moved away from identifying individual flood or other disaster assistance and moved to AGW prediction / dire forecasting.

  2. Why isn’t this on the CBC?? Or has Mr. Trudeau given orders not to publish anything to do with global cooling??

    1. Cue the Soviet national anthem music and have Rosie Barton do a report on the excellent grain harvest, complete with stock footage of combines. 🙂

      Or she could say that since the combines can’t get into the fields, farmers CO2 emissions have gone down.

      Why isn’t Greta going into the fields with a sickle to cut grain. 🙂

  3. I watched/listened to the whole thing … and learned how to build a shitty wire fence. But we don’t really have anything to worry about from EXTREME weather caused by man-made Global Warming. All the Great Plains Farmers who lose their crop yields will have the deficits taken up by Venezuelan State-farmers. Venezuela is on the equator, where every day of the year is part of the growing “season”. So the world will be fed by Maduro. And his State-farmers can slash and burn vast tracts of the Jungles and plant corn and soybeans for export to the USA.

    Yep … EXTREME weather … caused by your “sins against Gaia” are destroying us. Perhaps Equatorial Socialist Dictators can save us? But the equatorial jungles have to go first. OTOH … it could all end up looking like a Jonestown farming operation … leading to mass suicide/homocide.

    Oh well … hide the decline. It’s what the Warmists (burrowed into every Federal bureaucracy) do. Hide the decline. It’s bad for their (monkey) business.

  4. The video raises the point that gubbmint could confiscate crops like Stalin did if it came down to having to feed the cities.
    But then farmers are already producing below the cost of production to feed the cities. Farms that were inherited mortgage free have been signed over to the banks for loans to keep the farms afloat. On paper it all looks good cuz of inflated land prices based on low interest rate policy until………. Seen it all before. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. But them new John Deere’s do look sexy.

    The Chinese will be eating and climate cooling will make more tropical lands suitable for growing food.

  5. Cant watch this till later but colder and hungrier will be no surprise.
    Hope half the teenagers in the country lose body parts to frost bite and the other half have their growth stunted from a lack of nutrition.

  6. Here in central Illinois our crops went in extremely late due to record spring rains and were very susceptible to an early frost. We didn’t plant our first corn or soybean seeds until June 7 (about 6 weeks later than normal) and had to mud the seeds in due to wet conditions. We expected a very poor crop. Our first frost came October 13 (2 days earlier than the average) and didn’t hurt us at all. We’re now busy harvesting a crop that produced above-average yields.

    If you fall for an alarmist piece about Midwest crop failures remind yourself that the new super-hybrid varieties we’re planting can take enormous stress (hot, cold, wet, dry) and still produce respectable yields. Also, the best barometer of potential yield is the price paid for the crop (still below normal).

  7. Hmmm…not that I’m doubting the farmer’s argument about global cooling but I just checked Iowa’s Soybean and corn harvest data and yeah, the bushels/acre are down this year but it won’t be anywhere near 2013’s dismal harvest. Farmers are blaming it on an unusually wet spring which forced them to plant late and a lot of rain this fall which prevented them from getting their machinery on their land to harvest.
    Not a lot of comments about the cold weather.

    Just spitballin’

  8. Worth keeping in mind that climate shifts are not always the same in all regions, I think recent data show that there has been cooling in parts of west-central North America and warming in the east. These trends both point to a shift in the positions of ridges and troughs that often control weather anomalies. The science is not well established despite what many say (on both sides of the warming or cooling debate) and also the claims made about a solar downturn worse than the Maunder have to be accepted as theoretical and not proven.

    Not saying I disagree and for various other reasons we could be looking at a colder outcome in a growing number of places. Warming in the arctic is not a well understood phenomenon either, some believe it could inevitably have a feedback effect through increased snowfall towards large-scale cooling later on. The so-called proven science that underlies much of the progressive economic theories simply is not a proven science at all, it’s a theory that has won more backing than other theories within a part of the scientific community but with the high stakes political game being played, then that community tries to up the ante by ostracizing anyone who disagrees (within the community). That again is not science, it is politics.

    The truth of the matter is that nobody really knows what longer term weather trends will be, least of all some Swedish teenager turned climate scientist with no education on the subject. Only total idiots would base economic planning on the fears of teenagers.

  9. For those who have never looked at sunspot data, the Dalton minimum (roughly 1795 to 1835) was a period with three weak solar cycles and long intervals of no solar activity between the weak peaks. There was another rather similar period from 1875 to 1915 that is not mentioned as often. Both of them had a major volcanic dust veil event around the second of the three sunspot peaks (in 1815-16 and in 1883-84). In the case of Krakatoa (in August 1883) it had already turned very cold in many parts of North America before that happened but the cold persisted for several years afterwards. The weather was somewhat more variable in the Dalton after a year or two of cooling with Tamboro’s eruption.

    The Maunder minimum is thought to be almost totally inactive for a much longer period. Telescopic observations of the Sun had only just begun in the early 17th century, when the Sun was active although not very, compared to the 20th century. Then the spots vanished and never returned for many periods (not sure if anyone had formulated a sunspot cycle that early in the proceedings or if that came after the Maunder ended), so there were five or six totally missing cycles from 1665 to 1715, then the Sun rather abruptly went into a high activity phase that lasted to the Dalton minimum. There were eight fairly robust cycles in between. The coldest part of the Little Ice Age overlaps the Maunder and at least in parts of Europe it warmed up considerably when the Sun got active again. The ten years from 1730 to 1739 were the warmest in the CET record until the late 20th century. But oddly, some of the coldest winters in Europe have happened near peaks of active sunspot cycles, for example, 1740, and 1947. There is no demonstrated 1:1 relationship between sunspots and weather but a general acceptance that a quiet Sun is a cooler Sun. It’s going to take 20-30 years to know whether this is another Dalton or another Maunder underway (we had a weak peak around 2013, but weak and totally absent are not the same thing). If there’s another weak or moderate peak around 2025, I would imagine this will turn out to be a third Dalton-like minimum; if there is just no further activity for 20-30 years then we are into a more serious Maunder-like downturn and for sure we will wish there was more greenhouse gas rather than less.

    In general, this is why I think modern economic policy is very foolish, we may be shooting ourselves in the foot by removing the one chance we have of avoiding climate catastrophe of the opposite kind from that now being advertised.
