15 Replies to “Har”

      1. “… as a propaganda tactic to discredit the free press.”

        As IF the assembled reporters were acting as a “Free Press”? You mean the same “Free Press” that has repeatedly INSISTED that Hunter and Joe Biden have been … “thoroughly investigated” … and no wrongdoing was found?

        So why should anyone care IF MY President asked the newly elected President of Ukraine to look into the Biden corruption? Nothing will be found, right?

        Or is the *cough* *cough* “Free Press” worried that the new anti-corruption President of Ukraine will “find” something they turned a blind eye to?

        “Free Press”, my ass

        1. The iminent release of Trupms FIRST phone call to the Ukraine President will prove VERY interesting I’ll bet.
          They have it all, and he trolls the media like a bullfighter.

  1. Am I mistaken or does Mr. Trump seem to be getting more cocky lately?

    If so, does that mean he’s got internal polling telling him he’s got an overwhelming lead in the 2020 Presidential race everywhere in the country except NYC, Los Angeles and Silicon Valley?
    Does it mean that he’s privy to detail of the Horowitz, Durham and FISA investigations and he knows that there may be no Democrat challenger in 2020 who won’t be campaigning from a jail cell?
    Or, has he simply decided that the Enemies of The People are to be completely destroyed so that a new American media can arise?

    Technicolor dreams are the best ones.

    1. All three?
      Trump is hitting the right notes,Lying Press is perfect trolling because it is made true to the unobservant, by the Presstitutes attempts to counter.

      Those of us who have been paying attention have noticed,the press are either liars or so incompetently stupid that facts only confuse them.
      The Media: “Trump is A nazi,all trump voters are low information alt right nazi’s…”
      The question:”What do those words mean?What is a “Alt Right National Socialist?”
      Stupid monkey..I mean media.
      The Trump Derangement Syndrome is so strong they cannot help themselves.
      Meanwhile CBC is hunting racists in junior hockey… or nazi’s in their underwear, I am uncertain which.

  2. The Trump move to the Turks ended the ME bullshit Terrorism….The connection of Turks & Russia will overwhelm Iran & all the sore ass holes in the ME.. Suck it up or be de-nutted… It is over for the UN

    No more Trillions of USA wealth used in the ME but spent in the EU….

  3. The media knew about Epstein over 3 years ago but kept the story secret to protect Hillary and protect democrats.

    Trump is 100% right to call them fake news.

    The media knew the Russia collusion thing was all fake – they helped build the lie so they certainly know it is was fake – yet for 2 years they lied.

    Trump is 100% right to call them fake news

    I wish all those big media would be destroyed, bankrupted, that they would lose their broadcasting licence.

    the media are pure evil.

    1. and O’keefe did the outing that will destroy the LLSM, even in some leftie’s eyes, as the CBS and ABC just trashed one of their own, who appears to be Innocent as charged. That is unDork not withstanding

  4. Enemy of the People. And now protectors of the most powerful child molestors in the world. Take a bow scumbags.

  5. Trump heads directly toward the firing line. He doesn’t run from it. If Scheer had done this since he became party leader he might have won the election.

  6. FFS!!
    Your fawning over an obviously incompetent delusional lying fool of a buffoon amazes me.
    I shake my head at your collective stupidity.
    Give your heads a good shake.
