29 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

    1. Sure, but I thought of it several weeks before you did. I wrote it down someplace.

    2. I have been on the planet for 76 years and I have always been interested in climate because I hate cold weather … being from a cold weather country. My simple observations over the decades are that, it is not warming … it has been cooling …. I have no scientific expertise, just observation and a good long-term memory.

      Looks like we are both right and Greta the magic retard is wrong. If I were young, I would be very worried .. and not about warming which would actually be wonderful for humanity.

  1. For us Hams/Radio Amatuer operators. Sun spot active means better DX propagation. Less Sum spot means poor propagation.
    DJ / VA3KBC
    Less sunspot for the earth’s weather pattern not so good.

    1. I’ve been checking both 20 and 40 metres in recent weeks and I’m lucky if I even hear a faint CW signal now. Once in a while, I might hear a bit of SSB traffic, but it’s usually weak and quickly fades.

      (For those not familiar with radio terminology, CW stands for continuous wave, which is the mode most commonly used for Morse code. SSB is single sideband, a popular voice mode. DX refers to distance, so the current conditions are not conducive to communicating with stations far away.)

      Unfortunately for me, my satellite season’s coming to an end as it’s getting too cold for me to set up my station on my balcony.

      I guess I’ll be spending the winter looking at Hackaday and cobbling some ham stuff together from what someone has posted on that site.

      1. Can I ask a dumb ham radio question? What do the northern lights do to ham signals? Or is that spectacle purely a light display and has no impact on ham signals?

        1. In my experience, auroral activity disrupts propagation. During my early days as a shortwave listener, there was one geomagnetic storm which lasted several days and I couldn’t hear anything. However, I recall that there were some terrific auroras during the night.

          But, I also remember an opening on the 6 meter amateur band several years ago, presumably due to some minor geomagnetic activity, and I was able to work stations as far away as San Francisco.

          At the same time, though, auroras can produce radio frequency interference and the background noise can increase, which also makes it difficult to hear signals. During the mid-1980s, I lived in southern Alberta and I remember one night in which the shortwave bands were quite noisy but there was quite an auroral display, almost bright enough to cast shadows.

    2. interesting. why would that be? ionization increases capability to propagate the electromagnetic energy?

  2. As Instapundit points-out today, Sol has been spot-free for 244 days this year. “Maunder? Dr or Ms Maunder? – phone call on Line 1…”

  3. Doesn’t matter. The most significant factor in climate is a trace gas that is a weak greenhouse gas that is at all time low concentration levels.

    The only way to make sure that climate stays exactly the same for eternity is to take more money from western taxpayers and give it to the UN. If climate ever does change…we just aren’t taking enough money from people who actually work (suckers).

    1. Yep! The U.N. IPCC wants $122 Trillion, and they’ll make it allllll better! I wonder if they’d accept Zimbabwe dollars at par?

  4. And back to Grand Solar Minimum. Oh My no AGW. Gulf Stream south of Greenland Coldest in 1000 years. Same scenario preceded the Maunder Minimum and the LLIA. Wake Up, you will need fossil fuel and you will be on your own. The Liberals and the elite want you DEAD. So you will not get this info from State Controlled media, they will never accept responsibility for being wrong, the sun is going into a cooling cycle. And the Globalists want less useless eaters. Next year will be worse.

  5. Know it is only anecdotal but when I was returning from Italy at the end of August we flew over the southern tip of Greenland and it was snow and ice as far as we could see with lots of icebergs. Beautiful clear sunny day so we could see a large part of Greenland.

    1. I’ve worked in Greenland and August is “summer” up there. Snow starts to fly mid September. I worked on the west coast, north of 70 degrees. No snow or ice in sight (unless flying) and perma ice was well inland from us.

    2. How dare you trust your own eyes! We have multiple scientific agencies who study the ice extent and TELL you what TRUTH you need to know. They even have ice penetrating satellites! compared to your brief view from an airliner window.

      Think of it like this … before the printing press, and widespread literacy, The Catholic Church read and interpreted the Bible FOR you. You “believed” what they told you. In today’s civilization, the vast majority of the population remains “science illiterate”, and need to be TOLD what to “believe”. Just look how easy it’s been for climate “scientists” (really just statisticians, and computer modelers) to deceive the people.

      Yes, climate “scientists” are the corrupt self-serving church-State of today.

  6. On the bright side this means it will be easier to freeze down a lease for drilling and completing wells in the muskeg next March after the 4 previous brutally cold months of winter with oil and gas prices skyrocketing due to spiking demand.

    1. True dat. It’s already been below zero Fluffernutter all over the US down to New Mexico. Air temps between Cody and Douglass WY -18 F, -16, -8, etc. They would have made this a named blizzard if it were January. Also 1/2 the fields from the upper mid west thru NJ went unplanted due to the cold wet spring. Bad yields already. China trade war probably a good mask.

  7. It is nothing.
    Can anybody here read a plot ?
    The chart shows that the sunspot number goes to zero every 11 years(+-) and has done so for the past 250 years (and
    probably much longer than that). This years zero is not much different than the last or the one before . . . we aren’t
    freezing to death due to zero sunspots at solar minimum.

    Now if the next maximum is low like that last one – then that might mean something.

  8. Ditto on the poor HF propagation.
    QRZ,com gives a nice photo of the sun every day and several current articles on Sunspots, Corona Holes and Solar Flares.
    DX Radio has been dead.

    Maybe another ice age is coming. We can all eat the extra polar bears,


    1. I’m sure that I could hear more signals if I wasn’t living next to a neon palace shopping centre out here in VA6 country. The background interference is terrible.

      A few years ago, EPCOR shut down power in our part of the city for a few hours in order to work on something. I took the opportunity to check out the bands during that time. The background noise had dropped to next to nothing. There wasn’t much going on, but I did hear two stations working each other on 15 metres. One was in Florida, I think, and the other one was, I gathered, in Hawaii (he kept referring to “the big island”, which I believe is a common local term).

      There’s a reason why I’m thinking of keeping my father’s truck and putting radio equipment racks in the back….

  9. This is the one variable that just might (sarc) have a significant effect on climate but can’t be controlled by the hubris, fear mongering, and authoritarian tendencies of elitist politicians and therefore ignored by the institutional left. This is one that should actually scare people or at least give them plenty of time to prepare. No government agency will form to give advice on how to prepare for a colder climate as it conflicts with the power seeking narrative of CAGW. Your cheque is in the mail. I promise not to (&%@ in your mouth. We’re from the government and we’re hear to help you.

    1. John there are a lot of crop failures this year globally. The msm are saying nothing, governments are saying nothing. Countries have already blocked grain shipments to other countries.
      This winter is predicted to be severe here in NA and the EU. Last time the Atlantic Conveyor system shut down like in the above article the UK froze and France had their Revolution. The Revolution was actually about grain shortages. People think Marie Antoinette was referring to Cake as in a Chocolate Cake etc. When she said “Let Them Eat Cake” cake that she was referring to was the sweepings of the millers floor. That is what cake meant then. There was widespread famine throughout the world.
      When the cupboards are bare. Out will come the pitchforks and the Greasy Politicians and their Huckster Cohorts ie Fake AGW Scientists and UN scammers will have to flee into hiding. Hungry people are very dangerous people. They have been lying to people and scamming people with carbon tax and all kinds of BS regulations and shakedowns.
      It is going to get very brutal if NASA predictions play out as predicted by many real scientists. Who are truly concerned for humanity. Like Valentina Zharkova. They tried to prevent her publishing her studies on solar activity and cooling. And she is predicting famine. Her prediction accuracy so far is over 93% accurate.

      1. I am late to the party again so I added a couple links in Readers Tips.
        I wrapped up my harvest on Friday, 1 hour before it started to rain. that rain was followed by snow and cold.
        Work never end it just changes. With the cool, wet fall there is a lot of tough, damp grain in the country.
        As farmers we are turning grain bins looking for heating grain. Ive found 3 bins whose sensors weren’t working that were starting to heat and caught them in time…

  10. Just for a little context here, nearly spotless years occur even between active solar cycles. Certainly you don’t have to be as solar-quiet as the Maunder to get basically spotless years, so the fact that this is one cannot be automatically taken to mean that a Maunder 2.0 event is underway. The Dalton minimum had a number of long periods of quiet between its weak cycles, so this is so far more like that.

  11. Dr. Valentia Zharkova said the sunspots were mirroring the ones recorded in the 1650 time period! The new activity is referred to as Cycle 25!
    This time period as you know is referred to as “The Medieval Ice Age”!
    She went on to say that this may mean nothing or could be indicating a Maunder Minimum coming as early as 2020!
    I wonder if real climate science will receive any attention !!!! Ha!
