24 Replies to “Your Tax Dollars At Work”

  1. When I lived in Saskatoon during the early 1980s, there was a civic election. There were a number of candidates running for mayor, some of which were genuine fruitloops. (One accused the city council of being pimps because escort services needed to be licensed by city hall in order to legally be in business.)

    The incumbent won. I remember driving home late one afternoon and I was listening to an editorial comment by one of the local radio stations. The spokesman mentioned the rather eccentric slate of candidates and he went on to chastise those who refused to vote. His closing comment was a question to them: suppose the incumbent had died during the campaign?

    From what I’ve been hearing about Saskatoon in recent times, it seems like some of those fruitloops, or their descendants, now run the city.

  2. In the past 4 weeks, at least 6 Starbucks have closed in the central area of Calgary.

    For a couple of years all commercial outlets in Calgary have been complaining of the confiscatory tax situation here, how taxes have more than doubled, in a few cases tripled, and I’ve spoken with a few independent owners of other businesses that have said this is off the scale type of increases as far as they’ve heard.

    I get that many folks don’t care that it’s Starbucks… but it’s not just them.
    Want to open up a retail spot in Calgary? There’s space everywhere, but the taxes are no longer 2-3 employees, but close to 5-6 employee’s rate PER MONTH.

    That’s a lot of widgets…

    1. A Potemkin village of woke fools and enablers.

      Pro Tip: this is how the streets of San Francisco became littered with shit and the walking dead (aka homeless “clients”).

  3. The left do seem to be addicted to their euphemisms, whether it be “social” justice i.e. government sponsored predation, “transgendered” i.e. delusional, or “Safe” consumption site — safe for whom?

    1. Elected officials, can only get away with the things their voters let them get away with. Blame Saskatoon, not Charlie Clark for simply pushing the limits. Like a dog who will not stop climbing on your couch, or stealing eggs from your chicken house, …

  4. It is always far more profitable for our parasite class to pretend to manage a supposedly intractable problem than to allow the cops to actually solve it once and for all.

  5. Much like voting lieberal you get what you vote for.The left wing mayor and council do not realize someone has to pay for their fairytale utopia that they envision.They also came out with a vision to spend billions to make Utopia go green over the next few years.Thank god for talk show guru John Gormley for calling the mayor out on these idiotic schemes

    1. No, they know exactly what they are doing.

      “In the beginning the organizer’s first job is to create the issues or problems.” ~ Saul Alinsky

      “Never let a crisis go to waste” ~ Saul Alinsky

      “The despair is there; now it’s up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radical social change.” ~ Saul Alinsky

  6. My son-in-law’s business was pilfered by a drug addict. The police couldn’t be bothered to to look into it. He then did his own detective work and identified the culprit. He went back to the police with the evidence and they still wouldn’t do anything.
    The next day someone fired paintballs at the safe injection site. The police promptly took action and made an arrest before the day was out.
    No, the police are not your friends.

    1. And now you know why, the first order of business for any new government department, is to get themselves immunity from any sort of criminal or civil liability for the things they do and the decisions they make.

      Laws are supposed to protect citizens from their governments. When it turns around, your country is post national.

      1. – Or as the Yanks put it, “The Second Amendment is there for when the government stops following the First…”

  7. In the age of Nihilism ( the rejection of religious and moral beliefs, the belief that life is meaningless), do we have the right to force people to do what we think is correct. If a person wants to do drugs, is it not his or her right to do those drugs? What right do we as a society have to force our beliefs on someone else?
    Do we even have the right to build “safe” injection sites? If their lifestyle includes injecting drugs, who are we to judge?

    1. I agree – and if people decide they want to do drugs, we should supply the drugs they want – like “free prescriptions”, right?

      So the government should supply each drug addict with a milligram of carfentanil. To make them happy.

  8. You elect activists, you hire activists, you get to suffer. Saskatoon voted for it; they get to enjoy it good and hard.

    Basic services (like garbage, maintenance, snow clearing, …) start to go away.
    Homeless population, safe injection, etc., get all the funding.

    See Scat Fransisco for the future of Saskatoon under Charles Clark.

    But don’t worry; they will build new bike lanes to route you around the piles of trash and hordes of rats carrying bubonic plague…

  9. Gregor Robertson a SHINING Example of Leftist IDIOCY. (And he’s got tons of competition in BC)

  10. They require 8 new gubmint union grunts with guns to ensure the users of the safe consumption site maintain their untouchable elite status and are free to prey on the rest of us.

  11. Earlier today, I saw another example of our civic tax dollars at work. I stopped by a nearby recycling depot to drop off some stuff.

    I saw a city crew there taking pictures, presumably to sell the joys saving Mommy Gaia. About half a dozen people were discussing who should open which bin and what pose to take, presumably to show the correct way to dump off one’s recycling material. They even had plastic bags on hand filled with, I assume, “correct” waste.

    Half a dozen people to do a job that 3 at most could do. No wonder my taxes are so high.
