22 Replies to “Thirty Two Month Recession Watch Remains On High Alert”

  1. ONLY IN AMERICA!!!!! Canadians needs a Trump like person not PM Sock Puppet turning Canada into Communist country gov’t taking our rights away from Canadians.

  2. Trump’s policies creating jobs in America? It must be a tactic to get himself re-elected and to divert attention away from impeachment-worthy offences. A real president, like O’Bummer, would ship jobs overseas and make sure they won’t be coming back.

    After all, didn’t Fancy Nancy claim that his tax cuts were “crumbs”?

    1. My President’s “crumbs” took my tax return from OWING a small tax due +interest and penalties … to a tax REFUND!! Thank you, President Trump!! Bless you, President Trump!!

      MAGA … is more than just a slogan. It’s actually happening !!

  3. The number I read was over 300 thousand. Socialism would have had that 300 k in the negative. But everyone would have had free something.

    1. He advised to SELL all your stocks when Trump was elected POTUS.

      The Dow average was about 17,600 when My President was elected. I did the exact opposite, and dumped EVERY DIME I owned into the stock market. The day Trump gave his victory speech, the Dow jumped UP 265 points. The Dow closed UP 301 points today … and is at 27,347. That is a near 10,000 point INCREASE in the Stock market since MY President was elected. Krugman is 10,000 points STUPID. Yet he is a Nobel Prize winning economist!! WTH … do we need any more evidence that the Nobel Prize is one big leftist Participation Trophy?

      Since the Trump runup stock market … Krugman has said “oh, I was just joking”. Yeah, right. Hey Paul ! The only JOKE … is YOU.

      Lots of RECORD HIGHS today!!

    2. The RECORD HIGHS in the stock market today ? Must be the result of Adam Schiff’s “impeachment” charade …

  4. The only reason the Canadian economy continues to give the appearance of doing fairly, is riding off the back of the American economy. Our higher interest rates will be a problem as time goes on. So will the lack of private sector job creation, and, the huge deficit spending incurred by national and provincial governments.
    Contrary to pronouncements by Moroneau and Trudope, there are limits to this ridiculous level of ongoing massive deficits, particularly as they continue to decimate resource sector businesses.
    Personal indebtedness is also a big problem in both countries. In the US, this is also giving the appearances that personal debt levels may be cresting, as car loan defaults have risen significantly.
    Our economies are based on massive debt across the board. Earnings season in the US is underway, results are expected to be tempered and disappointing. QE4 (dont call it QE4!) has been initiated, with cautionary tales abounding about that, apparently the credit markets were getting very tight again, hence, QE4, just to keep the wheels moving.
    I’m all for the Trump economy, but these methods are leftover strategies from the 2008-2009 financial crisis, where the root problems, and debts, were never resolved, and history is repeating itself, doubling down on the original problem.
    When the SHTF on this house of cards, it will get ugly fast.

    Is Trump delaying the inevitable, or, is he righting the ship? I want to think he’s righting the ship, but the seeds of financial collapse were planted long before he became POTUS

  5. I saw an interview with gwynn Morgan last week and he attributed canadian economic success/keeping head above water to massive government spending. Having statscan and the media on board helps with this messaging as well.

    USA will likely continue to do well although their rapid growth may moderate. Canada will sink soon as capital flight accelerates and trudeau starts running out of Albertan cash. All likely due to increasing CO2 levels…ha.

  6. The crest of US baby boomers is now something like 10,000 people per day reaching 65 years of age and despite many working longer, that means that that approximate number is leaving the workforce. Good news for employment stats. Not so good for Social Security, Medicare, and the national debt.

  7. Friday nite. Got Sinatra on the box. Mixed an Old Fashioned (bourbon) in an HBC (here before Christ) ‘Nonsuch’ glass. LG.

    Back to the topic at hand. Canada has a fragile economy. If we were to go it alone without the USA to trade freely with Canada would be hewing wood drawing water and driving on gravel roads.

    The markets know the economy is going south. The fools that run this country have picked fights with almost every country that matters.
    This is very shortly going to bite us in the ass. The table has already been set. Not only is our federal debt a problem most provinces are past the point of no return.

    Back when Bob and Ray ran the province of Ontario one of his advisers was Bob White the prez of the UAW. When confronted face to face with Ontario’s debt Bob White’s advice was to default. After all it’s just ‘money that’s owed to ourselves’ right? Remember when the ndp types used to spew that nonsense?

    Word reached the money boys and Bob and Ray was summonsed to a meeting in NY. The boys spoke slowly and clearly so that even he could understand. They told him they expect to be paid.

    He returned to T zero a shaken changed man. He dismissed his UAW advisor and started down the road to getting Ontario’s fiscal house in order. Remember Rae Days? He didn’t do that because he wanted to.

    He lost the subsequent election and was then bounced out of the ndp for his heresy. He resurfaced as a librano. Part of the criminal Laurentiens.

    1. ab … you’re livin the good life out there on the Prairie. I should like to sip an adult beverage with you one day …

        1. Thanks for the succinct description of how the real world operates. If only the self-anointed elite faced a similar wake up call.! But that wouldn’t make very good cocktail conversation, there, and it would put a damper on some of the fantasies and self-regard entertained by the self-anointed upper crust of Canada – all the denizens of of the ruling class across all provinces, Liberal and conservative who pretend they are elites, because they are driven by high minded motives. ( And the stagnation and destruction of the Canadian culture and economy be damned!)

  8. This is actually pretty mediocre, which you’d know if you had any learning in you. With business investment declining it’s pretty likely recession is coming. Even if it isn’t, the US is stuck in mediocre growth which might be a worse fate.

    1. Yes, because everyone with an education knows that theory is much more important than data.

      Inequality of outcome is the cause of all of our problems. We’ll be much happier, like the Venezuelans are now, once people have become more equal. That’ what the poor in Chile are striving for. Why aren’t we? Ask Californians how great it feels to be equalizing access to electricity with the third world.
