Paging Premier Moe

Global News;

Alberta is making changes to prevent homeowners from being sued if they injure people committing crimes on their property.
Justice Minister Doug Schweitzer says the government will be introducing the amendments to existing legislation and making them retroactive to the start of 2018.

“This is just the beginning of the steps we’re going to take to combat rural crime,” Schweitzer said Wednesday.

40 Replies to “Paging Premier Moe”

  1. Hey Moe…. Will you fight the criminals as hard as you fight the unions?

    Asking for a friend

    1. “Hey Moe…. Will you fight the criminals as hard as you fight the unions?”

      Moe DOESN’T fight the unions just like he doesn’t fight the criminals. He hasn’t learned that being nice to your enemies will not make them your friends. If he was fighting the unions we would have ‘right to work’ legislation and non-union government employees. Remember Moe is a Liberal at heart. He marched with the perverts in their ‘pride’ parade. The only thing I can give Scheer credit for is he wouldn’t march with the perverts.
      Moe has placed more restrictions on our freedoms with the new trespassing laws. Instead we should have Castle Law and property rights.
      Moe has got to Go.

    1. We need JOBS, Tulk. Alberta used to be a Law and Order place to live, not because the cops have a frickin’ Helicopter Airforce paid for at taxpayer’s expense, but because people worked and had responsible lives. Now people just have responsibilities that they aren’t able to pay for so the result is skyrocketing CRIME.
      Property crime and home invasions are going through the roof and it’s because we don’t have JOBS! So what does Kenney do?
      He makes it OK for people to do the job the cops ain’t doin. BFD Codify our natural rights back to us and get Johnny Law offn’ our backs instead of having him continue to enable the criminals. WOW! No applause coming from me for government being on the wrong side. This is progress SINCE APRIL?! Really? You think this shit was figured out before Kenney got elected and implemented Day After.

      It’s nice to talk about moral standards on a political blog but on the ground, where the rubber hits the road, people have the morals that they can afford, rich cats like you Tulk and Jason Kenney don’t understand that large numbers of people in Alberta can’t afford much if anything at all these days.

      DO SOMETHING to create JOBS. April is long gone and pipeline promises are just pipedreams that don’t pay off. Damn you.

      1. Pretty personal there Ozzie.

        So you’re saying if one does not have a job he should have the right to go onto someone’s property and pillage at will.

        I’m not on board with that. I think hard working people should be able to keep their property. And those that don’t have a job should get one. Even if they have to uproot. I did. A number of times. But I digress. Those that find a way to make a living are under no obligation to provide for you.

        1. “So you’re saying if one does not have a job he should have the right to go onto someone’s property and pillage at will.”

          No. YOU’RE saying that, Stuperenes.
          What I said is that property crime IS skyrocketing. It is. That fact is a by-product of having Alberta’s economy destroyed.

        1. Tulk has been an apologist for “Do Nothing” Kenney since day 1. He is doing so here again on this issue.
          You may think that the Government/Courts/Cops Ceasing to be ENABLERS of crime is doing something, but it’s a passive move that could have been done 7 months ago. It’s a no brainer.
          All of Kenney’s moves are passive no brainers spaced out to look like he is doing something.
          Kenney isn’t knocking down the barriers to Alberta jobs.

          Yes, it’s good that this enabling criminals will cease to some extent. Taxpayer funded manpower and resources never should have been used that way in the first place. Sure, put some of the risk back in it for the criminals.
          Generating a do nothing passive move like this is reaction to a SYMPTOM, …increased property crime.
          Crime goes up with unemployment. Treat the cause and the symptom will ease.

    2. The needed policies had better be implemented faster than that. Pipelines take too long these days.

    3. Too slow. Withdrawal from CPP doesn’t need to be ‘studied’ it needs to be done. There are a bazillion other policies that should have been done yesterday. Oh and Kenney is still forcing curtailment on oil companies. Central planning writ largo.

  2. And I love the retroactivity. The legislation will become effective prior to the invasion of that rural property and the fall-out following.

    1. Exactly! This rule should go without saying. But the Lawyers have made common sense impossible to defend.

    2. It’s a civil law matter, so it’s provincial. But it might provoke the Liberals to attempt something in Federal law to counter it. Which will tend to aggravate all provincial governments, especially Quebec’s, because that will encroach on their constitutionally allocated powers. It’s a good move by Alberta because it claims more provincial autonomy and the feds have to either accept this to keep them in Confederation or do something that will tend to fan the flames for independence.

  3. Meh, when is the referendum on leaving Canada? Methinks the premier doth prevaricate and delay too much.

    1. If you had a referendum now it would fail. You have to create winning conditions.

      An Alberta Pension Plan is a first step.

      1. “If you had a referendum now it would fail.”

        I have learned for a certainty from observing Quebec that if a referendum fails it still succeeds and yet, and YET you can do it AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN until it does pass. It’s WIN/WIN!!! Yeah Joe, you ain’t been learnin’ or payin’ attention.

        1. Oz,

          I believe Quebec has had two “separation” referendums. One in 1980 and one in 1995.

          If we have one now, and lose, how long until another? 15 years like in Quebec?

          My preference is to win the first one.

          first step Alberta Pension Plan.

          second step: a referendum on equalization.

          Others here have good ideas for more steps.

          1. “If we have one now, and lose, how long until another? 15 years like in Quebec?”

            Did Quebec have a Federal government destroying it’s economy and making life Hell for it? NO.
            Quebec’s referendums were straight up blackmail. To steal from Alberta. Alberta is not like Quebec.
            I don’t want to blackmail Canada. Canada is stealing from ME. I want Canada to stop robbing and raping me.
            I want Canada GONE.

            Joe, Albertan’s are not going to take another 15 years of this hateful criminal abuse from Canada.
            Alberta can have another referendum over and over again until it gets the result it wants because the pain is constant.

      2. Correct. People here have no idea how these movements work. They’re all a bunch of Leroy Jenkins.

  4. The most important thing that a Provincial Government can do to protect their citizens is appoint a very conservative AG who understands Canada’s very bad Constitution.
    Especially the part about the Division of powers. The Federal Government makes Criminal Law. But it is up to the Province within the BNA to administer that law.
    For example. This mess can be avoided by the Attorney General instructing his Prosecutors and the Useless RCMP that we will not be prosecuting Gun Control Laws except if they have been used in a crime. The majority of Gun Control offenses are paper offences anyway.
    He can instruct them also that Canadians have a Common Law Right To Self Defense.
    So in cases of Self Defense we will not be prosecuting the VICTIM of an attack in his own home.
    Kenney and Moe should undertake their duties to their Citizens with a bit more knowledge of our RIGHTS.
    See Kerr vs Regina 2004 The Magna Carta is still in effect and is cited in the above mentioned case by the SCOC no less. In regards to self defense.

      1. Yah one of the most important decisions in Canadian law regarding self defense since 1867 and not a single damn Self Defense group in Canada can read. The SCOC ruling codified self defense with an illegal concealed weapon. And read the MAGNA CARTA COMMON LAW RIGHT TO SELF DEFENSE into the decision. Federal law does not over ride the Magna Carta Rights but must comply with Magna Carta. The useless RCMP needs to be told to stop charging people for defending themselves, in clear cases of the use of a weapon in self defense. That is up to our useless Premiers, useless Conservative Provincial Governments. And useless Liberal Flak Catchers like Jason Kenney.

  5. “Ganley [the NDP justice critic] said she might be OK with the ban on civil lawsuits, but wants to see details of the proposed changes first.”

    If the NDP aren’t immediately condemning the new law as an outrage, it doesn’t go far enough.

    What all provinces need is a “stand your ground” law granting property owners immunity from prosecution for killing intruders—even if the owner’s life is not in danger.

    Allow Alberta farmers to take selfies with the dead bodies of the Indian braves crazy or drunk enough to try to rob them and post them to social media, and watch rural crime rates off-reserve fall to nearly nothing.

    They’ll only have to do it twice.

    1. In the US, it’s the Castle Doctrine under which you can protect yourself, your family and your property with whatever force is necessary. Bad guys have no defense.

    1. “There shouldn’t even be a need to repeal anything.”

      Yes. And repeals just like this one could have all happened back in April this year. Kenney was leader of the opposition, all of the laws are open to the public. Striking down all bad laws that needed to be struck down could have happened 7 months ago.
      This is Kenney using a do-nothing Rope-a-Dope, just wasting time.
