79 Replies to “November 1, 2019: Reader Tips”

    1. Like the communists used to say – “one man, one vote, one time”. You can vote your way into it, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

    1. Global warming.

      Imagine this with solar panels (covered with snow) and no wind so the windmills are off.

    2. Hey! WTF Canada! My overnight LOW … approached … 32deg. F. What’s the deal with your polar vortex extending this LOW! WTH? It’s not even Jan. or Feb.

      1. Just trying to help out with your forest fire problem, heh, heh. We can make it colder if you want.

    1. A very good video I saw earlier. I recommend sticking around for the end to see the really interesting and true coincidence about the car.

    2. halloween.
      COMPLETE washout in my town. literally and figuratively. GOOD.
      godd^&&#ed satanism.
      like xmas, eathter bunny for the sake of commerce. nice to see them stuck with gobs of inventory for next year.
      and the nonsense about ‘diamond engagement ring’ started by . . . . by . . . . . . . . . . . . deboers in s ahfricah.

      1. Yes by all means – this needs to be explained to anybody? Philistines!

        Also, Antarctica and Greenland are going to melt and raise the ocean levels several thousand feet, turning Earth into a water planet and killing us all. Nevermind that almost all of Antarctica and Greenland have never been above freezing temp in recorded history – it just IS, so give us your money and shut up!

        Canada’s north might actually melt though – despite none of it having done so – because Climate Barbie assures us that global warming is happening three-times faster in Canada than in the rest of the world. Should we rename it “Canada Warming” then? – I’ll drink to that!

        1. If you want get blank stares as a response, as an Extinction Rebellion person about how much sea level change will cause the massive extinctions. Then ask them why the recovery from the Younger Dryas event (17,000 years ago) with 130m (400ft) sea level change didn’t wipe all of those species (including humans) out.

          For bonus marks, get them to correctly identify the CO2 level that will cause the extinction of all land based life.

      2. feel free all to do a search on this string: ‘everywhere warming faster than everywhere’
        I got the jpg.

  1. Pretty sure they call this “whistling past the graveyard”. Because they aren’t scared. No… not at all…


    To recap…

    Texas-bred executive Doug Suttles takes control of Encana in 2013. Promises a “headquarter-less model” with offices in Calgary, Denver and Houston.

    Nenshi (mayor of Calgary) Tweets out “this isn’t a loss of jobs for our city, and that’s my biggest focus.”

    Encana, changes its name, registers as a US company and moves its headquarters to the US as it sheds Canadian assets in favor of US acquisitions.

    I’m going to play Nenshi’s comments just one more time … “this isn’t a loss of jobs for our city, and that’s my biggest focus.”

    Keep whistling boys …

    1. Reading thru some of comments on the cbc thread, I am struck by how many are blaming Harper. “It’s ALL Harper’s fault” must be printed on the bottom of every soy-latte-almond-mild cup
      and Timmy’s served east of the Manitoba border so that when they finish they are staring at their talking point for the day/year/lifetime.

      Another theme on the thread was that Albertans are bigger whiners than the Quebecois!

      Time for the citizens of “Buffalo” to build our own pipelines, take control of our own economy and sell our resources at fair market value, not grovel for the crumbs thrown on the floor for us to eat by the laurentian elite.

      1. My suggestion to Alberta is to convince a west-coast state to accept Alberta oil for international shipment. Tough, yes. But easier than getting B.C. to accept such an amazing opportunity.

    2. A typical cbc smear.

      Only Calgary and Alberta lose? The entire country looses when a major corporation bails.

      Nice support piece in the middle of the article…. They have a quote from Nenshi followed by a piece of Kenney at the opening of a new McDonalds. 60 new jobs – all the while celebrating the loss to Alberta of a major corporation. That folks is the cbc. Bastards.


      1. The Globe and Mail is running a column today, by their anti-Western bureau chief, attacking Jason Kenney’s comments, and defending Justin Trudeau. Taking about kicking a province when it is down.

  2. And remember that tRUDEau and the LIEberals think that Nenshi and mayor of Edmonton speaks for Alberta and Saskatchewan. I’m surprised that tRUDEau didn’t as Goodale to represent the West in Cabinet. I’m surprised that he didn’t ask Notley to represent Alberta values. (Anything is possible with the LIEberals.)

    Oil Sands are loosing huge investors … what could go wrong with keeping Oil Sands producing. Investment is fading out faster than expected … I bet tRUDEau and Climate Barbe are celebrating quietly.

    1. Goodale is not available to represent the West. His mom says he went to his room on election night and hasn’t come out since. She says she’s not worried though; they hear him through the door, moaning “gun ban, gun ban…” so they know he’s alright.

  3. There is only one reason Encana left Alberta. LACK OF GROWTH PROSPECTS. With the current attitude shown by the Federal Government wrt Climate Change and pipelines, there are no growth prospects for Alberta companies. Only business as usual. There is little to nothing that Kenny can do. Lowering corporate tax rates (while a noble gesture) is just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. The Federal Government needs a major course change on the oil & gas industry in Canada. Even Newfoundland (which voted Liberal en masse) is waking up to the realization that limiting its oil & gas industry would crush its economy. Of course Newfoundlanders are the world’s greatest virtue signalers so they are toast anyway. But for Alberta the only hope is a pipeline to the west coast.

  4. Back-room honcho Peter McKay called Scheer’s social conservatism a “stinking albatross hanging around his neck”. Can’t predict what will happen in next year’s Conservative convention, but if Mr. McKay ends up as leader, he would destroy the party. Outside of a false scowl onn his face, and passable bilingualism, he is known for doing absolutely nothing in his political life worth remembering. Outside of being Belinda Stronach’s boyfriend when she jumped ship and joined the Liberals.

    1. My impression of Peter McKay comes by way of my brother-in-law, a military veteran (air force). McKay made the boys (who had just finished a 6 month tour in Afghanistan) wait a few hours at the Afghan airport so he could catch a flight home “with the boys”. McKay ignored the troops in the plane for the entire flight (except for the big brass) until the landing in Halifax. Once the troops were outside (with the reporters) McKay shook everybody’s hand and slapped a few backs – “good job boys”.

      Needless to say our boys were not impressed by McKay using them as props. As my right-wing, red-neck, brother-in-law said “makes you want to vote Liberal”. I’m not looking at McKay to save the Conservatives.

      1. basically lOOks like mckay has joined that huge group of ‘con’servatist icons (I con?) who are later found out to be ASSHOLES.
        the group includes the likes of joke lark, b mulruin, dubya, p manning.
        all explained by that curious humahn practice of hero worship.

    2. McKay is a nancyboy.

      Stronach tossed him under the bus (and then took up with some hockey puck from T zero). McKay looked like the wimp he is. Could never measure up to the old man….who had his faults.

    3. I thought McKay was a useless buffoon. If the Conservatives make him their leader, they’ll ensure that Prinz Dummkopf will be PM for longer than PET was.

    1. I’m actually surprised; it’s 86% ‘no’, which suggests only the public sector workers are free to browse the internet while at work. But I agree – most Canadians living paycheque-to-paycheque, it’s onerous to have your wages cut. Kenney should focus on getting rid of a bunch of them instead – you know, “diversity coordinators” and the like.

    2. I voted yes.

      Didn’t hear any government workers complaining when I and others in my company lost our jobs. And now they want my property taxes to go up.

      1. I voted yes, but realisticly no government should expect their minions to accept a pay cut.
        That is counter to human nature and besides which will never solve the problem.
        Firing 50% each month progressively would do wonders.
        Disbanding entire departments, is more practical.
        If any fiscally sane government thinks the professional parasites are going to help rather than hinder the shrinking of the parasite population.
        They are by definition NUTS.

        The ratio of producer versus professional consumer of tax wealth is way past the “sustainable” level.

  5. Will the NDP force an election anytime soon? Nope, they are going to support Trudeau or abstain on every confidence vote.

    The NDP are broke.

    The federal party won’t reimburse over 100 candidates for election expenses.

    Poor Jagmeet Singh had to mortgage the party headquarters building to fund this election campaign.

    IN 2015 the NDP raised $9.1 million in the three months before the election. This time, only $2.65 million.

    To bad so sad. 🙂


    1. joe

      Standard ndp practice. It was reported angry tom mulcaire remortgaged his home 8 or 10 times to pay off his debts. It’s probably strill not paid for. The ndp knobs can’t manage their personal finances.

    2. I think it’s time for the left to face facts that they have too many parties on the left.
      The NDP and Greens should cash their chips and merge with the liberals.
      Stop being the kept mistress and make it legit.

  6. Oh Noooo! The poor Canadian media was ranting this morning that the economic stats for Oct. in the States would be horrible. And then reality kicked in and the number of jobs created beat expectations and the unemployment rate is now only 3.6 per cent. Meanwhile Blackie is still in hiding with Gerald Butts.

  7. There is the difference between companies like Encana and the west who can see Turdo wants to break our backs,Encana sees the writing on the wall and they and many more companies WILL leave or close their doors while westerners have to plod along under our current dictatorship.There will not be any pipelines built period.What ever the Sask and Alberta premiers have planned (if anything) they should start now because we are finished otherwise

  8. Bill de Blasio: FREE OF CHARGE
    Seth Barron

    As cons/libertarians we aren’t surprised to learn that commie de Blasio is for the full range of benefits for immigrants.

    Most of us will be surprised that he ACTUALLY refunded $250 million already collected from sponsors to recover social benefits collected by their sponsees.


  9. B’bye Encana. Are they going to pay a big exit tax when they leave like the East Coast Billionaires, who shall remain nameless, did? After all they became what they are because of Rupert’s Land.

    What about that new niminy piminy prissy new name? Did they pay some elite firm millions for that?

    Next thing you know PetroCanada will no longer exist. I no longer care.

    O! America, come to Me!

    1. Did they pay some elite firm millions for that?

      Corporate names are supposed to be catchy and exciting. I mean, look at so-called “high tech” in which every other moniker ends with “-tronics”.

      But company names often leave me bewildered. For example, the insurance company Mutual Life became Clarica after it became a public firm about 20 years ago. But what the dickens does “Clarica” mean?

      So now Encana calls itself Ovintiv, or is it O’Vintiv. Ov Intiv, maybe? How much did the board of directors pay for that doozie?

      1. When a rich company wants to change their name, if their management is intelligent enough, they ought to come up with their own new name, imo. However, should they put feelers out for ideas they might get a name suggestion that might be insulting unbeknownst to them. For example:

        Ovintiv or O-vin-tiv must mean “oh (the) wine (vin, being French)
        must be in our total intracranial volume with “TIV” being the medical abbreviation. Or, in other words, Encana’s new name is:

        Clarica is easy, means shiny, clear, brillant in Latin, so id est:
        Ha, Ha!

        Yes, I took Latin!

        Have a nice W/E!!!

        1. I remember when Northern Electric changed its name to Northern Telecom. At least that reflected the company’s business. Nortel was simply a variation on that.

          But what does Ovintiv actually mean? Is it something one produces? (“Fill it up with Number One Ovintiv.”) Is it an activity like bassooning? (“Bassooning,” you ask? Listen to Garrison Keillor’s The Young Lutheran’s Guide To The Orchestra for more details.) Is it an occupation? (“What does your father do for a living?” “Oh, he’s a professional ovintiver.”)

          Does one talk about it in polite company? Maybe it’s an ancient Coleslawvanian term which means “Greta chased us out of Canada.”

          Since you took Latin, does it mean you’re now qualified to be a judge:


          1. What a straight face on that funny guy in your link! Good stuff.
            Moi, a judge?
            Why, why, yes, judging you as the comedian!! I was really laughing more at “filling up with Number One Ovintiv!” And what the professional “ovintiver”…might do?

            Why why…ta-dum, drum roll,,,,ovintiv is…
            Tah – rah ….
            ‘Tis the rebirth of inventiveness!!


            I see abtrapper isn’t too far off below @ 500pm about something medical! He’s thinking about Easter eggs already! Or is it women? Ha!

    2. When I heard the new name I immediately thought of some gynecology drug or instrument……

      Okay, I got it wrong.

      1. To Life and the viaduct of the ovum !
        …and of course about fallopian tubes…

        Then reconsidered and wrote what I did at 3:31 …

  10. National Post website reports that the Godfather of the Libranos, Jean Chretien was in Alberta praising Blackie and trashing the “Tar Sands”. And Conrad Black has a new story at the Post.

  11. And now in today’s episode that Canadians are racist bastards, the main story at the Toronto Star website is the heart breaking saga of a muslim woman in Toronto who claims she was assaulted and arrested by police for nothing. No word on whether Blackie is rushing to the scene.

    1. Not clear who called the cops. Her kids should not have answered the door nor left the apartment. This whole incident should not have happened. It could have been avoided. These people showed poor judgement, one should never answer the door to a stranger in the big city. I don’t. Its not safe anymore. It’s usually someone canvassing for charity, selling something, or enumerators. I give to charity, I arrange for purchases my way and I call back enumerators.

      Now I suppose Canadian Taxpayers will have to pay her lawsuit?
      Was this a complete planned hoax for extortion? Gotta wonder.

      Here’s your link, what a story:


  12. Oh, to be a celebrity Canadian chef:


    Did those who voted for Prinz Dummkopf last week know they’re paying for this? If so, do they even care? Then again, I’m sure that HRH bought carbon offsets for those chefs, which, of course, we paid for.

      1. I took leave from the institution I taught at in order to fulfill the residency requirement for my doctorate.

        When I left, the institution’s library was generally quiet, presumably so that people could work or study. After I returned, I stopped by there and noticed nothing but noise and commotion. I wondered what was going on, so I asked some of the librarians about it.

        I was told that if one wanted a quiet area, one could always go to one of the far corners of the facility. I quit my job about two years later. The place had become an insane asylum.

        1. When I went to the very large City Of Mtl Library, it was so quiet there one could’ve heard a pin drop. The same in small town N.B. Ditto in Calgary when there was a $12 per year Library fee. The City then removed the fee a couple of years ago. Well, it’s not really free, homeowners pay through property taxes.

          Now they host story time with guests reading to the kids. I looked at the group one day, and there was some guy doing a mini staged show. After that I decided to buy some books at the second hand store. Getting set to do ebooks from the Library soon, for this winter, but haven’t seen any new books that I want to read, nor have had the time to look.

          There’s too much going on politically to distract one now. So much on the web to get lost in.

          The two sitting on the nightstand will have to do, one about the Holocaust, the other about the Underground Railroad in the 1800s.

          1. Andrew Carnegie is a hero of mine. His idea of libraries was the equivalent of the invention of the internet.

            I have a love of books and to this day have a library card in a tiny country library. I keep it active just because.

            I also have a modest library of about a thousand books (they’re everywhere). Many years ago a pathologist buddy of mine gave me some sage advice on the subject of acquiring a library. He said,”Find a subject that interests you and then learn everything you can about it.”

            Alas my ‘interests’ proved to be more shotgun in approach and my library is more Carnegie than pathologist.

            I was travelling last winter and went to a local library to kill a few hours. It was day careish (probably not a word). Little kids running about doing what they do…screaming. Guess I picked a bad day.

            A man who loves whisky and hates children can’t be all bad…….

          2. abtrapper reply @ 12:55 pm

            ABOUT LIBRARIES and today’s kids: These little brats today are getting bad parenting. The past 2 generations, at least, have all ruined the last quiet space on Earth. But, I digress, another topic for another day.

            That said, I recall your posts about books. Personally, I too, prefer real stuff, be it biographies or real history. I wish I had kept a running list of the titles of books about the Holocaust that I’ve read. I became interested in this topic in pre-web days.

            You recommended one here at SDA on May 3rd, entitled “Erased By The Holocaust” by Omer Bartov. When I found it at Chapters, I realized I had already read it. So thanks for suggesting it, just the same.

            If I remember it correctly, this man and his son went to every small town, village and hamlet in Ukraine and sniffed around for tales from the war. It was a great read as so little has come out from those that lived in Communist countries post WW II. People were/are afraid to talk. Most stories about the topic are told by those people who’ve moved to North America, the UK or Australia. Man, do they have stories!

            These people came back from the dead. In many cases our generation has paid the price of their suffering because as parents they became overprotective of the Boomers. As a result many have written about their, with all due respect, crazy parents. Today, their disease is aka PTSD. Sadly, the ones that came out of the ashes had no family from previous generations. Consequently, their kids had no aunts, uncles or cousins. I knew those kids, growing up. They told me I was lucky that I had cousins. Montreal was a mini Europe post WW II.

            A little side story. I once went to the downtown branch of the Library here in search of more books on the topic. When I got to the section that housed the books on this, there were 2 old European men having a conversation nearby. They were spying on anyone going to that section of books on Holocaust stories! They looked at me and kept talking. Wish I knew more languages to have overheard what they would’ve said.

            Lastly, the book that is fascinating me at this time is by Heather Morris who writes for her elderly neighbour, Lale Sokolov. The title is “The Tattooist Of Auschwitz.” Sokolov survived the war because he spoke many of the European languages. He was able to save himself, and others this way.

            The other is by William Still:
            “The Underground Railroad – A Selection of Authentic Narratives” (Abridged)

            Have a good one abt dude. I missed you all summer! Wanted to thank you, as above, about your book recommendation.
            With all due respect, NR.

          3. NR Thanks.

            I took a little break from SDA during the summer.

            I too know several children raised in Montreal following the war. Two are friends – Lithuanians (both Ph.D’s) who’s parents suffered at the hands of the communists. Their father was a university prof who worked at a foundry in Montreal. They haven’t forgotten where they came from. Among other things we are bound by our dislike (hatred?) of communism. They relate grim stories told by their parents.

            Having said that I love Russian literature and during reading season (winter) will usually read a book or two (unless I tackle one of the biggies ha). I’ll give you a couple I particularly enjoyed. ‘A Country Doctor’s Notebook’ : Mikhail Bulgakov and Solzhenitsun’s ‘One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich’.

            I have read extensively of the reds prison camps and tried to read Anne Applebaum’s ‘Gulag’. I finally had to cease and desist. I couldn’t keep up with the untold suffering. My senses couldn’t stand the assault.

            For years I denied myself the pleasure of fiction, preferring the ‘real stuff’. By doing so I missed out on the delights of good writing and stories well told.

  13. a final comment/Q re mr blown to bits ISIS boss.
    wtf did the helicopter fellas use to turn that building into gravel?
    must have been from another source.
    can I get one of those MOABs?
    unrecognizable pile of not just rubble as in ‘dat usedabe a building’ but friggin GRAVEL.

    on rare occasions as need arises I will turn concrete into homemade gravel.
    fcuk of a workout but keeps this 68 yr old bod in shape.

    I like the boom sound of ordnance. same as the tinkle of breaking glass.
    I had lots of fun doing reno work, the ‘tear this out’ part involving sledge hammers and the cracking of wood and plaster.

    I would have had, well, *too much* fun in one of these sorts of missions.
    Im still a peace loving hippie however, the philosophy manifesting itself in my contempt and disgust at aggression.
    *it aint the attack that pisses me off, it’s the FACT the attack necessitates my engaging in retaliatory violence*.
    gawd I hate violence, and MOST especially when pointed in the direction of my loved ones.
    it is at THAT point I allow myself full freedom to take any measure necessary and a measure of insurance, to render the attacker incapable of carrying out any sort of threat, present or future.

    have a good weekend y’all !!!
    esp you Kate you wonderful, generous, and famous lady with the prize winning schnouzers !!!

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  15. A citizenry that does not think for themselves, obeys without question, is submissive, does not challenge authority, does not think outside the box, and is content to sit back and be entertained is a citizenry that can be easily controlled.

    They Live, We Sleep: Beware the Growing Evil in Our Midst
    By John W. Whitehead

