“The Worst Thing that Can Ever Happen to a Liberation Movement is to Get What It Wants”

Authors Lionel Shriver and Douglas Murray have an exceptionally brilliant conversation. There is so much great stuff here!

9 Replies to ““The Worst Thing that Can Ever Happen to a Liberation Movement is to Get What It Wants””

  1. And the worst thing that can ever happen to the electorate is for a socialist movement to get what it wants.

    1. You listened to this discussion and weren’t inspired by it? Or you didn’t bother to watch it but chose to just leave your nonsensical comment?

  2. This an absolutely brilliant discussion and deserves to be widely shared. There are a number of interviews with Douglas Murray on youtube. Listen to as many as possible.

  3. This is what happens when a people / a society turn their backs to the God of the Bible.

    Individuals are intimidated into silence and/or into conformity. First, it is comedians who mock themselves and others. Then it’s authors. Then commentators are silenced. Then the media are silenced and/or forced into conformity.

    This is why virtually all media today are marching to the same leftist / socialist / “progressive” tune. They are intimidated into conformity.

    The God of the Bible gave us humans the ability to speak, the ability to ask questions, the ability to create, to innovate. This can ONLY be carried out if people are free to ask questions, to think “outside the box”, to innovate.

    On top of that, he has no trouble whatsoever being asked “why”. Example? Job in the Bible.

    You want freedom? You want to create, to innovate? You want to ask questions and know “why”? Turn to God. Put your trust in him, not yourself and certainly not the “gods” of men.

  4. Don’t accept lies as truths. But then the People voted for more lies. Can’t fix stupid … soon enough.
