61 Replies to “Y2KYoto: The Planet Has A Fever”

  1. GRETA !!!!!
    Apparently, the gods are displeased.
    Climate change theory is a THEOLOGY, not a science, unless you call political science actually SCIENTIFIC !!!!!
    Actual science is repeatable, and predictable.
    Climate science is NEITHER !!!!

    1. Somewhere, Dr Tim Ball said that GIGO does not mean Garbage In Garbage Out; it means Gospel In, Gospel Out.

    1. That was my exact thought. If confronted with the colder temperatures, the global warming alarmists will make some excuse like this preposterous claim I heard last year during the polar vortex. “Well global warming is raising the temperature in the arctic twice as fast as everywhere else so the cold air has to go somewhere so it moved south.”

    2. Dogs urinating on trees is absolute, irrefutable, evidence of climate change. (Since all naturally occurring phenomena is deemed evidence, so is that.)

      1. Earlier this week, I was at my house in B. C. The last dog in the family stayed with me during that time and he often took care of “business” in the back yard. I guess that’s why it didn’t snow when I left.

  2. The howling winds in the Ottawa Valley kept the Hallowe’en revellers off my street. So it wasn’t all bad.

  3. There’s no getting around Progressive taxes for whatever they want to call it.

    Social/ Cultural Marxisms “Wealth redistribution”, and lining the pockets of elite grifters taking advantage of the mentally ill Liberal will continue to continue.

  4. Major trees down in my old hood of Leaside in Toronto, power out, glad I sold up and moved out as shootings are just a few streets away now as Justin Competent’s migrants settle in.

  5. By the end of the year and next year prepare for FOOD INFLATION and shortages. This is a global thing. A lot of US cropland is still not harvested and laying under snow now, after spring planting losses due to late spring and flooding. Many grain exporting countries are not allowing grain exports this year. Swine Fever has spread to over 50 countries now. And food experts are sounding alarm bells. Predicting a global protein shortage next year. Over 300M breeding sows have been killed in China to slow the disease. China depends on pork as a staple. Gee no problem 1.4 Billion Chinese hungry. China in small print, increasing the size of their military. They are not planning anything tho. Calm down Charlie. 1.4B mouths to feed, only 7% of the planets arable land, and 6% of its potable water. Calm down Charlie.

    1. Heh quite a Juxtaposition,

      China bans Canadian meat June 2019 …….. African Swine Fever sweeping through China’s pork Aug 2019

      Not a word from the Little Potato.

      1. ya.
        and wait til all there is to eat is potatoes and another spud virus makes its appearance at the worst possible time.
        biblical as I like to say.

      1. BUT…BUT…but!! Climate Barbie keeps telling us it is warming, so the government has to TAX all people kind until you bend your knee to them!!

  6. 43 below in Utah! Poor Pierre Delecto wouldn’t even be able to tweet in that temperature. Never fear the black/brown clown of Canaduh will find another Swedish moron, something around it’s same intellectual level, scold everyone, like Scoldilocks does, and add another tax to turn this around. Food isth grown from the heart out, right, right.

  7. If oil companies weren’t on the other side, there would be interruptions to the natural gas delivery in all the places that voted for it.

    The proof is, that they keep heating the homes and fuelling the private jets of the people they want us to believe are their enemies…

  8. Remember when ALL the math and ALL the science said WARMING!!
    How does math and science do a 180 to mean the opposite of what it proved originally?? By just changing the title at the top of the report to “Climate Change”?

    1. Today it’s called “Peoplekind made Climate uncertainties and temperature irregularity”.

      A new term worth an extra 2% of your paycheck, Oui?

  9. Computer modelling is not science. And that’s what the MSM uses to further their Global Warming myth.

    When The IPCC started the whole Global Warming narrative they specifically stated that any computer models not consider any effects from the Sun and were only to consider emissions of GHG’s. What better way to control the narrative.

    The sun is now entering a period of low Sun Spot activity and it’s going to get cooler.

    Evidence is now starting to confirm this.

    Mind you Climate Barbie erased a 100 years of actual temperature measurements and replaced them with computer generated temps.

    Go Figure.

    1. The reason for the models instead of the 100 years of actual Canadian climate data she suppressed, is straightforward – and she even announced it – although being a politician (Liberal at that), she skirted the issue a ways. She announced she’ll be using that website to pencil-in future increases to the carbon tax.


    2. “..When IPCC started the whole Global Warming narrative…”

      ha….the agenda that started that narrative was in play long before the IPCC even existed (1988).


      Agenda21 – Agenda2030: Using AGW as the means to that end.
      Created by none other than Canada’s Mr. Maurice Strong of Power Corp fame:

      The basis of and his one and only THEME for decades. Then…Your Global Elites/Enviro Orgs figured they could demonize and weaponize CO2, a harmless life giving gas based on the unproven Theory that CO2 s actually a greenhouse gas and furthermore, that it was man made CO2 that was causing catastrophic Anthoprogenic warming…

      It took about 45 years for Moe to get there, but get there he most certainly did, Culminating in his Co-Chairing the First World Congress on the Environment in Rio – 1992. 4 yrs after the IPCC was formed. Cue Al Gore and The rest is history…

      And its all BULLSHIT as it ever was.
      They want a “sustainable” planet. Translation < 1 Billion slaves
      And the rest.? DEAD….
      The Coming Maunder Minimum will sadly & likely achieve a good portion of that culling…

      1. ah steakman I am truly grateful folks like you frequent this site.
        I have a form of autism by which the ONLY thing I can rely on (lacking the ‘people skills’ of reading facial expressions etc)
        sorry bout the caps lock but ferfcuksake this stuff is sooooo important.

    3. Like any good con man, the practitioners of settled science have an explanation for everything.

      If you press them they’ll admit that the sunspot cycle has an impact, but too small to counteract the huge effects they postulate for AGW.

      Previous generations of students of the weather had tried (using much cruder methods and data) and failed to find solid relationships between sunspots and global climate (they’ll tell you), and anybody who valued his reputation as a climatologist (or chances at tenure) had given up trying long before the global warming hype began.

      That’s the excuse for “reputable” climatologists’ ignoring sunspots, anyway.

    4. RL…. the rear end of bull does not expound models, and it has nothing to do with computers. I know I’v worked on farms:-)))

  10. I also note, that if Kenney had any desire to cause any pain in BC over pipelines, now would be the time to stop all deliveries from Alberta…

    Strange, odd even, how he never actually does anything out side of giving talks, writing letters, talking about one day maybe starting to think about doing something…

    Likewise, we see a plethora of letters from Scott Mo; BUT ZERO ACTION.

    1. Kenney is a useless POS. Just like, Prentice, Redford, Stelmach, Getty. Only Klein was good and only during his first term. Of course Notley was the devil incarnate. Massive destruction.

  11. Facts matter, but FEELINGS are the order of the day for the environutters.

    Heat causes cold. Left is right. Up is down. 16 year old Autistic deviants are geniuses that can see CO2 molecules.

  12. Cold and snowy here in rural Ontario. Sure glad Blackie forced that carbon tax on us so I don’t waste money on heating my home. I’m sure the Toronto and Montreal MPs which now make up the Liberal Party will still be pushing for more global warming scams.

  13. My thoughts EXACTLY.
    He’s done precisely SFA but raise our inome taxes thorugh bracket creep.
    A turncoat RED Tory…as they all seem to be.

  14. https://www.omaha.com/news/national/days-of-terrifying-darkness-cold-and-hunger-amid-pg-e/article_2bf8fd0b-94a0-52e4-9b9a-087e98dc0541.html

    “Days of terrifying darkness, cold and fear”… [a little hyperbolic?]

    “The thing is the cold, I am, like, folding him [her infant son] under the blankets.”…[omg – blankets? The humanity!]

    generators “are like diamonds”… [should be confiscated]

    Californians coping with Climate Change … er … no electricity.

  15. Cold, well holy sh-t. What else is new? Who the h-ll do you vote for. Jeeez there is really no where to go anymore. Kate, maybe banning me would be a good thing. I am far too old an too intelligent to converse with “people” anymore.

    1. owg:
      ifn that should happen, change yur monicker and come back thru some functioning proxy.

      ask me how I know.

    1. As an old guy I have experienced many green Christmas’s in NS. Nothing unusual about the occasional 70 degree Nov day.

  16. I got it !!! I got it !!!!
    the climate alarmists are just ‘saving up’ the heat sose they can dump it onto the planet at a later date.
    ya, ya, that’s it.
    later date? ohhh when this brass monkey cold cycle is over . . . . . .
    speaking of brass, hold onto as much of it you can, youre gonna need to sell it and every bit of
    valuable scrap metal to buy heating fuel when the ice hits the fan.

    and breaks the fan. the one in your furnace.
    is this the year the TURDoo 2.0 gets blown to bits by a bomb pd for with part of omar’s 10.5 mill ?

  17. Oh Susanna is the theme song of the cult.
    “Sun so hot I froze to death,Susanna don’t you cry…”
    The “Song of Doom” has many verses and invokes multiple curses,yet has always been wrong.
    The Doomsday Climate has the Alarmed Ones doing strange things in their underwear,but so far they have been 100% wrong.
    Now that is a level of consistency that truly is amazing.
    Yet our elected fools and bandits continue to give credence to the CAGW pronouncements of doom.
    Surely persons this gullible should never be trusted with power tools.
    Never mind power it’s self.
    The Laurentian Ice sheets will be reforming and these creatures will still be claiming unprecedented Global Warming.
    Howard Camping …move over.

    1. We can do something with this! Sing along, everybody – and be sure to contribute your best verses…

      “I had a dream the other night,
      The planet was a dump!
      I dreamt I saw Suzanna,
      A solid icy lump.
      An icicle was in her mouth,
      Her eyes a glassy stare,
      Said I, “I’m’a comin’ from the South,
      It’s just as cold down there!”

      Oh Suzanna,
      Don’t you fry for me,
      But freeze for our new master, the
      U.N. I.P.C.C. …”

      Thank you, thank you, I’m here all week, try the lasagne… And the stat for them being 100% wrong – not one prediction by the climate doom cult has come true in the last 50 years.

  18. NO…NO… don’t record these events as they are merely weather events and play no part in the politics of climate change.
