Formula 1 champ Lewis Hamilton flies 200 times/yr by private jet, goes vegan to save the planet, then lectures leaders who “don’t care about the environment” – is climate dialogue possible when no one considers that crazy?

When a Formula 1 champion, who moves more by private jet than by car any other mode, lectures the world about how it needs to do a better job of caring for the environment, we have reached a point of discourse that is detached from reality. It’s hard to see a constructive path forward that doesn’t end in some sort of conflict. Read on…

44 Replies to “Formula 1 champ Lewis Hamilton flies 200 times/yr by private jet, goes vegan to save the planet, then lectures leaders who “don’t care about the environment” – is climate dialogue possible when no one considers that crazy?”

  1. What else do you expect from the climate politburo and their devoted followers in the climate intelligentsia? That they’d cut back?

  2. Lewis did own a private jet, but soon learned the tax dodge of leasing from a separate company he owned.

  3. In this debate, the hypocrisy is so thick you could cut with a knife! Greta the Magic Retard’s trip to America created
    CO2. All sailing vessels have a small diesel engine to maneuver out to open sea. An onboard generator powered
    the navionic systems, RADAR, GPS, lighting, stoves, ovens, refrigerators, freezers, etc. Unless she hoisted her ass
    over the rails to take a crap, she was using an electric-powered vacuum assist toilet. And if she used toilet paper
    to wipe her ass, she was contributing to the so-called “problem.” The amount of energy used to make that ass-wipe
    is beyond the ability of her Autistic addled mind to comprehend.

    I am sure she has no problem wearing oil-based synthetic clothing, using her laptop or tablet to connect to the Intertubes
    to check her Twitter messages at sea using a hideously expensive satellite uplink that was not put in orbit using Unicorn

    1. Nemo2, I could not agree more.

      These types can always find the time to:
      ● criticize the efforts of others
      ● justify their own inconsistencies
      ● exemplify traits of narcissism

  4. The only ‘dialogue’ that is required is calling out CO2 driven climate as the pure fraud that it is. Anything else, and you’re part of the climate cult.

  5. The first 3000 into body bags will set the Message and open dead eyes… They are fake at every level… Yes blood must be taken, or a complete Civil war waged… You can’t stop that carnage once it starts and their will be no identifiable friends.

  6. What this maroon doesn’t say is that “his industry” i.e. Motor Sports – are a large contributor to CO2 production. None of those engines meet EPA standards for anything let alone CO2, so shut down Formula One, Nascar, Stock Car, Indy Car and Formula E – and don’t forget to close down all those kids go-kart tracks! Once you are on a roll go for the motorcycle racing and all the various boat races too with the exception of sailboats of course, but they must all have their auxiliary engines removed. Not only would that reduce a huge chunk off useless CO2 production but he wouldn’t have to fly anywhere ever again! After all isn’t the Green New Deal going to get rid of all gas powered cars in 10 years – that would include his Formula One car too right – or is he special and exempt?

    1. I had the unbelievable luck of obtaining a Pit Pass to the very first F-1 Long Beach Grand Prix. A close friend wanted to break into race photography (he eventually became a famous race photographer) and finagled his way into receiving a pit pass as a “Press” photographer. He took me along as his Porter … carrying his equipment.

      It was a real eye opener. F-1 is the elite of the elite. Not only in Sport, but in fashion, industry, and celebrity. Drivers are Rock Stars. Lewis Hamilton is a Superstar racer … who also happens to be a very good looking young man ovvvvv cullller. And their WAGS are the most elegant, most sexy and beautiful women in the world. And the support staff, oh my!? We walked the “Garages” of every racing “Team”. They have multiple cars, multiple parts, stacks and stacks of exotic rubber tires which the toss in the trash after about every 50 laps. And the entire production is like a nomadic carnival that picks everything up and flies IT ALL to another continent 52 weeks of the year. It is a massive, useless, production which has no purpose save for the “entertainment” of motor car enthusiasts. Lewis Hamilton should immediately STOP driving these 4mpg gas/nitro guzzlers! If he wants to be taken seriously as a “climate warrior”. But that would put an end to $£€¥Multi-millions in earnings. He’s not likely to ‘walk away’.

      He is like The Rich Young Ruler in Christ’s parable about the sacrifice required to “walk your talk” and follow Christ. The Rich Young Ruler was challenged to sell everything he owned and follow Christ … but he just walked-away as he could not give up all that he owned. Hamilton is the prototypical 21st Century Rich Young Ruler he talks the talk … but like DiCrapio, and the rest of the “Eco”-celebrities … they will NEVER walk the talk.

      I suspect one of Hamilton’s many girlfriends have put him up to this idiotic belief. Niki Minaj, Sofia Richie, Winnie Harlow, Barbara Palvin, Rita Ora, Rihanna, Nichole Scherzinger, Vivian Burkhardt, Lotta Hintsa, Jodie Ma, Danielle Lloyd. Probably Minaj. She’s a real piece of work. I believe he is as pu$$ywhipped as Tom Brady who carries water for his eco-activist wife Gisele Bundchen. She’s a real piece of work too.

      And the beautiful, international women! The most high-maintenance, gorgeous women in the world walking the paddocks! Good Lord! And not just the drivers WAGS were gorgeous … but so too the WAGS of every mechanic, every timer, and technician. Every race is like a Paris fashion runway, with gorgeous women in the paint-on type of pants meandering about drinking bottles of Italian water.

      And BTW … I love F-1. Building race cars that can do what they do on the track is a phenomenal benefit to all ICE automobiles. But you’re supposed to hate those

      1. I should have suspected that about Hamilton. He’s just the latest in the list of blatant hypocrites that are the face of the ecofascists. Like you said, he even makes his living uselessly burning up tons of “fossil fuel.”

        I like all the wrong sports.
        I don’t particularly care for car racing, but I like F1 (road racing) over NASCAR (oval).
        I root for Pac12 and against the SEC. But did you see the reception they gave our President in the Alabama-LSU game? I was rooting for Alabama just because Saban said he was honored to have the President there. (And Ogeron was a Trojan. He should be coaching Oregon!)
        I like the most popular sport in the world wherein the U.S. does poorly. (Except the women, and I don’t care about that at all.)
        I couldn’t make myself really follow hockey even though that’s the most blue collar sport.

        Well, Kenji, we all have our weaknesses. You seem to be a Europhile as far as women are concerned, instead of honest, down home, conservative American women. (j/k)

        P.S. Your Golden Bears are thrashing the Wazzus in the second half.

        1. Phew! It’s good to have our UCLA (transfer) quarterback back under center! Our great, but weary, defense finally got to breathe between sessions. But I really LIKE Mike Leach (and wished he became CALS coach after some whiny rich kid got him fired from TT).

          Not only do I like the wrong sports (in the USA), but I like the WRONG teams!

          CAL Bears fan (we’ll win the game, or know the reason why … lots of “why’s” in my life)
          Oakland Raider fan (even when the 9ers were winning everything) … now Las Vegas Raiders
          Oakland A’s fan (no$, no stadium worth attending, so close but so far away)
          EPL soccer (who else wakes at 4:30A on weekends to see it live?)
          F-1 ROAD racing (500 laps of left turns bores me senseless – except for the wrecks)
          Rugby (played after my HS football career was over – my natural transition to soccer)

          Two American EPL starters … two header goals yesterday. Pride USA! Up early, waiting for the ManU start. I suspect they can actually put some goals in against Brighton – it will be a new LOW for them if they can’t. And if they can get Martial back to his pre-injury form … they might just crawl back up the table (says the die-hard ManU hater).

          But … this will be a bore fest compared to THE GREATEST GAME IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!! at a respectable 8:30a Pacific Daylight Savings time. Good Luck REDS! But … do not take a stumbling, bumbling MCity lightly. Sorry mate, but I’ve got a bad feeling about this one … for REDS fans. Just a feeling. I can’t WAIT to see what these two GREAT Managers have up their sleeves for each other.

          1. Almost kickoff time. I am hopeful but very apprehensive, knowing a Reds win will practically sew up the EPL this early. The EPL will do everything in its power to see it doesn’t happen.

          2. Well OB … after the non-handball call, and JOKE of a VAR review … The Reds dominated the attacking half of play. Sorry, but that cross from inside the box was destined … perfectly weighted … for my boy Sterling standing all by himself in an acre of open space in front of the goal. PK for sure. Handball denying a sure goal scoring opportunity … possibly a RED CARD too. He stretched out for the ball – not a natural movement at all. 1-nil City, and a very different match.

            But this should reveal the problem with VAR … it’s judged by fallible humans. And it allows human emotions, and extraneous analysis to creep into decisions … such as: “calling a PK will upset the home fans”, or “calling a PK will alter the arc of this super important match”. Lots of time and opportunity for human bias and emotion to creep in. It also allows the loathesome FA to call-into the VAR booth and “make recommendations”. VAR is here to stay, but it needs serious reform. Let’s start by NOT having a single official making the VAR calls.

            I am certain you will dispute All the aforementioned, so on to the match. Klopp was the better tactician, Liverpool had a far more effective attacking front (although counterattacking offense has quite a bit more space to maneuver in). If Pep was expecting a compacted Liverpool offense, then in my humble opinion he put the wrong team on the pitch to deal with it. Missing David Silva, who can break down tight defenses … he needed someone else to play that role. For me, that player is Mahrez. I can only surmise that Mahrez is in Pep’s doghouse for some reason. After starting the season a house afire, Mahrez has been sat …. for weeks. Today was the day to put him on the pitch. But I believe Pep had some serious self-doubts about a counterattacking Liverpool and went with a more defensive midfield. And, while Schitty DID create enough scoring opportunities to keep pace, they just weren’t often-enough or of sufficient quality to get up on Liverpool.

            And all the analysis aside. I can foresee Liverpool easily running away with it this year. And while I see their talent equal to Schitty … I believe the difference is Klopp. His POSITIVE style of coaching has his players all responding with their best. I detect some uneasiness on the Schitty side. Aguero’s never happy, Jesus seems unhappy …

            Well done, Reds.

          3. OK … I can tell you don’t want to argue with me about the non-handball call, but now I am REALLY mad about it. Why? Because the FA has trotted-out FAILED ex-Referee Mark Clattenberg to backfill-explain away the missed call on the field, and the mistaken FAR review … “Bernardo Silva handled the ball first”! … rubbish.

            The FAR decision was that Alex. Arnold’s hand was 1. In a natural position,and 2. Didn’t have time to react to the ball. OMG! That was the OFFICIAL FAR decision for several hours … till the FA Office backfilled this notion of the ball being handled by Bernardo FIRST! What pathetic bunch of keystone cops fumbling around the issue. 1. Alex. Arnold’s arm was ABSOLUTELY in an unnatural position. He can be seen reaching out toward the ball. The entire world (except Liverpool fans) saw it that way. Which is why. The FA had to make up another lame reason for the non call. 2. Alex. Arnold was nearly 10feet from where the ball was played … plenty of time for a starting EPL back to react to a ball. Nonsense #2.

            So the FA had to invent another explanation (not uttered by the FAR reviewer(s)). So they came up with the “Bernardo Silva handled the ball first”. Nope. He did NOT handle the ball according to the laws of the game. Bernardo was the one too close to the struck ball, and his hand was in a natural position. OK … so the law ALSO says that an attacking player may NOT gain an advantage from a handled ball – be it intentional or not. The problem with this explanation is that the “advantage” for the attacking team NEVER developed. Alex. Arnold picked the ball off with his arm … before any attacking advantage developed. So … if … Alex. doesn’t handle the ball, and it goes thru to a waiting Sterling who buries the wide open shot … then the goal is disallowed by VAR review, because Bernardo’s hand deflected the ball to Sterling … fine. No problem. Goal disallowed. But no advantage had yet to develop for the attacking team. Hence … PK for AA deliberately handling the ball.

            VAR needs some serious overhauling. There have been FAR too many ridiculous rulings … such as armpits and shoelaces being offside, etc. as it is currently being used, it’s a total embarrassment.

        2. As for NASCRAP, the rules are turn left, turn left….

          Why do Rednecks make love doggie style?

          It’s the only way they can both watch the NASCAR races on TV.

        1. No, I’ve not seen it … but saw a trailer which looked really interesting to me. I will put it in my queue

          Was that a film about Senna? The greatest driver EVER in the history of Motorsport ?

        2. Nevermind, now I’ve watched the trailer. Got it … the duel betw. Nikki Lauda and James Hunt. Looks fun.

          That Senna film was appropriately tiled … “Senna”. Ha ha ha … I’ve got to put both in my queue.

    2. We all know CO2 is not now nor ever has been a problem. there really are some pollutants from the fuel burning but CO2 is neither greenhouse gas or a pollutant.

    1. I think “guys” who believe this shit, are a-sexuals or common incels. A real male not so much..

  7. So super genius Terry Etam has discovered what has been blindingly obvious to me fir 49 billion years?

    But he still thinks Canada is viable though, right?

  8. Of course it is going to end in violence.
    most of us have observed this for years.
    Remember “Punch a Hippy”?
    Because there was no point wasting breathe and time talking sense to them.
    This crop of the clueless and useless are even more retarded than the free everything freaks were.

    And they FEEL.
    Feel entitled to, not listen,not reason,not contribute, disrespect everyone else… cause they feel.
    So logic alone would lead a rational human to realize only through FEEL will they be reached.

    So get yourself a Clue Stick as only by feel will they learn.

    Face it speech,that soft nonviolent means of civil people to reveal and resolve conflicts is banned.
    Your opinion is forbidden when you negotiate with these True Believers.

    The previous posting of “Triggered students”, is a perfect lead in.
    To question the absolute absurdity and lunacy of the Cult of Calamitous Climate,the New State religion of Can-Ahh-Duh, is to be an Alt Right Nazi Heretic.
    And if you question the illogical hyper emotional reaction of these fools,well now you are a speaker of hate.
    I am sure this will lead to polite civil conversation….

    1. STEP ONE:
      Start carrying your cell phone in a Faraday cage.

      If you happen to be at the scene of some protest, or riot, you think Alexa hasn’t already told everyone? They are on the side of antifa; they are probably doxxing you to them right now.

      STEP TWO:
      You will need to cover your face, as you live in a surveillance state, and at least 35 useful idiots will be filming whatever is going on at any given moment. How do you think they had the name and home address of based stickman so quickly?

      What John Robertson said. When the the first extinction rebellion cell is found beaten/dead/whatever glued to whatever they were glued to, and all 2000 people who the police think might have been there go full Smugglypuff, and there is no camera footage, no cell phone vids, nothing; THEN THE CORNER MAY HAVE BEEN TURNED.

      John is correct. Bloodshed is the only way forward. Only when it becomes dangerous to do what extinction rebellion is doing.

      The only way to win a war, is to break the other side’s will to fight.

  9. Another string no one has pulled yet, he is still a driver. Roseanne got cancelled for what? Less tweets than this.

    Whatever he is doing, he has the permission and support of his corporate sponsors.

    When motorsports takes the hit the NFL took over kneelers, 12 years after that someone in management at Ford, or whatever may have a thought.

    Cut Nascar, F1, new cars, everything and everyone out of your life, that has not clearly demonstrated they are not on the other side.

    Start with bloviating writers who try to mollify your enemies with sentences like “we cannot ignore the dangers of CO2 but…”

  10. Fuck antifa.. No more backing down.. With authority. do’t fuck around.. BIG punch.. Don’t fuck around.

    1. “Comments are turned off”
      Yep. No dialogue allowed. It’s as if they know that they’d be roasted over the 11 thousand phoney scientists? The only dialogue they’re interested in is that that has no stress. No one challenged. Comfortable.
      Much like the F1 driver. He’ll allow to be interviewed by Sky News where the star struck “journalists” fight over the autographs and selfies (and who knows what that’ll lead to) but he’ll RACE away from anyone with a smidgen of credibility. Can you imagine him sitting down with, say Michael Knowles for example? It’d be early Mike Tyson like. Complete destruction inside the first minute.

    2. Of course the comments are left off.
      For CBC would never dare invite the public to answer that question.
      Or the question they dare not ask;”How do you spot an entitled nitwit”?
      Answer;Watch CBC.

  11. How about the Formula One engines that are operating at full throttle with no emission controls?? They’re now up to 850 HP and running on unleaded fuel. Why aren’t they running on electric motors??

  12. I am a lifelong fan of all forms of automobile racing. Lewis Hamilton is a transcendent talent, but his recent conversion to vegetarianism and subsequently-reported comments about lifestyle and the climate show that he’s only superior at driving a race car. There should NEVER be anything remotely “environmentally-friendly” about auto racing; it’s a brutal sport of skill that requires passion for competition. If anything else intrudes, the sport is diminished. I also thoroughly cringe at every commercial for “NASCAR Green”. Give me loud, powerful, gasoline-burning engines and as much speed and adrenaline as you can cram into the chassis. Period. Keep the other BS for politicians, whose emissions are of the bovine excrement variety.

  13. “Here in the west, we hear very clearly that people are concerned about climate change – yet no one wants to do anything material to reduce it. Americans say they are gravely concerned, but only a third are willing to pay an extra hundred dollars a year in tax to do anything about it.”

    Americans say they are concerned because they will be ostracized if they dare say what they know in their hearts—climate change is a trumped-up excuse to destroy Western civilization and replace it with something more to the liking of a few thousand immensely rich psychopaths.

    1. Intelligent people know that the climate is out of their control. Cyclical climate change will continue as long as the planet has moisture and an active sun.

  14. Sometimes the problem is much simpler that the significance of hypocrites in the great divide over CAGW. What we are witnessing is mass hysteria being promoted by those with a political agenda and greatly assisted by large masses of humanity lacking in critical thinking skills accepting a premise that is no more than an institutionally reinforced but untested hypothesis. No one on the planet knows how the climate is changing with enough certainty to accurately predict the future. The political narrative of CAGW is accepted on blind faith and, given the role of nation states in response, scientific agnosticism has given way to a pre-enlightenment theocracy. Welcome back to the Inquisition. All corporate, celebrity, and institutional sinners can confess to accepting the premise, advocate for purging and redemption, and be forgiven while building support. After that, the burnings at the stake will commence.

    1. I totally agree John. But we have to ask ourselves “Why is this happening” What are the forces behind that political agenda that compel world governments to toe the line into lunacy and against the best interests of their electorates. If it boils down to elite globalist insular group think or one of their shadowy organizations pulling the strings is not known, but I believe enough of their actions have been exposed to reveal their endgame. To use global warming as a hammer to reduce us all back to some modern variation of serfdom, their golden era where elites ruled and the masses lived and died within 50km from where they were born. If you have the money, you can pay the tithe for offsetting carbon credits, the rest of us will not be able to afford, and you can travel the world freely, unencumbered by the masses. It is a very tempting vision of a New World for a globalist with power and wealth. It already has started, and this race car driver is a manifestation of this insidious plot.

  15. It’s time that the government mandated that all air conditioning be removed from government buildings and schools and that thermostats in those buildings be turned down to 5C for the winter.
    They need to do this to save the planet during this dire climate emergency, etc.
    How could anyone protest that?
    We’re saving the planet, etc…

    It would be quick and easy to do.
    A stroke of a pen, more or less.
    And we’ve always heard about how Canada has to show leadership in this climate emergency so why not start here?
    I know that I would respond to this brave leadership by removing my own air conditioning and turning my own thermostat down to 5C.
    Think globally, act locally, etc.
    This simple measure hits all of the climate cult’s buttons.
    The kids want to take off every Friday to go and protest inaction on the climate?
    Here’s the answer, they can show leadership by demanding that the schools freeze them this winter.
    They might learn something.

    Ask anyone who buys into the climate hysteria why they haven’t done this in their own home already.
    Don’t they care?

    Might as well turn off the hot water heater too, think of all the energy and birds that will save!

    1. Exactly…and while we’re saving the planet we mustn’t forget to shut down bombardier, all shipping, airports, trucking industry etc. IF we’re really of the belief that agw is catastrophic. Actions speak louder than words. (For people with a little common sense anyway)

  16. Like most on the left who think they have the right to tell the rest of us how to live he’s a hypocrite and too stupid to realize that a lot of us are smart enough to see through his bull.
