62 Replies to “Greta The Magical Retard”

  1. Meanwhile, both her and her kooky parents are enthusiastic supporters of the masked, fascist blackshirts of Antifa who pummel unarmed journalists in the streets.

    1. I am overjoyed when I think about the genuine fear and loathing that has consumed the people who take this little retard seriously.

      I enjoy their pain.

      They will lose the climate war to reality. It’s getting colder, not warmer.

  2. The countdown clock shows she’s around the 14 minute mark of her 15 minutes.

    I also think the word cloud around Greta is sorely missing the word “petulant”.

  3. Apparently she is in L.A. right now protesting something. She sure gets around. At least in L.A. if she has to take a shit, she can do it in the street.

    1. She is the goddess of hell fire and she will https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaHEusBG20c

      You’ve been living like a little girl
      In the middle of your little world
      And your mind
      Your tiny mind
      You know you’ve really been so blind
      Now’s your time burn your mind

      You’re falling far too far behind

  4. If you must, dear. But it won’t help you.

    In your mother’s time you would have been the laughing stock of the school, until you graduated. Thanks to the Internet and social media, you’ll be the laughing stock of the world, the crazy Swedish girl who made a spectacle of herself screaming about how the sky was falling down to anybody who would listen—forever.

    You did this to yourself, Greta. One day you just might be mature enough to understand and accept that. Forgive me if I don’t hold my breath.

  5. Don’t let the door slap you on the ass on the way out girlie. She deserves everything she gets. Time to move on to the next internet celebrity.

  6. Freedom of speech for me and not for thee. Good luck Sore -Os, err ,
    rather, Greta.

    (In the meantime her parents are probably scouting for good deals in real estate everywhere they go because Sweden is kaput..they have to resettle somewhere. Burned out property works, the land is never lost)

    1. Ah, so the real reason for the “How Dare You” tour is to find another place to live, using the brat’s blatherings as an excuse….

      1. Just my guess. I didn’t see or read that anywhere. But why wouldn’t they move? My intuition and hunches sometimes pan out, B A!

        (She don’t have BIG EYES fer nuttin!)

  7. No, Greta, no – DON’T quit Facebook! Because I quit Facebook, and I don’t want to have anything in common with you!

    – Unless you were to become a “Denier”, though; that’d be awful funny.

  8. Her parents raised a snowflake brat and campaign-prop that can’t take criticism of her scripted fact-free hysteria. Lets hope she grows up before she is given a position of responsibility unlike our Prime Minister.

  9. Ha ha ha ha ha … SHE called Greta one of HER “gutsy women”? Ha ha ha ha SHE really knows how to pick em … lunatics and socialists. Let me guess … SHE also included Dr. Hazy Ford as one of HER “gutsy women”. Ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha.

    In the snowflaky generation … you are declared “gutsy” despite an inability to take criticism on Fackebook ! Oh my … talk about redefining words.

    Sorry … all I can do is LAUGH

    1. crikey kenji, leave some laughter for the rest of us !!! LOL !!!!
      ohhhhhh lordy THIS is why I come here so often.
      ohhhhh jeez.

  10. What caught my eye was the last sentence. “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth.” Like all socialists she seems to think that the size of the pie (economy) cannot grow, and that the economy / wealth is a fixed amount that has to be spread. Sane economists will all agree that wealth can be created through agriculture, mining, and the energy, and that the total size of the economy is not static. The size of the pie grows, and everyone will be better off if we keep increasing the size of the pie at a faster rate than that of the population growth. She truly is an ignoramus and a useful idiot of the left.

    1. Brendon: EXACTLY!! Thanks for saying it. How many times have we heard the words mass extinction. All that ever happens is some people get very rich while the working class people find their lives more expensive…follow the money!! Greta Thunberg and family is one example!!

    2. And who actually BELIEVES a 16yo girl thinks and writes such things about our capitalist economy? That one line from her poorly rehearsed, fake outrage speech validated the suspicion that she is just a puppet. A useful teen idiot who is paraded in public as some sort of “voice” of “the young” who will be “inheriting a flaming planet of death!!!!!” A complete JOKE … unless you are “all in” on the Co2 LIE. A complete JOKE … unless you yearn for the false nirvana of a worldwide socialist government, where “everyone is equal”, and “everyone gets everything they want”. Forget the “useful” … they’re simply IDIOTS.

  11. When the Energy Wars come she may reGreta having positioned herself as a high-value target of her freedom-loving enemies.

  12. Oh, come on, people. This is the Great, the Mighty Greta we’re talking about! She is powerful!

    After all, she came to Alberta before the election, snorted mightily, and now Encana is leaving Canada. (“Hello, Gweta? Thith ith Juthtin Twudeau. You made a lot of Albertanth unempwoyed. Thankth.”)

    1. And she replies, “Justin WHO? You have a wrong number, whoever you are; don’t call this number again!”

      1. – Or more likely she replies, “Justin? Justin Trudeau? Now listen to me good. I haven’t told anybody what you did – yet. But my dad has pictures. You can have them for $2 million, and I’ll throw-in the negatives for $5 million. Better act quick, Justin – because after your minority government collapses and next election date is set, the price triples!”

    2. Hopefully she has the magic power to actually be able to quit Facadebook.

      I’ve been trying for years now and some relative keeps tagging me in photos (and I get 1/1zillionth the pictures taken that she does).

  13. just a throw out, article on CTV about an RCMP pistol, radio, bag of kit being stolen from a mall in Western Toronto.
    Not a peep on CBC of course.

  14. Greta,like The Mann, would have been impossible to create as a fiction, a character made up to mock Gang Green in their fabulous new clothes.
    As parody either would have been implausible..but both are real and promoted as hero’s of the Cult of Calamitous Climate.
    You truly cannot make this shit up,Can Ah Duh just voted to “Fight Climate Change”revealing a level of stupid unchallenged across this vast empty land.
    We need a new country.
    These magic retards need to be allowed to progress to the logical conclusion of their theology.
    But I do not wish to finance their madness , nor suffer with them.
    By all means let them have a “carbon free” lifestyle.
    As long as I can watch them “succeed” in heated comfort.

  15. The size of the pie grows … and grows
    Case in point. The lot of the common man has improved by leaps and bounds since about the beginning of the 20th century. The primary contributors are two things we take for granted, but weren’t even developed until then. Oil and electricity. Crude oil had been known even in antiquity, but no one thought of using it as energy source by refining it until then. The phenomena of electricity and magnetism were also known even in antiquity, but it wasn’t until Maxwell discovered the relationship between them, and American engineers invented alternating current generators to make cheap electrical power available to everyone.
    London, arguably the heart of western civilization in the eighteenth century, was filthy with soot, dirty with horse droppings piled several yards high on the sidewalk, and ordinary people who could “go in service” to rich people’s mansions considered themselves lucky because they were guaranteed three square meals daily and a nice warm bed. Most people lived in drudgery, with little prospect of escape, or even diversion.
    Part of American technical ingenuity was to invent machinery that changed those lives … washers and dryers, refrigerator, radio and then television, air conditioning, stoves and ovens you can turn on with the flick of a switch, clean water from the tap. In the 18th century and before, even a hot bath was the luxury of the rich.
    And the improvements keep coming, mostly with electronic devices. Mobile phones, computers, internet, and all the technological advances they provide. Oil should cost only a fraction of what they cost now. When they do, the cost of transportation, say, will only be a fraction of what it costs now. We cannot foresee what scientific advances may bring us. Maybe we will discover the true cause of cancer and hence its cure, and centenarians will be the norm. Maybe we can truly provide energy in a bottle, making use of the tritium in sea water. Maybe we can develop hydroponic agriculture in tall buildings, so that we don’t have to worry about running out of arable land. Most likely there will be inventions not even imagined today. No one in 1950 could have imagined the internet of today.
    Since birthrates have declined in the first world, if we make the whole globe first world we really won’t have to worry about over population. And yes Greta, “eternal economic growth” can be reality, not a fable.

    1. Back in 1952, I was a rough and ready farm boy with a great interest in electronics. I was intrigued by a concept illustrated in the comic strip ‘Dick Tracy’ of a big city detective walking around and using a wrist radio. Of course there was no such real thing then, but there was the possibility. I remember walking around and talking on my imaginary wrist radio one time.

      Later in life, I got lucky and got hired as a mainframe computer field engineer – a fancy name for a guy that went around and installed and maintained the big iron that computer were back around 1965. Then too, there was talk about someday when a computer would shrink to the size of a breadbox. I did not think I would see that day for a long time. But that day did come, and the world changed rapidly.
      The Little Computer That Changed The World – January 1975
      Starting with that little computer. Twenty five years into my mainframe computer career, it came to a grinding halt because of the revolution started by that little box. I built two personal computer similar to that before they became commercially available from a local store.

      In the meantime, still no wrist radios, or flying cars either, but the latest cellphones come close. Never thought I

      1. Well said OB.
        Never has it been so wonderful for humanity. Yet you wouldn’t know it with the ‘wet blankets’ trying to make everyone feel guilty. No one celebrates how far humanity has come. It’s a shame.

        If one comes from poverty like many of us have and has earned a good life, one tends to appreciate the good things in life more than one who was handed everything on a silver platter.

  16. The sweet little munchkin is owned by Schwartz György, and Zuckerberg is tribe, so expect something predictable to happen…

  17. hey there little miss grimace lightning rod, your HANDLERS need to ummm, ‘step back and reevaluate’. m’kay ??

    OldBruin wins the contest ‘most accurate post of the month’ and lookie, it’s only the 1st !!!

    1. .Thank you, but most likely your post is not. Who knows what more accurate posts may be written in the month.

      However, all the younger people (say coming of age in the Reagan years or later) who have never known anything else do take all the results of past economic growth for granted, and think we have always had this pie to share, and more people only means less pie for each.

      I have had the good fortune, if you will, of growing up differently, and can still appreciate the luxury of a hot bath, and be amazed by all the electric appliances that make life so much easier. And we have had the advantage in North America to not having the country ravaged by war since the American Civil War. And just as important, we had those things not in spite of political oppression, but because of the foundations of freedom laid by the American founders.

      Yes, if we appreciate what we have, and work to keep it, we can have “eternal economic growth”. But we cannot take it for granted. If we are not careful, not only will we not grow, but easily kill the golden goose, as the mindless Democrats are trying to do right now. But some people will never learn. Just as Argentina is recovering from all the socialist experiments, there they go to repeat the whole thing again.

      1. Old Bruin, what the democraps fail to relize is that people like hitler did not start killing ouside the tent, but within the tent. Those ouside are known enemies, those inside the tent, may turn traitor and there fore are far more dangerous. Jews would vote leftist, and Hitler was socialist, gays are also mostly lefties, but us Gypsys vote for free stuff, and are mostly apolitical.

        1. precisely.
          adolph’s FIRST large scale targets were the NAZI brownshirts.
          ask herr ernst rohm about that.
          it’s ALL about power.

  18. Dows anyone doubt that if these “peaceful” folks had the power, that all dissenters to their views would be incarcerated or shot? I don’t.

  19. I have yet to meet a true socialist or eco-nut that has any questions about the future. They all know that they will be among the elite leading a new, truer form of social government with a lavish lifestyle and all the physical and financial rewards possible. I take glee in pointing out the jobs that useful idiots are training for now. Some actually gasp when I tell of their new job riding a slow freight train through a snowy forest headed for a recycling facility.
    Personally, I think they should remove their rose colored glasses and choose a better plan for their life.

    1. – or read some history. Particularly what the Bolsheviks and the Nazis did to their intellectuals and useful idiots, once they weren’t useful or needed anymore.

      As you’ve pointed-out to them, there’s a cattle car somewhere with their name on it.

  20. “Greta Thunberg has threatened to quit Facebook”

    And there was much rejoicing! …………as the Pythons would say.

    Facebook is just a huge data-mining operation, anyway.

    Saint Greta?
    Joan of Dark?
    Pol Tot?
    Persona Non Greta?

  21. So is fascism a learned or inherited behavior? I’m starting to think it’s at least 50% genetic.

    There’s greta of course, and clearly trudeau gets it from his father Castro.

  22. This is the face of mass delusion, that millions would take seriously the coached ravings of a teenager who knows nothing except what ideologues have crammed into her mind. And she is far from the only one like that. The hallmark of the left is that they demand slavish obedience to dogma, once formulated, nobody may deviate. And they loathe the original source of that way of thinking, the medieval church. It could actually be a source of amusement, were it not so dangerous.

    Free up your minds and escape the matrix !!

  23. Heard Hanoi Jane on PBS today following every word of the Greta Retard….Communism has no disqualifying metric…..Why the 1960’s Communists were never dealt with was a crime! Stupid flakes don’t understand that treason begets treason….

  24. It’s not going to end well fot polyester Pollyanna, when the music’s over, she will take another stab at herself,

  25. One of the best things about SDA is your witty headlines Kate.

    “Greta The Magical Retard” is not one of them.

    Insulting a 16 year old girl who is being manipulated by the adults in her life for their own gain make you look bad Kate, not Greta. Greta is no more a “retard” for her beliefs then you are for yours. Difference is you are a adult women with life experience to make your own opinions while Greta has no such luxury and is victim of child abuse to make her conform to leftist globalist propaganda. Make no mistake what is happening to Greta is a form of child abuse. Calling her a retard just plays in the hands of the adults that are manipulating her. They want climate sceptics to do this so they can attack them has being child attackers. This is why they put her as the face of “Climate Change” in the first place. Your headline plays right into their hands.

    1. “Insulting a 16 year old girl who is being manipulated by the adults in her life for their own gain make you look bad Kate”

      Shut up, Pepsi. She is THEIR weapon against US. Anything that happens to the Retard is on them, not us. They revere Greta.
      The converse is that we put Greta down, wipe our feet on her. Greta and the LIE she represents has been killing real people for a generation. THEY are the Ayatollahs giving Greta the Plastic Keys to Heaven and telling her to cross the minefield. It’s not about looks.
      Get some perspective or better yet, get the hell out.

      “They want climate sceptics to do this so they can attack them has being child attackers. Your headline plays right into their hands.”

      THEY put the child on the battlefield. YOU are playing THEIR hand right now. You, Pepsi, are one of them.

      Many decades ago, better men than you, wrote the Geneva Conventions on War and determined that if a party to the war puts something military, a munitions dump and/or Control/Command center, in a place like a children’s hospital, that hospital becomes a legitimate target and that the innocent child casualties are the responsibility of the people who made the place into a target.

      THEY are the ones who are using child soldiers. This is WAR. If bad things happen to their child soldiers, it’s on THEM.

  26. Good picture of her holding her breath, maybe she should threaten to do that till facebook changes their ways. Her spokesperson could then claim that Greta is doing her part, she’s no longer exhaling C02.

  27. Good picture of her holding her breath, maybe she should threaten to do that till facebook changes their ways. Her spokesperson could then claim that Greta is doing her part, whe’s no longer exhaling C02
